This document describes the did core test suite, and summarizes the latest test results.
This document is under active development and implementers are advised against using the document unless they are directly involved with the W3C DID Working Group.
The DID Core Specification strives to make no untestable normative statements with [[RFC2119]] Language.
This document attempts to demonstrate that all such language has been tested, and is supported by at least 2 independent implementations.
A test suite is a collection of tests and a json suite configuration file.
{ "name": "test-suite-a", "a": 1, "b": 2 }
let { suiteConfig } = global; if (!suiteConfig) { suiteConfig = require("./defaultSuiteConfig.json"); } describe("test-suite-a", () => { it("suite config should have correct name", async () => { expect("test-suite-a"); }); it("a should be 1", async () => { expect(suiteConfig.a).toBe(1); }); it("b should be 2", async () => { expect(suiteConfig.b).toBe(2); }); });
Test Suites MUST have unique descriptive names.
For the purposes of the DID Core WG, the suite name is assumed to be "did-spec". However, we may choose to add additional test suites, with different names in the future.
Test suites MAY be split into positive and negative cases.
A suite is considered passing when all associated tests are passing.
Normative statements are mapped to one or more tests.
The DID method name MUST be an ASCII lowercase string.
it('The DID method name MUST be an ASCII lowercase string.', () => { const method = did.split(':')[1]; expect(utils.isAsciiString(method)).toBe(true); expect(method.toLowerCase()).toBe(method); });
Tests SHOULD match normative statements in the DID Core.
Tests SHOULD reuse utility functions like
, or decodeBase64UrlToString
In order to run a test suite, a configuration file must be provided for the test file to be run against.
Multiple suites can be run at once.
For the latest version of this file, please see latest did spec suite configuration
{ "name": "did-core-suites", "suites": [ { "suite_name": "did-core-properties" }, { "suite_name": "did-identifier" }, { "suite_name": "did-production" }, { "suite_name": "did-resolution" }, { "suite_name": "did-url-dereferencing" } ] }
Test results are produced by jest, with a post processing filter.
Both console and JSON output are provided.
The member suitesReportTerminal
contains encoded captures
from standard out and error, and can be safely ignored.
{ "suitesReportTerminal": "G1s5OTlEG1tLG1swbRtbN20bWzFtG1szMm0gUEFTUyAbWzM5bRtbMjJtG1syN20bWzBtIBtbMm1zdWl0ZXMvdGVzdC1zdWl0ZS1hLxtbMjJtG1sxbXRlc3Qtc3VpdGUtYS5zcGVjLmpzG1syMm0KICB0ZXN0LXN1aXRlLWEKICAgIBtbMzJt4pyTG1szOW0gG1sybXN1aXRlIGNvbmZpZyBzaG91bGQgaGF2ZSBjb3JyZWN0IG5hbWUgKDEgbXMpG1syMm0KICAgIBtbMzJt4pyTG1szOW0gG1sybWEgc2hvdWxkIGJlIDEbWzIybQogICAgG1szMm3inJMbWzM5bSAbWzJtYiBzaG91bGQgYmUgMhtbMjJtCgobWzk5OUQbW0sbWzFtVGVzdCBTdWl0ZXM6IBtbMjJtG1sxbRtbMzJtMSBwYXNzZWQbWzM5bRtbMjJtLCAxIHRvdGFsChtbMW1UZXN0czogICAgICAgG1syMm0bWzFtG1szMm0zIHBhc3NlZBtbMzltG1syMm0sIDMgdG90YWwKG1sxbVNuYXBzaG90czogICAbWzIybTAgdG90YWwKG1sxbVRpbWU6G1syMm0gICAgICAgIDAuODk5IHMsIGVzdGltYXRlZCAxIHMKG1sybVJhbiBhbGwgdGVzdCBzdWl0ZXMbWzIybRtbMm0uG1syMm0KG1s5OTlEG1tLG1s5OTlEG1tLG1swbRtbN20bWzFtG1szMm0gUEFTUyAbWzM5bRtbMjJtG1syN20bWzBtIBtbMm1zdWl0ZXMvdGVzdC1zdWl0ZS1iLxtbMjJtG1sxbXRlc3Qtc3VpdGUtYi5zcGVjLmpzG1syMm0KICB0ZXN0LXN1aXRlLWIKICAgIBtbMzJt4pyTG1szOW0gG1sybXN1aXRlIGNvbmZpZyBzaG91bGQgaGF2ZSBjb3JyZWN0IG5hbWUbWzIybQogICAgG1szMm3inJMbWzM5bSAbWzJteCBzaG91bGQgYmUgMyAoMSBtcykbWzIybQogICAgG1szMm3inJMbWzM5bSAbWzJteSBzaG91bGQgYmUgNBtbMjJtCgobWzk5OUQbW0sbWzFtVGVzdCBTdWl0ZXM6IBtbMjJtG1sxbRtbMzJtMSBwYXNzZWQbWzM5bRtbMjJtLCAxIHRvdGFsChtbMW1UZXN0czogICAgICAgG1syMm0bWzFtG1szMm0zIHBhc3NlZBtbMzltG1syMm0sIDMgdG90YWwKG1sxbVNuYXBzaG90czogICAbWzIybTAgdG90YWwKG1sxbVRpbWU6G1syMm0gICAgICAgIDAuMTQzIHMsIGVzdGltYXRlZCAxIHMKG1sybVJhbiBhbGwgdGVzdCBzdWl0ZXMbWzIybRtbMm0uG1syMm0KG1swbRtbN20bWzFtG1szMm0gUEFTUyAbWzM5bRtbMjJtG1syN20bWzBtIBtbMm1zdWl0ZXMvaXNzdWVyLWFwaS8bWzIybRtbMW1pc3N1ZXItYXBpLnNwZWMuanMbWzIybQogIGlzc3Vlci1hcGkKICAgIBtbMzJt4pyTG1szOW0gG1sybXN1aXRlIGNvbmZpZyBzaG91bGQgaGF2ZSBjb3JyZWN0IG5hbWUbWzIybQogICAgG1szMm3inJMbWzM5bSAbWzJtZW5kcG9pbnQgbXVzdCBjb250YWluIC9pc3N1ZS9jcmVkZW50aWFscxtbMjJtCiAgICAbWzMybeKckxtbMzltIBtbMm12ZXJpZmljYXRpb25NZXRob2RzIG11c3QgYmUgZ3JlYXRlciB0aGFuIDEgKDEgbXMpG1syMm0KICAgIBtbMzJt4pyTG1szOW0gG1sybWNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIG11c3QgYmUgYXQgbGVhc3QgMRtbMjJtCiAgICAbWzMybeKckxtbMzltIBtbMm1jYW4gaXNzdWUgYWxsIGNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIGZyb20gYWxsIHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbk1ldGhvZHMgKDY0NCBtcykbWzIybQoKG1s5OTlEG1tLG1sxbVRlc3QgU3VpdGVzOiAbWzIybRtbMW0bWzMybTEgcGFzc2VkG1szOW0bWzIybSwgMSB0b3RhbAobWzFtVGVzdHM6ICAgICAgIBtbMjJtG1sxbRtbMzJtNSBwYXNzZWQbWzM5bRtbMjJtLCA1IHRvdGFsChtbMW1TbmFwc2hvdHM6ICAgG1syMm0wIHRvdGFsChtbMW1UaW1lOhtbMjJtICAgICAgICAwLjk3OCBzLCBlc3RpbWF0ZWQgNCBzChtbMm1SYW4gYWxsIHRlc3Qgc3VpdGVzG1syMm0bWzJtLhtbMjJtCg==", "suitesReportJson": [ { "suite": "test-suite-a", "testResults": [ { "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"], "title": "suite config should have correct name", "status": "passed" }, { "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"], "title": "a should be 1", "status": "passed" }, { "ancestors": ["test-suite-a"], "title": "b should be 2", "status": "passed" } ] }, { "suite": "test-suite-b", "testResults": [ { "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"], "title": "suite config should have correct name", "status": "passed" }, { "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"], "title": "x should be 3", "status": "passed" }, { "ancestors": ["test-suite-b"], "title": "y should be 4", "status": "passed" } ] } ] }
Implementation Report is derived by processing the Raw Test Run Result. The Implementation Report on the latest test run is in .
