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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 9th of October 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 09:38
    [frank.vangemeren] Very nice.
  2. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 12:56

    [chetnasamant] Do we have examples where this is done? I am exploring what should be the conditions when we speak about delivering an accessible website
    I think you’re on the right track. You need to put the requirements - including verification - in the contract. Then you have the legal standing to withhold payment.

    I’m not a lawyer but I’d imagine there also has to be some mechanism to refuse to accept delivery. Accepting delivery implicitly tells the vendor that things are OK

  3. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 13:08
    [chetnasamant] Just scrolled up and saw the example of csu and it does answer some questions but in case there are specific examples it will be great
  4. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 13:30
    [karlgroves] New Blog post: Rapid Discovery and Remediation
  5. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 16:22
  6. [cmegown] my knee-jerk reaction is to be very frustrated, but frankly that may be because of my continual rage against our current administration. i would be curious to hear from anyone who has more insight into HR 620.
  7. [cmegown] my knee-jerk reaction is to be sad and frustrated, but my own feelings about the current administration might be getting in the way. i would be curious to hear from anyone who has more insight on H.R. 620.
  8. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 16:28
    [blind3y3design] People already don't follow the regulation until they get caught or someone complains.
  9. [eric] the Winn-Dixie case provides teeth in the private sector, although the copyright trolling-esque lawsuits worry me
  10. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 16:33

    [blind3y3design] One of my biggest problems with the ADA; and H.R 620 by association, is that it puts all of the onus on disables peoples.

    This means that I; as an able-bodies citizen, can not file a complaint or submit a notice under these rules

  11. [cmegown] not directly, at least.
  12. [cmegown] i also worry about a rollback of accessibility enforcement for taxpayer-funded web sites/services
  13. [blind3y3design] Interestingly H.R. 620 only applies to sections 302 and 303 of the ADA; which are about changes in ground level.
  14. [blind3y3design] It looks like this is aimed at stopping immediate lawsuits around sidewalk and curb access
  15. zakim-robot
    Oct 09 17:28
    [garcialo] @eric Agreed about the trollish lawsuits, but that’s not an issue exclusive to digital accessibility.