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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 11th of July 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 01:29
    [clairebones] Angular material is good in my experience, someone brought Kendo Toolkit to my attention the other day which looks potentially good but I haven't worked with it personally yet @stacycarston
  2. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 12:19
    [sophieschoice_slack] Are there any video tutorials on how to test with screenreaders?
  3. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 12:36
    [chrisgeary92] Here's one:
  4. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 13:54
    [quidkid] today i learned that one should not do target=_blank for links for accessibility purposes. question does this apply to PDF links?
  5. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 14:08
    [chrisgeary92] This is because it can be disorienting to the person using the website, if they struggle to perceive visual content.. If you need to do this for PDFs, you could include (opens in a new tab) as part of the link to make it clear what's going to happen when it's clicked.
  6. [chrisgeary92] Related to this, to help with performance & security, your target blank links should also include rel="noopener" .. Not an accessibility gain, but while we're on the subject of _blank links, it's worth mentioning :)
  7. powrsurg
    Jul 11 15:59
    how is noopener a performance issue?
  8. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 16:46
    [chrisgeary92] @powrsurg window.opener runs in the same thread as the rest of your JS -
  9. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 17:53
    [seankeegan] Anyone have common questions they get asked in regards to the revised Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 standards? Working on presentation to college CIOs and IT managers and it’s easy to get into details and miss the larger perspective. Have a set of questions I usually get regarding the two and open to hearing what others may get asked.
  10. [tink] @seankeegan "Why did it take so long to update?" and "What is the impact of adopting a set of guidelines that are a decade old and/or will be replaced by 2.1 in 2018?"
  11. [tink] @quidkid Agree with @chrisjeary92, the link should make it clear that it leads to a PDF. Users can then decide how to open it based on their own preferences.
  12. [ghanek] @seankeegan "Do we actually have to meet the new Section 508? We're not Federal..."
  13. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 17:59
    [seankeegan] @tink Yeah, the “why did it take so long” is a favorite. Thanks.
  14. [ghanek] And as @tink mentions, it might be wiser to write policy that is slightly more future proofed, rather than aiming for a singular point in time. So WCAG 2.0 (or newer) level AA as the target, rather than just 2.0 AA. A little fuzziness that permits the target standard to evolve can be A Good Thing(tm).
  15. [tink] +1 UK law doesn't reference any guidelines (or versions) specifically. It just requires that services are accessible - and the industry has so far defaulted to using whichever current verson of WCAG there is.
  16. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 18:22
    [jhetrick] @ghanek agreed, though perhaps be careful to word it so that you can move up to newer standards as they are released, rather than being required to always be on the latest version. i.e., if your policy is “support the latest WCAG standard level AA” it might be difficult to transition when a new version comes out because unless you’ve gotten ahead of it, you’ll be non-compliant with your own policy the day the new version comes out
  17. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 18:34
    [ghanek] Agreed. And then for some, there's policy, effective date for new version, and audit (aka enforcement) date. Otherwise, the carrot for being on the newest version withers quickly.
  18. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 19:16
    [quidkid] awesome thank you! so I’ll not use target = _blank from now on. unless anyone has a good idea as to when that should be a default?
  19. [deconspray] Table captions and links.
    I have a scenario where visually displayed table captions have a linked footmark, pointing to a footnote on the same page. Thought this worked, yet recently tested and it doesn't. The link never receives focus. I've tested in multiple browsers & screen readers using a keyboard; none provide focus-ability. I've referenced the W3C spec on HTML5 and table captions; anchors are permissible in table captions. Yet they are not focusable/usable. Is this a real world fact and I should focus on alternatives, or am I missing something? (yes, this is a sanity check) TIA
  20. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 19:37
    [chrisgeary92] @quidkid some use-cases where you might want to use _blank -
  21. zakim-robot
    Jul 11 19:46
    [quidkid] @chrisgeary92 thank you!! lol at “A Bad Reason: The link is to a PDF”