A controlled identifier document contains cryptographic material and lists service endpoints for the purposes of verifying cryptographic proofs from, and interacting with, the controller of an identifier.
[=Controlled identifier documents=] identify a [=subject=] and provide [=verification methods=] that express public cryptographic material, such as [=public keys=], for verifying [=proofs=] created on behalf of the [=subject=] for specific purposes, such as authentication, attestation, key agreement (for encryption), and capability invocation and delegation. [=Controlled identifier documents=] also list [=service=] endpoints related to an [=identifier=]; for example, from which to request additional information for verification.
In other words, the controlled identifier document contains the information necessary to communicate with, and/or prove that specific actions were taken by, the controller of an [=identifier=], including material for [=proofs=] and [=service=] endpoints for additional communications.
A [=controlled identifier document=] specifies [=verification relationships=] and [=service=] endpoints for a single identifier, for which the current controlled identifier document is taken as authoritative.
Other specifications, such as the [[[?DID]]] specification, profile the features that are defined in this specification, requiring and/or recommending the use of some and prohibiting and/or deprecating the use of others.
The use cases below illustrate the need for this specification. While many other related use cases exist, such as those in [[[DID-USE-CASES]]] and [[[VC-USE-CASES]]], those described below are the main scenarios that this specification is designed to address.
Lemmy runs multiple enterprise portals that manage large amounts of sensitive data submitted by people working for a variety of organizations. He would like to use identifiers for entities in the databases that are provided by his customers and do not depend on easily phishable information such as email addresses and passwords.
Lemmy would like to ensure that his customers prove control over their identifiers — for example, by using public/private key cryptography — in order to increase security related to who is allowed to access and update each organization's data.
Stef, who operates a high security service, would like to ensure that certain cryptographic keys used by his customers can only be used for specific purposes (such as encryption, authorization, and/or authentication) to enable different levels of access and protection for each type of cryptographic key.
Marge, a software developer, would like to publicly advertise ways in which other people on the Web can reach her through various communication services she uses based on her globally unique identifier(s).
Cory, a systems architect, would like to extend the use cases described in this section in a way that provides new functionality without creating conflicts with extensions being added by others.
Neru would like to issue digital credentials on behalf of her company that contain claims about their employees. The claims that are made need to use identifiers that are cryptographically attributable back to Neru's company and need to allow for the holders of those credentials to be able to cryptographically authenticate themselves when they present the credential.
The following requirements are derived from the use cases described earlier in this specification. Additional requirements which could lead to a more decentralized solution can be found in [[[DID-USE-CASES]]].
A conforming controlled identifier document is any concrete expression of the data model that follows the relevant normative requirements in Sections [[[#data-model]]] and [[[#contexts-and-vocabularies]]].
A conforming verification method is any concrete expression of the data model that follows the relevant normative requirements in Sections [[[#verification-methods]]] and [[[#contexts-and-vocabularies]]].
A conforming document is either a [=conforming controlled identifier document=], or a [=conforming verification method=].
A conforming processor is any algorithm realized as software and/or hardware that generates and/or consumes a [=conforming document=] according to the relevant normative statements in Section [[[#algorithms]]]. Conforming processors MUST produce errors when non-conforming documents are consumed.
This section defines the terms used in this specification. A link to the relevant definition is included whenever one of these terms appears in this specification.
An entity that is capable of performing an action with a specific resource, such as updating a [=controlled identifier document=] or generating a [=proof=] using a [=verification method=].
A type of identifier that can be proven to be under the control of an entity.
A document that contains cryptographic material and lists service endpoints that can be used for verifying [=proofs=] from, and interacting with, the [=controller=] of an identifier.
An entity, such as a person, group, organization, physical thing, digital thing, or logical thing that is referred to by the value of an `id` property in a [=controlled identifier document=]. Subjects identified in a [=controlled identifier document=] are also used as a subjects in other contexts, such as during [=authentication=] or in [=verifiable credentials=].
A method and its parameters, used to independently verify a [=proof=]. For example, a cryptographic public key can be used as a verification method with respect to a digital signature; in such use, it verifies that the signer used the associated cryptographic private key.
An expression that one or more [=verification methods=] are authorized to verify proofs made on behalf of the [=subject=]. One example of a verification relationship is [[[#authentication]]].
A [=controlled identifier document=] specifies one or more relationships between an [=identifier=] and a set of [=verification methods=] and/or service endpoints. The [=controlled identifier document=] SHOULD contain [=verification relationships=] that explicitly permit the use of certain [=verification methods=] for specific purposes.
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1",
"id": "https://controller.example",
"authentication": [{
"id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controller.example",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
The example above shows a valid JSON-LD [=controlled identifier document=] that expresses a [=public key=] that can be used for the purposes of [=authentication=] using the Multikey format.
"id": "https://controller.example/101",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "https://controller.example/101#key-20240828",
"type": "JsonWebKey",
"controller": "https://controller.example/101",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kid": "key-20240828",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU",
"y": "x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0"
"authentication": ["#key-20240828"]
The example above shows a valid JSON [=controlled identifier document=] that expresses a [=public key=] that can be used for the purposes of [=authentication=] using the JsonWebKey format.
The property names `id`, `type`, and `controller` can be present in map of different types with possible differences in constraints.
The following sections define the properties in a [=controlled identifier document=], including whether these properties are required or optional. These properties describe relationships between the [=subject=] and the value of the property.
The following tables contain informative references for the core properties defined by this specification, with expected values, and whether or not they are required. The property names in the tables are linked to the normative definitions and more detailed descriptions of each property.
Property | Required? | Value constraints | Definition |
`id` | yes | A string that conforms to the URL syntax. | [[[#subjects]]] |
`controller` | no | A string or a set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax. | [[[#controllers]]] |
`alsoKnownAs` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax. | [[[#also-known-as]]] |
`service` | no | A set of [=service=] maps. | [[[#services]]] |
`verificationMethod` | no | A set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#verification-methods]]] |
`authentication` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax, or a set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#authentication]]] |
`assertionMethod` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax, or a set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#assertion]]] |
`keyAgreement` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax, or a set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#key-agreement]]] |
`capabilityInvocation` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax, or a set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#capability-invocation]]] |
`capabilityDelegation` | no | A set of strings, each of which conforms to the URL syntax, or a set of [=verification method=] maps. | [[[#capability-delegation]]] |
A [=subject=] is expressed using the `id` property in a [=controlled identifier document=]. The value of an `id` property is referred to as an identifier.
A [=controlled identifier document=] MUST contain an `id` value in the topmost map.
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1",
"id": "https://controller.example",
"authentication": [{
"id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controller.example",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
The value of the `id` property in the topmost map of the [=controlled identifier document=] is called the base identifier for the [=controlled identifier document=]. The URL for retrieving the current, authoritative [=controlled identifier document=] for a given [=identifier=] is called the canonical URL for the [=controlled identifier document=]. Dereferencing the [=canonical URL=] MUST return the current authoritative [=controlled identifier document=]. The returned document's [=base identifier=] MUST be the same as the [=canonical URL=]; if it is anything else, then the returned document is not an authoritative [=controlled identifier document=] and the [=identifier=] SHOULD be treated as invalid. Every controlled identifier document is stored and retrieved according to the [=canonical URL=] of the document, which MUST also be the [=base identifier=] of the document.
It is expected that the [=subject=] referred to by an `id` in a [=controlled identifier document=] will be consistent over time, such that any [=verifiable credentials=] that use them can be interpreted as referring to the same entity. For example, it is preferred that an [=issuer=] of a [=verifiable credential=] require that a [=subject=] demonstrate [=proof=] of control over their [=identifier=] before issuing a credential with that [=identifier=] as [=subject=], creating assurance that the same entity was involved in the issuance of each credential with that [=identifier=] as [=subject=].
However, there are valid cases where that practice is either impossible or unreasonable; for example, when a parent requests a [=verifiable credential=] for their child. There are also cases where an [=issuer=] simply makes a mistake or intentionally issues a false statement. All of these possibilities are considered when evaluating the security impacts of reliance on a given [=identifier=] for any given purpose. See Section [[[#identifier-ambiguity]]].
A [=controller=] of a [=controlled identifier document=] is any entity capable of making changes to that [=controlled identifier document=]. Whoever can update the content of the resource returned from dereferencing the controller document's canonical URL is, by definition, a controller of the document and its canonical identifier. Proofs that satisfy a [=controlled identifier document=]'s [=verification methods=] are taken as cryptographic assurance that the [=controller=] of the [=identifier=] created those [=proofs=].
The [=controller=] of the [=controlled identifier document=] is taken to be the [=controller=] of the document's canonical [=identifier=], also known as its URL. That is, whoever can update the [=controlled identifier document=] is both the document [=controller=] and the [=identifier=] [=controller=]. Updating the document is how you control the [=identifier=]. These terms can be used interchangeably. Controlling the canonical [=controlled identifier document=] for an [=identifier=] is the same as controlling the [=identifier=].
It is possible to list a verification method which is functionally under the control of someone other than the [=controller=] of the [=controlled identifier document=]. For example, a document [=controller=] could set a public key under another party's control as an authentication verification method. This would enable the other party to authenticate on behalf of this [=identifier=] (because their public key is listed in an authentication verification method) without enabling that party to update the [=controlled identifier document=]. However, since the document [=controller=] explicitly listed that key for authentication, the proof in question is taken as created by the document [=controller=], as it was created by their explicit assignee. This is especially useful when the "other party" is a device under the control of the document controller, but with a distinct cryptographic authority, i.e., it has its own keystore and can generate [=proofs=]. That pattern enables different devices, each using their own cryptographic material, to generate verifiable [=proofs=] that are taken as [=proofs=] created by controller of the identifier.
