Technology Concepts

version 2.0

Final Community Group Report

This version:
Latest published version:
Latest editor's draft:
Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
Delaram Golpayegani (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin)
Georg P Krog
Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
Julian Flake (University of Koblenz)
Paul Ryan (Uniphar PLC)
GitHub w3c/dpv (pull requests, new issue, open issues)
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Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) -- Version 2 (2024)


The Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) Specification provides the concept Technology to represent how technologies are applied within the context of personal data and its processing. The TECH extension provides further specific details regarding technologies, their management, and relevance to actual real-world tools and systems. The namespace for terms in tech is The suggested prefix for the namespace is tech. The TECH vocabulary and its documentation is available on GitHub.

Status of This Document

This specification was published by the Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement (FSA) other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.

GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification.

Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) Specification: is the base/core specification for the 'Data Privacy Vocabulary', which is extended for Personal Data [PD], Locations [LOC], Risk Management [RISK], Technology [TECH], and [AI]. Specific [LEGAL] extensions are also provided which model jurisdiction specific regulations and concepts . To support understanding and applications of [DPV], various guides and resources [GUIDES] are provided, including a [PRIMER]. A Search Index of all concepts from DPV and extensions is available.

[DPV] and related resources are published on GitHub. For a general overview of the Data Protection Vocabularies and Controls Community Group [DPVCG], its history, deliverables, and activities - refer to DPVCG Website. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

The peer-reviewed article “Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy” presents a historical overview of the DPVCG, and describes the methodology and structure of the DPV along with describing its creation. An open-access version can be accessed here, here, and here. The article Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2, accepted for presentation at the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024), describes the changes made in DPV v2.

2. Core Concepts

Figure 1

The 'core' concepts in the TECH extension consist of:

3. Actors involved in Technologies

To specify the specific actors and their roles in the context of technologies, the concept Actor is provided along with the relation hasActor to associate it with the technology. Further specific actors and their associations are defined by extending these concepts, for example:

Note: Technology actors defined in regulations

4. Intended Use

Note: Why 'Intended Use' is needed instead of reusing 'Purpose'

To indicate the uses for which a technology is developed, or what it is planned to be used for, the TECH extension provides the concept IntendedUse and which is associated with using the relation hasIntendedUse. The 'intended use' of technology represents uses which an actor envisions the technology to be used for. This could be the developer who envisions specific uses of the technology while developing it, or a user who plans to use the technology for specific activities when they acquire it. Such intended uses can be represented by using concepts within the DPV and its extensions - such as purposes, processing operations, technical and organisational measures, and so on. Where the intended use cannot be represented by a single concept, multiple concepts can be combined by using the relations in a manner similar to the use of dpv:Process.

Intended Use is an intent or ex-ante indication or plan for the use of technology. The actual use of the technology should be represented within the context of a process instance. Where there is a difference between the intended and actual use, whether such differences are classified as 'misuses' or 'violations' depends on the context. For example if the technology has the intended use to send emails for account communications, and the actual use involved using the technology for sending newsletters, then the difference between intended and actual use may be classified as 'misuse' or it may lead to realising that the earlier intended use did not sufficiently represent all required uses of the technology, and lead to updating the intended uses. Thus, in practice, a technology may have several intended uses that evolve over time.

5. Provision of Technology

The provision of technology can happen via the following methods:

6. Networking & Communication

Communication mediums or mechanism used by technology include:

7. Documentation

Documentation represents information provided with technologies which 'document' or provide explanations or instructions associated with technologies. Documentation is associated with technology by using hasDocumentation, and conversely technology is associated with documentation by using dct:subject. To represent information about who provided the documentation, when, etc. - we recommend using DCMI Metadata Terms (DCT).

8. Status

Status of technology, represented by the concept TechnologyStatus, indicates its state of development, deployment, use, and any other relevant stages within the lifecycle. The relation dpv:hasStatus is used to indicate the status of a technology.

Note: Adding additional technology statuses

9. Tools

Tools are technologies which are commonly used or required, and for which providing a concept within the [TECH] extension would be helpful for representing practical use-cases.