This Implementation Report demonstrates that there are a minimum of two independent implementations of each normative statement in the DID Core Specification, in accordance with the criteria and resolutions set forth by the Decentralized Identifier Working Group and the World Wide Web Consortium.
Numbers in parentheses denote the number of implementations. If the number of implementations is one, the report generator suppresses the number and parentheses "(1)" for readability.
Method | Implementation | Test Suites | ||||
did-core-properties | did-identifier | did-production | did-resolution | did-url-dereferencing | ||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | (58) | (3) | (41) | (65) | (44) (2) |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | (58) | (6) | (48) | ||
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | (58) | (3) | (39) | (20) | (34) (2) |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | (39) | ||||
did:bid | Universal Resolver | (5) (17) | ||||
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | (61) | ||||
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | (4) (39) | ||||
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | (58) | (1) | (43) | (100) | (114) (6) |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | (58) | (1) | (32) | ||
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | (39) | ||||
did:elem | | (58) | (1) | (59) | ||
did:elem | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | (58) | (2) | (34) | (62) | (38) (2) |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | (292) | ||||
did:evan | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:example | Example DID Method | (58) | (6) | (53) | ||
did:example | Example Resolver | (135) | ||||
did:example | Example Dereferencer | (70) (4) | ||||
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | (5) (15) | ||||
did:github | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:icon | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:io | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | (2) (56) | (1) | (46) | (1) (43) | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | (22) | ||||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | (29) | (1) | (34) | ||
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | (29) | (1) | (17) | ||
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | (29) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | (58) | (1) | (46) | ||
did:key | | (406) | (7) | (317) | ||
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | (116) | (2) | (84) | ||
did:key | | (87) | (3) | (24) | (88) | (46) (3) |
did:key | Universal Resolver | (58) | ||||
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | (75) | ||||
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | (116) | (2) | (88) | ||
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | (29) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:knox | Universal Resolver | (39) | ||||
did:knox | Knox Networks | (75) | (141) (8) | |||
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | (29) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:lit | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | (29) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | (58) | (2) | (23) | (56) | (34) (2) |
did:onion | | (29) | (1) | (8) | (35) | (30) (2) |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | (319) | (11) | (88) | (239) | |
did:photon | | (58) | (1) | (38) | ||
did:pkh | | (174) | (6) | (48) | (35) | (30) (2) |
did:polygon | | (29) | (1) | (15) | ||
did:polygon | | (5) (27) | ||||
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | (51) (3) | ||||
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | (58) | (1) | (21) | ||
did:schema | Universal Resolver | (39) | ||||
did:sol | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | (58) | (1) | (42) | ||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | (6) | (95) | (91) (5) | ||
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | (75) | ||||
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | (30) | (3) | (8) | (60) | (57) (3) |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:trust | DID Test Suite | (58) | (1) | (41) | ||
did:trust | Universal Resolver | (39) | ||||
did:tz | | (116) | (4) | (32) | (86) | (30) (2) |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | (58) | (1) (1) | (2) (65) | ||
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | (20) | ||||
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | (58) | (1) | (44) | ||
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | (58) | ||||
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | (29) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | (22) | ||||
did:web | | (116) | (4) | (87) | ||
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | (174) | (4) | (155) | ||
did:web | | (29) | (2) | (8) | (54) | (46) (3) |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | (30) | (1) | (8) | ||
did:web | Universal Resolver | (77) | ||||
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | (75) | (209) (12) | |||
did:web | | (17) (1) | ||||
did:webkey | | (29) | (1) | (8) | (35) | (30) (2) |
did:work | Universal Resolver | (20) |
Note: Report generator shortens longer parameters and replaces them with an ellipsis (…) for readability.