If present, its value MUST be a string or a set of strings, each of which conforms to the rules in the [[[URL]]].Each entry in the `controller` property MUST identify an entity capable of updating the canonical version of the [=controlled identifier document=]. Subsequent requests for this [=controlled identifier document=] through its canonical location will always receive the latest version.
If the `controller` property is not present, then control of the document is determined entirely by its storage location.
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1",
"id": "https://controllerA.example",
"controller": "https://controllerB.example/abc",
"authentication": [{
"id": "https://controllerA.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controllerA.example",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
While the [=identifier=] used for a [=controller=] is unambiguous, this does not imply that a single entity is always the [=controller=], nor that a [=controller=] only has a single identifier. A [=controller=] might be a single entity, or a collection of entities, such as a partnership. A [=controller=] might also use multiple identifiers to refer to itself, for purposes such as privacy or delineating operational boundaries within an organization. Similarly, a [=controller=] might control many [=verification methods=]. For these reasons, no assumptions are to be made about a [=controller=] being a single entity nor controlling only a single [=verification method=].
Note that the definition of [=authentication=] is different from the definition of [=authorization=]. Generally speaking, [=authentication=] answers the question of "Do we know who this is?" while [=authorization=] answers the question of "Are they allowed to perform this action?". The `authentication` property in this specification is used to, unsurprisingly, perform [=authentication=] while the other [=verification relationships=] such as `capabilityDelegation` and `capabilityInvocation` are used to perform [=authorization=]. Since successfully performing [=authorization=] might have more serious effects on a system, [=controllers=] are urged to use different [=verification methods=] when performing [=authentication=] versus [=authorization=] and provide stronger access protection for [=verification methods=] used for [=authorization=] versus [=authentication=]. See [[[#security-considerations]]] for information related to threat models and attack vectors.
A [=subject=] can have multiple identifiers that are used for different purposes or at different times. The assertion that two or more identifiers (or other types of URI) refer to the same [=subject=] can be made using the `alsoKnownAs` property.
This relationship is a statement that the subject of this identifier is also identified by one or more other identifiers.
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1",
"id": "https://controller.example",
"alsoKnownAs": [
"authentication": [{
"id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controller.example",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
Applications might choose to consider two identifiers related by `alsoKnownAs` to be equivalent if the `alsoKnownAs` relationship expressed in the controlled identifier document of one [=subject=] is also expressed in the reverse direction (i.e., reciprocated) in the controlled identifier document of the other [=subject=]. It is best practice not to consider them equivalent in the absence of this reciprocating relationship. In other words, the presence of an `alsoKnownAs` assertion does not prove that this assertion is true. Therefore, it is strongly advised that a requesting party obtain independent verification of an `alsoKnownAs` assertion.
Given that the [=subject=] might use different identifiers for different purposes, such as enhanced privacy protection, an expectation of strong equivalence between the two identifiers, or taking action to merge the information from the two corresponding [=controlled identifier documents=], is not necessarily appropriate, even with a reciprocal relationship.
[=Services=] are used in [=controlled identifier documents=] to express ways of communicating with the [=controller=], or associated entities, in relation to the controlled [=identifier=]. A [=service=] can be any type of service the [=controller=] wants to advertise for further discovery, authentication, authorization, or interaction.
Due to privacy concerns, revealing public information through [=services=], such as social media accounts, personal websites, and email addresses, is discouraged. Further exploration of privacy concerns can be found in sections [[[#keep-personal-data-private]]] and [[[#service-privacy]]]. The information associated with [=services=] is often service specific. For example, the information associated with an encrypted messaging service can express how to initiate the encrypted link before messaging begins.
[=Services=] are expressed using the `service` property, which is described below:
The `service` property is OPTIONAL. If present, the associated value MUST be a set of [=services=], where each service is described by a map. Each [=service=] map MUST contain `id`, `type`, and `serviceEndpoint` properties. Each service extension MAY include additional properties and MAY further restrict the properties associated with the extension.
For more information regarding privacy and security considerations related to [=services=] see [[[#service-privacy]]], [[[#keep-personal-data-private]]], [[[#controlled-identifier-document-correlation-risks]]], and [[[#service-endpoints-for-authentication-and-authorization]]].
"id": "https://controller.example",
"authentication": [{
"id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controller.example",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
"service": [{
"type": "https://social.example/ExampleSocialMediaService",
"serviceEndpoint": "https://warbler.example/sal674"
A [=controlled identifier document=] can express [=verification methods=], such as cryptographic [=public keys=], which can be used to verify [=proofs=], such as those used to [=authentication|authenticate=] or authorize interactions with the [=controller=] or associated parties. For example, a cryptographic [=public key=] can be used as a verification method with respect to a digital signature; in such use, it verifies that the signer could use the associated cryptographic private key. Verification methods might take many parameters. An example of this is a set of five cryptographic keys from which any three are required to contribute to a cryptographic threshold signature.
"Verification" and "proof" are intended to apply broadly. For example, a cryptographic public key might be used during Diffie-Hellman key exchange to negotiate a shared symmetric key for encryption. This guarantees the integrity of the key agreement process. It is thus another type of verification method, even though descriptions of the process might not use the words "verification" or "proof."
A [=verification method=] is defined in a [=controlled identifier document=] using the [=map=] below and is referred to as the verification method definition:
The `verificationMethod` property is OPTIONAL. If present, the value MUST be a set of verification methods, where each [=verification method=] is expressed using a map. The [=verification method=] map MUST include the `id`, `type`, `controller`, and specific verification material properties that are determined by the value of `type` and are defined in [[[#verification-material]]]. A [=verification method=] MAY include additional properties.
The value of the `id` property for a [=verification method=] MUST be a string that conforms to the [[URL]] syntax. This value is called the verification method identifier and can also be used in a [=proof=] to refer to a specific instance of a [=verification method=], which is called the [=verification method definition=].
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1",
"id": "https://controller.example",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123",
"type": "Multikey",
"controller": "https://controller.example",
"expires": "2025-12-01T00:00:00Z",
"publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu"
}, {
"id": "https://controller.example/101#key-20240828",
"type": "JsonWebKey",
"controller": "https://controller.example/101",
"revoked": "2024-12-10T15:28:32Z",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kid": "key-20240828",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU",
"y": "x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0"
The `controller` property is used by [=controlled identifier documents=], as described in Section [[[#controlled-identifier-documents]]], and by [=verification methods=], as described in Section [[[#verification-methods]]]. When it is used in either place, its purpose is essentially the same; that is, it expresses one or more entities that are authorized to perform certain actions associated with the resource with which it is associated. Note, however, that for [=verification methods=], it is only an assertion made by the `controller` of the [=controlled identifier document=], and this assertion is not necessarily true, i.e., it may be false. To ensure that a [=verification method=] is bound to a particular [=controller=], one must go from the expression of the [=verification method=] to its [=controlled identifier document=], and then verify that the latter contains references to both the [=verification method=] and its [=controller=]. See Section [[[#retrieve-verification-method]]] for an algorithm that ensures that a proper binding is verified.
The [=controller=] of a [=controlled identifier document=] can update the content of the document. Only the actual [=controller=] of a [=verification method=] (regardless of who is asserted to be the controller) can generate proofs that satisfy the method.
To ensure explicit security guarantees, the [=controller=] of a [=verification method=] cannot be inferred from the [=controlled identifier document=]. It is necessary to explicitly express the identifier of the controller of the key because the value of `controller` for a [=verification method=] is not necessarily the value of the `controller` for a [=controlled identifier document=].
Verification material is any information that is used by a process that applies a [=verification method=]. The `type` of a [=verification method=] is expected to be used to determine its compatibility with such processes. Examples of verification methods include `JsonWebKey` and `Multikey`. A [=cryptographic suite=] specification is responsible for specifying the [=verification method=] `type` and its associated verification material format. For examples using verification material, see Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE, the Data Integrity ECDSA Cryptosuites and the Data Integrity EdDSA Cryptosuites.
To increase the likelihood of interoperable implementations, this specification limits the number of formats for expressing verification material in a [=controlled identifier document=]. The fewer formats that implementers have to choose from, the more likely that interoperability will be achieved. This approach attempts to strike a delicate balance between easing implementation and providing support for formats that have historically had broad deployment.
A [=verification method=] MUST NOT contain multiple verification material properties for the same material. For example, expressing key material in a [=verification method=] using both `publicKeyJwk` and `publicKeyMultibase` at the same time is prohibited.
Implementations MAY convert keys between formats as desired for operational purposes or to interface with cryptographic libraries. As an internal implementation detail, such conversion MUST NOT affect the external representation of key material.
An example of a [=controlled identifier document=] containing verification methods using both properties above is shown below.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example", "verificationMethod": [{ "id": "https://controller.example#authn-key-123", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example", "expires": "2025-12-01T00:00:00Z", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" }, { "id": "https://controller.example/101#key-20240828", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://controller.example/101", "revoked": "2024-12-10T15:28:32Z", "publicKeyJwk": { "kid": "key-20240828", "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "alg": "ES256", "x": "f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU", "y": "x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0" } }] }
The Multikey data model is a specific type of [=verification method=] that encodes key types into a single binary stream that is then encoded as a Multibase value as described in Section [[[#multibase-0]]].
