Changelog for DPV 2.1
Published: 2025-02-01
This document describes the changes in DPV 2.1 release as compared to the previous DPV 2.0 release. This changelog covers the DPV specification as well as all extensions.
DPV 2.1 has no backwards-incompatible major changes. Use of 2.1 is compatible with existing uses of 2.0. For updating from 1.0, or for understanding the scope, structure, and semantics of folders and IRIs, see the previous changelog.
- When updating are there are any issues? No major issues. see more
- Change in concepts: In total, DPV 2.1 and all its extensions contain
concepts, and compared to 2.0 -6553
concepts have been added and133
concepts removed. The count of added and removed concepts include moving concepts between extensions. see more - Development process: The development process for DPV is carried out through GitHub and meetings. Participation is open and welcome. see more
- Contributors: list of contributors to version 2.1. see more
Do I need to update or change something?
You should consider updating to the latest version of the DPV as it provides a more comprehensive set of terms, has new extensions with refinements and advances in representing information, and represents more recent and up to date knowledge within the domain.
There are no major breaking changes or incompatibilities between 2.1 and 2.0. Specific potential and minor breaking changes are mentioned in the changelog for each specification, and pertain to changes in terms which are unlikely to require significant efforts. Going ahead, we do not foresee major breaking changes in the future release which is tentatively labelled 2.2.
Detailed Changes to Terms
Click on arrows to expand descriptions and see added/removed concepts.
Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
total terms: 1129 ; added: 221 ; removed: 4 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts include License
which has been renamed to LicenseAgreement
and a separate concept tech:License
to distinguish between the domain-specific uses. The other removed concepts are financial purposes, which have been moved to the newly created SECTOR-FINANCE
which has been renamed to LicenseAgreement
and a separate concept tech:License
to distinguish between the domain-specific uses. The other removed concepts are financial purposes, which have been moved to the newly created SECTOR-FINANCE
extension.1: CreditChecking 2: Licence 3: MaintainCreditCheckingDatabase 4: MaintainCreditRatingDatabase
Concepts Added (click to expand)
: Added taxonomies for contract types, contract statuses, contract controls, statuses for other legal basis (e.g. legitimate interest opt-out), controls for consent.
- Added
and Organisation
types. HumanSubject
is a new concept that represents humans as a subject of data/technology, and DataSubject
is redefined as a subclass of it. The taxonomy of data subjects has been moved to be a taxonomy of human subjects. This allows the taxonomy to be used in more use-cases e.g. to express subjects of technology in TECH
and of AI in AI
extension. This is potentially a minor breaking change if the code relies on instances of data subjects as these are not present by default in the graph but can be inferred as data subjects are a subclass of human subjects.
- Added
types to help express more kinds of notice such as AINotice
for use of AI, to express the status for a notice, and to describe the structure of notices such as with NoticeLayer
- Added
concepts to indicate whether the involvement was intended or unintended.
added along with concepts to represent whether a fee is required or not. It replaces the Fee
concept present earlier in DPV
taxonomy expresses whether rules have been fulfilled or not, with specific concepts for each rule type.
taxonomy expanded with HR related purpose for personnel management and recruitment.
added as the parent concept of all risk/impact related concepts in DPV
and RISK
extensions. This helps use the concepts in multiple roles as explained in RISK
- Added
concepts including 1st/3rd party variants in the Processing
taxonomy alongside Profiling
: Added taxonomies for contract types, contract statuses, contract controls, statuses for other legal basis (e.g. legitimate interest opt-out), controls for consent.Entity
and Organisation
types. HumanSubject
is a new concept that represents humans as a subject of data/technology, and DataSubject
is redefined as a subclass of it. The taxonomy of data subjects has been moved to be a taxonomy of human subjects. This allows the taxonomy to be used in more use-cases e.g. to express subjects of technology in TECH
and of AI in AI
extension. This is potentially a minor breaking change if the code relies on instances of data subjects as these are not present by default in the graph but can be inferred as data subjects are a subclass of human subjects.Notice
types to help express more kinds of notice such as AINotice
for use of AI, to express the status for a notice, and to describe the structure of notices such as with NoticeLayer
concepts to indicate whether the involvement was intended or unintended.FeeRequirement
added along with concepts to represent whether a fee is required or not. It replaces the Fee
concept present earlier in DPV
taxonomy expresses whether rules have been fulfilled or not, with specific concepts for each rule type.Purpose
taxonomy expanded with HR related purpose for personnel management and recruitment.RiskConcept
added as the parent concept of all risk/impact related concepts in DPV
and RISK
extensions. This helps use the concepts in multiple roles as explained in RISK
concepts including 1st/3rd party variants in the Processing
taxonomy alongside Profiling
concepts.1: AINotice 2: AcceptContract 3: AmbulanceProvider 4: ApprovalProcedure 5: Audit 6: B2B2CContract 7: B2BContract 8: B2CContract 9: C2BContract 10: C2CContract 11: CharityOrganisation 12: Clinic 13: ConsumerStandardFormContract 14: ContractActivationStatus 15: ContractActive 16: ContractAmended 17: ContractAmendmentClause 18: ContractApproved 19: ContractBeingPerformed 20: ContractBreached 21: ContractByDomain 22: ContractByEntityType 23: ContractByNegotiationType 24: ContractConfidentialityClause 25: ContractControl 26: ContractDefinitions 27: ContractDisputeResolutionClause 28: ContractDisputed 29: ContractDrafted 30: ContractExecutionStatus 31: ContractExpired 32: ContractExtended 33: ContractFulfiled 34: ContractFulfilmentStatus 35: ContractFullyExecuted 36: ContractFullySigned 37: ContractInactive 38: ContractJurisdictionClause 39: ContractNegotiated 40: ContractNotFulfiled 41: ContractOffered 42: ContractPartiallyFulfiled 43: ContractPartiallySigned 44: ContractPerformanceStatus 45: ContractPreamble 46: ContractPreparationStatus 47: ContractRejected 48: ContractRenewed 49: ContractSignedByParty 50: ContractStatus 51: ContractTemporarilySuspended 52: ContractTerminated 53: ContractTerminationClause 54: ContractTerminationStatus 55: ContractUnderNegotiation 56: ContractUnderReview 57: ContractViolated 58: ContractualClause 59: ContractualClauseFulfiled 60: ContractualClauseFulfilmentStatus 61: ContractualClauseNotFulfiled 62: ContractualClausePartiallyFulfiled 63: ContractualClauseViolated 64: ControllerDataSubjectAgreement 65: DashboardNotice 66: DataHandlingClause 67: DeviceNotice 68: DistributionAgreement 69: EULA 70: EducationalOrganisation 71: ElderlyHuman 72: EmergencyHealthcareProvider 73: EmergencyServiceProvider 74: EmploymentContract 75: EntityIntendedInvolvement 76: EntityInvolved 77: EntityInvolvementStatus 78: EntityNotInvolved 79: EntityUnintendedInvolvement 80: FeeNotRequired 81: FeeRequired 82: FeeRequirement 83: FireDepartment 84: G2BContract 85: G2CContract 86: G2GContract 87: GraphicalNotice 88: GuardianOfHuman 89: HealthcareOrganisation 90: Hospital 91: HumanSubject 92: InformationAudit 93: JITNotice 94: JudicialOrganisation 95: LawEnforcementOrganisation 96: LayeredNotice 97: LegalComplianceAudit 98: LegalObligationCompleted 99: LegalObligationOngoing 100: LegalObligationPending 101: LegalObligationStatus 102: LegitimateInterestInformed 103: LegitimateInterestNotObjected 104: LegitimateInterestObjected 105: LegitimateInterestStatus 106: LegitimateInterestUninformed 107: LicenseAgreement 108: ManageConsent 109: ManagementStandard 110: MentallyVulnerableHuman 111: NegotiateContract 112: NegotiatedContract 113: NoticeCommunicated 114: NoticeGenerated 115: NoticeIcon 116: NoticeLatest 117: NoticeLayer 118: NoticeStale 119: NoticeStatus 120: NoticeUnused 121: NoticeUpdated 122: NoticeUsed 123: ObligationFulfilled 124: ObligationUnfulfilled 125: ObligationViolated 126: OfferContract 127: OfficialAuthorityExerciseCompleted 128: OfficialAuthorityExerciseOngoing 129: OfficialAuthorityExercisePending 130: OfficialAuthorityExerciseStatus 131: OralNotice 132: ParentOfHuman 133: PermissionNotUtilised 134: PermissionUtilised 135: PersonalDataAudit 136: PersonnelBehaviourMonitoring 137: PersonnelMonitoring 138: PersonnelOffboarding 139: PersonnelOnboarding 140: PersonnelPerformanceEvaluation 141: PersonnelPerformanceManagement 142: PersonnelPerformanceMonitoring 143: PersonnelPerformancePrediction 144: PersonnelPromotionManagement 145: PersonnelTerminationManagement 146: PersonnelWorkloadManagement 147: PoliticalCampaign 148: PostedNotice 149: PrintedNotice 150: PrivateSectorBody 151: ProhibitionFulfilled 152: ProhibitionViolated 153: ProviderStandardFormContract 154: PublicInterestCompleted 155: PublicInterestObjected 156: PublicInterestOngoing 157: PublicInterestPending 158: PublicInterestStatus 159: PublicSectorBody 160: RecruitmentAdvertising 161: RecruitmentApplicantBackgroundCheck 162: RecruitmentApplicantCriminalBackgroundCheck 163: RecruitmentApplicantInformationAuthentication 164: RecruitmentApplicantSelection 165: RecruitmentApplicationAnalysis 166: RecruitmentApplicationManagement 167: RecruitmentApplicationScreening 168: RecruitmentInterviewAnalysis 169: RecruitmentInterviewAssessment 170: RecruitmentInterviewManagement 171: RecruitmentInterviewScheduling 172: RecruitmentManagement 173: RecruitmentTargetedAdvertising 174: RefuseConsent 175: RefuseContract 176: ReligiousAssociations 177: RiskConcept 178: RuleFulfilled 179: RuleFulfilmentStatus 180: RuleUnfulfilled 181: RuleViolated 182: SMEOrganisation 183: SecurityAudit 184: ServiceLevelAgreement 185: Standard 186: StandardFormContract 187: StartupOrganisation 188: TechnicalStandard 189: TerminateContract 190: TermsOfService 191: Tracking 192: TrackingByFirstParty 193: TrackingByThirdParty 194: VitalInterestCompleted 195: VitalInterestObjected 196: VitalInterestOngoing 197: VitalInterestPending 198: VitalInterestStatus 199: VulnerableHuman 200: contract-clause-classes 201: contract-control-classes 202: contract-properties 203: contract-status-classes 204: contract-types-classes 205: hasContractControl 206: hasContractStatus 207: hasContractualClause 208: hasContractualFulfilmentStatus 209: hasFee 210: hasFulfillmentsStatus 211: hasHumanSubject 212: hasNoticeIcon 213: hasNoticeLayer 214: hasNoticeStatus 215: hasParty 216: hasProcessingScale 217: hasThirdParty 218: isDuring 219: legal-basis-status-classes 220: notice-classes 221: notice-properties
Personal Data Categories (PD)
total terms: 229 ; added: 4 ; removed: 2 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts were duplicates (e.g. BirthPlace
existed) or did not have the correct form (e.g. CountryOfBirth
-> BirthCountry
existed) or did not have the correct form (e.g. CountryOfBirth
-> BirthCountry
).1: CountryOfBirth 2: PlaceOfBirth
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: BirthCountry 2: Emotion 3: FacialExpression 4: Mood
Technology (TECH)
total terms: 192 ; added: 71 ; removed: 14 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts represent a major change regarding technology provision concepts. These have been renamed to better reflect their role as representing modes of provision, and new concepts have been created to represent the specific technology categories. E.g. Service
represents a technical service and ProvidedAsService
represents the provision method.