10. Vocabulary Index

10.1 Classes

10.1.1 Actor

Term Actor Prefix tech
Label Actor
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actors and Entities involved in provision, use, and management of Technology
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.2 Algorithmic

Term Algorithmic Prefix tech
Label Algorithmic
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as an algorithm or method
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.3 Android

Term Android Prefix tech
Label Android
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:OStech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Android operating system
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.4 Application

Term Application Prefix tech
Label Application
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Application or Application Software
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.5 Application Store

Term AppStore Prefix tech
Label Application Store
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Applicationtech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition An application or platform for distribution of other applications
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.6 Auditor

Term Auditor Prefix tech
Label Auditor
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Partnertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasPartner
Definition Actor that audits Technology for conformance to policies, standards, or legal requirements
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.7 Bluetooth

Term Bluetooth Prefix tech
Label Bluetooth
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:Networkingtech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising bluetooth
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.8 Compute as a Service

Term CaaS Prefix tech
Label Compute as a Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of managed compute resources
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.9 Capability

Term Capability Prefix tech
Label Capability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation tech:hasCapability
Definition Expression of what the technology is capable of achieving or providing
Usage Note Examples of capabilities are image recognition, sentiment analysis, machine translation
Examples dex:E0064 :: Indicating use of a technical measure and its implementation
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section CORE in DEX

10.1.10 Cellular Network

Term CellularNetwork Prefix tech
Label Cellular Network
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:Networkingtech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising cellular networking
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.11 Cloud Service

Term CloudService Prefix tech
Label Cloud Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.12 Cloud Storage

Term CloudStorage Prefix tech
Label Cloud Storage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:DataStoragetech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Storage utilising cloud technologies
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.13 Communication Mechanism

Term CommunicationMechanism Prefix tech
Label Communication Mechanism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Communication mechanism used or provided by Technology
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.14 Component

Term Component Prefix tech
Label Component
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a component
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.16 Customer

Term Customer Prefix tech
Label Customer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasCustomer
Definition Actor that uses Technology directly or indirectly by providing it to Users
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.17 Database

Term Database Prefix tech
Label Database
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:DataStoragetech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A database, database management system (DBMS), or application database
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.18 Data Storage

Term DataStorage Prefix tech
Label Data Storage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Technology associated with storage of data
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.19 Deployer

Term Deployer Prefix tech
Label Deployer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasDeployer
Definition Actor that deploys Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.20 Deployment Location

Term DeploymentLocation Prefix tech
Label Deployment Location
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Location
Object of relation dpv:hasJurisdiction, dpv:hasLocation, tech:hasDeploymentLocation
Definition Location for where technology is deployed and used
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.21 Designer

Term Designer Prefix tech
Label Designer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasDesigner
Definition Actor that designs Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.22 Desktop PC

Term DesktopPC Prefix tech
Label Desktop PC
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:PersonalComputertech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A non-portable or fixed personal computer
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.23 Developer

Term Developer Prefix tech
Label Developer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Producertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasProducer
Definition Actor that develops Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.24 Development Plan

Term DevelopmentPlan Prefix tech
Label Development Plan
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Plantech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Plan associated with developing technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.25 Device

Term Device Prefix tech
Label Device
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Device or computing device
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.26 Distributor

Term Distributor Prefix tech
Label Distributor
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that distributes the Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.27 Documentation

Term Documentation Prefix tech
Label Documentation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Information describing use, functionality, design, or other technical aspects of the Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.28 Evaluator

Term Evaluator Prefix tech
Label Evaluator
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Partnertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasPartner
Definition Actor that evaluates the performance of Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.29 Fixed Use

Term FixedUse Prefix tech
Label Fixed Use
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology that can be used a fixed number of times
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.30 Function

Term Function Prefix tech
Label Function
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation tech:hasFunction
Definition Expression of what goals or purposes the technology's capabilities are being used towards or developed for
Usage Note Function is a broad concept that can include purposes such as identify verification, capability such as image recognition, or specific security measures such as encryption
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.31 GNU/Linux

Term GNULinux Prefix tech
Label GNU/Linux
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:OStech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition GNU/Linux operating system
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.32 Goods