When specifying a `Multikey`, the object takes the following form:
The example below expresses an Ed25519 public key using the format defined above:
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" }
The public key values are expressed using the rules in the table below:
Key type | Description |
ECDSA 256-bit public key | The Multikey encoding of a P-256 public key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8024` (the varint expression of `0x1200`) followed by the 33-byte compressed public key data. The resulting 35-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
ECDSA 384-bit public key | The encoding of a P-384 public key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8124` (the varint expression of `0x1201`) followed by the 49-byte compressed public key data. The resulting 51-byte value is then encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
Ed25519 256-bit public key | The encoding of an Ed25519 public key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0xed01` (the varint expression of `0xed`), followed by the 32-byte public key data. The resulting 34-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
BLS12-381 381-bit public key | The encoding of an BLS12-381 public key in the G2 group MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0xeb01` (the varint expression of `0xeb`), followed by the 96-byte compressed public key data. The resulting 98-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
SM2 256-bit public key | The encoding of an SM2 public key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8624` (the varint expression of `0x1206`) followed by the 33-byte compressed public key data. The resulting 35-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
The secret key values are expressed using the rules in the table below:
Key type | Description |
ECDSA 256-bit secret key | The Multikey encoding of a P-256 secret key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8626` (the varint expression of `0x1306`) followed by the 32-byte secret key data. The resulting 34-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
ECDSA 384-bit secret key | The encoding of a P-384 secret key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8726` (the varint expression of `0x1307`) followed by the 48-byte secret key data. The resulting 50-byte value is then encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
Ed25519 256-bit secret key | The encoding of an Ed25519 secret key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8026` (the varint expression of `0x1300`), followed by the 32-byte secret key data. The resulting 34-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
BLS12-381 381-bit secret key | The encoding of an BLS12-381 secret key in the G2 group MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x8030` (the varint expression of `0x130a`), followed by the 96-byte compressed public key data. The resulting 98-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
SM2 256-bit secret key | The encoding of an SM2 secret key MUST start with the two-byte prefix `0x9026` (the varint expression of `0x1310`) followed by the 32-byte secret key data. The resulting 34-byte value MUST then be encoded using the base-58-btc alphabet, according to Section [[[#multibase-0]]], and then prepended with the base-58-btc Multibase header (`z`). |
Developers are advised to not accidentally publish a representation of a secret key. Implementations that adhere to this specification will raise errors in the event of a Multikey header value that is not in the public key header table above, or when reading a Multikey value that is expected to be a public key, such as one published in a controlled identifier document, that does not start with a known public key header.
When defining values for use with `publicKeyMultibase` and `secretKeyMultibase`, specification authors MAY define additional header values for other key types in other specifications and MUST NOT define alternate encodings for key types already defined by this specification.
The JSON Web Key (JWK) data model is a specific type of [=verification method=] that uses the JWK specification [[RFC7517]] to encode key types into a set of parameters.
When specifing a `JsonWebKey`, the object takes the following form:
The `publicKeyJwk` property is OPTIONAL. If present, its value MUST be a map representing a JSON Web Key that conforms to [[RFC7517]]. The map MUST NOT include any members of the private information class, such as `d`, as described in the JWK Registration Template. It is RECOMMENDED that verification methods that use JWKs [[RFC7517]] to represent their [=public keys=] use the value of `kid` as their fragment identifier. It is RECOMMENDED that JWK `kid` values are set to the JWK Thumbprint [[RFC7638]] using the SHA-256 (SHA2-256) hash function of the [=public key=]. See the first key in [[[#example-various-verification-method-types]]] for an example of a public key with a compound key identifier.
As specified in Section 4.4 of the JWK specification, the OPTIONAL `alg` property identifies the algorithm intended for use with the public key, and SHOULD be included to prevent security issues that can arise when using the same key with multiple algorithms. As specified in Section of the JWA specification, describing a key using an elliptic curve, the REQUIRED `crv` property is used to identify the particular curve type of the public key. As specified in Section 4.1.4 of the JWS specification, the OPTIONAL `kid` property is a hint used to help discover the key; if present, the `kid` value SHOULD match, or be included in, the `id` property of the encapsulating `JsonWebKey` object, as part of the path, query, or fragment of the URL.
An example of an object that conforms to `JsonWebKey` is provided below:
{ "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#key-1", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyJwk": { "kid": "key-1", "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-384", "alg": "ES384", "x": "1F14JSzKbwxO-Heqew5HzEt-0NZXAjCu8w-RiuV8_9tMiXrSZdjsWqi4y86OFb5d", "y": "dnd8yoq-NOJcBuEYgdVVMmSxonXg-DU90d7C4uPWb_Lkd4WIQQEH0DyeC2KUDMIU" } }
In the example above, the `publicKeyJwk` value contains the JSON Web Key. The `kty` property encodes the key type of "EC", which means "Elliptic Curve". The `alg` property identifies the algorithm intended for use with the public key, which in this case is `ES384`. The `crv` property identifies the particular curve type of the public key, `P-384`. The `x` and `y` properties specify the point on the `P-384` curve that is associated with the public key.
The `publicKeyJwk` property MUST NOT contain any property marked as "Private" or "Secret" in any registry contained in the JOSE Registries [[JOSE-REGISTRIES]], including "d".
The JSON Web Key data model is also capable of encoding secret keys, sometimes referred to as private keys.
{ "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#key-1", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "secretKeyJwk": { "id": "secret-1", "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-384", "alg": "ES384", "d": "fGwges0SX1mj4eZamUCL4qtZijy9uT15fI4gKTuRvre4Kkoju2SHM4rlFOeKVraH", "x": "1F14JSzKbwxO-Heqew5HzEt-0NZXAjCu8w-RiuV8_9tMiXrSZdjsWqi4y86OFb5d", "y": "dnd8yoq-NOJcBuEYgdVVMmSxonXg-DU90d7C4uPWb_Lkd4WIQQEH0DyeC2KUDMIU" } }
The private key example above is almost identical to the previous example of the public key, except that the information is stored in the `secretKeyJwk` property (rather than the `publicKeyJwk`), and the private key value is encoded in the `d` property thereof (alongside the `x` and `y` properties, which still specify the point on the `P-384` curve that is associated with the public key).
[=Verification methods=] can be embedded in or referenced from properties associated with various [=verification relationships=] as described in [[[#verification-relationships]]]. Referencing [=verification methods=] allows them to be used by more than one [=verification relationship=].
If the value of a [=verification method=] property is a map, the [=verification method=] has been embedded and its properties can be accessed directly. However, if the value is a URL string, the [=verification method=] has been included by reference and its properties will need to be retrieved from elsewhere in the [=controlled identifier document=] or from another [=controlled identifier document=]. This is done by dereferencing the URL and searching the resulting resource for a [=verification method=] map with an `id` property whose value matches the URL.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example", "authentication": [ // this key is referenced and might be used by // more than one verification relationship "https://controllerB.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // this key is embedded and may *only* be used for authentication { "id": "https://controllerA.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" } ] }
A [=verification relationship=] is an expression that one or more [=verification methods=] are authorized to verify [=proofs=] made on behalf of the subject.
Different [=verification relationships=] enable the associated [=verification methods=] to be used for different purposes. It is up to a [=verifier=] to ascertain the validity of a verification attempt by checking that the [=verification method=] used is referred to by the appropriate [=verification relationship=] property in the [=controlled identifier document=].
The [=verification relationship=] between the [=subject=] and the [=verification method=] is explicit in the [=controlled identifier document=]. [=Verification methods=] that are not associated with a particular [=verification relationship=] cannot be used for that [=verification relationship=]. For example, a [=verification method=] associated with the [=authentication=] property cannot be used to engage in key agreement protocols — the value of the keyAgreement property needs to be used for that.
If a referenced [=verification method definition=] is not in the latest [=controlled identifier document=] used to dereference it, then that [=verification method=] is considered invalid or revoked.
The following sections define several useful [=verification relationships=]. A [=controlled identifier document=] MAY include any of these, or other properties, to express a specific [=verification relationship=]. To maximize interoperability, any such properties used SHOULD be registered in the list of [[[DID-EXTENSIONS-PROPERTIES]]].
The `authentication` [=verification relationship=] is used to specify how the [=subject=] is expected to be [=authentication|authenticated=], for purposes such as logging into a website or engaging in any sort of challenge-response protocol. The processing performed following authentication is application-specific.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", ... "authentication": [ // this method can be used to authenticate "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // this method is *only* approved for authentication, so its // full description is embedded here rather than using only a reference { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyJwk": { "crv": "Ed25519", "x": "VCpo2LMLhn6iWku8MKvSLg2ZAoC-nlOyPVQaO3FxVeQ", "kty": "OKP", "kid": "_Qq0UL2Fq651Q0Fjd6TvnYE-faHiOpRlPVQcY_-tA4A" } }, { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-3", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" } ] ... }
This is useful to any entity verifying authentication that needs to check whether an entity that is attempting to [=authentication|authenticate=] is presenting a valid proof of authentication. When such an authentication-verifying entity receives some data (in some protocol-specific format) that contains a [=proof=] that was made for the purpose of "authentication", and that says that an entity is identified by the `id`, then that verifier checks to ensure that the [=proof=] can be verified using a [=verification method=] (for example, [=public key=]) listed under `authentication` in the [=controlled identifier document=].
