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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 28th of August 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 03:30
    [caesar] Anybody know if "aria-controls" can reference an element that is inside an iframe? Does the document inside the iframe become part of the parent page's DOM?
  2. [alice] IDREFs don't work across iframes or shadow DOM boundaries, no
  3. [svinkle] @caesar Interesting question, I would assume not.
  4. [caesar] Brilliant, thanks!
  5. [alice] More generally, no, the document inside the iframe doesn't become part of the parent page's DOM - you can send messages to it (from memory) if it's on the same domain
  6. [svinkle] @caesar You might also be interested in reading:
  7. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 03:37
    [caesar] LOL at the extended Heydon vs. Leonie discussion on his(?) blog...
  8. [caesar] Thanks for the links
  9. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 13:19
    [jasonday] question: with proper html5 semantic structure (<nav>, <section>, etc. ) is the dependency on "skip to content" links waning?
  10. [tink] Sadly not, no.
  11. [tink] None of the browsers have implemented keyboard shortcuts for navigating between those elements, and only one screen reader has implemented a shortcut for jumping straight to the start of the <main> element.
  12. [jasonday] that's what i figured, but thought I should put the question out there
  13. [tink] It'd be so good if the browsers did do it.
  14. [jasonday] all of these nuances is reminiscent of web development years ago with all of the browser specific CSS and polyfills, etc. for ie7, ie8, webkit, etc
  15. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 13:26
    [dralusde] Not web related, but you seem the most likely people to ask…
    Do any of you know anything about Portlight Inclusive Disaster Strategies or this course?
  16. [tink] Sorry, not me.
  17. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 13:42
    [svinkle] @jasonday We still have browser specific CSS and polyfills, etc. It’s just now we also have smarter tools to help with these; autoprefixer,, etc. :)
  18. [jasonday] @svinkle - it's much better now than it was in 2010. ;)
  19. [svinkle] @jasonday It’s a good question, about skip links waning. In some contexts, yes, as screen reader users can easily navigate via headings, landmarks, etc. That said, I think they’re likely still useful for keyboard-only users.
  20. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 13:56
    [quidkid] hey all so client wants us to start filling out VPAT forms now. I definitely recall on this slack how important it is to fill out VPAT forms correctly. Is there a training for VPAT forms or how does one hone the skill of filling out VPAT forms?
  21. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 14:31
    [jasonday] Anyone have an inside scoop on the actual status of Webaim's annual survey? Since May, I've been told "soon" - hoping for more information.
  22. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 15:57
    [marcysutton] I'm also hearing soon, but like really soon. I think it has to be approved by the university
  23. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 16:57
    [car] @jasonday @tink @svinkle Regarding getting browsers to implement landmark navigation for keyboard users (thus eliminating the need for skip links), please feel free to comment on (and/or vote for) one of these open browser bugs:
  24. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:10
    [car] Regarding landmark navigation in browsers... it wouldn't just be for keyboard users... the feature could include a list/menu/tree/whatever of the landmarks in the page (in a side panel, dropdown, or something), which would help all users to grok the page and let them jump to the place they want to go.
  25. [svinkle] @car This looks pretty cool! My immediate thought was, “I hope this doesn’t interfere with current screen reader shortcuts.”
  26. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:15
    [car] Nope - the browsers would need use some other shortcut key combination (there's not many left! <sigh>). My feeling is that perhaps they could re-purpose F6 and Shift+F6 (and maybe Ctrl+F6) on Windows - not sure what on Mac, but there must be something (maybe the rotor, or whatever). Anyhow, screen reader users could use the browser's landmark navigation or the screen reader's landmark navigation - whichever they prefer.
  27. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:22

    [car] The other cool thing about having landmark navigation implemented in the browsers is that it would help web developers "see" the semantic organization of their pages. (So they would be more inclined to actually make them organized! <grin>)

    To get a feel for what I mean, try out Mat Atkinson's "Landmarks" extension on any of your own web pages:

