
Design principles

Our consensus about usability, UX and aesthetics

Rationale for decisions is indicated by this icon: 👉

  1. Usability

1. Usability

The layout changes from a narrow, single-column page on “extra small devices (portrait phones, < 576px)” and “small devices (landscape phones, ≥ 576px)” to two columns on “medium devices (tablets, ≥ 768px)” and three columns on “large devices (desktops, ≥ 992px)” and “extra large devices (large desktops, ≥ 1200px)” (see Bootstrap 4.x’s responsive breakpoints).

Depending on the needs and the nature of your page, you can enable or disable certain CSS classes that, when applied to html, will cause some of the main elements to disappear, and the extra space to be used by the rest of elements. So, for example, if your page is simple and short enough that it does not need a navigation bar and a sidebar, you can simply not use one of them (or neither) and ensure that the width available will be used more harmoniously and efficiently by the main content of the page.