Note that the [=verification method=] indicated by the `authentication` property of a [=controlled identifier document=] can only be used to [=authentication|authenticate=] on behalf of the [=controlled identifier document=]'s [=base identifier=].
The `assertionMethod` [=verification relationship=] is used to specify [=verification methods=] that a [=controller=] authorizes for use when expressing assertions or claims, such as in verifiable credentials.
This property is useful, for example, during the processing of a verifiable credential by a verifier.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", ... "assertionMethod": [ // this method can be used to assert statements "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // this method is *only* approved for assertion of statements, it is not // used for any other verification relationship, so its full description is // embedded here rather than using a reference { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", "type": "Multikey", // external (property value) "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" } ] ... }
The `keyAgreement` [=verification relationship=] is used to specify how an entity can perform encryption in order to transmit confidential information intended for the [=controller=], such as for the purposes of establishing a secure communication channel with the recipient.
An example of when this property is useful is when encrypting a message intended for the [=controller=]. In this case, the counterparty uses the cryptographic [=public key=] information in the [=verification method=] to wrap a decryption key for the recipient.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", ... "keyAgreement": [ "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // the rest of the methods below are *only* approved for key agreement usage // they will not be used for any other verification relationship // the full value is embedded here rather than using only a reference { "id": "https://controller.example/123#keys-2", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGRG5ehnPAmxcf5mDZpv" }, { "id": "https://controller.example/123#keys-3", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "OKP", "crv": "X25519", "x": "W_Vcc7guviK-gPNDBmevVw-uJVamQV5rMNQGUwCqlH0" } } ] ... }
The `capabilityInvocation` [=verification relationship=] is used to specify a [=verification method=] that might be used by the [=controller=] to invoke a cryptographic capability, such as the authorization to update the [=controlled identifier document=].
An example of when this property is useful is when a [=controller=] needs to access a protected HTTP API that requires authorization in order to use it. In order to authorize when using the HTTP API, the [=controller=] uses a capability that is associated with a particular URL that is exposed via the HTTP API. The invocation of the capability could be expressed in a number of ways, for example, as a digitally signed message that is placed into the HTTP Headers.
The server providing the HTTP API is the verifier of the capability and it would need to verify that the [=verification method=] referred to by the invoked capability exists in the `capabilityInvocation` property of the [=controlled identifier document=]. The verifier would also check to make sure that the action being performed is valid and the capability is appropriate for the resource being accessed. If the verification is successful, the server has cryptographically determined that the invoker is authorized to access the protected resource.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", ... "capabilityInvocation": [ // this method can be used to invoke capabilities as https:...fghi "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // this method is *only* approved for use in capability invocation; it will not // be used for any other verification relationship, so its full description is // embedded here rather than using only a reference { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", "type": "Multikey", // external (property value) "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" } ] ... }
The `capabilityDelegation` [=verification relationship=] is used to specify a mechanism that might be used to delegate a cryptographic capability to another party. The mechanism, such as an Authorization Capability or a UCAN, and the processing performed following delegation, such as accessing a specific HTTP API, is application-specific.
An example of when this property is useful is when a [=controller=] chooses to delegate their capability to access a protected HTTP API to a party other than themselves. In order to delegate the capability, the [=controller=] would use a [=verification method=] associated with the `capabilityDelegation` [=verification relationship=] to cryptographically sign the capability over to another [=controller=]. The delegate would then use the capability in a manner that is similar to the example described in [[[#capability-invocation]]].
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", ... "capabilityDelegation": [ // this method can be used to perform capability delegation "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", // this method is *only* approved for granting capabilities; it will not // be used for any other verification relationship, so its full description is // embedded here rather than using only a reference { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", "type": "JsonWebKey", // external (property value) "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed25519", "x": "O2onvM62pC1io6jQKm8Nc2UyFXcd4kOmOsBIoYtZ2ik" } }, { "id": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi#keys-3", "type": "Multikey", // external (property value) "controller": "https://controller.example/123456789abcdefghi", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" } ] ... }
A Multibase value encodes a binary value as a base-encoded string. The value starts with a single character header, which identifies the base and encoding alphabet used to encode a binary value, followed by the encoded binary value (using that base and alphabet). The common Multibase header values and their associated base encoding alphabets, as provided below, are normative:
Multibase Header | Description |
`u` | The base-64-url-no-pad alphabet is used to encode the bytes. The base-alphabet consists of the following characters, in order: `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_` |
`z` | The base-58-btc alphabet is used to encode the bytes. The base-alphabet consists of the following characters, in order: `123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz` |
Other Multibase encoding values MAY be used, but interoperability is not guaranteed between implementations using such values.
To base-encode a binary value into a Multibase string, an implementation MUST apply the algorithm in Section [[[#base-encode]]] to the binary value, with the desired base encoding and alphabet from the table above, ensuring to prepend the associated Multibase header from the table above to the result. Any algorithm with equivalent output MAY be used.
To base-decode a Multibase string, an implementation MUST apply the algorithm in Section [[[#base-decode]]] to the string following the first character (Multibase header), with the alphabet associated with the Multibase header. Any algorithm with equivalent output MAY be used.
A Multihash value starts with a binary header, which includes 1) an identifier for the specific cryptographic hashing algorithm, 2) a cryptographic digest length in bytes, and 3) the value of the cryptographic digest. The normative Multihash header values defined by this specification, and their associated output sizes and associated specifications, are provided below:
Multihash Identifier | Multihash Header | Description |
`sha2-256` | `0x12` | SHA-2 with 256 bits (32 bytes) of output, as defined by [[RFC6234]]. |
`sha2-384` | `0x20` | SHA-2 with 384 bits (48 bytes) of output, as defined by [[RFC6234]]. |
`sha3-256` | `0x16` | SHA-3 with 256 bits (32 bytes) of output, as defined by [[SHA3]]. |
`sha3-384` | `0x15` | SHA-3 with 384 bits (48 bytes) of output, as defined by [[SHA3]]. |
Other Multihash encoding values MAY be used, but interoperability is not guaranteed between implementations.
To encode to a Multihash value, an implementation MUST concatenate the associated Multihash header (encoded as a varint), the cryptographic digest length in bytes (encoded as a varint), and the cryptographic digest value, in that order.
To decode a Multihash value, an implementation MUST 1) remove the prepended Multihash header value, which identifies the type of cryptographic hashing algorithm, 2) remove the cryptographic digest length in bytes, and 3) extract the raw cryptographic digest value which MUST match the expected output length associated with the Multihash header as well as the output length provided in the Multihash value itself.
This section defines algorithms used by this specification including instructions on the following: how to base-encode and base-decode values; how to safely retrieve verification methods; how to retrieve document fragments; and how to produce descriptions of processing errors over HTTP channels. Alternatives to the algorithms provided in this section MAY be used as long as the outputs of the alternative algorithm remain the same.
The following algorithm specifies how to encode an array of bytes, where each byte represents a base-256 value, to a different base representation that uses a particular base alphabet, such as base-64-url-no-pad or base-58-btc. The required inputs are the bytes, targetBase, and baseAlphabet. The output is a string that contains the base-encoded value. All mathematical operations MUST be performed using integer arithmetic.
function baseEncode(bytes, targetBase, baseAlphabet) { let zeroes = 0; let length = 0; let begin = 0; let end = bytes.length; // count the number of leading bytes that are zero while(begin !== end && bytes[begin] === 0) { begin++; zeroes++; } // allocate enough space to store the target base value const baseExpansionFactor = Math.log(256) / Math.log(targetBase); let size = Math.floor((end - begin) * baseExpansionFactor + 1); let baseValue = new Uint8Array(size); // process the entire input byte array while(begin !== end) { let carry = bytes[begin]; // for each byte in the array, perform base-expansion let i = 0; for(let basePosition = size - 1; (carry !== 0 || i < length) && (basePosition !== -1); basePosition--, i++) { carry += Math.floor(256 * baseValue[basePosition]); baseValue[basePosition] = Math.floor(carry % targetBase); carry = Math.floor(carry / targetBase); } length = i; begin++; } // skip leading zeroes in base-encoded result let baseEncodingPosition = size - length; while(baseEncodingPosition !== size && baseValue[baseEncodingPosition] === 0) { baseEncodingPosition++; } // convert the base value to the base encoding let baseEncoding = baseAlphabet.charAt(0).repeat(zeroes) for(; baseEncodingPosition < size; ++baseEncodingPosition) { baseEncoding += baseAlphabet.charAt(baseValue[baseEncodingPosition]) } return baseEncoding; }
The following algorithm specifies how to decode an array of bytes, where each byte represents a base-encoded value, to a different base representation that uses a particular base alphabet, such as base-64-url-no-pad or base-58-btc. The required inputs are the sourceEncoding, sourceBase, and baseAlphabet. The output is an array of bytes that contains the base-decoded value. All mathematical operations MUST be performed using integer arithmetic.
