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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 4th of October 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 13:44
    [jasonday] After a couple of year's hiatus, the webaim screenreader survey is up & active: - Please respond and/or spread the word (I am not affiliated with webaim, I've just been kindly hounding them for a year to execute another survey, especially in light of the Window-Eyes shift and the growth of mobile)
  2. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 15:34
    [svinkle] Awesome deep-dive into letter-spacing and accessibility from @eric!
  3. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 16:24
    [marcysutton] Re: Laura Kalbag's tweets, that's why I created!
  4. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 16:31
    [marcysutton] the "showcase" already exists! :\
  5. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 16:48
    [joly] a11ySIG hangout starts in a few mins - 1pm ET. Just casual chat, Usualyy some interesting drop ins from around the world. Sorry no captions today. Actively looking for people interested in presenting at future hangouts.
  6. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 19:17
    [kara.franco] Quick audio description question: What video players support multiple audio tracks?
  7. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 20:05
    [xirclebox] @here ... Hello everyone!
  8. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 22:26
    [backwardok] FYI just noticed that <input type="email"> gets validated by the browser on submit and produces an error message in a tooltip that does not zoom with browser zoom. Submitted tickets against the 3 I have on my mac:
    Chrome issue:
    Firefox issue:
    Safari issue:
  9. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 22:33
    [svinkle] @backwardok Makes me think of this talk recently from a11yTOConf by @autosponge
  10. [svinkle] Lot’s of issues with native validation.
  11. [backwardok] seems like novalidate is the best way to go, since the input types are valuable from a mobile keyboard perspective
  12. [backwardok] although i’m slightly confused by the slides because it just makes me not want to use native form validation
  13. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 22:38
    [svinkle] I felt the same way! I’m just sticking with custom as relying on native is pretty rough going.
  14. [svinkle] And yes, having the type on mobile is hugely beneficial.
  15. [caesar] Sorry if this was already answered earlier, but has anybody come up with a browser/AT compatibility list for the new types?
  16. [ugi] oh, I hate tabbing into a field with browser validation, and the screen reader tells me that the field is invalid before I even typed a letter.
  17. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 22:46
    [svinkle] @caesar If the browser doesn’t know how to handle the type, it defaults to type="text". If you’re not using native validation, there should be no real issues.
  18. zakim-robot
    Oct 04 22:52
    [caesar] Yes, you're right. I'm just trying to remember what problem with had with type-"email" last time but can't...