    The installation links are here:

  28. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:44
    [marcysutton] That would be sooo awesome
  29. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:49
    [car] Yep! :)
  30. [droidpinkman] one more thing I'd like browsers to do for me…
  31. [svinkle] > The other cool thing about having landmark navigation implemented in the browsers is that it would help web developers “see” the semantic organization of their pages.
    :fire::fire::fire: thumbsup emoji
  32. [droidpinkman] I'm color blind and the blue-ish tones are too close for me eyes
  33. [droidpinkman] needs a correlating texture/pattern is colors are to be used
  34. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 17:57
    [car] @svinkle In case it's useful, here are the landmark navigation keyboard shortcuts for 2 of the Windows screen readers:
    JAWS: List Regions: INS+Ctrl+r Next/Previous Region: r/Shift+R
    NVDA: List Elements: INS+F7 (then select Landmarks radio) Next/Previous Landmark: d/Shift+D
    Note that you have to be in browse mode for these landmark commands to work in the (Windows) screen readers. (i.e. make sure focus is not in some form element).
    If the browsers were to implement landmark navigation, the "browse mode" restriction would not be there - i.e. you could navigate to another landmark when focus was in any type of element. (Which would be, IMO, more useful... possibly even more useful for screen reader users <g>).
  35. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 18:06
    [svinkle] @car Great info, thanks! That does raise an interesting point, about this being beneficial for everyone. No doubt if this did get implemented, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari would share the same keyboard shortcuts, but Edge would be off doing it’s own thing, making things more confusing, lol. =D
  36. [svinkle] (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari event.key == Escape; IE/Edge event.key == Esc :see_no_evil:)
  37. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 18:14
    [car] @svinkle I also think it would help folks who are having trouble understanding a web site (cognitive difficulties, etc). They could list the landmarks and get an overview of the page.
  38. [svinkle] Absolutely. thumbsup emoji
  39. [jasonday] Thinking far ahead when most sites might utilize regions, it might also be useful as a method to whittle a page down to it's necessary components (a plugin that removes superfluous elements for both cognitive load and for ad blocking)
  40. [car] Yep! The more you think about it, the cooler this feature gets. <g>
  41. [car] Small screen? Jump to the region you care about... ;)
  42. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 18:32
    [marcysutton] Hi @jina! And new a11y peeps!
  43. [cameron] :dancers:
  44. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 18:58
    [cameron] In other news: I’ve been working with @tysongach on AccessLint, we just launched a GitHub integration to review Pull Requests
  45. [cameron] we’re super stoked!
  46. [svinkle] @cameron As you should be! This is pretty cool. 8)
  47. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 19:34

    [druff] shared on the internal a11y channel… good read

  48. [pete.nellius] Can anyone recommend a best practice for making a decorative hero video (similar to a hero image) accessible? I know the WCAG guidelines call for captions, but considering the hero video does not convey information that is essential to the site, this does not seem like the right approach to me, but I may not be considering something. Has anyone else come across similar situations?
  49. [rselzer] maybe throw a role="presentation" onto the video tag?
  50. [pete.nellius] Definitely an option, thanks for the suggestion!
  51. [jonathantneal] @rselzer, I did throw that on there but presentation didn’t seem to stick on the media element.
  52. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 19:48
    [svinkle] @pete.nellius Something like this, perhaps?
  53. [svinkle] Essentially place aria-role="image" to make it an “image” then aria-label="optional description" for “alt” text.
  54. [michiel] waves at everyone :)
  55. [michiel] If anyone sent me a message on here in the last 30 days I apparently got logged out of the IRC bridge and didn’t get anything :x
  56. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 20:00
    [karlgroves] Hey fellow a11y-slackers, can I get an RT please?
  57. zakim-robot
    Aug 28 21:11
    [quidkid] @karlgroves will VPAT completion or PDF accessibility be covered? I definitely want to pitch that to upper management