function baseDecode(sourceEncoding, sourceBase, baseAlphabet) { // build the base-alphabet to integer value map baseMap = {}; for(let i = 0; i < baseAlphabet.length; i++) { baseMap[baseAlphabet[i]] = i; } // skip and count zero-byte values in the sourceEncoding let sourceOffset = 0; let zeroes = 0; let decodedLength = 0; while(sourceEncoding[sourceOffset] === baseAlphabet[0]) { zeroes++; sourceOffset++; } // allocate the decoded byte array const baseContractionFactor = Math.log(sourceBase) / Math.log(256); let decodedSize = Math.floor(( (sourceEncoding.length - sourceOffset) * baseContractionFactor) + 1); let decodedBytes = new Uint8Array(decodedSize); // perform base-conversion on the source encoding while(sourceEncoding[sourceOffset]) { // process each base-encoded number let carry = baseMap[sourceEncoding[sourceOffset]]; // convert the base-encoded number by performing base-expansion let i = 0 for(let byteOffset = decodedSize - 1; (carry !== 0 || i < decodedLength) && (byteOffset !== -1); byteOffset--, i++) { carry += Math.floor(sourceBase * decodedBytes[byteOffset]); decodedBytes[byteOffset] = Math.floor(carry % 256); carry = Math.floor(carry / 256); } decodedLength = i; sourceOffset++; } // skip leading zeros in the decoded byte array let decodedOffset = decodedSize - decodedLength; while(decodedOffset !== decodedSize && decodedBytes[decodedOffset] === 0) { decodedOffset++; } // create the final byte array that has been base-decoded let finalBytes = new Uint8Array(zeroes + (decodedSize - decodedOffset)); let j = zeroes; while(decodedOffset !== decodedSize) { finalBytes[j++] = decodedBytes[decodedOffset++]; } return finalBytes; }
The following algorithm specifies how to safely retrieve a verification method, such as a cryptographic [=public key=], by using a [=verification method identifier=]. Required inputs are a [=verification method identifier=] (vmIdentifier), a [=verification relationship=] (verificationRelationship), and a set of dereferencing options (options). A [=verification method=] is produced as output.
The following example provides a minimum conformant [=controlled identifier document=] containing a minimum conformant [=verification method=] as required by the algorithm in this section:
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123", "verificationMethod": [{ "id": "https://controller.example/123#key-456", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://controller.example/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkmM42vxfqZQsv4ehtTjFFxQ4sQKS2w6WR7emozFAn5cxu" }], "authentication": ["https://controller.example/123#key-456"] }
[=Verification method identifiers=] are expressed as strings that are URLs, or via the `id` property, whose value is a URL. It is possible for a [=controlled identifier document=] to express a [=verification method=], through a [=verification relationship=], that exists in a place that is external to the [=controlled identifier document=]. As described in Section [[[#integrity-protection-of-controllers]]], specifying a [=verification method=] that is external to a [=controlled identifier document=] is a valid use of this specification. It is vital that this [=verification method=] is retrieved from the external [=controlled identifier document=].
When retrieving any [=verification method=] the algorithm above is used to ensure that the [=verification method=] is retrieved from the correct [=controlled identifier document=]. The algorithm also ensures that this [=controlled identifier document=] refers to the [=verification method=] (via a [=verification relationship=]) and that the [=verification method=] refers to the [=controlled identifier document=] (via the [=verification method=]'s `controller` property). Failure to use this algorithm, or an equivalent one that performs these checks, can lead to security compromises where an attacker poisons a cache by claiming control of a victim's [=verification method=].
"id": "https://controller.example/123",
"capabilityInvocation": ["https://external.example/xyz#key-789"]
In the example above, the algorithm described in this section will use the `https://external.example/xyz#key-789` URL value as the [=verification method identifier=]. The algorithm will then confirm that the [=verification method=] exists in the external [=controlled identifier document=] and that the appropriate relationships exist as described earlier in this section.
The fragment identifier processing rules when retrieving [=verification methods=] depend on the media type of a [=controlled identifier document=]. While the algorithm in this section attempts to defer to the media type of the corresponding [=controlled identifier document=] (such as `application/did`), and while Section [[[#fragment-resolution]]] defines how to resolve fragment identifiers according to the `application/cid` media type, implementers are advised that a [=controlled identifier document=] of another media type might require different fragment processing rules that might produce different results.
The following algorithm specifies how to retrieve the portion of a document that contains a given fragment identifier. The required inputs are a [=controlled identifier document=] ([=map=] document) and a fragment identifier ([=string=] fragmentIdentifier). The output is a [=map=] containing the document fragment.
While it is possible to express a document that contains multiple fragments that use the same identifier, due to interoperability concerns, doing so is to be avoided and the behaviour is not defined.
The algorithms described in this specification throw specific types of errors. Implementers might find it useful to convey these errors to other libraries or software systems. This section provides specific URLs and descriptions for the errors, such that an ecosystem implementing technologies described by this specification might interoperate more effectively when errors occur.
When exposing these errors through an HTTP interface, implementers SHOULD use [[RFC9457]] to encode the error data structure. If [[RFC9457]] is used:
The terms defined in this specification are also part of the RDF vocabulary namespace [[RDF-CONCEPTS]] https://w3id.org/security#. For any `TERM`, the relevant URL is of the form `https://w3id.org/security#TERM` or `https://w3id.org/security#TERMmethod`. Implementations that use RDF processing and rely on this specification MUST use these URLs.
When dereferencing the https://w3id.org/security# URL, the media type of the data that is returned depends on HTTP content negotiation. These are as follows:
Media Type | Description and Hash |
application/ld+json |
The vocabulary in JSON-LD format [[?JSON-LD11]]. SHA2-256 Digest:
text/turtle |
The vocabulary in Turtle format [[?TURTLE]]. SHA2-256 Digest:
text/html |
The vocabulary in HTML+RDFa Format [[?HTML-RDFA]]. SHA2-256 Digest:
It is possible to confirm the cryptographic digests above by running a command like the following (replacing `<MEDIA_TYPE>` and `<DOCUMENT_URL>` with the appropriate values) through a modern UNIX-like OS command line interface: `curl -sL -H "Accept: <MEDIA_TYPE>" <DOCUMENT_URL> | openssl dgst -sha256`
Implementations that perform JSON-LD processing MUST treat the following JSON-LD context URL as already resolved, where the resolved document matches the corresponding hash value below:
Context URL and Hash |
URL: https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1 SHA2-256 Digest:
It is possible to confirm the cryptographic digests listed above by running a command like the following through a modern UNIX-like OS command line interface: `curl -sL -H "Accept: application/ld+json" https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1 | openssl dgst -sha256`
The security vocabulary terms that the JSON-LD contexts listed above resolve to are in the https://w3id.org/security# namespace. See also [[[#vocabulary]]] for further details.
Applications or specifications may define mappings to the vocabulary URLs using their own JSON-LD contexts. For example, these mappings are part of the `https://w3id.org/security/data-integrity/v2` context, defined by the [[[?VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]]] specification, or the `https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1` context, defined by the [[[?DID-CORE]]] specification.
The `@context` property is used to ensure that implementations are using the same semantics when terms in this specification are processed. For example, this can be important when properties like `authentication` are processed and its value, such as `Multikey` or `JsonWebKey`, are used.
When an application is processing a [=controlled identifier document=], if an `@context` property is not provided in the document or the terms used in the document are not mapped by existing values in the `@context` property, implementations MUST inject or append an `@context` property with a value of `https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1` or one or more contexts with at least the same declarations, such as the Decentralized Identifier v1.1 context (`https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1`).
// The @context declaration is missing in this controlled identifier document
"id": "https://controller.example/101",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "https://controller.example/101#key-203947",
"type": "JsonWebKey",
"controller": "https://controller.example/101",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kid": "key-203947",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU",
"y": "x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0"
"authentication": ["#key-203947"]
Implementations that do not intend to use JSON-LD MAY choose to not include an `@context` declaration at the top-level of the document. Whether or not the `@context` value or JSON-LD processors are used, the semantics for all properties and values expressed in [=conforming documents=] interpreted by [=conforming processors=] are the same. Any differences in semantics between documents processed in either mode are either implementation or specification bugs.
This section defines datatypes that are used by this specification.
Multibase-encoded strings are used to encode binary data into printable formats, such as ASCII, which are useful in environments that cannot directly represent binary values. This specification makes use of this encoding. In environments that support data types for string values, such as RDF [[?RDF-CONCEPTS]], Multibase-encoded content is indicated using a literal value whose datatype is set to `https://w3id.org/security#multibase`.
The `multibase` datatype is defined as follows:
This section contains a variety of security considerations that people using this specification are advised to consider before deploying this technology in a production setting. This technologies described in this document are designed to operate under the threat model used by many IETF standards and documented in [[?RFC3552]]. This section elaborates upon a number of the considerations in [[?RFC3552]], as well as other considerations that are unique to this specification.
Binding an entity in the digital world or the physical world to an identifier, to a [=controlled identifier document=], or to cryptographic material requires the use of security protocols contemplated by this specification. The following sections describe some possible scenarios and how an entity therein might prove control over an identifier or a [=controlled identifier document=] for the purposes of authentication or authorization.
Proving control over an identifier and/or a [=controlled identifier document=] is useful when accessing remote systems. Cryptographic digital signatures enable certain security protocols related to [=controlled identifier documents=] to be cryptographically verifiable. For these purposes, this specification defines useful [=verification relationships=] in and [[[#capability-invocation]]]. The secret cryptographic material associated with the [=verification methods=] can be used to generate a cryptographic digital signature as a part of an authentication or authorization security protocol.
An identifier or [=controlled identifier document=] do not inherently carry any personal data and it is strongly advised that non-public entities do not publish personal data in [=controlled identifier documents=].
