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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 26th of June 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 12:05
    [herin] Thank you Karl. Slack was out of reach for me for few weeks. Just managed to get it in mobile. I will search for some canvas stuff.
    @herin I can poke Mark Sadecki and get him in here to answer some Canvas questions
  2. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 16:14
    [mayabenari] I’m seeing a lot of competing information about touch target size — each company (Apple, Nokia, Google, etc…) has a different minimum size they recommend. Has there been any consensus in this area? See:
  3. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 16:46
    [scotthdavis] I am using AjaxControlToolkit autocomplete which generate a listbox (UL/LI) below the "Destination" input field with a list of airport names. Works great in FF/NDVA, fair and IE/JAWS and does not read the dynamically generated list in Safari/VoiceOver. Any help would be most appreciated! It appears that focus is designed to stay on the input field as :blur event empties and hides the list.
  4. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 17:11
    [farrahlacle] Does anyone know of a good reference for designer checklist for WCAG compliance?
  5. The "Info for designers" tab has more.
  6. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 17:15
    [cehfisher] there was a similar thread in the #a11y-ux channel last week. might be useful to checkout too :)
  7. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 18:17
    [colin_m] Hey everyone, I need to build a flipping html tile which will display a bunch of details on the back of the card. Does anyone have any insights on how I make a "flip card" work with keyboard navigation? I'm trying to "trap" the tab navigation inside of the tile when it is flipped in order to help the user flip the card back before navigating to the next tile. Thanks!
  8. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 18:23
    [scottohara] what’s the benefit for the user to flip the card back to the previous state?
  9. [scottohara] why not just allow them to move on, and either flip the content back once their focus has left the container, or just leave it flipped until they purposefully close it themselves
  10. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 18:30
    [marcysutton] trapping them in the tile sounds like a bad idea IMO.
  11. [marcysutton] Here's some prior art for accessible tiles
  12. [higley] Is there anything that needs to be focused on the front of the card? I’ve had them flip on focus before, to mirror hover. That also takes care of touch screens.
  13. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 18:36
    [marcysutton] But then a screen reader user wouldn't be able to read any content on the front of the card.
  14. [marcysutton] (depending on the visibility/display of both sides when interacting with them)
  15. [scottohara] ^ right.

    i’ve solved this pattern in the past by having the hover work as would be expected for mouse users, but then having a separate button to toggle front/back content for keyboard / screen reader users

  16. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 18:41
    [marcysutton] Scott just reminded me that I have a Codepen demo for a few different tile techniques
  17. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 19:24
    [higley] huh, I didn’t run across issues with SRs not reading the front (using translate3d), but I suppose it’s a bit hacky. I like Version 2 in your codepen :)
  18. [quidkid] what do you guys think of text resize widget at the top of the page? is that an accessibility plus?
  19. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 19:30
    [cehfisher] oh man @marcysutton i wish i would have seen that example when i created cards last week on the a11y style guide…not a lot of good examples out there
  20. [cehfisher] i came up with something a bit different
  21. [cehfisher] still hoping @scottohara takes a look at those at some point to tell me what is wrong with them…in a good way of course :)
  22. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 20:08

    [mgifford] I was just featured in the following podcast

    Nice informal discussion about accessibility.

  23. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 20:30
    [karlgroves] Quick spam about a Twitter poll. Please answer and RT
  24. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 20:56
    [ted_drake] I have an intern that is researching the barriers to entrepreneurship for the deaf community. Does anyone know of a study that compares literacy rates within the deaf and dyslexia communities?
  25. [ted_drake] We are wondering if there are lessons to be learned by dyslexic entrepreneurs that could be shared within the deaf community.
  26. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 21:07
    [karlgroves] Ted, look for research by Gallaudet. I can also dig up dyslexia stuff if you remind me.
  27. zakim-robot
    Jun 26 23:59
    [backwardok] @karlgroves my twitter response maybe is a little too cynical :p