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(100) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json |
(1) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json |
(70) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 33 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did:web | | | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did:webkey | |… | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(3) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN |
(4) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 4 | |||
did:web | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:web | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN |
(3) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:web | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN |
(6) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 6 | |||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:UNKNOWN |
(6) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 7 | |||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:UNKNOWN |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json |
(100) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json |
(102) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 32 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, application/did+json | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:webkey | |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure |, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json |
(548) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=wAAADkMFQkqxaUPB8jGq4ZoJVsaK9Y5M8riM76zugM6d | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=BlockExplorer | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=DIDResolver | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=EncryptedDataVault | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEhuuNT9U2UK5cT6Tmh | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=z6LSgfZQjTYyX6t1GQSeFb6HCDhcAJFk9dN7YBCqtbH1ciHr | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=5mMUjxBBZFnLcPgqe3bSWdn4nUH7TjXaWyy5pxEqeJ94 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=H56xqbGC7egoubPuPP6m386SaBXKRMgDEavDG5QuTKBt | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ge7mFBKiGbSnff1FYnhB2ZNB3mrM96MYwgSbss3wXQA7 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=H56xqbGC7egoubPuPP6m386SaBXKRMgDEavDG5QuTKBt | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=J2wDLnyUNequXyZQqxokf1jbywJSPDU3S3qJYpNrZkip | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=58n2r2RCoToNATgmaXydkLVubhgtceKEcPiv9mxjgDQz | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value= | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020 | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=0x26bF14321004e770E7A8b080b7a526d8eed8b388@eip155:1 | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=04808f0530d0f39b3f71e9258c555666f63d839bb8aa06beb77dbb2b5d81ed7e… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RsaVerificationKey2018 | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=AQAB | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=ybWVtY6n1EgbnnNTwS-MIYg2G5z4rudDdRfnIQ8UIAVbjxngEOyBDn60IyYKBLQ0… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RS256 | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RSA | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNqLkExDamQHERxeB34AMvL | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=z6LSs3jaxeXFPsrBLjhzEezBM3McA7TVU2vrtrDps3j5NFUJ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#linkeddomains | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=EC | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=secp256k1 | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=luvLmmlG44VfqluhXwIjSuT1TL1sE_11gCDek2Pmuio | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=tYDJZaiX7A7krvcapAgKJF67zz5JS1wn4FucjkOdQEo | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=GetSchemaService | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=BlockchainVerificationMethod2021 | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=0x06eb48572a2ef9a3b230d69ca731330793b65bdc@eip155:1 | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=EC | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=P-256 | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=igrFmi0whuihKnj9R3Om1SoMph72wUGeFaBbzG2vzns | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=efsX5b10x8yjyrj4ny3pGfLcY7Xby1KzgqOdqnsrJIM | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value= | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value= | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=EC | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=P-384 | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=lInTxl8fjLKp_UCrxI0WDklahi-7-_6JbtiHjiRvMvhedhKVdHBfi2HCY8t_QJyc | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=y6N1IC-2mXxHreETBW7K3mBcw0qGr3CWHCs-yl09yCQRLcyfGv7XhqAngHOu51Zv | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value= | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value= | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
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did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=T70vcG-qIY4VNvS9LOJZsLs8dA31gyGmab7Ta_WE6N8 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=OKP | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=n_BSOLvzjAHUCrkGLrz3VJsU6YygQr9k-59K6LxHcO0 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=X25519 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=OKP | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=bjhrdjJ-2n-XWaaJRFbOcqZQ5koJ58Ldql7Fj94auFU | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#resolver-0 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=Resolver | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=B12NYF8RrR3h41TDCTJojY59usg3mbtbjnFs7Eud1Y6u | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=JhNWeSVLMYccCk7iopQW4guaSJTojqpMEELgSLhKwRr | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value= | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=Bls12381G2Key2020 | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=26kzHLo5a6sa6ZmyUsgGcJKo6ATCRosLKUqDXwpc31gXc6puDvPwBgke83dji5eg… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value= | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=DPVUftknVeH6pndT81shhT1dtqNALTbzk9J3NDZEdZP1 | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=5j8n1udfzW5X6cYnk15pi5e1Xo3sPJd9SVUukvGzVjCq | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=Bls12381G1Key2020 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=6RC6BhU93EFEbdqBE43KTmeTraiTLw6ukAFJH3sTavrzpKfFAXKxKKud4cy2KeDL… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=Bls12381G2Key2020 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=25TLkGwTeWqQZ1mVpJCzRPFUvvs1y3o9EeDUNE19S65uVkSubBf3cHDxa7wXG5TS… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=#g1 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=EC | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=BLS12381_G1 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=hxF12gtsn9ju4-kJq2-nUjZQKVVWpcBAYX5VHnUZMDilClZsGuOaDjlXS8pFE1GG | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=EC | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=BLS12381_G2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=l4MeBsn_OGa2OEDtHeHdq0TBC8sYh6QwoI7QsNtZk9oAru1OnGClaAPlMbvvs73E… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=https://kyledenhartog/context/doggoservice | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=#signingKey | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=AywtfWyMWRTokKnnwLChyCDMM32sbLzcGFxuuxKtwmxH | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=trJuKT83nv2FruwDkmMD5945R1syU5sCDiLm4kr2mTj | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=/pathHandshakeKey | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=did:key:z6MkuQCtdrrbS1iyN1MXJgUxNtZv4Qi5… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=5YLjenFRbMKCHV9HsFWhYbmxUnVnuEQxREwYvmRcLpX7 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=did:key:z6MkuQCtdrrbS1iyN1MXJgUxNtZv4Qi5… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=Fwwr3ccA6UEWFWWpd7X7Xo1vEqSDw8Zj56fKw1q2FBjq | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=/pathHandshakeKey | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=DogPicService | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value= | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value= | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=7Lnm1evgNdC3VNWRea5kMHqMWKDNzTbFjPLV4rtCbPHjDP29xQu58dgS5DRk9kaV… | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f… | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:70a40d1680b648ae8c77959a6a28d365 | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=m82ogFXXXP/V17+8muZyd6h0sH4Q6SiTBCUl3/VatWAE | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=Secp256k1VerificationKey2018 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=EC | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=secp256k1 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=Ou6y1zrJBeVnpV739kcTyez7RmQZFYg3F9bWGm6V5dQ | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=jOq6B8CsOxoXj-WXAGY28PH0Ype1x6bnOB6_YOo3lK0 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=z8sdBpaoefmAi7iFbY96ZkP1ff9VoRSRTJs4NQEyLfunH | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=AlgorandExternalService | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=algo-address | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=0.1.0 | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=GZAURFQR7VRUL2TRVMUJ3G3IGFYSFXBWHBFFQBEITXWDLFVVHTICFNY2LE | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=ALGO | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=testnet | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXfUY7oVWkYsWCo7fztHtepn | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value= | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=fef2823c7d237bd094d633a1765d5896b0f442481a997da2f83d7a928ddce7e6… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4e2d46658293c | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value= | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=2021-05-17T09:21:38.612Z | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(183) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=,… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=,,https… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=,[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=,… | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | |,,… | |
did:web | |,,… | |
did:web | |, value=,… | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=,… | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=,… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=,[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=,https://kyledenhartog/context/doggo… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,[ob… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,/… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=,… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=,… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(183) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=,… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=,,https… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=,[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=,… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=,… | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | |,,… | |
did:web | |,,… | |
