The Convergence of Digital Publishing and the Web

Ivan Herman, W3C

<markup forum/> 2015, Stuttgart, Germany


The Convergence of Digital Publishing and the Web

Ivan Herman, W3C

<markup forum/> 2015, Stuttgart, Germany


These Slides are Available on the Web


(Slides are in HTML)

DPUB IG Origins

DPUB IG Origins (cont.)

DPUB IG Origins (cont.)

DPUB IG Mission

See our website for more detail.

IDPF and W3C

Standards for the Electronic Publishing and Content Consumption (EPUB) Standards for the General Web Technologies
Builds on lower level Web (e.g., W3C) Standards Builds on lower level Internet (e.g., IETF, ECMA) Standards
Does not develop standards beyond publishing Does not develop industry specific standards if there is another home for those

The key is strong collaboration.

Some results of the past two years

Layout and Styling

Screen dump of the latinreq document

Priorities for CSS

Screen dumps of the CSS Priorities' document

Content and Markup

Content and Markup: Approach Chosen

These semantics are designed to allow an author to properly convey user interface behaviors and structural information to assistive technologies in document-level markup

Content and Markup: DPUB ARIA module

Screen dump of the DPUB ARIA document
<section role="doc-appendix">
  <h1>Appendix A. Historical Timeline</h1>


Annotatated medieval manuscript

Major work coming up: Portable Web Publications (PWP)
(née EPUB+WEB)

The main message:

Web = Publishing!

put it another way…

Publishing = Web!

What does this mean?

Portable Web Publication at a glance

ibta arabia

For Example: Book in a Browser

Joseph Reagle's book as a web page
Extract of Joseph Reagle’s Book as ePUB

For Example: Book in a Browser (cont.)

Joseph Reagle's book as an ebook in reader
Extract of Joseph Reagle’s Book as ePUB

For Example: I May Not Be Online…

Person sitting in a station with a mobile in hand
Bryan Ong, Flickr

For Example: Scholarly Publishing

Screen dump of an article on F1000
Screen dump of an article “Sub-strains of Drosophila Canton-S…” on F1000

For Example: Educational Materials

University hall with students, most of them with a tablet
Merrill College of Journalism, Flickr

Synergy effects of convergence

Advantage for Publishers‘ Community

Photo of two javascript books
Nathan Smith, Flickr

Advantage for Publishers‘ Community (cont.)

Advantage for the Web Community

image of a medieval manuscript
e-codices, Flickr

But… why not rely only on the Web?
(I.e., forget about downloaded content!)

Several reasons…

How do we get there? (Technically)

Moyan Brenn, Flickr

Warning: everything I say is subject to change!

Catherine Kolodziej, Flickr

Technical Challenge: Fundamental Terminology

Web Publications


Portable Web Publications

More Formally

What kinds of documents are we talking about?

What kinds of documents are we not talking about?

Envisioned “states” of a Portable Web Publication

Protocol Access File Access
Packed PWP as one archive on a server PWP as one archive on a local disc
Unpacked PWP spread over several files on a server PWP spread over several files on a local disc

Technical Challenge: Overall Architecture

Advances in modern browsers: Web and Service Workers

Advances in modern browsers: Web and Service Workers

Work in progress

Envisioned Architecture:
unpacked state

Document consumed through the Web in a traditional way

Envisioned Architecture:
cached state

Document consumed through a Service Worker, possibly cached

Envisioned Architecture:
packed state

Document consumed through a Service Worker, possibly unpacked

Envisioned Architecture:
packed state

Document consumed through a Service Worker, possibly unpacked


Draft indeed, but…

Technical Challenge: Archival Format

Rough structure of an EPUB3 file

EPUB Packaging structure diagram

Archival Format

PWP packaging structure

PWP Packaging structure diagram


Technical Challenge: Addressing, identification

Lots of questions, working on the answers…

Is it "Addressing" or is it "Identification"?

What does an HTTP GET return?

What is the URL of a resource within a PWP?

What about addressing within a resource?

Technical Challenge: Presentation Control

How do we get there? (Practically)

Moyan Brenn, Flickr

DPUB IG and Portable Web Publications

screen dump of the PWP draft

IDPF, W3C, and others



Some references

Latest PWP Draft:
PWP Issue list:
This presentation: (PDF is also available for download)
Contact me:

Thank you for your attention!