represents a technical service and ProvidedAsService
represents the provision method.1: Algorithmic 2: CaaS 3: FixedUse 4: Goods 5: HybridCloudService 6: IaaS 7: MBaaS 8: PaaS 9: PrivateCloudService 10: Product 11: PublicCloudService 12: SaaS 13: ServerlessComputing 14: Subscription
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Added revised
- Added new technologies representing
and Hardware
with properties to associate them e.g. hasAPI
and hasDevice
- Added
types - including data, content, action.
- Added
and Hardware
with properties to associate them e.g. hasAPI
and hasDevice
types - including data, content, action.LifecycleStage
.1: API 2: Action 3: Algorithm 4: ApplicationSpecificIntegratedCircuit 5: AudioContent 6: Content 7: Decision 8: ImageContent 9: Infrastructure 10: Input 11: InputAction 12: InputData 13: InputOutput 14: IntegratedCircuit 15: IoT 16: IoTDevice 17: IoTSystem 18: License 19: LifecycleStage 20: Model 21: Output 22: OutputAction 23: OutputData 24: Platform 25: Prediction 26: ProvidedAsAlgorithmic 27: ProvidedAsCaaS 28: ProvidedAsCloudService 29: ProvidedAsComponent 30: ProvidedAsFixedUse 31: ProvidedAsGoods 32: ProvidedAsHybridCloudService 33: ProvidedAsIaaS 34: ProvidedAsMBaaS 35: ProvidedAsPaaS 36: ProvidedAsPrivateCloudService 37: ProvidedAsProduct 38: ProvidedAsPublicCloudService 39: ProvidedAsSaaS 40: ProvidedAsServerlessComputing 41: ProvidedAsService 42: ProvidedAsSubscription 43: ProvidedAsSystem 44: Recommendation 45: SoftwareFramework 46: SoftwareLibrary 47: TextualContent 48: VideoContent 49: hasAPI 50: hasAlgorithm 51: hasApplication 52: hasComponent 53: hasDevice 54: hasHardware 55: hasInfrastructure 56: hasInput 57: hasInputAction 58: hasInputData 59: hasLicense 60: hasLifecycleStage 61: hasModel 62: hasOutput 63: hasOutputAction 64: hasOutputData 65: hasPlatform 66: hasService 67: hasSoftware 68: hasSystem 69: io-classes 70: isComponentOf 71: tools-properties
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
total terms: 208 ; added: 192 ; removed: 1 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
was renamed to RiskConcept
as a specialisation of DPV's concept to enable it to be used in multiple roles as detailed in the RISK
was renamed to RiskConcept
as a specialisation of DPV's concept to enable it to be used in multiple roles as detailed in the RISK
extension.1: Risk
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Integrates concepts from
AI Risk Ontology (AIRO)
by Golpayegani et al.
- Integrates concepts from
Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR)
by Golpayegani et al.
- Added concepts for
- Added concepts for
- Added concepts for
and Model
- Added concepts for
including training, output, and validation.
- Added
taxonomies to represent concepts that can be risk sources, risks, consequences, impacts - including DataRisk
and AIBias
- Added concepts for
based on ISO/IEC 22989:2022.
AI Risk Ontology (AIRO)
by Golpayegani et al.Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR)
by Golpayegani et al.Technique
and Model
including training, output, and validation.RiskConcept
taxonomies to represent concepts that can be risk sources, risks, consequences, impacts - including DataRisk
and AIBias
based on ISO/IEC 22989:2022.1: AGI 2: AIBias 3: AISystemRisk 4: ActionRecognition 5: AdversarialAttack 6: AlgorithmSelectionBias 7: AudioCapability 8: AudioGeneration 9: AudioProcessing 10: AutomaticSummarisation 11: AutomationBias 12: BayesianEstimation 13: BayesianNetwork 14: BayesianOptimisation 15: BehaviourAnalysis 16: BiometricCapability 17: BiometricCategorisation 18: BiometricEmotionRecognition 19: BiometricIdentification 20: CognitiveComputing 21: ComputerVision 22: ContentBasedRetrieval 23: ContentGeneration 24: ContextAwareRetrieval 25: ContinuousValidationStage 26: ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork 27: Data 28: DataAggregationBias 29: DataBias 30: DataLabelsAndLabellingProcessBias 31: DataPoisoning 32: DataRisk 33: DecisionTree 34: DecomissionStage 35: DeepLearning 36: DeploymentStage 37: DesignStage 38: DevelopmentStage 39: DialogueManagement 40: DiscardStage 41: DistributedTrainingBias 42: EmotionRecognition 43: EngineeringDecisionBias 44: ExpertSystem 45: FaceRecognition 46: FeatureEngineeringBias 47: FeedForwardNeuralNetwork 48: GPAIModel 49: GeneticAlgorithm 50: GestureRecognition 51: HumanOrientedCapability 52: HyperparameterTuningBias 53: ImageGeneration 54: ImageRecognition 55: InceptionStage 56: IncidentMonitoringStage 57: InductiveProgramming 58: IndustrialRobot 59: InformationRetrieval 60: InformativenessBias 61: InputDataBias 62: InputDataInaccurate 63: InputDataInappropriate 64: InputDataIncomplete 65: InputDataInconsistent 66: InputDataMisclassified 67: InputDataMisinterpretation 68: InputDataNoise 69: InputDataOutdated 70: InputDataRisk 71: InputDataSelectionError 72: InputDataSparse 73: InputDataUnrepresentative 74: InputDataUnstructured 75: InputDataUnverified 76: IntelligentControlSystem 77: KnowledgeRepresentation 78: KnowledgeTechnique 79: LanguageCapability 80: LieDetection 81: LifecycleStage 82: LocalBiometricIdentification 83: LogicTechnique 84: LongShortTermMemory 85: MachineLearning 86: MachineLearningModel 87: MachineLearningPlatform 88: MachineTranslation 89: MissingFeaturesAndLabelsBias 90: ModelBias 91: ModelEvasion 92: ModelExpressivenessBias 93: ModelInteractionBias 94: ModelInversion 95: ModelRisk 96: MultiModalRetrieval 97: MusicInformationRetrieval 98: NamedEntityRecognition 99: NarrowAI 100: NaturalLanguageGeneration 101: NeuralNetwork 102: NonRepresentativeSamplingBias 103: ObjectRecognition 104: OperationStage 105: OptimisationMethod 106: PartOfSpeechTagging 107: PersonalityTraitAnalysis 108: PostTimeBiometricIdentification 109: Profiling 110: QuestionAnswering 111: RealTimeBiometricIdentification 112: ReasoningTechnique 113: RecurrentNeuralNetwork 114: ReevaluationStage 115: ReinforcementLearning 116: RelationshipExtraction 117: RemoteBiometricIdentification 118: RepairStage 119: ReplaceStage 120: RetirementStage 121: RiskConcept 122: Robot 123: SearchMethod 124: SecurityAttack 125: SemiSupervisedLearning 126: SentimentAnalysis 127: ServiceRobot 128: SocialRobot 129: SoundSourceSeparation 130: SoundSynthesis 131: SpeakerRecognition 132: SpeechRecognition 133: SpeechSynthesis 134: StatisticalTechnique 135: SupervisedLearning 136: SupportVectorMachine 137: SymbolicReasoning 138: TestingData 139: TestingDataBias 140: TestingDataInaccurate 141: TestingDataInappropriate 142: TestingDataIncomplete 143: TestingDataInconsistent 144: TestingDataMisclassified 145: TestingDataMisinterpretation 146: TestingDataNoise 147: TestingDataOutdated 148: TestingDataRisk 149: TestingDataSelectionError 150: TestingDataSparse 151: TestingDataUnrepresentative 152: TestingDataUnstructured 153: TestingDataUnverified 154: TrainedModel 155: TrainingData 156: UnsupervisedLearning 157: UpdateStage 158: UserRisk 159: ValidationData 160: ValidationDataBias 161: ValidationDataInaccurate 162: ValidationDataInappropriate 163: ValidationDataIncomplete 164: ValidationDataInconsistent 165: ValidationDataMisclassified 166: ValidationDataMisinterpretation 167: ValidationDataNoise 168: ValidationDataOutdated 169: ValidationDataRisk 170: ValidationDataSelectionError 171: ValidationDataSparse 172: ValidationDataUnrepresentative 173: ValidationDataUnstructured 174: ValidationDataUnverified 175: ValidationStage 176: VerificationStage 177: VideoGeneration 178: core-properties 179: data-classes 180: data-properties 181: hasAI 182: hasAISystem 183: hasCapability 184: hasData 185: hasGPAIModel 186: hasModel 187: hasTechnique 188: hasTestingData 189: hasTrainingData 190: hasValidationData 191: lifecycle-classes 192: systems-classes
Risk Management (RISK)
total terms: 549 ; added: 282 ; removed: 104 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts represent a major change from previous drafts as this release provides a new model for how the same concept can be used as risk sources, risks, consequences, and impacts based on a common parent concept dpv:RiskConcept
. Removed concepts represent ambiguous concepts (e.g. HarmfulSpeech
) which have been renamed to better express the issue (e.g. ExposureToHarmfulSpeech
). Some AI-specific concepts have been moved or integrated with the risks provided in AI
extension. The Fee
concepts has been removed as a 'consequence' and provided in DPV as FeeRequirement
. Removed concepts represent ambiguous concepts (e.g. HarmfulSpeech
) which have been renamed to better express the issue (e.g. ExposureToHarmfulSpeech
). Some AI-specific concepts have been moved or integrated with the risks provided in AI
extension. The Fee
concepts has been removed as a 'consequence' and provided in DPV as FeeRequirement
.1: AbusiveContentUtilisation 2: AttackonPrivateLife 3: BusinessImpact 4: BusinessPerformanceImpairment 5: Businessdisruption 6: ChildViolence 7: CitizensImpact 8: ComplianceImpact 9: CompromiseAccountSecurity 10: ConsequenceForDataSubject 11: ConsequenceOnDataSecurity 12: CorruptionData 13: CostAcquisition 14: CostBackup 15: CostConfiguration 16: CostInstallation 17: CostJudicialPenalties 18: CostJudicialProceedings 19: CostOperationInterruption 20: CostSuspendedOperations 21: CyberSpying 22: CyberStalking 23: DamageByThirdParty 24: DangertoCustomers 25: DangertoPersonnel 26: DetrimentToRecovery 27: Eavesdropping 28: EconomicDisadvantage 29: EnvironmentalSafetyEndangerment 30: ErroneousSystemUse 31: Fee 32: FinancialEquipmentCosts 33: FinancialInvestigationCosts 34: FinancialPersonnelCosts 35: FinancialRepairCosts 36: GovernmentCrisis 37: HarmfulSpeech 38: HealthLifeImpact 39: IdentityDispute 40: IllegalProcessingData 41: ImpactOnDataSubject 42: ImpactToRights 43: IncreaseInternalCost 44: IndustrialCrisis 45: InterceptionCommunications 46: InternalOperationDisruption 47: KnownVulnerabilityExploited 48: LawEnforcementAdverseEffects 49: LimitationOfRights 50: LossAssets 51: LossCompetitiveAdvantage 52: LossControlOverData 53: LossCredibility 54: LossCustomerConfidence 55: LossCustomers 56: LossData 57: LossFunds 58: LossGoods 59: LossGoodwill 60: LossNegotiatingCapacity 61: LossOpportunity 62: LossProprietaryInformation 63: LossReputation 64: LossResources 65: LossSuppliers 66: LossTechnologicalAdvantage 67: LossTrust 68: MisinformationDisinformation 69: MisuseBreachedInformation 70: OrganisationDisruption 71: PersonnelAbsence 72: PhysicalSpying 73: PhysicalStalking 74: PreventExercisingOfRights 75: PrivacyImpact 76: RansomwareAttack 77: RemedyControl 78: RemoteSpying 79: ReplacementCosts 80: ReputationTrustImpact 81: RetrievalDeletedData 82: RetrievalDiscardedEquipment 83: ServiceInterruption 84: Spam 85: Spying 86: Stalking 87: Theft 88: TheftEquipment 89: TheftMedia 90: ThirdPartyOperationDisruption 91: UnauthorisedImpersonation 92: UnknownVulnerabilityExploited 93: Vandalism 94: ViolationCodeConduct 95: ViolationContractualObligations 96: ViolationEthicalCode 97: ViolationOfRights 98: ViolationRegulatoryObligations 99: ViolationStatutoryObligations 100: VulnerabilityCreated 101: VulnerabilityExploited 102: core-classes 103: core-properties 104: risk-consequences-classes
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Each concept in the risk/impact taxonomy is defined as an instance of
and annotated with 'potential roles' it is likely to take to be a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact. This makes the RISK taxonomy broadly useful and enables the taxonomy to be used in more use-cases and domains.
- Added
concepts and properties based on ISO 9000 series.
- Added taxonomy of
concepts and properties based on ISO 9000 series.
- Added
- Expanded and refined the taxonomy of concepts with helpful suggestions/guidance on which concepts are (commonly used as) risks sources, risks, consequences, and impacts.
- Adds experimental concepts for expressing granular rights impacts.
and annotated with 'potential roles' it is likely to take to be a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact. This makes the RISK taxonomy broadly useful and enables the taxonomy to be used in more use-cases and domains.RiskManagement
concepts and properties based on ISO 9000 series.RiskControl
concepts and properties based on ISO 9000 series.IncidentInvestigationStatus