did:web | |, value=,… | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=,… | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=,… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=,… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value= | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=,[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=,https://kyledenhartog/context/doggo… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,[ob… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |,,/… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=,… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=,… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(104) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object] | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | |, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |…, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=[object Object] | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] |
(0) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 0 | |||
At least two independent and conforming implementations do not exist for the following feature: 6.2.1 JSON Production - datetime: A JSON String serialized as an XML Datetime normalized to UTC 00:00:00 and without sub-second decimal precision. |
(2) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:web | |, value=4.5 | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=4.5 |
(0) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 0 | |||
At least two independent and conforming implementations do not exist for the following feature: 6.2.1 JSON Production - integer: A JSON Number without a decimal or fractional component. |
(3) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=true | |
did:web | |, value=true | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=true |
(2) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:web | |, value=null | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |, value=null |
(35) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(35) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:is | DID IS Test Suite | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did:jnctn | DID JNCTN Test Suite | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(66) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 29 | |||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did:web | | | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did:webkey | |… | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(66) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 29 | |||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did:web | | | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did:webkey | |… | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(66) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 29 | |||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did:web | | | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did:webkey | |… | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(66) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 29 | |||
did:key | did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite) | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:kilt | DID Test Suite | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did:trust | DID Test Suite | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did:v1 | did-veres-one (2021) | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did:monid | did-method-monid (2021 lx tech) | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did:vaa | DID VAA Test Suite | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did:lit | did-lit (2021) | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did:schema | @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did:key | | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did:key | | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did:key | | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did:key | | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did:web | | | |
did:web | | | |
did:photon | | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did:elem | | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did:sov | MATTR Internal Libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries |… | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:web | MATTR Internal Libraries | | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did:web | | | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did:webkey | |… | |
did:web | Evernym DID infrastructure | | |
did:ebsi | EBSI libraries and APIs | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did:algo | DID Algo Test Suite | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did:knox | Knox Networks DID Method | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did:unisot | @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… |
(50) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:web | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:web | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:tz | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:onion | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:pkh | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:webkey | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:polygon | | did:UNKNOWN | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:UNKNOWN |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(283) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(138) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(47) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 16 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(47) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 16 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(47) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 16 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(138) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(141) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 18 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(12) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 4 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(14) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 5 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(89) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(92) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(84) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 9 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(84) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 9 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(89) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ace | Universal Resolver | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bba | Universal Resolver | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ebsi | Universal Resolver | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:elem | Universal Resolver | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:emtrust | Universal Resolver | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ethr | Universal Resolver | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:evan | Universal Resolver | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:github | Universal Resolver | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:hcr | Universal Resolver | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:icon | Universal Resolver | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:io | Universal Resolver | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:jolo | Universal Resolver | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:key | Universal Resolver | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:kilt | Universal Resolver | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:lit | Universal Resolver | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:mpg | Universal Resolver | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:nacl | Universal Resolver | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ont | Universal Resolver | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:schema | Universal Resolver | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sol | Universal Resolver | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:stack | Universal Resolver | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:trust | Universal Resolver | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:unisot | Universal Resolver | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:v1 | Universal Resolver | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:web | Universal Resolver |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:work | Universal Resolver | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:knox | Universal Resolver | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:gatc | Universal Resolver | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:polygon | | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(4) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(0) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 1 | |||
At least two independent and conforming implementations do not exist for the following feature: 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has not been deactivated, this property is OPTIONAL, but if included, MUST have the boolean value false. | |||
did:btcr | Universal Resolver | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(12) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(12) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:ion | Universal Resolver | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(10) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 4 | |||
did:vaa | Universal Resolver | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:ccp | Universal Resolver | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did:bid | Universal Resolver | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes |
(15) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 6 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome |
(7) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 5 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome |
(7) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 5 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | MATTR internal libraries | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | MATTR internal libraries | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome |
(13) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(13) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:orb | DID Orb Test Suite | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ion | DID ION Test Suite | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(64) |
Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(127) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(5) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(5) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(46) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 10 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(46) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 10 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(47) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(63) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 17 | |||
