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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 29th of May 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    May 29 01:05
    [alice] huh! never would have thought of that
  2. zakim-robot
    May 29 01:43
    [caesar] Well to be honest, my first instinct was "achy" as in "achy breaky heart" hahaha...
  3. zakim-robot
    May 29 02:52
    [alice] Also @jonathantneal I'm curious about people's thoughts on including browser chrome in the tab order for modal UI. I think it's good, and I think alert (which I think the existing modal dialog recommendations are based on) is an anti-pattern, but I am interested in other viewpoints on that.
  4. James Nurthen
    May 29 02:58
    @alice yes I think ideally should tab to the browser chrome. The only reason I don't normally recommend doing that with alerts is because it is really hard to get right. With inert that problem goes away.
  5. zakim-robot
    May 29 04:16
    [herin] @garcialo : Down Under team participated from Australia in 2015 Open AIR.
  6. [herin] It was a great experience.
  7. [herin] I was one of them
  8. zakim-robot
    May 29 04:30
    [herin] Hi All,
    Google's Search input & Google Map search address input - Would you classify them as Textbox or Editable combobox?
    How do assistive technology users get the idea (Enter few characters and then the list opens up with options to select?)
  9. [herin] Google code has role="combobox" and has-popup="true"/"false".
  10. [herin] But, the expanded information is missing. Is this necessary for a AT user?
  11. [herin] As this is editable field, is it okay if the user is not given the expanded status information?
  12. zakim-robot
    May 29 15:22
    [shavaughn] haha, you've taken me back on my childhood; my aunt used to song that all the time.
    Well to be honest, my first instinct was "achy" as in "achy breaky heart" hahaha...
  13. zakim-robot
    May 29 23:35

    [car] @robdodson Nice a11ycast on Headings and Landmarks!

    You've inspired me to finally open another browser landmark navigation feature request - this time for Edge:

    In case you missed it, the one I opened for Chrome is here:

    And the great-granddaddy of all browser landmark navigation feature requests (the one for FF) is here:

    All of these are for landmark navigation without screen reader. There is an excellent browser extension: however I still think that having this type of functionality native in the browsers would enable more users to discover it, use it, like it, and then demand it, which has the potential to make more web devs put more thought into the semantic layout of their pages... which would benefit everyone.

    So if you're in a voting mood... I could sure use some support on those browser feature requests. :)

  14. zakim-robot
    May 29 23:45
    [robdodson] Oh interesting, thanks for sharing @car. I'm out for the next two weeks for vacation but will follow up on the Chromium bug when I get back