concepts.1: AccidentalMisuse 2: AccuracyDegraded 3: AccuracyInconsistent 4: AccuracyInsufficient 5: AccuracyRisk 6: AccuracyUnknown 7: AccuracyUnverified 8: AgeDiscrimination 9: AvailabilityBreach 10: AvailabilityConcept 11: AvoidConsequence 12: AvoidImpact 13: AvoidanceControl 14: BehaviourDistortion 15: BelievesDiscrimination 16: Bias 17: CasteDiscrimination 18: CognitiveBias 19: ComponentFailure 20: ComponentMalfunction 21: ConfidentialityConcept 22: ConfirmationBias 23: ConfoundingVariablesBias 24: CoverageBias 25: CustomerSupportLimited 26: DataAggregationBias 27: DataBias 28: DataCollectionError 29: DataCorruption 30: DataErasureError 31: DataInaccurate 32: DataIncomplete 33: DataInconsistent 34: DataMisclassified 35: DataMisinterpretation 36: DataNoise 37: DataOutdated 38: DataPreparationError 39: DataProcessingBias 40: DataProcessingError 41: DataRisk 42: DataSelectionError 43: DataSparse 44: DataStorageError 45: DataTransferError 46: DataUnavailable 47: DataUnrepresentative 48: DataUnstructured 49: DataUnverified 50: DelayedApplicationProcessing 51: DirectDiscrimination 52: DisabilityDiscrimination 53: DisproportionateEnergyConsumption 54: Earthquake 55: EliminationControl 56: EnvironmentalRisk 57: ErroneousUse 58: EthnicDiscrimination 59: ExcellenceDiscrimination 60: ExposureToHarmfulSpeech 61: ExternalSecurityThreat 62: FinancialImpact 63: Floods 64: GenderDiscrimination 65: GeographicDiscrimination 66: GroupAttributionBias 67: GroupHealthSafety 68: GroupRisk 69: HaltConsequence 70: HaltImpact 71: Harassment 72: Health 73: HealthSafety 74: Homophobia 75: HumanOversightIneffective 76: HumanOversightInsufficient 77: IdentityVerificationFailure 78: IllegalDataProcessing 79: ImplicitBias 80: InGroupBias 81: InabilityToEnterIntoContract 82: InabilityToEstablishLegalClaims 83: InabilityToFulfillLegalObligations 84: InabilityToProcessPayments 85: InabilityToProtectVitalInterests 86: InabilityToProvideHealthCare 87: IncidentInvestigationCompleted 88: IncidentInvestigationNotStarted 89: IncidentInvestigationOngoing 90: IncidentInvestigationPreliminary 91: IncidentInvestigationStatus 92: IndirectDiscrimination 93: IndividualHealthSafety 94: IndividualRisk 95: InformativenessBias 96: InstructionsIncorrect 97: InstructionsInsufficient 98: IntegrityBreach 99: IntegrityConcept 100: IntentionalMisuse 101: InterceptCommunications 102: InterruptionControl 103: InterventionControl 104: InvestigationControl 105: JudicialCosts 106: JudicialPenalty 107: LackOfSystemTransparency 108: LanguageDiscrimination 109: LegalComplianceRisk 110: LegalRiskConcept 111: LegalSupportLimited 112: LegallyRelevantConsequence 113: LoggingControl 114: LoseCredibility 115: LoseCustomerConfidence 116: LoseGoodwill 117: LoseNegotiatingCapacity 118: LoseOpportunity 119: LoseReputation 120: LoseTrust 121: LoyaltyProgramExclusion 122: MaliciousActivity 123: MentalHealth 124: MentalSafety 125: Misandry 126: Misogyny 127: MitigationControl 128: ModificationControl 129: NationalityDiscrimination 130: NonNormalityBias 131: NonResponseBias 132: OperationalSecurityRisk 133: OrganisationalManagementRisk 134: OrganisationalRiskConcept 135: OutGroupHomogeneityBias 136: OverrideControl 137: OversightControl 138: PersonalisationDisabled 139: PersonalisationEnabled 140: PhysicalHarm 141: PhysicalHealth 142: PhysicalSafety 143: PolicyRisk 144: PotentialConsequence 145: PotentialImpact 146: PotentialRisk 147: PotentialRiskSource 148: Privacy 149: ProactiveControl 150: PublicHealthSafety 151: PublicServicesExclusion 152: QualityDegraded 153: QualityInconsistent 154: QualityInsufficient 155: QualityRisk 156: QualityUnknown 157: QualityUnverified 158: RacialDiscrimination 159: Racism 160: ReactiveControl 161: ReligiousDiscrimination 162: RemeditationControl 163: ReputationalRisk 164: RequirementsBias 165: ResolutionControl 166: ReversalControl 167: ReverseDiscrimination 168: RightsDenied 169: RightsEroded 170: RightsExercisePrevented 171: RightsImpact 172: RightsLimited 173: RightsObstructed 174: RightsUnfulfilled 175: RightsViolated 176: RiskAcceptance 177: RiskCriteria 178: RiskEvaluation 179: RiskIdentification 180: RiskOwner 181: RiskPerception 182: RiskTreatment 183: RobustnessDegraded 184: RobustnessInconsistent 185: RobustnessInsufficient 186: RobustnessRisk 187: RobustnessUnknown 188: RobustnessUnverified 189: RuleBasedSystemDesign 190: Safety 191: SamplingBias 192: SecurityAttack 193: SecurityQualityDegraded 194: SecurityQualityInconsistent 195: SecurityQualityInsufficient 196: SecurityQualityRisk 197: SecurityQualityUnknown 198: SecurityQualityUnverified 199: SelectionBias 200: ServiceAlternativeOffered 201: ServiceCostIncreased 202: ServiceDenied 203: ServiceLimited 204: ServiceNotProvided 205: ServicePartiallyProvided 206: ServiceProvided 207: ServiceProvisionDelayed 208: ServiceQualityReduced 209: ServiceRelatedConsequence 210: ServiceSecurityReduced 211: ServiceTermination 212: SexDiscrimination 213: Sexism 214: SexualHarassment 215: SexualOrientationDiscrimination 216: ShareControl 217: SimpsonsParadoxBias 218: SocietalBias 219: SocietalHealthSafety 220: SocietalRiskConcept 221: StaffIncompetence 222: StatisticalBias 223: SubstitutionControl 224: TaskExecutionIncorrect 225: TaskExecutionRisk 226: TaskOmmitted 227: TaskTimingIncorrect 228: TechnicalRiskConcept 229: TechnologyOverreliance 230: TransferControl 231: TransparencyControl 232: Transphobia 233: UnauthorisedActivity 234: UserRisks 235: ViolatingCodeOfConduct 236: ViolatingContractualObligation 237: ViolatingEthicsCode 238: ViolatingLegalObligation 239: ViolatingObligation 240: ViolatingPolicy 241: ViolatingProhibition 242: ViolatingStatutoryObligations 243: ViolenceAgainstChildren 244: Wellbeing 245: WorkplaceDiscrimination 246: avoids 247: contains 248: controls 249: detects 250: eliminates 251: hasRiskAcceptance 252: hasRiskAnalysis 253: hasRiskAssessment 254: hasRiskCriteria 255: hasRiskEvaluation 256: hasRiskIdentification 257: hasRiskManagement 258: hasRiskOwner 259: hasRiskPerception 260: hasRiskTreatment 261: identifies 262: incident-properties 263: interrupts 264: intervenes 265: investigates 266: logs 267: mitigates 268: modifies 269: monitors 270: overrides 271: recovers 272: reduces 273: remedies 274: resolves 275: reverses 276: risk-controls-properties 277: risk-management-classes 278: risk-management-properties 279: risk-taxonomy-classes 280: shares 281: substitutes 282: transfers
total terms: 75 ; added: 4 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: LackOfIntent 2: LegalClaimImpaired 3: LegalObligationImpaired 4: RiskMitigated
Locations (LOC)
total terms: 5024 ; added: 4685 ; removed: 1 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Virgin Islands of the United States are represented as VI
instead of US-VI
following the 3166-2 alpha-2 code.
instead of US-VI