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ethr | ethr-did-resolver | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:nft | @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:web | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:tz | | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:onion | | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:pkh | | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:webkey | |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:art | ArtracID DID Method | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(8) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(3) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 2 | |||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(8) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 3 | |||
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:3 | @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:ssb | ssb-did-resolver | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
(20) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 7 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:polygon | polygon-did-dereferencer | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(5) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 5 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:key | | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome |
(12) | Method | Implementation | Parameters |
Total implementations: 5 | |||
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:sov | Universal Resolver | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | MATTR internal libraries | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:web | |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:cheqd | cheqd DID Method | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did:knox | Knox Networks | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome |
Note: Report generator shortens longer parameters and replaces them with an ellipsis (…) for readability.
Total Implementations for did:3 : 1
Implementation: @ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolver
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=eHTnoNWU5ifdTsRoxGi4t13N7xTJx2EZt2dSbm5jeEMN | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, value=5krYs5YM6NX7VPaJ6WdxbJzsLrRAigLEfG2BzeDTJQQN | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, application/did+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ace : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ace:0xf81c16a78b257c10fddf87ed4324d4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:algo : 1
Implementation: DID Algo Test Suite
(111) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - hl - If present, the associated value MUS… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - relativeRef - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated valu… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=z8sdBpaoefmAi7iFbY96ZkP1ff9VoRSRTJs4NQEyLfunH | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=AlgorandExternalService | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=algo-address | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=0.1.0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=GZAURFQR7VRUL2TRVMUJ3G3IGFYSFXBWHBFFQBEITXWDLFVVHTICFNY2LE | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=ALGO | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, value=testnet | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:algo:56da1708-eead-4e2d-9558-f53d6840…, application/did+ld+json |
Total Implementations for did:art : 1
Implementation: ArtracID DID Method
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=fef2823c7d237bd094d633a1765d5896b0f442481a997da2f83d7a928ddce7e6… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4e2d46658293c | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:art:enq:f045c5c7d50145b65ca2702c38b4…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:bba : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:bba:47ef0798566073ea302b8178943aaa83…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:bba:t:45e6df15dc0a7d91dcccd24fda3b52…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:bid : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(16) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:bid:sfUt7GMaqhWTByMcYscXvqr5brc3fLEV, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:btcr : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(60) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has been de… | did:btcr:x705-jznz-q3nl-srs, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has been de… | did:btcr:xz35-jznz-q9yu-ply, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has not bee… | did:btcr:xkrn-xz7q-qsye-28p, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ccp : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ccp:3CzQLF3qfFVQ1CjGVzVRZaFXrjAd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ccp:ceNobbK6Me9F5zwyE3MKY88QZLw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:cheqd : 1
Implementation: cheqd DID Method
(6) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXfUY7oVWkYsWCo7fztHtepn | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:cheqd:mainnet:zF7rhDBfUt9d1gJPjx7s1JXf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ebsi : 2
Implementation: EBSI libraries and APIs
(90) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=Secp256k1VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=secp256k1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=Ou6y1zrJBeVnpV739kcTyez7RmQZFYg3F9bWGm6V5dQ | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=jOq6B8CsOxoXj-WXAGY28PH0Ype1x6bnOB6_YOo3lK0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, value=did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m#keys-1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, application/did+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ebsi:znHeZWvhAK2FK2Dk1jXNe7m, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:elem : 2
(117) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=Ed25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=T70vcG-qIY4VNvS9LOJZsLs8dA31gyGmab7Ta_WE6N8 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=n_BSOLvzjAHUCrkGLrz3VJsU6YygQr9k-59K6LxHcO0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=X25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=bjhrdjJ-2n-XWaaJRFbOcqZQ5koJ58Ldql7Fj94auFU | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6MkqDbQmpZ825F8H6cBAqR8PUnZrcA2ykdtZ61iDwvM5pDS | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#z6LSj6RuiS4C2jG3oSRPatA92LFfjqbAj1tVC9D3sKXRtKK2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=#resolver-0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value=Resolver | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:elem:ropsten:EiBVk9F3eLf2u9xwLJ91-vTI…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:elem:ropsten:EiAS3mqC4OLMKOwcz3ItIL7X…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:emtrust : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:emtrust:0x242a5ac36676462bd58a, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ethr : 2
Implementation: ethr-did-resolver
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=0x26bF14321004e770E7A8b080b7a526d8eed8b388@eip155:1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=04808f0530d0f39b3f71e9258c555666f63d839bb8aa06beb77dbb2b5d81ed7e… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, value=did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, application/did+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(291) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x1:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x1:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x1e:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b96028…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:0x4:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:mainnet:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:rsk:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ethr:rsk:0x3b0BC51Ab9De1e5B7B6E34E5b9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:0x26bf14321004e770e7a8b080b7a526…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:0x4:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ethr:rinkeby:0x03fdd57adec3d438ea237f…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:evan : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:evan:testcore:0x126E901F6F408f5E260d9…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:example : 3
Implementation: Example DID Method
Implementation: Example Resolver
(134) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:333, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:555, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:666, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:example:777, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has been de… | did:example:444, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:example:111, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Example Dereferencer
(4) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example:222, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example:222#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome |
Total Implementations for did:gatc : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(14) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:gatc:2xtSori9UQZdTqzxrkp7zqKM4Kj5B4C7, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:github : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:github:gjgd, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:hcr : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:hcr:0f674e7e-4b49-4898-85f6-96176c1e…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:icon : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:icon:02:6f7a00a29deb82cb36d501d687c18…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:io : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:io:0x476c81C27036D05cB5ebfe30ae58C2…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ion : 2
Implementation: DID ION Test Suite
(145) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=,[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=,[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#linkeddomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=secp256k1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=luvLmmlG44VfqluhXwIjSuT1TL1sE_11gCDek2Pmuio | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=tYDJZaiX7A7krvcapAgKJF67zz5JS1wn4FucjkOdQEo | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, value=#sig_064bebcc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has been de… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ion:EiCUAQbYJzzCY1zL8KYmTu8MxCkFwG_c…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(21) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:ion:EiClkZMDxPKqC9c-umQfTkR8vvZ9JPhl…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:is : 1
Implementation: DID IS Test Suite
(63) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=wAAADkMFQkqxaUPB8jGq4ZoJVsaK9Y5M8riM76zugM6d | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=BlockExplorer | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=DIDResolver | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=EncryptedDataVault | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, value=did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:is:PMW1Ks7h4brpN8FdDVLwhPDKJ7LdA7mV…, application/did+json |
Total Implementations for did:jnctn : 1
Implementation: DID JNCTN Test Suite
(46) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=did:jnctn:70a40d1680b648ae8c77959a6a28d365 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=m82ogFXXXP/V17+8muZyd6h0sH4Q6SiTBCUl3/VatWAE | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, value=#key-0 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:jnctn:187c4af8932a444a9e9503fb96cb672f, application/did+json |