Term Goods Prefix tech
Label Goods
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided or used as goods
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.33 GPS

Term GPS Prefix tech
Label GPS
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising GPS
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.34 Guide

Term Guide Prefix tech
Label Guide
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Documentation that provides guidance regarding the technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.35 Hardware

Term Hardware Prefix tech
Label Hardware
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Physical parts or components of the technology
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.36 Hybrid Cloud Service

Term HybridCloudService Prefix tech
Label Hybrid Cloud Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:PrivateCloudServicetech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:PublicCloudServicetech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service that is both private and public in parts
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Tek Raj Chhetri
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.37 Infrastructure as a Service

Term IaaS Prefix tech
Label Infrastructure as a Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of managed infrastructure resources
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.38 Importer

Term Importer Prefix tech
Label Importer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that imports the Technology within a jurisdiction
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.39 Installer

Term Installer Prefix tech
Label Installer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasInstaller
Definition Actor that installs Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.40 Instructions

Term Instructions Prefix tech
Label Instructions
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Instructions related to technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.41 Intended Use

Term IntendedUse Prefix tech
Label Intended Use
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation tech:hasIntendedUse
Definition Describes the 'intended' use of the technology
Usage Note Intended use can be used to describe how the developer or provider of technology intends it to be used e.g. use a database to store data, and to describe the plan or 'intent' to use the technology by a user or operator e.g. use a database to store and analyse data. Intended Use can involve any concept e.g. DPV's purpose, processing, tech/org measures, and can be low-level purely technical uses such as store data or high-level goals such as legal compliance. Intended Use only describes the intent or ex-ante intention, and may be different from how the technology is being actually used - which is indicated by using isImplementedUsingTechnology in a process or other relevant context.
Date Created 2024-05-22
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.42 Internet

Term Internet Prefix tech
Label Internet
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:Networkingtech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising internet
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.43 iOS

Term iOS Prefix tech
Label iOS
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:OStech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition iOS operating system
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.44 Laptop PC

Term LaptopPC Prefix tech
Label Laptop PC
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:PersonalComputertech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A portal personal computer
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.45 Local Network

Term LocalNetwork Prefix tech
Label Local Network
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:Networkingtech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising local networking
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.46 Local Storage

Term LocalStorage Prefix tech
Label Local Storage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:DataStoragetech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Storage that is local (e.g. on device)
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.47 Maintainer

Term Maintainer Prefix tech
Label Maintainer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasMaintainer
Definition Actor that maintains Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.48 Manual

Term Manual Prefix tech
Label Manual
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Documentation that provides instructions for using, maintaining, developing, or performing other activities regarding the technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.49 Manufacturer

Term Manufacturer Prefix tech
Label Manufacturer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasManufacturer
Definition Actor that manufactures Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.50 Market Availability Status

Term MarketAvailabilityStatus Prefix tech
Label Market Availability Status
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus
Definition Status indicating whether Technology is available on the market
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.51 Market Available

Term MarketAvailable Prefix tech
Label Market Available
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:MarketAvailabilityStatus
Broader/Parent types tech:MarketAvailabilityStatustech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus
Definition Status indicating Technology is available on the market
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.52 Market Unavailable

Term MarketUnavailable Prefix tech
Label Market Unavailable
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:MarketAvailabilityStatus
Broader/Parent types tech:MarketAvailabilityStatustech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus
Definition Status indicating Technology is unavailable on the market
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.53 Mobile backend as a Service

Term MBaaS Prefix tech
Label Mobile backend as a Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of managed 'backend' services for mobile users
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.54 Mobile Phone

Term MobilePhone Prefix tech
Label Mobile Phone
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Telephonetech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Mobile telephone
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.55 Microsoft Windows

Term MSWindows Prefix tech
Label Microsoft Windows
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:OStech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Microsoft Windows operating system
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.56 Networking

Term Networking Prefix tech
Label Networking
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising networking
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.1.57 Not Provided

Term NotProvided Prefix tech
Label Not Provided
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionStatus
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionStatustech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasProvisionStatus
Definition Status indicating Technology has not been provided
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.58 Operator