It can be useful to express a binding of an identifier to a person's or organization's physical identity in a way that is provably asserted by a trusted authority, such as a government. This specification provides the [[[#assertion]]] [=verification relationship=] for these purposes. This feature can enable interactions that are private and can be considered legally enforceable under one or more jurisdictions; establishing such bindings has to be carefully balanced against privacy considerations (see [[[#privacy-considerations]]]).
The process of binding an identifier to something in the physical world, such as a person or an organization — for example, by using verifiable credentials with the same subject as that identifier — is contemplated by this specification and further defined in [[[?VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]]].
Even in cases where the [=subject=] referred to by an [=identifier=] proves control, the interpretation of the [=subject=] remains contextual and potentially ambiguous.
For example, a school might issue a [=verifiable credential=] about the teacher of Intro to Computer Science, using `https://controller.example/abc` as a [=subject=] [=identifier=], saying "`https://controller.example/abc` is the teacher of Intro to Computer Science" and "`https://controller.example/abc` controls access to the school's computer lab. See them to request access".
In this usage, it is ambiguous whether `https://controller.example/abc` refers to a specific teacher or to whomever is the current teacher. Only with further statements might we be able to discern the difference. But it's still tricky. For example the subject in the following statement remains ambiguous:
<https://controller.example/abc> <https://schema.org/name> "Bob Smith" .
If `https://controller.example/abc` refers to a specific human being, then the statement is taken as an attestation about the particular human identified by that name. However, if `https://controller.example/abc` is used to refer to the _current_ teacher, it is also valid if the current teacher does have that name. In this case, the ambiguity is immaterial.
However, in a statement like the following, the difference becomes vital.
<https://controller.example/abc> <http://law.example/convicted> <http://calaw.example/PenalCode647b> .
The statement in English could be "The person referred to by `https://controller.example/abc` has been convicted of California Penal Code 647b." But which person(s) did we mean? Did we mean to say one, some, or all of the teachers of computer science at the school have been convicted of violating `PenalCode647b`? Or is it meant to say that a particular individual teacher, perhaps the one named "Bob Smith", has been convicted of said crime?
The challenge is particularly difficult in situations where the [=subject=] is fundamentally uninvolved in the issuance of the [=verifiable credential=]. For example, an [=identifier=] might be used by a school to refer to a teacher, and students and or parents might use that [=identifier=] to make statements about the teacher, with neither the teacher nor the school involved. In these cases, it is easy to imagine that the subtle nuance of the school's intended meaning, for example, "any current teacher of the computer science class", gets lost and the [=identifier=] gets misused by parents and students to refer to a specific teacher, quite likely in contexts where neither the school nor the teacher is aware of the conversation.
In natural language, these ambiguities are often easily ignored or corrected. In digital media, it is vital that context be evaluated to establish the intended referent, especially when [=identifiers=] are used in different contexts by different [=issuers=], for example, on an official school website by the school, but in an unofficial social networking app by parents and students.
In short, the context in which [=identifiers=] are created and used has to be considered when relying on any particular interpretation of the [=subject=] of any particular [=identifier=].
In a decentralized architecture, there might not be centralized authorities to enforce cryptographic material or cryptographic digital signature expiration policies. Therefore, it is with supporting software such as verification libraries that requesting parties validate that cryptographic materials were not expired at the time they were used. Requesting parties might employ their own expiration policies in addition to inputs into their verification processes. For example, some requesting parties might accept authentications from five minutes in the past, while others with access to high precision time sources might require authentications to be time stamped within the last 500 milliseconds.
There are some requesting parties that have legitimate needs to extend the use of already-expired cryptographic material, such as verifying legacy cryptographic digital signatures. In these scenarios, a requesting party might instruct their verification software to ignore cryptographic key material expiration or determine if the cryptographic key material was expired at the time it was used.
Rotation is a management process that enables the secret cryptographic material associated with an existing [=verification method=] to be deactivated or destroyed once a new [=verification method=] has been added to the [=controlled identifier document=]. Going forward, any new [=proofs=] that a [=controller=] would have generated using the old secret cryptographic material can now instead be generated using the new cryptographic material and can be verified using the new [=verification method=].
Rotation is a useful mechanism for protecting against verification method compromise, since frequent rotation of a verification method by the controller reduces the value of a single compromised verification method to an attacker. Performing revocation immediately after rotation is useful for verification methods that a controller designates for short-lived verifications, such as those involved in encrypting messages and authentication.
The following considerations might be of use when contemplating the use of [=verification method=] rotation:
Revocation is a management process that enables the secret cryptographic material associated with an existing [=verification method=] to be deactivated such that it ceases to be a valid form of creating new proofs.
Revocation is a useful mechanism for reacting to a verification method compromise. Performing revocation immediately after rotation is useful for verification methods that a controller designates for short-lived verifications, such as those involved in encrypting messages and authentication.
Compromise of the secrets associated with a [=verification method=] allows the attacker to use them according to the [=verification relationship=] expressed by [=controller=] in the [=controlled identifier document=], for example, for authentication. The attacker's use of the secrets might be indistinguishable from the legitimate [=controller=]'s use starting from the time the [=verification method=] was registered, to the time it was revoked.
The following considerations might be of use when contemplating the use of [=verification method=] revocation:
Although verifiers might choose not to accept [=proofs=] or signatures from a revoked verification method, knowing whether a verification was made with a revoked [=verification method=] is trickier than it might seem. Some auditing systems provide the ability to look back at the state of an identifier at a point in time, or at a particular version of the [=controlled identifier document=]. When such a feature is combined with a reliable way to determine the time or identifier version that existed when a cryptographically verifiable statement was made, then revocation does not undo that statement. This can be the basis for using digital signatures to make binding commitments; for example, to sign a mortgage.
If these conditions are met, revocation is not retroactive; it only nullifies future use of the method.
However, in order for such semantics to be safe, the second condition — an ability to know what the state of the [=controlled identifier document=] was at the time the assertion was made — is expected to apply. Without that guarantee, someone could discover a revoked key and use it to make cryptographically verifiable statements with a simulated date in the past.
Some auditing systems only allow the retrieval of the current state of a identifier. When this is true, or when the state of an identifier at the time of a cryptographically verifiable statement cannot be reliably determined, then the only safe course is to disallow any consideration of state with respect to time, except the present moment. Identifier ecosystems that take this approach essentially provide cryptographically verifiable statements as ephemeral tokens that can be invalidated at any time by the [=controller=].
Multiformats enable self-describing data; if data is known to be a Multiformat, its exact type can be determined by reading a few compact header bytes that are expressed at the beginning of the data. Multibase, Multihash, and Multikey are types of Multiformats that are defined by this specification.
The Multiformats specifications exist because application developers appropriately choose different base-encoding functions, cryptographic hashing functions, and cryptographic key formats, among other things, based on different use cases and their requirements. No single base-encoding function, cryptographic hashing function, or cryptographic key format in the world has ever satisfied all requirement sets. Multiformats provides an alternative means by which to encode and/or detect any base-encoding, cryptographic hash, or cryptographic key format in self-documenting data and documents.
To increase interoperability, specification authors are urged to minimize the number of Multiformats — optimally, choosing only one — to be used for any particular application or ecosystem.
Encryption algorithms have been known to fail due to advances in cryptography and computing power. Implementers are advised to assume that any encrypted data placed in a [=controlled identifier document=] might eventually be made available in clear text to the same audience to which the encrypted data is available. This is particularly pertinent if the [=controlled identifier document=] is public.
Encrypting all or parts of a [=controlled identifier document=] is not an appropriate means to protect data in the long term. Similarly, placing encrypted data in a [=controlled identifier document=] is not an appropriate means to protect personal data.
Given the caveats above, if encrypted data is included in a [=controlled identifier document=], implementers are advised to not associate any correlatable information that could be used to infer a relationship between the encrypted data and an associated party. Examples of correlatable information include public keys of a receiving party, identifiers to digital assets known to be under the control of a receiving party, or human readable descriptions of a receiving party.
[=Controlled identifier documents=] that include links to external machine-readable content such as images, web pages, or schemas are vulnerable to tampering. It is strongly advised that external links are integrity protected using mechanisms to secure related resources such as those described in the [[[?VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]]] specification. External links are to be avoided if they cannot be integrity protected and the [=controlled identifier document=]'s integrity is dependent on the external link.
One example of an external link where the integrity of the [=controlled identifier document=] itself could be affected is the JSON-LD Context [[JSON-LD11]], when present. To protect against compromise, [=controlled identifier document=] consumers using JSON-LD are advised to cache local static copies of JSON-LD contexts and/or verify the integrity of external contexts against a cryptographic hash that is known to be associated with a safe version of the external JSON-LD Context.
As described in Section [[[#controllers]]], this specification includes a mechanism by which to delegate change control of a [=controlled identifier document=] to an entity that is described in an external [=controlled identifier document=] through the use of the `controller` property.
Delegating change control addresses a number of use cases including those where the care of an entity is the responsibility of some other entity or entities, as well as those where some entity desires that another entity provide account recovery services, among other use cases. In such scenarios, it can be beneficial to allow the guardian to manage the rotation of their own key material. It can also be beneficial for the delegator to associate a cryptographic hash of the remote [=controlled identifier document=] to "pin" the remote document to a known good value.
While this document does not specify a particular mechanism for cryptographically protected URLs, the `relatedResource` property in [[[VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]]] and the `digestMultibase` property in [[[VC-DATA-INTEGRITY]]] could be employed by a mechanism that can provide such protection.
