This is an implementation report of the Vehicle Information Service[1] specificiation and the Vehicle Information Api[2] specification. It is the aim of this report to show that the specifications are implementable and that they are interoperable. VISS features are defined as the service request actions (GET,SET,SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBEALL, AUTHORIZE, GETVSS) and their realisation in the service implementation.

List of reference implementations

1) Melco implementation[3]. This a Qt web socket implementation and it is developed for the GDP-11 (Genivi Development platform).

2) ACCESS implementation[4]. This is JavaScript based implementation runs on Node.js v7.3.0 or later.

3) ETRI implementation. This is implemented using the node.js(7.7.4 and later) and ws library(2.3.1). This code might be opened sometime later.

Test results table

Test cases:

0010-channel-independent-1.html N/A PASS PASS
0020-channel-independent-2.html N/A PASS PASS
0030-authorize-valid-token.html N/A PASS PASS
0031-authorize-invalid-token.html N/A PASS PASS
0040-lowest-previlege-at-initialize.html N/A PASS PASS
0050-init-success.html N/A FAIL PASS
0060-init-error.html N/A FAIL PASS
0070-init-wrong-subproto-error.html N/A PASS PASS
0080-authorize-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0090-authorize-error.html N/A PASS PASS
0100-getVss-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0105-getVss-no-path-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0110-getVss-wildcard-success.html N/A FAIL PASS
0120-getVss-incorrect-error.html N/A PASS PASS
0130-get-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0140-get-wildcard-success.html N/A FAIL PASS
0150-get-invalid-path-error.html N/A FAIL PASS
0160-set-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0170-set-error.html N/A PASS PASS
0180-subscribe-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0190-subscribe-notification-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0200-subscribe-unique-id-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0210-subscribe-error.html N/A FAIL PASS
0240-unsubscribe-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0250-unsubscribe-error.html N/A PASS PASS
0260-unsubscribeall-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0280-subscribe-branch-error.html N/A FAIL PASS
0290-subscribe-filter-interval-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0300-subscribe-filter-range-success.html N/A FAIL PASS
0310-subscribe-filter-minchange-success.html N/A PASS PASS
0320-subscribe-filter-mixed-success.html N/A FAIL FAIL