Term Operator Prefix tech
Label Operator
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor
Definition Actor that operates the Technology
Usage Note Operator and User are similar concepts but may refer to different actors, for example in the scenario where the user determines what actions to perform on the technology and the operator executes these actions by operating the technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.59 Operating System (OS)

Term OS Prefix tech
Label Operating System (OS)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Software for managing hardware and other software
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.60 Owner

Term Owner Prefix tech
Label Owner
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasOwner
Definition Actor that owns Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.61 Platform as a Service

Term PaaS Prefix tech
Label Platform as a Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of managed platform resources
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.62 Partner

Term Partner Prefix tech
Label Partner
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasPartner
Definition Actor that provides services in the context of Technology
Usage Note "Partner" is a vague term and should not be used - instead the more specific terms provided in this vocabulary should be used. Partner refers to entities that provide services for the technology (as opposed to for using the technology) - for example to further develop or refine it, or to test or audit it.
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.63 Personal Computer (PC)

Term PersonalComputer Prefix tech
Label Personal Computer (PC)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A computing device intended for individual use
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.64 Plan

Term Plan Prefix tech
Label Plan
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Plan associated with using, maintaining, developing, or performing other activities associated with technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.65 Private Cloud Service

Term PrivateCloudService Prefix tech
Label Private Cloud Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service that is private
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Tek Raj Chhetri
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.66 Producer

Term Producer Prefix tech
Label Producer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasProducer
Definition Actor that produces Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.67 Product

Term Product Prefix tech
Label Product
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology that is provided as a product
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.68 Provided

Term Provided Prefix tech
Label Provided
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionStatus
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionStatustech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasProvisionStatus
Definition Status indicating Technology has been provided
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.69 Provider

Term Provider Prefix tech
Label Provider
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasProvider
Definition Actor that provides Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.70 Provision Method

Term ProvisionMethod Prefix tech
Label Provision Method
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Method associated with provision or use of technology
Date Created 2022-06-15
Date Modified 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.1.71 Provision Status

Term ProvisionStatus Prefix tech
Label Provision Status
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasProvisionStatus
Definition Status indicating whether Technology has been provided
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.72 Public Cloud Service

Term PublicCloudService Prefix tech
Label Public Cloud Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service that is public
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Tek Raj Chhetri
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.73 Purchaser

Term Purchaser Prefix tech
Label Purchaser
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasPurchaser
Definition Actor that purchases Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.74 Software as a Service

Term SaaS Prefix tech
Label Software as a Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of managed software resources
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.75 Serverless Computing

Term ServerlessComputing Prefix tech
Label Serverless Computing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:CloudServicetech:Servicetech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a cloud service consisting of fully managed servers for executing functions
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.76 Service

Term Service Prefix tech
Label Service
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided or used as service(s)
Usage Note Removed plural suffix for consistency in terms
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.77 Smartphone

Term Smartphone Prefix tech
Label Smartphone
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:MobilePhonetech:Telephonetech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:PersonalComputertech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A combination of a mobile phone with computing capabilities similar to a PC
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.78 Smartphone Application

Term SmartphoneApplication Prefix tech
Label Smartphone Application
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Applicationtech:Softwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition A computing or digital program on a smartphone device
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.79 Software

Term Software Prefix tech
Label Software
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types dpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Virtual parts or components of the technology such as programs and data
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.80 Specification

Term Specification Prefix tech
Label Specification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Documentation that specifies requirements that must be satisfied by the technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.81 Subject

Term Subject Prefix tech
Label Subject
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasSubject
Definition Actor that is subjected to the use or impact of Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.82 Subscription

Term Subscription Prefix tech
Label Subscription
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology that is provided or used as a periodic subscription
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.83 Supplier

Term Supplier Prefix tech
Label Supplier
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasSupplier
Definition Actor that supplies Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.84 System

Term System Prefix tech
Label System
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:ProvisionMethod
Broader/Parent types tech:ProvisionMethoddpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasProvisionMethod
Definition Technology provided as a system
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PROVISION in TECH