Total Implementations for did:jolo : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:jolo:e76fb4b4900e43891f613066b9afca36…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:key : 7
Implementation: did-method-key-js (2018 cryptosuite)
(37) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: did-method-key-js (2020 cryptosuite)
(104) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEhuuNT9U2UK5cT6Tmh | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, value=z6LSgfZQjTYyX6t1GQSeFb6HCDhcAJFk9dN7YBCqtbH1ciHr | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MktZw8HgaRUoG8S9asnmDKQL458uEh…, application/did+ld+json |
(729) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=P-256 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=igrFmi0whuihKnj9R3Om1SoMph72wUGeFaBbzG2vzns | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=efsX5b10x8yjyrj4ny3pGfLcY7Xby1KzgqOdqnsrJIM | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value=did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=P-384 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=lInTxl8fjLKp_UCrxI0WDklahi-7-_6JbtiHjiRvMvhedhKVdHBfi2HCY8t_QJyc | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=y6N1IC-2mXxHreETBW7K3mBcw0qGr3CWHCs-yl09yCQRLcyfGv7XhqAngHOu51Zv | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value=did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=P-521 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=ASUHPMyichQ0QbHZ9ofNx_l4y7luncn5feKLo3OpJ2nSbZoC7mffolj5uy7s6KSK… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=AW9ziIC4ZQQVSNmLlp59yYKrjRY0_VqO-GOIYQ9tYpPraBKUloEId6cI_vynCzlZ… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value=did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=Ed25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=SWrDALtLXSCUxYvTEeA13SmrFLnmafhii1K37sek87E | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=X25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=IrL8CkN2Y5xd2y8yfaNz0oRrOw1ODWRqITQVHbI7OGY | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value=did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=X25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=m38ETAq1rtY55eEUn18LmDlE6iTOwdQimBmvjHqQdGk | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value=#z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72WtPE6eFjGXrA4mPcCp | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=secp256k1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=-KRuXkZFMDi7K1-JcJ_SK0-sWrl08V45nl6LcdW-WPw | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=qKBWMjrqZVPTw8P8lMjMdod5NCU1Dqfi0OXc01fCNv8 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value=#zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmVWdx2rNmQCRR58Sfpf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=BLS12381_G1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=hCEgLlaQ10tTuxx0ruCw-8YOulQmVMJIHLMZibWfEJ1siLP_EMeiuVxM7ZAfmVjM | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#zUC76oqhLuUtTvCxSNr5tFtRkUP1E4Bt6YFhfxDytdqnoaVwRcHKFeLWS49NCc2… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=BLS12381_G2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=kRAYzbjxTEZ218kMOlo3So5xGNaEkt3xR8CusAesu0SnLiR7eFlC2tHYvrlSUMkK… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#zUC76oqhLuUtTvCxSNr5tFtRkUP1E4Bt6YFhfxDytdqnoaVwRcHKFeLWS49NCc2… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#zUC76oqhLuUtTvCxSNr5tFtRkUP1E4Bt6YFhfxDytdqnoaVwRcHKFeLWS49NCc2… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#zUC76oqhLuUtTvCxSNr5tFtRkUP1E4Bt6YFhfxDytdqnoaVwRcHKFeLWS49NCc2… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#z3tEEkUHZEKkvEJd7o2VSWPC1SVug3qLs9vAtGPQYAvn4zbkXPPdiwNzsE6Mssy… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value=#zUC76oqhLuUtTvCxSNr5tFtRkUP1E4Bt6YFhfxDytdqnoaVwRcHKFeLWS49NCc2… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zDnaerx9CtbPJ1q36T5Ln5wYt3MQYeGR…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z82Lm1MpAkeJcix9K8TMiLd5NMAhnwkj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z2J9gaYxrKVpdoG9A4gRnmpnRCcxU6ag…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkjPrEBMHGuJubLZ5HWf2jBreAuh7o…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6LSn9Ah7d33uokFv2pg66BMN5UY72Wt…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zQ3shwNhfEjorJrrKpqvBvNRV35NfGmV…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z5TcCQtximJCYYLLmpUhydMUfyppwqQF…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: MATTR Internal Libraries
(201) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=B12NYF8RrR3h41TDCTJojY59usg3mbtbjnFs7Eud1Y6u | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, value=JhNWeSVLMYccCk7iopQW4guaSJTojqpMEELgSLhKwRr | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=Bls12381G2Key2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=26kzHLo5a6sa6ZmyUsgGcJKo6ATCRosLKUqDXwpc31gXc6puDvPwBgke83dji5eg… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, value=did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zUC7LbYAQUjoTVSJyieL3cxpbdA1QjWd…, application/did+json |
(3) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key;invalid, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:UNKNOWN, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zDnaerDaTF5BXEavCrfRZEk316dpbLsf…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:key:zQ3shokFTS3brHcDQrn82RUDfCZESWL1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(57) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6Mkfriq1MqLBoPWecGoDLjguo1sB9br…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MksQ35B5bwZDQq4QKuhQW2Sv6dcqwg…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: MATTR internal libraries
(74) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:kilt : 2
Implementation: DID Test Suite
(205) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=5mMUjxBBZFnLcPgqe3bSWdn4nUH7TjXaWyy5pxEqeJ94 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:04pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=H56xqbGC7egoubPuPP6m386SaBXKRMgDEavDG5QuTKBt | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#authentication | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#key-agreement | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ge7mFBKiGbSnff1FYnhB2ZNB3mrM96MYwgSbss3wXQA7 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=H56xqbGC7egoubPuPP6m386SaBXKRMgDEavDG5QuTKBt | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=J2wDLnyUNequXyZQqxokf1jbywJSPDU3S3qJYpNrZkip | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=58n2r2RCoToNATgmaXydkLVubhgtceKEcPiv9mxjgDQz | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#616E893F2072B3D6D97BEC9435D4F70CF1B4C37AFD94B3AFCFEA2D27A02C4B4… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#8AD637DDBB173FB4435436B75F4BF000A826CCD5028BCFBB140D75FEF976D49… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#04BF24DE3573B594B06CEFFE2EF3199322CC5069974789F802655D0CB64E80F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=#B49EB6CC5035440DD62C638DDE13A4D80FD885EE2106D71E19272D49C980741… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=did:kilt:14pWtccdDcdCJhXJnyqJHL3kk2u3oPyh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value=LinkedDomains | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:kilt:04siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:kilt:14siJtc4dYq2gPre8Xj6KJcSjVAdi1gm…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:kilt:5CqJa4Ct7oMeMESzehTiN9fwYdGLd7tq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:knox : 3
Implementation: Knox Networks DID Method
(37) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox:zpbk7KanoqudXQ3H84fmDjpAhLGQLry3…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Knox Networks
(8) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:knox:z2BgV8eWjwoQLKJeZqYqKmNozD9PqRTi…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:lit : 2
Implementation: did-lit (2021)
(37) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:lit:AEZ87t1bi5bRxmVh3ksMUi, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:monid : 1
Implementation: did-method-monid (2021 lx tech)
(37) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:monid:1fb352353ff51248c5104b407f9c04c3…, application/did+ld+json |
Total Implementations for did:mpg : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:mpg:7PGGnRdvKKFftSXU3Jw75Vk5npfg, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:nacl : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:nacl:Md8JiMIwsapml_FtQ2ngnGftNP5UmVCA…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:nft : 1
Implementation: @ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:key:z6MkpTHR8VNsBxYAAWHut2Geadd9jSwu… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=BlockchainVerificationMethod2021 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, value=0x06eb48572a2ef9a3b230d69ca731330793b65bdc@eip155:1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw145m7jxh4jpa6iw1ps3jc…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:nft:eip155.1_erc721.0xb300a43751601b…, application/did+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:onion : 1
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:onion:fscst5exmlmr262byztwz4kzhggjlzum…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ont : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ont:AN5g6gz9EoQ3sCNu7514GEghZurrktCM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:orb : 1
Implementation: DID Orb Test Suite
(656) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - A canonicalId value … | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - canonicalId - The value of canonic… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - deactivated - If a DID has been de… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - Each equivalentId D… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - equivalentId - The value of equiva… | did:orb:interim:EiDQF58KdqxovQinUrhplB8P…, expected outcome: deactivatedOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:interim:EiDHdXhNm7LuCqxo4JvAwKYK…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:bafkreiazah4qrybzyapmrmk2dhldz24…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:bafkreihp4inweep4py7gw4j7hej5mql…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:bafkreibcsubh3ifub7gletz27hcdyhw…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:webcas:testnet.orb.local:bafkrei…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:interim:EiCYgffdSsqLTXT6PRYLPr6v…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:ipfs:bafkreiacr3ga6zilvzatpcixq5…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfX6CHk7AC43Xq9iFK9XzgH3a7…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmS4ZME5uEPtQ2DFDwhSZYtLxzF…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:ipfs:QmfJFePqcopDUYttpvWgec9LKeJ…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:orb:interim:EiAQ1HmY03Cx4OMhiuYHl8q-…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:photon : 1
(96) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=Ed25519 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=_iyHcWPZflxZovcXRO_SWawUXeCKzuEJOD0MXqIlWjg | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=OKP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#z6MkwZSywDMhLgEwQaGzra4bkJewZN4gE5pQ9yQGo5D6JGCf | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=#b80a7445-b41b-4838-8d56-ad7aba4b56a8 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=ExampleIntegrityLink | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value=hl:zQmWX17Q37KM1SndX3SqtuNDGzMTYtuiaJJswEXmZwH29Kb | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:photon:EiDS68FUZqv0da57WLI_t9Gl5TYGNxvW…, application/did+ld+json |