following the 3166-2 alpha-2 code.1: US-VI
Concepts Added (click to expand)
Added ISO 3166-3 codes representing regions within countries. Each region is indicated to be a part of the country it is defined within as per ISO 3166. DPV's representation of locations is based on international standardised representations in ISO documents and does not reflect or assert any political implications.
The HTML documentation has been revised to shorten the size of the document as the large number of concepts created a large number of tables and pages.
1: AD-02 2: AD-03 3: AD-04 4: AD-05 5: AD-06 6: AD-07 7: AD-08 8: AE-AJ 9: AE-AZ 10: AE-DU 11: AE-FU 12: AE-RK 13: AE-SH 14: AE-UQ 15: AF-BAL 16: AF-BAM 17: AF-BDG 18: AF-BDS 19: AF-BGL 20: AF-DAY 21: AF-FRA 22: AF-FYB 23: AF-GHA 24: AF-GHO 25: AF-HEL 26: AF-HER 27: AF-JOW 28: AF-KAB 29: AF-KAN 30: AF-KAP 31: AF-KDZ 32: AF-KHO 33: AF-KNR 34: AF-LAG 35: AF-LOG 36: AF-NAN 37: AF-NIM 38: AF-NUR 39: AF-PAN 40: AF-PAR 41: AF-PIA 42: AF-PKA 43: AF-SAM 44: AF-SAR 45: AF-TAK 46: AF-URU 47: AF-WAR 48: AF-ZAB 49: AG-03 50: AG-04 51: AG-05 52: AG-06 53: AG-07 54: AG-08 55: AG-10 56: AG-11 57: AL-01 58: AL-02 59: AL-03 60: AL-04 61: AL-05 62: AL-06 63: AL-07 64: AL-08 65: AL-09 66: AL-10 67: AL-11 68: AL-12 69: AL-EL 70: AL-FR 71: AL-GJ 72: AL-HA 73: AL-KA 74: AL-KC 75: AL-KR 76: AL-KU 77: AL-LB 78: AL-LU 79: AL-MR 80: AL-MT 81: AL-PG 82: AL-PR 83: AL-SH 84: AL-SK 85: AL-SR 86: AL-TE 87: AL-TP 88: AM-AG 89: AM-AR 90: AM-AV 91: AM-ER 92: AM-GR 93: AM-KT 94: AM-LO 95: AM-SH 96: AM-SU 97: AM-TV 98: AM-VD 99: AO-BGO 100: AO-BGU 101: AO-BIE 102: AO-CAB 103: AO-CCU 104: AO-CNN 105: AO-CNO 106: AO-CUS 107: AO-HUA 108: AO-HUI 109: AO-LNO 110: AO-LSU 111: AO-LUA 112: AO-MAL 113: AO-MOX 114: AO-NAM 115: AO-UIG 116: AO-ZAI 117: AR-A 118: AR-B 119: AR-C 120: AR-D 121: AR-E 122: AR-F 123: AR-G 124: AR-H 125: AR-J 126: AR-K 127: AR-L 128: AR-M 129: AR-N 130: AR-P 131: AR-Q 132: AR-R 133: AR-S 134: AR-T 135: AR-U 136: AR-V 137: AR-W 138: AR-X 139: AR-Y 140: AR-Z 141: AT-1 142: AT-2 143: AT-3 144: AT-4 145: AT-5 146: AT-6 147: AT-7 148: AT-8 149: AT-9 150: AU-ACT 151: AU-NSW 152: AU-NT 153: AU-QLD 154: AU-SA 155: AU-TAS 156: AU-VIC 157: AU-WA 158: AZ-ABS 159: AZ-AGA 160: AZ-AGC 161: AZ-AGM 162: AZ-AGS 163: AZ-AGU 164: AZ-AST 165: AZ-BA 166: AZ-BAB 167: AZ-BAL 168: AZ-BAR 169: AZ-BEY 170: AZ-BIL 171: AZ-CAB 172: AZ-CAL 173: AZ-CUL 174: AZ-DAS 175: AZ-FUZ 176: AZ-GA 177: AZ-GAD 178: AZ-GOR 179: AZ-GOY 180: AZ-GYG 181: AZ-HAC 182: AZ-IMI 183: AZ-ISM 184: AZ-KAL 185: AZ-KAN 186: AZ-KUR 187: AZ-LA 188: AZ-LAC 189: AZ-LAN 190: AZ-LER 191: AZ-MAS 192: AZ-MI 193: AZ-NEF 194: AZ-NV 195: AZ-NX 196: AZ-OGU 197: AZ-ORD 198: AZ-QAB 199: AZ-QAX 200: AZ-QAZ 201: AZ-QBA 202: AZ-QBI 203: AZ-QOB 204: AZ-QUS 205: AZ-SA 206: AZ-SAB 207: AZ-SAD 208: AZ-SAH 209: AZ-SAK 210: AZ-SAL 211: AZ-SAR 212: AZ-SAT 213: AZ-SBN 214: AZ-SIY 215: AZ-SKR 216: AZ-SM 217: AZ-SMI 218: AZ-SMX 219: AZ-SR 220: AZ-SUS 221: AZ-TAR 222: AZ-TOV 223: AZ-UCA 224: AZ-XA 225: AZ-XAC 226: AZ-XCI 227: AZ-XIZ 228: AZ-XVD 229: AZ-YAR 230: AZ-YE 231: AZ-YEV 232: AZ-ZAN 233: AZ-ZAQ 234: AZ-ZAR 235: BA-01 236: BA-02 237: BA-03 238: BA-04 239: BA-05 240: BA-06 241: BA-07 242: BA-08 243: BA-09 244: BA-10 245: BA-BIH 246: BA-BRC 247: BA-SRP 248: BB-01 249: BB-02 250: BB-03 251: BB-04 252: BB-05 253: BB-06 254: BB-07 255: BB-08 256: BB-09 257: BB-10 258: BB-11 259: BD-01 260: BD-02 261: BD-03 262: BD-04 263: BD-05 264: BD-06 265: BD-07 266: BD-08 267: BD-09 268: BD-10 269: BD-11 270: BD-12 271: BD-13 272: BD-14 273: BD-15 274: BD-16 275: BD-17 276: BD-18 277: BD-19 278: BD-20 279: BD-21 280: BD-23 281: BD-24 282: BD-25 283: BD-26 284: BD-27 285: BD-28 286: BD-29 287: BD-30 288: BD-31 289: BD-32 290: BD-33 291: BD-34 292: BD-35 293: BD-36 294: BD-37 295: BD-38 296: BD-39 297: BD-40 298: BD-41 299: BD-42 300: BD-43 301: BD-44 302: BD-45 303: BD-46 304: BD-47 305: BD-48 306: BD-49 307: BD-50 308: BD-51 309: BD-52 310: BD-53 311: BD-54 312: BD-55 313: BD-56 314: BD-57 315: BD-58 316: BD-59 317: BD-60 318: BD-61 319: BD-62 320: BD-63 321: BD-64 322: BD-A 323: BD-B 324: BD-C 325: BD-D 326: BD-E 327: BD-F 328: BD-G 329: BD-H 330: BE-BRU 331: BE-VAN 332: BE-VBR 333: BE-VLI 334: BE-VOV 335: BE-VWV 336: BE-WAL 337: BE-WBR 338: BE-WHT 339: BE-WLG 340: BE-WLX 341: BE-WNA 342: BF-01 343: BF-02 344: BF-03 345: BF-04 346: BF-05 347: BF-06 348: BF-07 349: BF-08 350: BF-09 351: BF-10 352: BF-11 353: BF-12 354: BF-13 355: BF-BAL 356: BF-BAM 357: BF-BAN 358: BF-BAZ 359: BF-BGR 360: BF-BLG 361: BF-BLK 362: BF-COM 363: BF-GAN 364: BF-GNA 365: BF-GOU 366: BF-HOU 367: BF-IOB 368: BF-KAD 369: BF-KEN 370: BF-KMD 371: BF-KMP 372: BF-KOP 373: BF-KOS 374: BF-KOT 375: BF-KOW 376: BF-LER 377: BF-LOR 378: BF-MOU 379: BF-NAM 380: BF-NAO 381: BF-NAY 382: BF-NOU 383: BF-OUB 384: BF-OUD 385: BF-PAS 386: BF-PON 387: BF-SEN 388: BF-SIS 389: BF-SMT 390: BF-SNG 391: BF-SOM 392: BF-SOR 393: BF-TAP 394: BF-TUI 395: BF-YAG 396: BF-YAT 397: BF-ZIR 398: BF-ZON 399: BF-ZOU 400: BG-01 401: BG-02 402: BG-03 403: BG-04 404: BG-05 405: BG-06 406: BG-07 407: BG-08 408: BG-09 409: BG-10 410: BG-11 411: BG-12 412: BG-13 413: BG-14 414: BG-15 415: BG-16 416: BG-17 417: BG-18 418: BG-19 419: BG-20 420: BG-21 421: BG-22 422: BG-23 423: BG-24 424: BG-25 425: BG-26 426: BG-27 427: BG-28 428: BH-13 429: BH-14 430: BH-17 431: BI-BB 432: BI-BM 433: BI-KI 434: BI-KR 435: BJ-AK 436: BJ-AL 437: BJ-AQ 438: BJ-BO 439: BJ-CO 440: BJ-DO 441: BJ-KO 442: BJ-LI 443: BJ-MO 444: BJ-OU 445: BJ-PL 446: BJ-ZO 447: BN-BE 448: BN-BM 449: BN-TE 450: BN-TU 451: BO-B 452: BO-C 453: BO-H 454: BO-L 455: BO-N 456: BO-O 457: BO-P 458: BO-S 459: BO-T 460: BQ-SE 461: BR-AC 462: BR-AL 463: BR-AM 464: BR-AP 465: BR-BA 466: BR-CE 467: BR-DF 468: BR-ES 469: BR-GO 470: BR-MA 471: BR-MG 472: BR-MS 473: BR-MT 474: BR-PA 475: BR-PB 476: BR-PE 477: BR-PI 478: BR-PR 479: BR-RJ 480: BR-RN 481: BR-RO 482: BR-RR 483: BR-RS 484: BR-SC 485: BR-SE 486: BR-SP 487: BR-TO 488: BS-BI 489: BS-BY 490: BS-CI 491: BS-CK 492: BS-FP 493: BS-GT 494: BS-HI 495: BS-HT 496: BS-IN 497: BS-LI 498: BS-MH 499: BS-NS 500: BS-RI 501: BS-SA 502: BS-SS 503: BT-11 504: BT-12 505: BT-13 506: BT-14 507: BT-15 508: BT-21 509: BT-22 510: BT-23 511: BT-24 512: BT-31 513: BT-32 514: BT-33 515: BT-34 516: BT-41 517: BT-42 518: BT-43 519: BT-44 520: BT-45 521: BT-GA 522: BT-TY 523: BW-CE 524: BW-FR 525: BW-GA 526: BW-JW 527: BW-KG 528: BW-KW 529: BW-LO 530: BW-NE 531: BW-NW 532: BW-SE 533: BY-BR 534: BY-HM 535: BY-HO 536: BY-HR 537: BY-MA 538: BY-MI 539: BY-VI 540: BZ-BZ 541: BZ-CY 542: BZ-CZL 543: BZ-OW 544: BZ-SC 545: BZ-TOL 546: CA-AB 547: CA-BC 548: CA-MB 549: CA-NB 550: CA-NL 551: CA-NS 552: CA-NT 553: CA-NU 554: CA-ON 555: CA-PE 556: CA-QC 557: CA-SK 558: CA-YT 559: CD-BC 560: CD-BN 561: CD-EQ 562: CD-HK 563: CD-HL 564: CD-HU 565: CD-KA 566: CD-KC 567: CD-KE 568: CD-KG 569: CD-KL 570: CD-KN 571: CD-KW 572: CD-LO 573: CD-LU 574: CD-MA 575: CD-MN 576: CD-MO 577: CD-NK 578: CD-NU 579: CD-SA 580: CD-SK 581: CD-TA 582: CD-TO 583: CD-TU 584: CF-BGF 585: CF-NM 586: CG-11 587: CG-12 588: CG-13 589: CG-14 590: CG-15 591: CG-2 592: CG-5 593: CG-7 594: CG-8 595: CG-9 596: CH-AG 597: CH-AI 598: CH-AR 599: CH-BE 600: CH-BL 601: CH-BS 602: CH-FR 603: CH-GE 604: CH-GL 605: CH-GR 606: CH-JU 607: CH-LU 608: CH-NE 609: CH-NW 610: CH-OW 611: CH-SG 612: CH-SH 613: CH-SO 614: CH-SZ 615: CH-TG 616: CH-TI 617: CH-UR 618: CH-VD 619: CH-VS 620: CH-ZG 621: CH-ZH 622: CI-05 623: CI-AB 624: CI-DN 625: CI-YM 626: CL-AI 627: CL-AN 628: CL-AP 629: CL-AR 630: CL-AT 631: CL-BI 632: CL-CO 633: CL-LI 634: CL-LL 635: CL-LR 636: CL-MA 637: CL-ML 638: CL-NB 639: CL-RM 640: CL-TA 641: CL-VS 642: CM-AD 643: CM-CE 644: CM-EN 645: CM-ES 646: CM-LT 647: CM-NO 648: CM-NW 649: CM-SU 650: CM-SW 651: CN-AH 652: CN-BJ 653: CN-CQ 654: CN-FJ 655: CN-GD 656: CN-GS 657: CN-GX 658: CN-GZ 659: CN-HA 660: CN-HB 661: CN-HE 662: CN-HI 663: CN-HK 664: CN-HL 665: CN-HN 666: CN-JL 667: CN-JS 668: CN-JX 669: CN-LN 670: CN-MO 671: CN-NM 672: CN-NX 673: CN-QH 674: CN-SC 675: CN-SD 676: CN-SH 677: CN-SN 678: CN-SX 679: CN-TJ 680: CN-TW 681: CN-XJ 682: CN-XZ 683: CN-YN 684: CN-ZJ 685: CO-AMA 686: CO-ANT 687: CO-ARA 688: CO-ATL 689: CO-BOL 690: CO-BOY 691: CO-CAL 692: CO-CAQ 693: CO-CAS 694: CO-CAU 695: CO-CES 696: CO-CHO 697: CO-COR 698: CO-CUN 699: CO-DC 700: CO-GUA 701: CO-GUV 702: CO-HUI 703: CO-LAG 704: CO-MAG 705: CO-MET 706: CO-NAR 707: CO-NSA 708: CO-PUT 709: CO-QUI 710: CO-RIS 711: CO-SAN 712: CO-SAP 713: CO-SUC 714: CO-TOL 715: CO-VAC 716: CO-VAU 717: CO-VID 718: CR-A 719: CR-C 720: CR-G 721: CR-H 722: CR-L 723: CR-P 724: CR-SJ 725: CU-01 726: CU-02 727: CU-04 728: CU-05 729: CU-06 730: CU-07 731: CU-08 732: CU-09 733: CU-10 734: CU-11 735: CU-12 736: CU-13 737: CU-14 738: CU-15 739: CU-16 740: CU-99 741: CV-B 742: CV-BR 743: CV-CA 744: CV-CF 745: CV-MA 746: CV-MO 747: CV-PA 748: CV-PN 749: CV-RB 750: CV-RG 751: CV-RS 752: CV-S 753: CV-SD 754: CV-SF 755: CV-SM 756: CV-SO 757: CV-SS 758: CV-SV 759: CV-TA 760: CV-TS 761: CY-01 762: CY-02 763: CY-03 764: CY-04 765: CY-05 766: CY-06 767: CZ-10 768: CZ-101 769: CZ-102 770: CZ-103 771: CZ-105 772: CZ-106 773: CZ-107 774: CZ-108 775: CZ-109 776: CZ-110 777: CZ-114 778: CZ-115 779: CZ-121 780: CZ-20 781: CZ-201 782: CZ-202 783: CZ-203 784: CZ-204 785: CZ-205 786: CZ-206 787: CZ-207 788: CZ-208 789: CZ-209 790: CZ-20A 791: CZ-20B 792: CZ-20C 793: CZ-31 794: CZ-311 795: CZ-312 796: CZ-313 797: CZ-314 798: CZ-315 799: CZ-316 800: CZ-317 801: CZ-32 802: CZ-321 803: CZ-322 804: CZ-323 805: CZ-324 806: CZ-325 807: CZ-326 808: CZ-327 809: CZ-41 810: CZ-411 811: CZ-412 812: CZ-413 813: CZ-42 814: CZ-421 815: CZ-422 816: CZ-423 817: CZ-424 818: CZ-425 819: CZ-426 820: CZ-427 821: CZ-51 822: CZ-511 823: CZ-512 824: CZ-513 825: CZ-514 826: CZ-52 827: CZ-521 828: CZ-522 829: CZ-523 830: CZ-524 831: CZ-525 832: CZ-53 833: CZ-531 834: CZ-532 835: CZ-533 836: CZ-534 837: CZ-63 838: CZ-631 839: CZ-632 840: CZ-633 841: CZ-634 842: CZ-635 843: CZ-64 844: CZ-641 845: CZ-642 846: CZ-643 847: CZ-644 848: CZ-645 849: CZ-646 850: CZ-647 851: CZ-71 852: CZ-711 853: CZ-712 854: CZ-713 855: CZ-714 856: CZ-715 857: CZ-72 858: CZ-721 859: CZ-722 860: CZ-723 861: CZ-724 862: CZ-80 863: CZ-801 864: CZ-802 865: CZ-803 866: CZ-804 867: CZ-805 868: CZ-806 869: DJ-AS 870: DJ-DI 871: DJ-DJ 872: DJ-OB 873: DJ-TA 874: DK-81 875: DK-82 876: DK-83 877: DK-84 878: DK-85 879: DK-GL 880: DM-02 881: DM-03 882: DM-04 883: DM-05 884: DM-06 885: DM-07 886: DM-08 887: DM-09 888: DM-10 889: DM-11 890: DO-01 891: DO-02 892: DO-03 893: DO-04 894: DO-05 895: DO-06 896: DO-07 897: DO-08 898: DO-09 899: DO-10 900: DO-11 901: DO-12 902: DO-13 903: DO-14 904: DO-15 905: DO-16 906: DO-17 907: DO-18 908: DO-19 909: DO-20 910: DO-21 911: DO-22 912: DO-23 913: DO-24 914: DO-25 915: DO-26 916: DO-27 917: DO-28 918: DO-29 919: DO-30 920: DO-31 921: DO-32 922: DZ-01 923: DZ-02 924: DZ-03 925: DZ-04 926: DZ-05 927: DZ-06 928: DZ-07 929: DZ-08 930: DZ-09 931: DZ-10 932: DZ-11 933: DZ-12 934: DZ-13 935: DZ-14 936: DZ-15 937: DZ-16 938: DZ-17 939: DZ-18 940: DZ-19 941: DZ-20 942: DZ-21 943: DZ-22 944: DZ-23 945: DZ-24 946: DZ-25 947: DZ-26 948: DZ-27 949: DZ-28 950: DZ-29 951: DZ-30 952: DZ-31 953: DZ-32 954: DZ-33 955: DZ-34 956: DZ-35 957: DZ-36 958: DZ-37 959: DZ-38 960: DZ-39 961: DZ-40 962: DZ-41 963: DZ-42 964: DZ-43 965: DZ-44 966: DZ-45 967: DZ-46 968: DZ-47 969: DZ-48 970: DZ-49 971: DZ-50 972: DZ-51 973: DZ-52 974: DZ-53 975: DZ-55 976: DZ-56 977: DZ-58 978: EC-A 979: EC-B 980: EC-C 981: EC-D 982: EC-E 983: EC-F 984: EC-G 985: EC-H 986: EC-I 987: EC-L 988: EC-M 989: EC-N 990: EC-O 991: EC-P 992: EC-R 993: EC-S 994: EC-SD 995: EC-SE 996: EC-T 997: EC-U 998: EC-W 999: EC-X 1000: EC-Y 1001: EC-Z 1002: EE-130 1003: EE-141 1004: EE-142 1005: EE-171 1006: EE-205 1007: EE-214 1008: EE-245 1009: EE-247 1010: EE-251 1011: EE-255 1012: EE-321 1013: EE-37 1014: EE-39 1015: EE-430 1016: EE-431 1017: EE-441 1018: EE-442 1019: EE-45 1020: EE-50 1021: EE-514 1022: EE-52 1023: EE-557 1024: EE-56 1025: EE-586 1026: EE-60 1027: EE-615 1028: EE-618 1029: EE-638 1030: EE-64 1031: EE-68 1032: EE-698 1033: EE-71 1034: EE-735 1035: EE-74 1036: EE-79 1037: EE-809 1038: EE-81 1039: EE-834 1040: EE-84 1041: EE-87 1042: EE-928 1043: EG-ALX 1044: EG-ASN 1045: EG-AST 1046: EG-BA 1047: EG-BH 1048: EG-BNS 1049: EG-C 1050: EG-DK 1051: EG-DT 1052: EG-FYM 1053: EG-GH 1054: EG-GZ 1055: EG-HU 1056: EG-IS 1057: EG-JS 1058: EG-KB 1059: EG-KFS 1060: EG-KN 1061: EG-LX 1062: EG-MN 1063: EG-MNF 1064: EG-MT 1065: EG-PTS 1066: EG-SHG 1067: EG-SHR 1068: EG-SIN 1069: EG-SU 1070: EG-SUZ 1071: EG-WAD 1072: ER-AN 1073: ER-DK 1074: ES-A 1075: ES-AB 1076: ES-AL 1077: ES-AN 1078: ES-AR 1079: ES-AS 1080: ES-AV 1081: ES-B 1082: ES-BA 1083: ES-BI 1084: ES-BU 1085: ES-C 1086: ES-CA 1087: ES-CB 1088: ES-CC 1089: ES-CE 1090: ES-CL 1091: ES-CM 1092: ES-CN 