MDN is, along with Stack Overflow, a primary tool that web developers around the world rely on every day in their work. As a W3C Developer Advocate, you can support developers by helping to improve MDN content, which in turn helps with bringing visibility on the said technologies, a key first step in getting more direct adoption and feedback.
MDN content is managed in a GitHub repo. So the tasks involved in improving MDN content include:
Write new MDN documentation for features defined in the specifications you’ve taken responsibility for as a W3C Developer Advocate, and raise pull requests in the MDN content repo to get your contributions added to MDN. The README file in the MDN content repo provides detailed guidance on how to make content contributions to MDN.
Monitor the list of open issues in the MDN content repo, looking for any issues related to features from specifications you’ve taken responsibility for as a W3C Developer Advocate. If you find an issue which you’ve got the ability to resolve, post a comment to the issue asking that it be assigned to you, and then create a pull request with an MDN content change that resolves the issue.
Monitor the list of open pull requests in the MDN content repo, looking for any pull requests related to features from specifications you’ve taken responsibility for as a W3C Developer Advocate. If you find a pull request which you’ve got the domain knowledge (technical knowledge) to help review, then review the PR changes, and post a comment.