Regarding focus going to the address bar... Is the form inside a dialog? If so, is the "inert" attribute being used to render elements outside of the dialog "inert"? If true, then this is apparently the way that "inert" works. There was some discussion about it yesterday/today after Rob's "modal dialog" a11ycast came out.
[quidkid] for video.js, for somewhat reason when I use voiceover and keyboard to screen reader test it, it keeps repeating the %age loaded of the video which is super annoying because you can’t hear the video itself. any ideas how to fix it?
[karlgroves] Izzy, I recommend creating an example case and steps to reproduce and posting it to the video.js github repo. They’re really cool about a11y.
[quidkid]@marcysutton omg maybe it is the page. i tried pulling my code in a codepen and it doesn’t have that. crap so if it’s the page, what can I do about it?
[quidkid] it is definitely the page i think because even if navigate outside of the video section it’s doing it
[marcysutton] Try to figure out what request(s) are still in flight, or resources are downloading? You should be able to inspect via the Network tab in Chrome
[quidkid] browsersync?
[marcysutton] If it's a third-party resource you don't control, that might be tough to kill. Make sure it isn't caused by a browser extension or something too
[quidkid] wait maybe it’s because i’m using MAMP? what’s weird is I could’ve sworn I didn’t have this problem before. that’s why i thought it was something with the video section.
[quidkid] no wait its BOTH
[marcysutton] Hard to say, but you should try to identify what is still loading so you can figure out what to do with it
[quidkid] shoot because now im on the video section and that loading thing is going off
[quidkid] and it’s saying a different number so i know it’s referring to the video and not the page
[quidkid] WHEW i think it’s because it was locally hosted. I uploaded it to a dev server and the loading thing doesn’t happen. haha wasted time but at least it’s non-issue
[quidkid] thanks @karlgroves@marcysutton for your time and responses!