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A11y Slackers Gitter Channel Archive 12th of October 2017

What fresh hell is THIS now? - Patrick Lauke
  1. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 09:01
    [rdeltour] hi all. Romain Deltour here, working for the DAISY Consortium (I've been a lurker here for a while, but I think this is my first posts :p )
  2. [rdeltour] we just released Ace, an a11y checker for EPUB (based on aXe). read more in the #automated-testing channel!
  3. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 09:52
    [iandevlin] Someone is trying to tell me that we don't need keyboard focus states on mobile and I disagree with them because I am sure that people connect keyboards and other input devices to mobiles that I know nothing about and where focus states would benefit them.
    Can people help with proof that I am right?
    Any help appreciated and hello to everyone =D
  4. [nicola] @iandevlin Does this help?
  5. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 12:21
    [svinkle] Absolutely need focus rings on mobile. Don't assume "mobile" = "small screen device." Think low vision, someone with a massive desktop monitor and a super low resolution; this would trigger small screen breakpoints. Or people who only own a mobile or tablet device where they navigate via Bluetooth keyboard; focus ring would be handy in this situation. Don't assume; embrace the unknown and build for everyone and every device.
  6. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 12:43
    [jv] is this correct markup?
    <li><button type="button" value="Sales">Sales</button></li>                         <li><button type="button" value="Downloads">Downloads</button></li>
  7. [jv] Should value="" attribute be used if content inside button is same?
  8. [freevo] no, no don't need value=""
  9. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 16:08

    [jv] What do you do when a company owner or team lead says

    "How money people will be affected if we improve or not improve accessibility of our app, does google analytics show any data?"

  10. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 18:52
    [robdodson] TIL outline-width doesn't actually affect the outline...width... in Safari. It affects the padding between the element and the outline
  11. [robdodson] And it seems in Edge if you use outline width it stops drawing focus rings entirely.
  12. [marcysutton] huh, that is interesting/odd/irritating
  13. [robdodson] indeed
  14. [robdodson] filing some bugs
  15. [ugi] hmm, seems to be related to OSX’s default focus indicator. works as expected when outline-style is set to “solid”
  16. [robdodson] iiiiinteresting
  17. [robdodson] still seems like a bug. works in chrome/firefox. no idea what edge is doing :\
  18. [robdodson] ooooooh
  19. [robdodson] looks like the same thing happens in edge. setting outline-style to solid makes it appear again
  20. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 19:25
    [jasonday] @marcysutton do you know if there are any visual studio code extensions using axe? Deque lists the web accessibility checker extension for VS, but I'm curious if anythign is in the works for Code
  21. [ugi] I noticed a similar behavior in IE and Edge recently. Negative outline-offset values also remove the indicator.
  22. [marcysutton] @jasonday i'm not sure. I know Microsoft uses aXe in an internal project for their own teams but they do have the open source Sonar project
  23. [jasonday] Thanks, I'll take a look
  24. [jasonday] sidenote: if anyone wants to build an extesnion foe accessibility linting for visual studio code I'll buy you a coffee (and I'll actually help - I can code, but VSC extension process is complex)
  25. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 19:30
    [eric] ooh, there’s so much more stuff on Sonar now! I’ll have to give it another look
  26. [karlgroves] Anyone on at the moment who is a screenreader user who also has experience using Google Calendar?
  27. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 20:53
    [shawn.henning] @karlgroves I used the Agenda view on Safari / VoiceOver. Other views were problematic as I recall. Have been using Fantastical on macOS.
  28. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 21:10
    [a.cheng06] LOL I can’t believe I actually didn’t come across this in my last job (I’ve only worked in government), BUT….how do you make a product comparison table accessible? I’m using x right now to say “This program has the feature described in the row heading!” but I bet that’s not really accessible. And neither would be a simple checkmark icon. Maybe an icon with a title="Yes" or something…? (thinking face emoji) Any help would be appreciated!
  29. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 21:19
    [garcialo] @a.cheng06 Could you just copy what does?
  30. [svinkle] @a.cheng06 I’ve done this in the past which works well:

    <td>     <svg class="icon__features-table icon__features-table--yes" viewBox="0 0 48 48" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">         <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#yes"></use>     </svg>     <span class="visuallyhidden">Yes</span> </td>

    I have an SVG sprite in use there but the idea is to hide the icon from assistive technology then expose the written meaning in a visually hidden element.

  31. [svinkle] (The table was a simple Yes/No of feature for a product, the icons were a check mark or x, respectively.)
  32. [a.cheng06] Ooh, SVGs, good call! I’ll see what I can do. :) Thanks @garcialo and @svinkle
  33. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 22:11
    [caesar] Just a quick "meta" question about this Slack chat: there are a few people here who use Gitter, and I was told that Gitter didn't support the threaded replies feature in Slack. Is that still the case? I'm seeing a lot more threaded replies here lately.
  34. zakim-robot
    Oct 12 23:19
    [garcialo] @caesar That is still the case. Threads are non-existent for Gitter as far as I can tell
  35. [caesar] I guess then let this be an FYI for those new to the chat, and a gentle reminder for those not :)