Total Implementations for did:pkh : 1
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYiz…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b865…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvG…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYj…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:pkh:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:polygon : 3
(44) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, value=7Lnm1evgNdC3VNWRea5kMHqMWKDNzTbFjPLV4rtCbPHjDP29xQu58dgS5DRk9kaV… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, application/did+json |
(26) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: polygon-did-dereferencer
(3) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:polygon_3:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:polygon:0xBCFdE12C425E4CbDb45226Fe51F89F…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
Total Implementations for did:schema : 2
Implementation: @51nodes/decentralized-schema-registry
(79) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=GetSchemaService | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, value=… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:schema:public-ipfs:xsd:QmUQAxKQ5sbWWrcB…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:schema:evan-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXKwZ…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:schema:public-ipfs:json-schema:Qma2beXK…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:sol : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sol:ygGfLvAyuRymPNv2fJDK1ZMpdy59m8cV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:sov : 3
Implementation: MATTR Internal Libraries
(100) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=DPVUftknVeH6pndT81shhT1dtqNALTbzk9J3NDZEdZP1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, value=5j8n1udfzW5X6cYnk15pi5e1Xo3sPJd9SVUukvGzVjCq | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:sov:mattr-dev:3WhAjtBidfhGbiAyNQBxPP, application/did+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(5) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - hl - If present, the associated value MUS… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - relativeRef - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated valu… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:danube:_$::, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-1#key…, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:sov:WRfXPg8dantKVubE3HX8pw#key-3, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:sov:0000000000000000000000, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: MATTR internal libraries
(74) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:mattr-dev::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:mattr-dev:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:sov:mattr-dev:AtqJRqFVNaxoh8acCLGA9e, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:ssb : 1
Implementation: ssb-did-resolver
(3) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionId - If present, the associated va… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.3 Also Known As - The alsoKnownAs property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextUpdate - The value of the prop… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - nextVersionId - The value of the p… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:6RpN4Ztw3jLwzQtHl8XpnnR5…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - versionId - The value of the prope… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:ssb:ed25519:f_6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulD…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:stack : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:stack:v0:16EMaNw3pkn3v6f2BgnSSs53zAKH4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:trust : 2
Implementation: DID Test Suite
(99) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=true | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RsaVerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=AQAB | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=ybWVtY6n1EgbnnNTwS-MIYg2G5z4rudDdRfnIQ8UIAVbjxngEOyBDn60IyYKBLQ0… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RS256 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=RSA | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=verify | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, value=did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:trust:tc:dev:id:GvMM3dpmWH6mRhGK88Ykdh, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(38) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:trust:cert.EiDi8NEZVyvqmHeWRB5kUagWo3s…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:trust:license.EiBdAy5GeNr9qcVQ-40fOwMV…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:tz : 1
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:tz:delphinet:tz1WvvbEGpBXGeTVbLiR6D…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:tz:tz1YwA1FwpgLtc1G8DKbbZ6e6PTb1dQM…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7Bq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDb…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:unisot : 2
Implementation: @unisot/unisot-did-resolverer
(123) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - versionTime - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=2021-05-17T09:21:38.612Z | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, value=did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:unisot:test:mtF5XVLJvXEeffY8fo2eUfpXqs9…, application/did+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:unisot:n1aAmTXAg4o44Z9k8YCQncEY91r3TV7W…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:v1 : 2
Implementation: did-veres-one (2021)
(102) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=,,https… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=,,https… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNqLkExDamQHERxeB34AMvL | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, value=z6LSs3jaxeXFPsrBLjhzEezBM3McA7TVU2vrtrDps3j5NFUJ | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq… | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkh18zyRvTikTTYwi3p4S8kQNq…, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(57) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:v1:nym:z6Mkmpe2DyE4NsDiAb58d75hpi1B…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkgF4uJbLMoUin2uKaBf4…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:v1:test:nym:z6MkmWLiAt5FtfwgFJwMDGS…, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:vaa : 2
Implementation: DID VAA Test Suite
(37) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… | did:vaa:2H9XwzRXZ1o5ZwSoYDEZn24eHXcQ, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(21) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - created - The value of the propert… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.3 DID Document Metadata - updated - The value of the propert… | did:vaa:3wJVWDQWtDFx27FqvSqyo5xsTsxC, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:web : 7
(206) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - relativeRef - If present, the associated … | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated valu… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean. |, value=true | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - double: A JSON Number with a decimal and… |, value=4.5 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - null: A JSON null literal. |, value=null | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#g1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=BLS12381_G1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=hxF12gtsn9ju4-kJq2-nUjZQKVVWpcBAYX5VHnUZMDilClZsGuOaDjlXS8pFE1GG | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=BLS12381_G2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=l4MeBsn_OGa2OEDtHeHdq0TBC8sYh6QwoI7QsNtZk9oAru1OnGClaAPlMbvvs73E… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=PgpVerificationKey2021 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: OpenPGP.js v4.10.9 Comment: xsBNBGAEy9sBCADPgG2ZN1sHM2UC6etMd+z94h41AJJT+ve1YX3QWuo0ZZlh ktRRRPCZDWY2L4hL1IyqlWcFj8DPf5WLMEUPwJm7LGoUHZ5E+UKiP+0YYUEx V+mdD/SHx+DXV6Ji6/oU12SMlfQivFHsCzqRj8unFpp4YB4aqMPaVw4DNxx6 fejnkOlIHQivvUxhIUUJPU/A7R+tQurahfMaV94JW8h0ux8zEEadLqYqKP21 IMA+tSDLWj96hhWhBUu4Z1EZakTIEyTV0LniNCOn+o8hlgX5rZP6Z/lvRcoW mmHmQ+RTwLy3Uu4B8qWfxNe/X3a9jwcVrDtH1nlFiZbvgl2oK1m9wzxVABEB AAHNJWxkcy1wZ3AyMDIxIDxsZHMtcGdwMjAyMUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbT7CwKUE EwEIADgWIQRP1AF9YYj/m08HKZ4C/szWMG8pnAUCYATL2wIbAwULCQgHAgYV CgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAhCRAC/szWMG8pnBYhBE/UAX1hiP+bTwcpngL+ zNYwbymc7bsH/2VGeS98UuZgSaTZknBiRF+EYGtSqNXQ4CWiRkN+W/5gQwcd 2XjoZtW3rP4u8RlQACSXJk+GsDOGL3nbjZ6MnoLdLT2Q4dsoqIQOIiiZFZHm f4hcKAQFnpK6bDbG8wX6URQLaMc8QEnKiT4jU2N65WRXsSWaA1wQ2cpZuvSg cUlXFaoRiEq8X2PekYoTaSJYtE5LgnHHE/m7+nUK8mltjZaACPFpQd0ScKv3 s/AfJb4pLvvUZasXoTX7pKSMujDn66qNuoT1wGIKKAq86w2tQi1Z9+f2JaMU SjvGQ0+gOeMK19XVvmOIkTpBKmndQ+Wb2BTdWtiTYy6mr4PHHIwRQUjOwE0E YATL2wEIANwobd+bGmq64aLPgzMuYxsTEd/nictChfPEpBAZDY13ghng6Eds NEeZHiCRI9VaIyJBLfzv1YvP8NeSaX3HVequjCfIXudOmsSBWg0q8Sj4IXcN KbBC9LP/KbEnOcUasOu0gWLESUuQ+XBWhSkDBPesD26V/u/uvImk/6SkyNcj 0fUzTLt0ci1lTXVi1DOXMnvN/FnR7mp6xi2iLCzSKZK2dTKGJyQZlT1Su7X1 k2IY61rQpuRsmePD3hYhaV92ZQgtTNqc8xsWOPsKW5VhZ/m2UgTg2yFPVyi9 zkxiBm7GFDVmKbtUSuxKt53pvx0p1dOM4p5x4bBQXkaZYTUESn0AEQEAAcLA jQQYAQgAIBYhBE/UAX1hiP+bTwcpngL+zNYwbymcBQJgBMvbAhsMACEJEAL+ zNYwbymcFiEET9QBfWGI/5tPBymeAv7M1jBvKZxZdggArsGwTgOzAjC+/KPF nod6Fu2kMTGM/kelM1TzvTOFJTb2bgQiMDKvHhYjQMgSmtkws0vQQbd7O5K+ zwuCL4h7wiwFQswsBdIP3SBLZh8bLGiUUp+WvBOELL1dnFN98p78UY4OhHTd jSSzf0/Af7GV+pHxnAZd3x4oM2+JRz7asJKroEyeQhaZWpDpXJ0hI46k9nG8 7Gs4Cp2WhrGOyen66xQoD4CHkWGc+/2FmLk/sINPTYmOqB7o9/Pcfeb+NH3G 5sA/hlG+NMC3YfJaDcwX2FnqcpTSYL2bFeWOj65wAQp+9KUSNe8EveDvLO4x MRLParJJyd26xMp7bMKFpjlxCA== =NL+O -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#github | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=RawGitHubUserContent | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+ld+json |
Implementation: MATTR Internal Libraries
