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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 20th of September 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 12:48
    [kivi] Nielsen Norman group, looking at the usability aspects, recommend letting people just type in their birthdays.
  2. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 13:14
    [quidkid] got an accessibility report back from a tester.. so I’m using these and I have a youtube video embed in them. The issue the tester put out was that the video still plays when you navigate to a new tab. I feel like that makes sense as it’s leaving the user control with when to stop the video, however I could also understand why it would be useful to have it stop automatically when you hit a new tab but i’m worried whether this is taking control away from the user.
  3. [tink] From a UX point of view, I think the advice is correct.
  4. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 13:27
    [jonathantneal] Thanks @kivi!
  5. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 14:15
    [quidkid] thanks @tink! and another issue was that external links should open in a new window. Right now they just navigate within the existing window. i think i discussed and learned why it was a bad idea to have it in a new tab but what’s the reasoning for external links opening in a new window vs existing?
  6. [tyronem] in my field, my clients are obsessed about not intentionally closing the window containing their content. So they advocate for new windows.
  7. [eric] this is an age-old UX discussion, but I err on same window because it’s more consistent behavior, less disorienting and it lets the user decide what deserves a new tab
  8. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 14:22
    [quidkid] thanks @tyronem and @eric right now i have all my links with a screenreader only text that says external link but if i need to make a new window, i also have to have that label too right? but actually just looked it up, it seems like I shouldn’t make it open in a new window:
  9. [tyronem] @quidkid You would have to label that as well. We added a <span class="sr-only">Link opens in new window</span> to each external link.
  10. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 14:46
    [quidkid] thank you guys!! i’m thinking back to the video and the recommendation to launch it in a new modal but then what about all the other regularly embed videos in a site? wouldn’t that have the same issue? if you didn’t stop the video and tabbed to the next link, you would still have the video playing over the screenreader. so does that mean it’s just not accessible to have embedded videos at all? that they must always be hidden in a modal?
  11. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 17:19
    [jamesn] if opening in new windows was such a big problem for screen reader users I would have thought one of the screen readers would have used the target attribute to announce this. The fact they haven't suggests to me that its not....
  12. [jamesn] If it is a simple ER against screen readers could solve this problem without everyone coding extra stuff
  13. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 20:15
    [sugi] Hi all. have question - should a web dev conduct screen reader manual testing or that that should be left to expert
  14. [alexlande] web devs should absolutely learn to use screen readers and test with them regularly
  15. [alexlande] that’s no substitute for an analysis by an expert, but it should be part of any dev’s toolbox
  16. [tyronem] I test it if I can. I don’t have all the same tools (jaws licenses are a showstopper)
  17. [sugi] the arguments that i keep hearing is that the way web dev uses screen reader will likely be different from actual user and as such, might not be too relevant
  18. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 20:20
    [tyronem] but some basic things are still testable. What does the AT say when I tab to that field? Does it read the aria-label, etc.
  19. [cameron] I think screenreaders are overwhelming at first, and can create a sense of fear for new users
  20. [svinkle] @tyronem You can grab the JAWS exe and run in 40 minute “trial” mode. :)
  21. [cameron] and that fear can translate into unhelpful pity
  22. [cameron] like “wow, it’d suck to use this all day”
  23. [cameron] that’s an ableist mentality that’s problematic, imo
  24. [cameron] that said, it is fatiguing to use a screenreader, especially on a poorly designed site
  25. [cameron] in my experience, it’s important to learn how to use a screen reader as a developer
  26. [tyronem] @svinkle I didn’t know about this. I also am running a mac, but if I get a windows box or I’m on a VM, I could totally do that.
  27. [svinkle] Think modular; Test modular.™ If I tab to that button with only an SVG icon, will it announce something useful? (thinking face emoji)
  28. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 20:26
    [svinkle] @tyronem Yep, on my Mac I have VirtualBox (free) with a bunch of Windows VMs from
  29. [trave] That is a great way of looking at things @svinkle, thanks for that. :]
  30. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 20:31
    [eric] some devs also use SRs to do their job
  31. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 23:21
    [quidkid] is there a video anywhere of someone using assistive technology to navigate a scrolljacked site? Preferably showing how when they zoom in and scroll, things get wonky. or a screencap video of popular design trends and how AT users experience them?
  32. [scottohara] There's no reason to leave screen reader usage just to experts. That mentality will ensure that only select few people will be experts.

    Designers, devs, whoever, should be exposed to screen readers in some capacity. Being able to do quick tests and have rudimentary knowledge is valuable.

  33. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 23:31
    [scottohara] I mean. Don't get me wrong. Beginners shouldn't be writing manuals on screen reader usage, but even a little bit of understanding will go a long way in helping one do their job
  34. zakim-robot
    Sep 20 23:50
    [sugi] thumbsup emoji Thx for the input. I guess the take is while a dev might not be a11y expert, we should still highly encourage devs to utilize this SR as it will help them to build a more a11y-compliant Web pages/apps