
Agenda: Credible Web CG (13 June 2018 1705 UTC)

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  1. Admin
    1. Chair: Sandro Hawke
    2. Scribe: (next in semi-random rotation), instructions at scribing
    3. Approval of minutes: 30 May
    4. Agenda topics for today
  2. Intros if requested
  3. Event Reports
    1. I Annotate #iannotate (SF Jun 6-7)
    2. #ideme (Private - Harvard Jun 7-8)
    3. #storyscience (Private - Univ Florida Jun 11-12)
    4. …?
  4. Calendar
    1. CG+SubGroup Meetings in upcoming weeks
    2. Consider Misinfocon DC, Aug 6-7. Interesting overlap with AEJMC
    3. Global Fact V - next week in Rome
    4. …? (see related events)
  5. July F2F planning:
    1. Outreach activities / talks / local meetup groups
    2. Hackathon? w/ credco data set?
    3. Dates (?ThuFri Jul 26-27, Mon July 30) date poll
    4. Who will come in person?
    5. Venues
    6. Subgroup balance, agenda topics, breakouts
  6. Planning (and reporting) for subgroup meetings
    1. Inspection (3rd party indicators)
    2. Corroboration (fact checking) - TBD
    3. Reputation - TBD
    4. Transparency (1st party indicators) - TBD
  7. Other Topics