10.1.85 System Integrator

Term SystemIntegrator Prefix tech
Label System Integrator
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Partnertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasSystemIntegrator
Definition Actor that integrates Technology in to (larger) systems
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.86 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

Term TechnologyReadinessLevel Prefix tech
Label Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:TechnologyStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus, tech:hasTRL
Definition Indication of maturity of Technology (ISO 16290:2013)
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.87 Technology Status

Term TechnologyStatus Prefix tech
Label Technology Status
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status associated with development, deployment, and use of technology
Date Created 2024-05-31
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.1.88 Telephone

Term Telephone Prefix tech
Label Telephone
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Technology
Broader/Parent types tech:Devicetech:Hardwaredpv:Technology
Subject of relation tech:hasActor, tech:hasAuditor, tech:hasCapability, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasDeployer, tech:hasDeploymentLocation, tech:hasDesigner, tech:hasDeveloper, tech:hasDocumentation, tech:hasEvaluator, tech:hasFunction, tech:hasInstaller, tech:hasIntendedUse, tech:hasMaintainer, tech:hasManufacturer, tech:hasMarketAvailabilityStatus, tech:hasOwner, tech:hasPartner, tech:hasProducer, tech:hasProvider, tech:hasProvisionMethod, tech:hasProvisionStatus, tech:hasPurchaser, tech:hasSubject, tech:hasSupplier, tech:hasSystemIntegrator, tech:hasTRL, tech:hasUser
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology
Definition Telephone
Date Created 2022-06-15
See More: section TOOLS in TECH

10.1.89 Testing Plan

Term TestingPlan Prefix tech
Label Testing Plan
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Documentation
Broader/Parent types tech:Plantech:Documentation
Object of relation tech:hasDocumentation
Definition Plan associated with testing technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section DOCS in TECH

10.1.90 User

Term User Prefix tech
Label User
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:Actor
Broader/Parent types tech:Customertech:Actordpv:Entity
Object of relation dpv:hasEntity, dpv:hasResponsibleEntity, dpv:isDeterminedByEntity, dpv:isImplementedByEntity, dpv:isIndicatedBy, dpv:isOrganistionalUnitOf, dpv:isRepresentativeFor, tech:hasCustomer, tech:hasUser
Definition Actor that uses Technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.1.91 WiFi

Term WiFi Prefix tech
Label WiFi
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, tech:CommunicationMechanism
Broader/Parent types tech:Networkingtech:CommunicationMechanismdpv:Technology
Object of relation dpv:isImplementedUsingTechnology, tech:hasCommunicationMechanism
Definition Technology utilising wifi wireless networking
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section COMMS in TECH

10.2 Properties

10.2.1 has actor

Term hasActor Prefix tech
Label has actor
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:TechnologyActor
Definition Indicates an actor associated with technology
Date Created 2022-10-21
Date Modified 2024-05-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.2 has auditor

Term hasAuditor Prefix tech
Label has auditor
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Auditor
Definition Indicates technology auditor
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.3 has capability

Term hasCapability Prefix tech
Label has capability
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Capability
Definition Indicates the capability of the technology
Examples dex:E0064 :: Indicating use of a technical measure and its implementation
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section CORE in DEX

10.2.4 has communication mechanism

Term hasCommunicationMechanism Prefix tech
Label has communication mechanism
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:CommunicationMechanism
Definition Indicates communication mechanisms used or provided by technology
Date Created 2022-07-02
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.5 has customer

Term hasCustomer Prefix tech
Label has customer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Customer
Definition Indicates technology customer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.6 has deployer

Term hasDeployer Prefix tech
Label has deployer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Deployer
Definition Indicates technology deployer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.7 has deployment location

Term hasDeploymentLocation Prefix tech
Label has deployment location
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:DeploymentLocation
Definition Specifies the location of technology deployment and use
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.8 has designer

Term hasDesigner Prefix tech
Label has designer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Designer
Definition Indicates technology designer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.9 has developer

Term hasDeveloper Prefix tech
Label has developer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Developer
Definition Indicates technology developer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.10 has documentation