1093: ES-CO 1094: ES-CR 1095: ES-CS 1096: ES-CT 1097: ES-CU 1098: ES-EX 1099: ES-GA 1100: ES-GC 1101: ES-GI 1102: ES-GR 1103: ES-GU 1104: ES-H 1105: ES-HU 1106: ES-IB 1107: ES-J 1108: ES-L 1109: ES-LE 1110: ES-LU 1111: ES-M 1112: ES-MA 1113: ES-MC 1114: ES-MD 1115: ES-ML 1116: ES-NC 1117: ES-OR 1118: ES-P 1119: ES-PO 1120: ES-PV 1121: ES-RI 1122: ES-SA 1123: ES-SE 1124: ES-SG 1125: ES-SO 1126: ES-SS 1127: ES-T 1128: ES-TE 1129: ES-TF 1130: ES-TO 1131: ES-V 1132: ES-VA 1133: ES-VC 1134: ES-VI 1135: ES-Z 1136: ES-ZA 1137: ET-AA 1138: ET-AF 1139: ET-AM 1140: ET-BE 1141: ET-DD 1142: ET-GA 1143: ET-HA 1144: ET-OR 1145: ET-SI 1146: ET-SN 1147: ET-SO 1148: ET-SW 1149: ET-TI 1150: FI-01 1151: FI-02 1152: FI-03 1153: FI-04 1154: FI-05 1155: FI-06 1156: FI-07 1157: FI-08 1158: FI-09 1159: FI-10 1160: FI-11 1161: FI-12 1162: FI-13 1163: FI-14 1164: FI-15 1165: FI-16 1166: FI-17 1167: FI-18 1168: FI-19 1169: FI-IS 1170: FI-LL 1171: FI-LS 1172: FI-OL 1173: FJ-04 1174: FJ-R 1175: FM-PNI 1176: FM-TRK 1177: FM-YAP 1178: FR-01 1179: FR-02 1180: FR-03 1181: FR-04 1182: FR-05 1183: FR-06 1184: FR-07 1185: FR-08 1186: FR-09 1187: FR-10 1188: FR-11 1189: FR-12 1190: FR-13 1191: FR-14 1192: FR-15 1193: FR-16 1194: FR-17 1195: FR-18 1196: FR-19 1197: FR-20R 1198: FR-21 1199: FR-22 1200: FR-23 1201: FR-24 1202: FR-25 1203: FR-26 1204: FR-27 1205: FR-28 1206: FR-29 1207: FR-2A 1208: FR-2B 1209: FR-30 1210: FR-31 1211: FR-32 1212: FR-33 1213: FR-34 1214: FR-35 1215: FR-36 1216: FR-37 1217: FR-38 1218: FR-39 1219: FR-40 1220: FR-41 1221: FR-42 1222: FR-43 1223: FR-44 1224: FR-45 1225: FR-46 1226: FR-47 1227: FR-48 1228: FR-49 1229: FR-50 1230: FR-51 1231: FR-52 1232: FR-53 1233: FR-54 1234: FR-55 1235: FR-56 1236: FR-57 1237: FR-58 1238: FR-59 1239: FR-60 1240: FR-61 1241: FR-62 1242: FR-63 1243: FR-64 1244: FR-65 1245: FR-66 1246: FR-67 1247: FR-68 1248: FR-69 1249: FR-6AE 1250: FR-70 1251: FR-71 1252: FR-72 1253: FR-73 1254: FR-74 1255: FR-75C 1256: FR-76 1257: FR-77 1258: FR-78 1259: FR-79 1260: FR-80 1261: FR-81 1262: FR-82 1263: FR-83 1264: FR-84 1265: FR-85 1266: FR-86 1267: FR-87 1268: FR-88 1269: FR-89 1270: FR-90 1271: FR-91 1272: FR-92 1273: FR-93 1274: FR-94 1275: FR-95 1276: FR-971 1277: FR-972 1278: FR-973 1279: FR-974 1280: FR-ARA 1281: FR-B 1282: FR-BFC 1283: FR-BL 1284: FR-BRE 1285: FR-C 1286: FR-CP 1287: FR-CVL 1288: FR-D 1289: FR-G 1290: FR-GES 1291: FR-HDF 1292: FR-IDF 1293: FR-K 1294: FR-L 1295: FR-M 1296: FR-MF 1297: FR-N 1298: FR-NAQ 1299: FR-NC 1300: FR-NOR 1301: FR-O 1302: FR-OCC 1303: FR-P 1304: FR-PAC 1305: FR-PDL 1306: FR-PF 1307: FR-PM 1308: FR-Q 1309: FR-S 1310: FR-T 1311: FR-TF 1312: FR-V 1313: FR-WF 1314: GA-1 1315: GA-2 1316: GA-3 1317: GA-4 1318: GA-5 1319: GA-6 1320: GA-7 1321: GA-8 1322: GA-9 1323: GB-ABC 1324: GB-ABD 1325: GB-ABE 1326: GB-AGB 1327: GB-AGY 1328: GB-AND 1329: GB-ANN 1330: GB-ANS 1331: GB-ANT 1332: GB-ARM 1333: GB-BAS 1334: GB-BBD 1335: GB-BCP 1336: GB-BDF 1337: GB-BDG 1338: GB-BEN 1339: GB-BEX 1340: GB-BGE 1341: GB-BGW 1342: GB-BIR 1343: GB-BKM 1344: GB-BLA 1345: GB-BMH 1346: GB-BNB 1347: GB-BNE 1348: GB-BNH 1349: GB-BNS 1350: GB-BOL 1351: GB-BPL 1352: GB-BRC 1353: GB-BRD 1354: GB-BRY 1355: GB-BST 1356: GB-BUR 1357: GB-CAM 1358: GB-CAY 1359: GB-CBF 1360: GB-CCG 1361: GB-CGN 1362: GB-CGV 1363: GB-CHE 1364: GB-CHS 1365: GB-CHW 1366: GB-CKF 1367: GB-CLD 1368: GB-CLK 1369: GB-CLR 1370: GB-CMA 1371: GB-CMD 1372: GB-CMN 1373: GB-CON 1374: GB-COV 1375: GB-CRF 1376: GB-CRY 1377: GB-CSR 1378: GB-CWY 1379: GB-DAL 1380: GB-DBY 1381: GB-DEN 1382: GB-DER 1383: GB-DEV 1384: GB-DGN 1385: GB-DGY 1386: GB-DNC 1387: GB-DND 1388: GB-DOR 1389: GB-DOW 1390: GB-DRS 1391: GB-DRY 1392: GB-DUD 1393: GB-DUR 1394: GB-EAL 1395: GB-EAW 1396: GB-EAY 1397: GB-EDH 1398: GB-EDU 1399: GB-ELN 1400: GB-ELS 1401: GB-ENF 1402: GB-ENG 1403: GB-ERW 1404: GB-ERY 1405: GB-ESS 1406: GB-ESX 1407: GB-FAL 1408: GB-FIF 1409: GB-FLN 1410: GB-FMO 1411: GB-GAT 1412: GB-GLG 1413: GB-GLS 1414: GB-GRE 1415: GB-GWN 1416: GB-HAL 1417: GB-HAM 1418: GB-HAV 1419: GB-HCK 1420: GB-HEF 1421: GB-HIL 1422: GB-HLD 1423: GB-HMF 1424: GB-HNS 1425: GB-HPL 1426: GB-HRT 1427: GB-HRW 1428: GB-HRY 1429: GB-IOS 1430: GB-IOW 1431: GB-ISL 1432: GB-IVC 1433: GB-JSY 1434: GB-KEC 1435: GB-KEN 1436: GB-KHL 1437: GB-KIR 1438: GB-KTT 1439: GB-KWL 1440: GB-LAN 1441: GB-LBC 1442: GB-LBH 1443: GB-LCE 1444: GB-LDS 1445: GB-LEC 1446: GB-LEW 1447: GB-LIN 1448: GB-LIV 1449: GB-LND 1450: GB-LSB 1451: GB-LUT 1452: GB-MAN 1453: GB-MDB 1454: GB-MDW 1455: GB-MEA 1456: GB-MFT 1457: GB-MIK 1458: GB-MLN 1459: GB-MON 1460: GB-MRT 1461: GB-MRY 1462: GB-MTY 1463: GB-MUL 1464: GB-MYL 1465: GB-NAY 1466: GB-NBL 1467: GB-NDN 1468: GB-NEL 1469: GB-NET 1470: GB-NFK 1471: GB-NGM 1472: GB-NIR 1473: GB-NLK 1474: GB-NLN 1475: GB-NMD 1476: GB-NSM 1477: GB-NTA 1478: GB-NTH 1479: GB-NTL 1480: GB-NTT 1481: GB-NTY 1482: GB-NWM 1483: GB-NWP 1484: GB-NYK 1485: GB-NYM 1486: GB-OLD 1487: GB-OMH 1488: GB-ORK 1489: GB-OXF 1490: GB-PEM 1491: GB-PKN 1492: GB-PLY 1493: GB-POL 1494: GB-POR 1495: GB-POW 1496: GB-PTE 1497: GB-RCC 1498: GB-RCH 1499: GB-RCT 1500: GB-RDB 1501: GB-RDG 1502: GB-RFW 1503: GB-RIC 1504: GB-ROT 1505: GB-RUT 1506: GB-SAW 1507: GB-SAY 1508: GB-SCB 1509: GB-SCT 1510: GB-SFK 1511: GB-SFT 1512: GB-SGC 1513: GB-SHF 1514: GB-SHN 1515: GB-SHR 1516: GB-SKP 1517: GB-SLF 1518: GB-SLG 1519: GB-SLK 1520: GB-SND 1521: GB-SOL 1522: GB-SOM 1523: GB-SOS 1524: GB-SRY 1525: GB-STB 1526: GB-STE 1527: GB-STG 1528: GB-STH 1529: GB-STN 1530: GB-STS 1531: GB-STT 1532: GB-STY 1533: GB-SWA 1534: GB-SWD 1535: GB-SWK 1536: GB-TAM 1537: GB-TFW 1538: GB-THR 1539: GB-TOB 1540: GB-TOF 1541: GB-TRF 1542: GB-TWH 1543: GB-UKM 1544: GB-VGL 1545: GB-WAR 1546: GB-WBK 1547: GB-WDU 1548: GB-WFT 1549: GB-WGN 1550: GB-WIL 1551: GB-WKF 1552: GB-WLL 1553: GB-WLN 1554: GB-WLS 1555: GB-WLV 1556: GB-WND 1557: GB-WNM 1558: GB-WOK 1559: GB-WOR 1560: GB-WRL 1561: GB-WRT 1562: GB-WRX 1563: GB-WSM 1564: GB-WSX 1565: GB-YOR 1566: GB-ZET 1567: GD-01 1568: GD-02 1569: GD-03 1570: GD-04 1571: GD-05 1572: GD-06 1573: GD-10 1574: GE-25 1575: GE-29 1576: GE-37 1577: GE-44 1578: GE-50 1579: GE-AJ 1580: GE-GU 1581: GE-IM 1582: GE-KA 1583: GE-KK 1584: GE-MM 1585: GE-RL 1586: GE-SJ 1587: GE-SK 1588: GE-SZ 1589: GE-TB 1590: GH-AA 1591: GH-AH 1592: GH-BA 1593: GH-CP 1594: GH-EP 1595: GH-NP 1596: GH-SV 1597: GH-TV 1598: GH-UE 1599: GH-UW 1600: GH-WN 1601: GH-WP 1602: GL-AV 1603: GL-KU 1604: GL-QA 1605: GL-QE 