Additional information about the security context of authentication events is often required for compliance reasons, especially in regulated areas such as the financial and public sectors. This information is often referred to as a Level of Assurance (LOA). Examples include the protection of secret cryptographic material, the identity [=proof=]ing process, and the form-factor of the authenticator.
Payment services (PSD 2) and eIDAS introduce such requirements to the security context. Level of assurance frameworks are classified and defined by regulations and standards such as eIDAS, NIST 800-63-3 and ISO/IEC 29115:2013, including their requirements for the security context, and making recommendations on how to achieve them. This might include strong user authentication where FIDO2/WebAuthn can fulfill the requirement.
Some regulated scenarios require the implementation of a specific level of assurance. Since [=verification relationships=] used to perform assertion and [=authentication=] might be used in some of these situations, information about the applied security context might need to be expressed and provided to a verifier. Whether and how to encode this information in the [=controlled identifier document=] data model is out of scope for this specification. Interested readers might note that 1) the information could be transmitted using Verifiable Credentials [[?VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]], and 2) the [=controlled identifier document=] data model can be extended to incorporate this information.
If a [=controlled identifier document=] publishes a [=service=] intended for authentication or authorization of the [=subject=] (see Section [[[#services]]]), it is the responsibility of the [=service=] provider, [=subject=], and/or requesting party to comply with the requirements of the authentication and/or authorization protocols supported by that [=service=] endpoint.
Since [=controlled identifier documents=] are designed to be administered directly by the [=controller=], it is critically important to apply the principles of Privacy by Design [[PRIVACY-BY-DESIGN]] to all aspects of the [=controlled identifier document=]. All seven of these principles have been applied throughout the development of this specification. The design used in this specification does not assume that there is a registrar, hosting company, nor other intermediate service provider to recommend or apply additional privacy safeguards. Privacy in this specification is preventive, not remedial, and is an embedded default. The following sections cover privacy considerations that implementers might find useful when building systems that utilize [=controlled identifier documents=].
If a [=controlled identifier document=] is about a specific individual and is public-facing, it is critical that [=controlled identifier documents=] contain no personal biometric or biographical data. While it is true that personal data might include pseudonymous information, such as a public cryptographic key or an IP address, publishing that sort of information does not create the same immediate privacy dangers as publishing an individual's full name, profile photo, or social media account in a [=controlled identifier document=]. A better alternative is to transmit such personal data through other means such as verifiable credentials [[?VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]] or other data formats sent over private and secure communication channels.
The Same-origin policy is a security and privacy concept that constrains information to the same Web domain by default. There are mechanisms, such as [[[?WEBAUTHN]]], that extend this policy to cryptographic keys. When a cryptographic key is bound to a specific domain, it is sometimes referred to as a pairwise identifier.
The same-origin policy can be overridden for a variety of use cases, such as for Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). This specification allows for the cross-origin resource sharing of verification methods and service endpoints, which means that correlatable identifiers might be shared between origins. While resource sharing can lead to positive security outcomes (reduced cryptographic key registration burden), it can also lead to negative privacy outcomes (tracking). Those that use this specification are warned that there are trade-offs with each approach and to use the mechanism that maximizes security and privacy according to the needs of the individual or organization. Using a [=controlled identifier document=] for all use cases is not always advantageous when a same-origin bound cryptographic key would suffice.
Identifiers can be used for unwanted correlation. [=Controllers=] can mitigate this privacy risk by using [=pairwise identifiers=] that are unique to each relationship or interaction domain; in effect, each identifier acts as a pseudonym. A [=pairwise identifier=] need only be shared with more than one party when correlation across contexts is explicitly desired. If [=pairwise identifiers=] are the default, then the only need to publish an identifier openly, or to share it with multiple parties, is when the [=controllers=] and/or [=subjects=] explicitly desire public identification and correlation across interaction domains.
The anti-correlation protections of [=pairwise identifiers=] are easily defeated if the data in the corresponding [=controlled identifier documents=] can be correlated. For example, using identical [=verification methods=] in multiple [=controlled identifier documents=] can provide as much correlation information as using the same identifier. Therefore, the [=controlled identifier document=] for a [=pairwise identifier=] also needs to use pairwise unique information, such as ensuring that [=verification methods=] are unique to the pairwise relationship.
It is dangerous to add properties to the [=controlled identifier document=] that can be used to indicate, explicitly or through inference, what type or nature of thing the [=subject=] is, particularly if the [=subject=] is a person.
Not only do such properties potentially result in personal data (see [[[#keep-personal-data-private]]]) or correlatable data (see and [[[#controlled-identifier-document-correlation-risks]]]) being present in the [=controlled identifier document=], but they can be used for grouping particular identifiers in such a way that they are included in or excluded from certain operations or functionalities.
Including type information in a [=controlled identifier document=] can result in personal privacy harms even for [=subjects=] that are non-person entities, such as IoT devices. The aggregation of such information around a [=controller=] could serve as a form of digital fingerprint and this is best avoided.
To minimize these risks, all properties in a [=controlled identifier document=] ought to be for expressing [=verification methods=] and verification relationships related to using the identifier.
The ability for a [=controller=] to optionally express at least one [=service=] in the [=controlled identifier document=] increases their control and agency. Each additional endpoint in the [=controlled identifier document=] adds privacy risk either due to correlation, such as across endpoint descriptions, or because the [=services=] are not protected by an authorization mechanism, or both.
[=Controlled identifier documents=] are often public and, since they are standardized, will be stored and indexed efficiently. This risk is increased if [=controlled identifier documents=] are published to immutable [=verifiable data registries=]. Access to a history of the [=controlled identifier documents=] referenced by a URL enables a form of traffic analysis made more efficient through the use of standards.
The degree of additional privacy risk caused by including multiple [=services=] in one [=controlled identifier document=] can be difficult to estimate. Privacy harms are typically unintended consequences. URLs can refer to documents, [=services=], schemas, and other things that might be associated with individual people, households, clubs, and employers — and correlation of their [=services=] could become a powerful surveillance and inference tool. An example of this potential harm can be seen when multiple common country-level top level domains such as `https://example.co.uk` might be used to infer the approximate location of the [=subject=] with a greater degree of probability.
The following section describes accessibility considerations that developers implementing this specification are urged to consider in order to ensure that their software is usable by people with different cognitive, motor, and visual needs. As a general rule, this specification is used by system software and does not directly expose individuals to information subject to accessibility considerations. However, there are instances where individuals might be indirectly exposed to information expressed by this specification and thus the guidance below is provided for those situations.
This specification enables the expression of dates and times related to the validity period of [=proofs=]. This information might be indirectly exposed to an individual if a [=proof=] is processed and is detected to be outside an allowable time range. When exposing these dates and times to an individual, implementers are urged to take into account cultural normas and locales when representing dates and times in display software. In addition to these considerations, presenting time values in a way that eases the cognitive burden on the individual receiving the information is a suggested best practice.
For example, when conveying the expiration date for a particular set of digitally signed information, implementers are urged to present the time of expiration using language that is easier to understand rather than language that optimizes for accuracy. Presenting the expiration time as "This ticket expired three days ago." is preferred over a phrase such as "This ticket expired on July 25th 2023 at 3:43 PM." The former provides a relative time that is easier to comprehend than the latter time, which requires the individual to do the calculation in their head and presumes that they are capable of doing such a calculation.
This section will be submitted to the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) for review, approval, and registration with IANA.
This specification registers the `application/cid` media type specifically for identifying documents conforming to the [=controlled identifier document=] format.
Type name: | application |
Subtype name: | cid |
Required parameters: | None |
Fragment identifier considerations: | As defined in Section [[[#fragment-resolution]]] in the [[[CID]]] specification. |
Encoding considerations: | Resources that use the `application/cid` media type are required to conform to all of the requirements for the `application/json` media type and are therefore subject to the same encoding considerations specified in Section 11 of [[[RFC7159]]]. |
Security considerations: | As defined in Section [[[#security-considerations]]] in the [[[CID]]] specification. |
Contact: | W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group public-vc-wg@w3.org |
This section contains more detailed examples of the concepts introduced in the specification.
This section contains various Multikey examples that might be useful for developers seeking test values.
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGRG5ehnPAmxcf5mDZpv" }
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "z82LkvCwHNreneWpsgPEbV3gu1C6NFJEBg4srfJ5gdxEsMGRJUz2sG9FE42shbn2xkZJh54" }
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6Mkf5rGMoatrSj1f4CyvuHBeXJELe9RPdzo2PKGNCKVtZxP" }
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zUC7EK3ZakmukHhuncwkbySmomv3FmrkmS36E4Ks5rsb6VQSRpoCrx6Hb8e2Nk6UvJFSdyw9NK1scFXJp21gNNYFjVWNgaqyGnkyhtagagCpQb5B7tagJu3HDbjQ8h5ypoHjwBb" }
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123", "verificationMethod": [{ "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-1", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGRG5ehnPAmxcf5mDZpv" }, { "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-2", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6Mkf5rGMoatrSj1f4CyvuHBeXJELe9RPdzo2PKGNCKVtZxP" }, { "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-3", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zUC7EK3ZakmukHhuncwkbySmomv3FmrkmS36E4Ks5rsb6VQSRpoCrx6Hb8e2Nk6UvJFSdyw9NK1scFXJp21gNNYFjVWNgaqyGnkyhtagagCpQb5B7tagJu3HDbjQ8h5ypoHjwBb" }], "authentication": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-1" ], "assertionMethod": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" "https://controller.example/123#key-3" ], "capabilityDelegation": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" ], "capabilityInvocation": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" ] }
{ "id": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "Multikey", "controller": "https://multikey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyMultibase": "zEPJc1vCfbG2aoZn8f3U8ggYRL4ZFfF63ZA3qFSk81WJxnCQr" }
This section contains various JsonWebKey examples that might be useful for developers seeking test values.
{ "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "Ums5WVgwRkRTVVFnU3k5c2xvZllMbEcwM3NPRW91ZzN", "y": "nDQW6XZ7b_u2Sy9slofYLlG03sOEoug3I0aAPQ0exs4" } }
{ "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-384", "x": "VUZKSlUwMGdpSXplekRwODhzX2N4U1BYdHVYWUZsaXVDR25kZ1U0UXA4bDkxeHpE", "y": "jq4QoAHKiIzezDp88s_cxSPXtuXYFliuCGndgU4Qp8l91xzD1spCmFIzQgVjqvcP" } }
{ "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed25519", "x": "VCpo2LMLhn6iWku8MKvSLg2ZAoC-nlOyPVQaO3FxVeQ" } }
{ "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-0", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "BLS12381G2", "x": "Ajs8lstTgoTgXMF6QXdyh3m8k2ixxURGYLMaYylVK_x0F8HhE8zk0YWiGV3CHwpQEa2sH4PBZLaYCn8se-1clmCORDsKxbbw3Js_Alu4OmkV9gmbJsy1YF2rt7Vxzs6S", "y": "BVkkrVEib-P_FMPHNtqxJymP3pV-H8fCdvPkoWInpFfM9tViyqD8JAmwDf64zU2hBV_vvCQ632ScAooEExXuz1IeQH9D2o-uY_dAjZ37YHuRMEyzh8Tq-90JHQvicOqx" } }
{ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/cid/v1", "id": "https://controller.example/123", "verificationMethod": [{ "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-1", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "fyNYMN0976ci7xqiSdag3buk-ZCwgXU4kz9XNkBlNUI", "y": "hW2ojTNfH7Jbi8--CJUo3OCbH3y5n91g-IMA9MLMbTU" } }, { "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-2", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-521", "x": "ASUHPMyichQ0QbHZ9ofNx_l4y7luncn5feKLo3OpJ2nSbZoC7mffolj5uy7s6KSKXFmnNWxGJ42IOrjZ47qqwqyS", "y": "AW9ziIC4ZQQVSNmLlp59yYKrjRY0_VqO-GOIYQ9tYpPraBKUloEId6cI_vynCzlZWZtWpgOM3HPhYEgawQ703RjC" } }, { "id": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123#key-3", "type": "JsonWebKey", "controller": "https://jsonwebkey.example/issuer/123", "publicKeyJwk": { "kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed25519", "x": "_eT7oDCtAC98L31MMx9J0T-w7HR-zuvsY08f9MvKne8" } }], "authentication": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-1" ], "assertionMethod": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" "https://controller.example/123#key-3" ], "capabilityDelegation": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" ], "capabilityInvocation": [ "https://controller.example/123#key-2" ] }
This section contains the substantive changes that have been made to this specification over time.
This specification was created to generalize the [[[?DID-CORE]]] specification to use non-decentralized identifiers and systems, such as HTTPS URLs. As such, much of the content from the [[[?DID-CORE]]] specification was copied into this document and generalized through largely editorial changes. The changes since the [[[?DID-CORE]]] specification are below:
The specification authors would like to thank the contributors to the W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification upon which this work is based.
The Working Group gratefully acknowledges the work that led to the creation of this specification, and extends sincere appreciation to those individuals that worked on technologies and specifications that deeply influenced our work. In particular, this includes the work of Phil Zimmerman, Jon Callas, Lutz Donnerhacke, Hal Finney, David Shaw, and Rodney Thayer on Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) in the 1990s and 2000s.
In the mid-2010s, preliminary implementations of what would become Decentralized Identifiers were built in collaboration with Jeremie Miller's Telehash project and the W3C Web Payments Community Group's work led by Dave Longley and Manu Sporny. Around a year later, the XDI.org Registry Working Group began exploring decentralized technologies for replacing its existing identifier registry. Some of the first written papers exploring the concept of Decentralized Identifiers can be traced back to the first several Rebooting the Web of Trust workshops convened by Christopher Allen. That work led to a key collaboration between Christopher Allen, Drummond Reed, Les Chasen, Manu Sporny, and Anil John. Anil saw promise in the technology and allocated the initial set of government funding to explore the space. Without the support of Anil John and his guidance through the years, it is unlikely that Decentralized Identifiers would be where they are today. Further refinement at the Rebooting the Web of Trust workshops led to the first implementers documentation, edited by Drummond Reed, Les Chasen, Christopher Allen, and Ryan Grant. Contributors included Manu Sporny, Dave Longley, Jason Law, Daniel Hardman, Markus Sabadello, Christian Lundkvist, and Jonathan Endersby. This initial work was then merged into the W3C Credentials Community Group, incubated further, and then transitioned to the W3C Decentralized Identifiers Working Group for global standardization. That work was then used as the basis for this, more generalized and less decentralized, specification.
Portions of the work on this specification have been funded by the United States Department of Homeland Security's (US DHS) Science and Technology Directorate under contracts HSHQDC-16-R00012-H-SB2016-1-002, and HSHQDC-17-C-00019, as well as the US DHS Silicon Valley Innovation Program under contracts 70RSAT20T00000003, 70RSAT20T00000010/P00001, 70RSAT20T00000029, 70RSAT20T00000030, 70RSAT20T00000033, 70RSAT20T00000045, 70RSAT21T00000016/P00001, 70RSAT23T00000005, 70RSAT23C00000030, and 70RSAT23R00000006. The content of this specification does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the U.S. Government and no official endorsement should be inferred.
Portions of the work on this specification have also been funded by the European Union's StandICT.eu program under sub-grantee contract number CALL05/19. The content of this specification does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the European Union and no official endorsement should be inferred.
We would also like to thank the base-x software library contributors and the Bitcoin Core developers who wrote the original code, shared under an MIT License, found in Section [[[#base-encode]]] and Section [[[#base-decode]]].
Work on this specification has also been supported by the Rebooting the Web of Trust community facilitated by Christopher Allen, Shannon Appelcline, Kiara Robles, Brian Weller, Betty Dhamers, Kaliya Young, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Manu Sporny, Drummond Reed, Joe Andrieu, Heather Vescent, Samantha Chase, Andrew Hughes, Erica Connell, Shigeya Suzuki, and Zaïda Rivai. Development of this specification has also been supported by the W3C Credentials Community Group, which has been Chaired by Kim Hamilton Duffy, Joe Andrieu, Christopher Allen, Heather Vescent, and Wayne Chang. The participants in the Internet Identity Workshop, facilitated by Phil Windley, Kaliya Young, Doc Searls, and Heidi Nobantu Saul, also supported this work through numerous working sessions designed to debate, improve, and educate participants about this specification.
The Working Group thanks the following individuals for their contributions to this specification (in alphabetical order, Github handles start with `@` and are sorted as last names): Denis Ah-Kang, Nacho Alamillo, Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu, Antonio, Phil Archer, George Aristy, Baha, Juan Benet, BigBlueHat, Dan Bolser, Chris Boscolo, Pelle Braendgaard, Daniel Buchner, Daniel Burnett, Juan Caballero, @cabo, Tim Cappalli, Melvin Carvalho, David Chadwick, Wayne Chang, Sam Curren, Hai Dang, Tim Daubenschütz, Oskar van Deventer, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Arnaud Durand, Ken Ebert, Veikko Eeva, @ewagner70, Carson Farmer, Nikos Fotiou, Gabe, Gayan, @gimly-jack, @gjgd, Ryan Grant, Peter Grassberger, Adrian Gropper, Amy Guy, Daniel Hardman, Kyle Den Hartog, Philippe Le Hegaret, Ivan Herman, Michael Herman, Alen Horvat, Dave Huseby, Marcel Jackisch, Mike Jones, Andrew Jones, Tom Jones, jonnycrunch, Gregg Kellogg, Michael Klein, @kdenhartog-sybil1, Paul Knowles, @ktobich, David I. Lehn, Charles E. Lehner, Michael Lodder, @mooreT1881, Dave Longley, Tobias Looker, Wolf McNally, Robert Mitwicki, Mircea Nistor, Grant Noble, Mark Nottingham, @oare, Darrell O'Donnell, Vinod Panicker, Dirk Porsche, Praveen, Mike Prorock, @pukkamustard, Drummond Reed, Julian Reschke, Yancy Ribbens, Justin Richer, Rieks, @rknobloch, Mikeal Rogers, Evstifeev Roman, Troy Ronda, Leonard Rosenthol, Michael Ruminer, Markus Sabadello, Cihan Saglam, Samu, Rob Sanderson, Wendy Seltzer, Mehran Shakeri, Jaehoon (Ace) Shim, Samuel Smith, James M Snell, SondreB, Manu Sporny, @ssstolk, Orie Steele, Shigeya Suzuki, Sammotic Switchyarn, @tahpot, Oliver Terbu, Ted Thibodeau Jr., Joel Thorstensson, Tralcan, Henry Tsai, Rod Vagg, Mike Varley, Kaliya "Identity Woman" Young, Eric Welton, Fuqiao Xue, @Yue, Dmitri Zagidulin, @zhanb, and Brent Zundel.