Term hasDocumentation Prefix tech
Label has documentation
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Documentation
Definition Indicates documentation associated with technology
Date Created 2024-06-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.11 has evaluator

Term hasEvaluator Prefix tech
Label has evaluator
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Evaluator
Definition Indicates technology evaluator
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.12 has function

Term hasFunction Prefix tech
Label has function
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Function
Definition Indicates the function of the technology
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.13 has installer

Term hasInstaller Prefix tech
Label has installer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Installer
Definition Indicates technology installer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.14 has intended use

Term hasIntendedUse Prefix tech
Label has intended use
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:IntendedUse
Definition Indicates the intended use of technology
Date Created 2024-05-22
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.15 has maintainer

Term hasMaintainer Prefix tech
Label has maintainer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Maintainer
Definition Indicates technology maintainer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.16 has manufacturer

Term hasManufacturer Prefix tech
Label has manufacturer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Manufacturer
Definition Indicates technology manufacturer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.17 has market availability status

Term hasMarketAvailabilityStatus Prefix tech
Label has market availability status
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasStatus
Sub-property of dpv:hasStatus
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:MarketAvailabilityStatus
Definition Indicates whether the technology is available on the market
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.2.18 has owner

Term hasOwner Prefix tech
Label has owner
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Owner
Definition Indicates technology owner
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.19 has partner

Term hasPartner Prefix tech
Label has partner
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Partner
Definition Indicates technology partner
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.20 has producer

Term hasProducer Prefix tech
Label has producer
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Producer
Definition Indicates technology producer
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.21 has provider

Term hasProvider Prefix tech
Label has provider
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Provider
Definition Indicates technology provider
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.22 has provision method

Term hasProvisionMethod Prefix tech
Label has provision method
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:ProvisionMethod
Definition Specifies the provision or usage method of technology
Date Created 2022-07-02
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section CORE in TECH

10.2.23 has provision status

Term hasProvisionStatus Prefix tech
Label has provision status
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasStatus
Sub-property of dpv:hasStatus
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:ProvisionStatus
Definition Indicates whether the technology has been provided
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.2.24 has purchaser

Term hasPurchaser Prefix tech
Label has purchaser
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Purchaser
Definition Indicates technology purchaser
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.25 has subject

Term hasSubject Prefix tech
Label has subject
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Subject
Definition Indicates technology subject
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.26 has supplier

Term hasSupplier Prefix tech
Label has supplier
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:Supplier
Definition Indicates technology supplier
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.27 has system integrator

Term hasSystemIntegrator Prefix tech
Label has system integrator
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:SystemIntegrator
Definition Indicates technology system integrator
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.2.28 has TRL

Term hasTRL Prefix tech
Label has TRL
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:hasStatus
Sub-property of dpv:hasStatus
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:TechnologyReadinessLevel
Definition Indicates technology maturity level
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section STATUS in TECH

10.2.29 has user

Term hasUser Prefix tech
Label has user
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types tech:hasActor
Sub-property of tech:hasActor
Domain includes dpv:Technology
Range includes tech:User
Definition Indicates technology user
Date Created 2024-05-09
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section ACTORS in TECH

10.3 External

DPV uses the following terms from [RDF] and [RDFS] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:

11. Contributors

The following people have contributed to this vocabulary. The names are ordered alphabetically. The affiliations are informative do not represent formal endorsements. Affiliations may be outdated. The list is generated automatically from the contributors listed for defined concepts.

Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Beatriz Esteves have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497.

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.

A. References

A.1 Informative references

AI Technology concepts for DPV. URL:
Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). URL:
DCMI Metadata Terms (DCT). URL:
Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) Specification. URL:
W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG). URL:
EU AI Act concepts for DPV. URL:
Guides for DPV. URL:
Legal Jurisdiction-relevant concepts for DPV. URL:
Location and Geo-Political Membership concepts for DPV. URL:
Network Information Security Directive (NIS2). URL:
Personal Data categories for DPV. URL:
Primer for Data Privacy Vocabulary. URL:
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. URL:
RDF Schema 1.1. URL:
Risk Assessment and Management concepts for DPV. URL:
Technology concepts for DPV. URL: