What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
[karlgroves] > this script we had to generate a PDF from HTML produced an accessible PDF
It doesn’t.
Unfortunately nothing I’ve ever found can take arbitrary HTML into accessible PDF.
<a href="#">Download</a>
which just actually leads to print window
or something. https://joe-watkins.io/accessibility/up-and-running-with-jaws-on-a-mac/
[alboss] @powrsurg @droidpinkman @eric and anyone else who was discussing OFTPDF (Our Friend* The PDF): organizations like mine, which are subject to public disclosure requests, like PDFs because they can easily create and attach a discrete file to a request in their tracking system. So, there's that angle, too.
(* friend, fiend; same difference)
[violet] reposting from #training for more visibility:
My workplace in Portland, OR will be running some accessibility workshops this fall and we are looking for an external accessibility consultant to come and give a general presentation before one of the workshops. This would be paid; unsure of the amount. If you know accessibility consultants in the Portland area who might be interested please put me in touch!