Outreach Materials for the Digital Publishing Activity
This repository stores the draft for public presentations and blogs prepared as outreach materials for the Digital Publishing Activity.
The materials on this (or adjacent) repo are:
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the Semantic Web in Libraries (SWIB16) Conference, Bonn, Germany, 2016-11-29.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at 2016 China National Computer Congress (2016中国计算机大会), Taiyuan, China, 2016-10-21.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee plenary meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 2016-10-11.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the W3C Track @ WWW2016, Montréal, Canada, 2016-04-13. The final slides are on the W3C site
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the EPUB Summit, Bordeaux, France, 2016-04-07. The final slides are on the W3C site
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the Ministry of Education in Paris, France, 2016-01-12. The final slides are on the W3C site. (The slides are in French.)
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the Markup Forum 2015, in Stuttgart, Germany, in November 2015.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at meetings during his visit in Beijing, China, in November 2015.
- Presentation of Felix Sasaki at the Frankfurter Buchmesse in 2015. (This is a German translation of Ivan’s presentation in Madrid)
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the meeting at the “Día del W3C en España 2015: el futuro de la edición digital”, October 2015, Madrid.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the meeting at the Buchtage 2015, June 2015, Berlin.
- Presentation of Tzviya Siegman, Markus Gylling, and Ivan Herman at the IDPF Digital Book Conference 2015, May 2015, New York.
- Presentation of Ivan Herman at the Assises du livre numérique, Salon du Livre, March 2015, Paris.
- Presentation of Tzviya Siegman and Ivan Herman at the eBookCraft conference, March 2015, Toronto.
- Presentation of Tzviya Siegman and Ivan Herman at the EDUPUB meeting, February 2015, Phoenix.
- A draft blog by Tzviya Siegman and Ivan Herman, originally prepared for the eBookCraft conference, March 2015, Toronto (although the final version was radically shortened by in cooperation with the blog editor).