(332) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… |… | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - hl - If present, the associated value MUS… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |…, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+json | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… |… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - All entries of a DID document MUST be in… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - boolean: A JSON Boolean. |, value=true | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - double: A JSON Number with a decimal and… |, value=4.5 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=,[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=,https://kyledenhartog/context/doggo… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,[ob… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |,,/… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - list: A JSON Array, where each element o… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |…, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - map: A JSON Object, where each entry is … |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - null: A JSON null literal. |, value=null | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |…, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |…, value=#g1,#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=,[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=,https://kyledenhartog/context/doggo… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,[ob… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |,,/… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - set: A JSON Array, where each element of… |, value=[object Object] | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=Bls12381G1Key2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=6RC6BhU93EFEbdqBE43KTmeTraiTLw6ukAFJH3sTavrzpKfFAXKxKKud4cy2KeDL… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=Bls12381G2Key2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=25TLkGwTeWqQZ1mVpJCzRPFUvvs1y3o9EeDUNE19S65uVkSubBf3cHDxa7wXG5TS… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |…, value=#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#g1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=BLS12381_G1 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=hxF12gtsn9ju4-kJq2-nUjZQKVVWpcBAYX5VHnUZMDilClZsGuOaDjlXS8pFE1GG | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#g2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=JsonWebKey2020 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=EC | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=BLS12381_G2 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=l4MeBsn_OGa2OEDtHeHdq0TBC8sYh6QwoI7QsNtZk9oAru1OnGClaAPlMbvvs73E… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=https://kyledenhartog/context/doggoservice | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=#signingKey | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=AywtfWyMWRTokKnnwLChyCDMM32sbLzcGFxuuxKtwmxH | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=trJuKT83nv2FruwDkmMD5945R1syU5sCDiLm4kr2mTj | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=/pathHandshakeKey | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=did:key:z6MkuQCtdrrbS1iyN1MXJgUxNtZv4Qi5… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=5YLjenFRbMKCHV9HsFWhYbmxUnVnuEQxREwYvmRcLpX7 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |,… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=Ed25519VerificationKey2018 | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=did:key:z6MkuQCtdrrbS1iyN1MXJgUxNtZv4Qi5… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=Fwwr3ccA6UEWFWWpd7X7Xo1vEqSDw8Zj56fKw1q2FBjq | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=/pathHandshakeKey | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value=DogPicService | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - string: A JSON String. |, value= | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… |… | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | | |
did-production | 6.2.1 JSON Production - When serializing a DID document, a confo… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |…, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+json |
(3) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… | | |
did-identifier | 3.2.1 DID Parameters - service - If present, the associated valu… | did:UNKNOWN | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… | | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… | | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: Evernym DID infrastructure
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(76) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Implementation: MATTR internal libraries
(12) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - invalidDid - The DID supplied to… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - notFound - The DID resolver was … | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:web::$_222, expected outcome: invalidDidErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:web:123, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:web:123, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - invalidDidUrl - The DID U… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - notFound - The DID URL de… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The value of this propert… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example_333, expected outcome: invalidDidUrlErrorOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… | did:example:444, expected outcome: notFoundErrorOutcome | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
(1) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type MUST be exp… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.1 DID URL Dereferencing Options - The Media Type that the ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome |
Total Implementations for did:webkey : 1
(2) |
Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DID URLs MUST conform to the DID URL Syntax… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-identifier | 3.1 DID Syntax - All DIDs MUST conform to the DID Syntax ABNF Ru… |… | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 3.2.2 Relative DID URLs - When resolving a relative DID URL refe… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.1 DID Subject - The value of id MUST be a string that confor… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.1.2 DID Controller - The controller property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The map MUST NOT contain "d", or any … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyJwk property is OPTIONAL… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The publicKeyMultibase property is OP… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the controller property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the id property for a ve… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The value of the type property MUST b… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verification method map MUST incl… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2 Verification Methods - The verificationMethod property is OP… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.2.1 Verification Material - A verification method MUST NOT con… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.1 Authentication - The authentication property is OPTIONAL. … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.2 Assertion - The assertionMethod property is OPTIONAL. If p… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.3 Key Agreement - The keyAgreement property is OPTIONAL. If … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.4 Capability Invocation - The capabilityInvocation property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.3.5 Capability Delegation - The capabilityDelegation property … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming consumer MUST produce an error if it… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - A conforming producer MUST NOT produce multiple s… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - All [serviceEndpoint] string values MUST be valid… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - Each service map MUST contain id, type, and servi… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The service property is OPTIONAL. If present, the… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the id property MUST be a URI confor… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the serviceEndpoint property MUST be… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 5.4 Services - The value of the type property MUST be a string o… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST NOT … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST retu… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST seri… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.1 Production and Consumption - A conforming producer MUST take… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - In addition to using the JSON repres… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The DID document and any DID document… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - The serialized value of @context MUST… |… | |
did-production | 6.3.1 JSON-LD Production - When serializing a JSON-LD representa… |… | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - The value of id in the resolved DID documen… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A conformant DID URL as a single str… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - A metadata structure. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing function was ca… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is not successf… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is successful, … |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - If the dereferencing is unsuccessful… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED, but the stru… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This input is REQUIRED. |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - This structure is REQUIRED, and in t… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2 DID URL Dereferencing - To dereference a DID fragment, the c… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - The Media Type value MUST… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-url-dereferencing | 7.2.2 DID URL Dereferencing Metadata - This property is REQUIRED… |…, expected outcome: defaultOutcome | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property name MUST be a string. |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - Each property value MUST be a string, m… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The entire metadata structure MUST be s… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The structure used to communicate this … |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-core-properties | 7.3 Metadata Structure - The values within any complex data stru… |…, application/did+ld+json | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |
Total Implementations for did:work : 1
Implementation: Universal Resolver
(19) | Suite | Statement | Parameters |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - A metadata structure. | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If resolveRepresentation was called, this s… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is not successful, this s… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, and if the… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is successful, this MUST … | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this out… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - If the resolution is unsuccessful, this val… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED and the value MUST b… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This input is REQUIRED, but the structure M… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1 DID Resolution - This structure is REQUIRED, and in the case… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type MUST be expressed … | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - The Media Type of the caller's pr… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.1 DID Resolution Options - This property is OPTIONAL for the… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The caller of the resolveReprese… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - The value of this property MUST … | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED if res… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property is REQUIRED when t… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | 7.1.2 DID Resolution Metadata - This property MUST NOT be presen… | did:work:2UUHQCd4psvkPLZGnWY33L, expected outcome: defaultOutcomes | |
did-resolution | All conformant DID resolvers MUST implement the DID resolution f… | did:UNKNOWN |