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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 9th of July 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. Chris O'Brien
    Jul 09 16:38

    [herin] Hi All,
    Has anyone used any Audio to Text transcription softwares? Otherwise, will you please be able to direct me to any organization that does the transcription services?

    In terms of accuracy what's your feedback?

    @herin a service I use is called 3PlayMedia - reasonably priced, and accuracy is very high.

  2. Chris O'Brien
    Jul 09 16:50
    @ooomph - not sure the makeup of your organization, or if the team you refer to has executive presence on it. But that's a possible avenue to pursue as well. If you can make a solid case to the people who run the organization that can be helpful, as the accessibility mandate can be driven from the top down. Generally speaking you will have to show a financial benefit, however, with a rapidly aging population, the number of PwDs is increasing.