1606: GL-QT 1607: GL-SM 1608: GM-B 1609: GN-B 1610: GN-C 1611: GN-DB 1612: GN-DI 1613: GN-FO 1614: GN-GA 1615: GN-GU 1616: GN-KE 1617: GN-LE 1618: GN-ML 1619: GN-SI 1620: GN-YO 1621: GQ-AN 1622: GQ-BN 1623: GQ-BS 1624: GQ-C 1625: GQ-CS 1626: GQ-DJ 1627: GQ-KN 1628: GQ-LI 1629: GQ-WN 1630: GR-01 1631: GR-03 1632: GR-04 1633: GR-05 1634: GR-06 1635: GR-07 1636: GR-11 1637: GR-12 1638: GR-13 1639: GR-14 1640: GR-15 1641: GR-16 1642: GR-17 1643: GR-21 1644: GR-22 1645: GR-24 1646: GR-31 1647: GR-32 1648: GR-33 1649: GR-34 1650: GR-41 1651: GR-42 1652: GR-43 1653: GR-44 1654: GR-51 1655: GR-52 1656: GR-53 1657: GR-54 1658: GR-55 1659: GR-56 1660: GR-57 1661: GR-58 1662: GR-59 1663: GR-61 1664: GR-62 1665: GR-63 1666: GR-64 1667: GR-71 1668: GR-72 1669: GR-73 1670: GR-82 1671: GR-83 1672: GR-84 1673: GR-85 1674: GR-91 1675: GR-92 1676: GR-93 1677: GR-94 1678: GR-A 1679: GR-A2 1680: GR-B 1681: GR-C 1682: GR-D 1683: GR-E 1684: GR-F 1685: GR-G 1686: GR-H 1687: GR-I 1688: GR-J 1689: GR-K 1690: GR-L 1691: GT-01 1692: GT-02 1693: GT-03 1694: GT-04 1695: GT-05 1696: GT-06 1697: GT-07 1698: GT-08 1699: GT-09 1700: GT-10 1701: GT-11 1702: GT-12 1703: GT-13 1704: GT-14 1705: GT-15 1706: GT-16 1707: GT-17 1708: GT-18 1709: GT-19 1710: GT-20 1711: GT-21 1712: GT-22 1713: GW-BA 1714: GW-BM 1715: GW-BS 1716: GW-CA 1717: GW-GA 1718: GW-L 1719: GW-N 1720: GW-OI 1721: GW-QU 1722: GW-S 1723: GW-TO 1724: GY-BA 1725: GY-CU 1726: GY-DE 1727: GY-EB 1728: GY-ES 1729: GY-MA 1730: GY-PM 1731: GY-PT 1732: GY-UD 1733: GY-UT 1734: HN-AT 1735: HN-CH 1736: HN-CL 1737: HN-CM 1738: HN-CP 1739: HN-CR 1740: HN-EP 1741: HN-FM 1742: HN-GD 1743: HN-IB 1744: HN-IN 1745: HN-LE 1746: HN-LP 1747: HN-OC 1748: HN-OL 1749: HN-SB 1750: HN-VA 1751: HN-YO 1752: HR-01 1753: HR-02 1754: HR-03 1755: HR-04 1756: HR-05 1757: HR-06 1758: HR-07 1759: HR-08 1760: HR-09 1761: HR-10 1762: HR-11 1763: HR-12 1764: HR-13 1765: HR-14 1766: HR-15 1767: HR-16 1768: HR-17 1769: HR-18 1770: HR-19 1771: HR-20 1772: HR-21 1773: HT-AR 1774: HT-CE 1775: HT-GA 1776: HT-ND 1777: HT-NE 1778: HT-NI 1779: HT-NO 1780: HT-OU 1781: HT-SD 1782: HT-SE 1783: HU-BA 1784: HU-BC 1785: HU-BE 1786: HU-BK 1787: HU-BU 1788: HU-BZ 1789: HU-CS 1790: HU-DE 1791: HU-DU 1792: HU-EG 1793: HU-ER 1794: HU-FE 1795: HU-GS 1796: HU-GY 1797: HU-HB 1798: HU-HE 1799: HU-HV 1800: HU-JN 1801: HU-KE 1802: HU-KM 1803: HU-KV 1804: HU-MI 1805: HU-NK 1806: HU-NO 1807: HU-NY 1808: HU-PE 1809: HU-PS 1810: HU-SD 1811: HU-SF 1812: HU-SH 1813: HU-SK 1814: HU-SN 1815: HU-SO 1816: HU-SS 1817: HU-ST 1818: HU-SZ 1819: HU-TB 1820: HU-TO 1821: HU-VA 1822: HU-VE 1823: HU-VM 1824: HU-ZA 1825: HU-ZE 1826: ID-AC 1827: ID-BA 1828: ID-BB 1829: ID-BE 1830: ID-BT 1831: ID-GO 1832: ID-JA 1833: ID-JB 1834: ID-JI 1835: ID-JK 1836: ID-JT 1837: ID-KA 1838: ID-KB 1839: ID-KI 1840: ID-KR 1841: ID-KS 1842: ID-KT 1843: ID-KU 1844: ID-LA 1845: ID-MA 1846: ID-ML 1847: ID-MU 1848: ID-NB 1849: ID-NT 1850: ID-NU 1851: ID-PA 1852: ID-PB 1853: ID-PD 1854: ID-PP 1855: ID-RI 1856: ID-SA 1857: ID-SB 1858: ID-SG 1859: ID-SL 1860: ID-SM 1861: ID-SN 1862: ID-SR 1863: ID-SS 1864: ID-ST 1865: ID-SU 1866: ID-YO 1867: IE-C 1868: IE-CE 1869: IE-CN 1870: IE-CO 1871: IE-CW 1872: IE-D 1873: IE-DL 1874: IE-G 1875: IE-KE 1876: IE-KK 1877: IE-KY 1878: IE-L 1879: IE-LD 1880: IE-LH 1881: IE-LK 1882: IE-LM 1883: IE-LS 1884: IE-M 1885: IE-MH 1886: IE-MN 1887: IE-MO 1888: IE-OY 1889: IE-RN 1890: IE-SO 1891: IE-TA 1892: IE-U 1893: IE-WD 1894: IE-WH 1895: IE-WW 1896: IE-WX 1897: IL-D 1898: IL-HA 1899: IL-JM 1900: IL-M 1901: IL-TA 1902: IL-Z 1903: IN-AN 1904: IN-AP 1905: IN-AR 1906: IN-AS 1907: IN-BR 1908: IN-CG 1909: IN-CH 1910: IN-DD 1911: IN-DH 1912: IN-DN 1913: IN-GA 1914: IN-GJ 1915: IN-HP 1916: IN-HR 1917: IN-JH 1918: IN-JK 1919: IN-KA 1920: IN-KL 1921: IN-LA 1922: IN-LD 1923: IN-MH 1924: IN-ML 1925: IN-MN 1926: IN-MP 1927: IN-MZ 1928: IN-NL 1929: IN-OD 1930: IN-PB 1931: IN-PY 1932: IN-RJ 1933: IN-SK 1934: IN-TN 1935: IN-TR 1936: IN-TS 1937: IN-UK 1938: IN-UP 1939: IN-WB 1940: IQ-AN 1941: IQ-AR 1942: IQ-BA 1943: IQ-BB 1944: IQ-BG 1945: IQ-DA 1946: IQ-DI 1947: IQ-DQ 1948: IQ-HA 1949: IQ-KA 1950: IQ-KI 1951: IQ-MA 1952: IQ-MU 1953: IQ-NA 1954: IQ-NI 1955: IQ-QA 1956: IQ-SD 1957: IQ-SU 1958: IQ-WA 1959: IR-00 1960: IR-01 1961: IR-02 1962: IR-03 1963: IR-04 1964: IR-05 1965: IR-06 1966: IR-07 1967: IR-08 1968: IR-09 1969: IR-10 1970: IR-11 1971: IR-12 1972: IR-13 1973: IR-14 1974: IR-15 1975: IR-16 1976: IR-17 1977: IR-18 1978: IR-19 1979: IR-20 1980: IR-21 1981: IR-22 1982: IR-23 1983: IR-24 1984: IR-25 1985: IR-26 1986: IR-27 1987: IR-28 1988: IR-29 1989: IR-30 1990: IS-0 1991: IS-2 1992: IS-3 1993: IS-4 1994: IS-5 1995: IS-6 1996: IS-7 1997: IS-8 1998: IS-AKH 1999: IS-AKN 2000: IS-AKU 2001: IS-ARN 2002: IS-ASA 2003: IS-BLA 2004: IS-BLO 2005: IS-BOG 2006: IS-BOL 2007: IS-DAB 2008: IS-DAV 2009: IS-DJU 2010: IS-EOM 2011: IS-EYF 2012: IS-FJD 2013: IS-FJL 2014: IS-FLA 2015: IS-FLD 2016: IS-FLR 2017: IS-GAR 2018: IS-GRN 2019: IS-GRU 2020: IS-HAF 2021: IS-HUG 2022: IS-HUV 2023: IS-HVE 2024: IS-KOP 2025: IS-MUL 2026: IS-RGE 2027: IS-RGY 2028: IS-RKV 2029: IS-SDN 2030: IS-SDV 2031: IS-SEL 2032: IS-SFA 2033: IS-SKR 2034: IS-SOL 2035: IS-SSS 2036: IS-STR 2037: IS-SVG 2038: IS-TJO 2039: IS-VEM 2040: IT-21 2041: IT-23 2042: IT-25 2043: IT-32 2044: IT-34 2045: IT-36 2046: IT-42 2047: IT-45 2048: IT-52 2049: IT-55 2050: IT-57 2051: IT-62 2052: IT-65 2053: IT-67 2054: IT-72 2055: IT-75 2056: IT-77 2057: IT-78 2058: IT-82 2059: IT-88 2060: IT-AG 2061: IT-AL 2062: IT-AN 2063: IT-AO 2064: IT-AP 2065: IT-AQ 2066: IT-AR 2067: IT-AT 2068: IT-AV 2069: IT-BA 2070: IT-BG 2071: IT-BI 2072: IT-BL 2073: IT-BN 2074: IT-BO 2075: IT-BR 2076: IT-BS 2077: IT-BT 2078: IT-BZ 2079: IT-CA 2080: IT-CB 2081: IT-CE 2082: IT-CH 2083: IT-CI 2084: IT-CL 2085: IT-CN 2086: IT-CO 2087: IT-CR 2088: IT-CS 2089: IT-CT 2090: IT-CZ 2091: IT-EN 2092: IT-FC 2093: IT-FE 2094: IT-FG 2095: IT-FI 2096: IT-FM 2097: IT-FR 2098: IT-GE 2099: IT-GO 2100: IT-GR 2101: IT-IM 2102: IT-IS 2103: IT-KR 2104: IT-LC 2105: IT-LE 2106: IT-LI 2107: IT-LO 2108: IT-LT 2109: IT-LU 2110: IT-MB 2111: IT-MC 2112: IT-ME 2113: IT-MI 2114: IT-MN 2115: IT-MO 2116: IT-MS 2117: IT-MT 2118: IT-NA 2119: IT-NO 2120: IT-NU 2121: IT-OG 2122: IT-OR 2123: IT-OT 2124: IT-PA 2125: IT-PC 2126: IT-PD 2127: IT-PE 2128: IT-PG 2129: IT-PI 2130: IT-PN 2131: IT-PO 2132: IT-PR 2133: IT-PT 2134: IT-PU 2135: IT-PV 2136: IT-PZ 2137: IT-RA 2138: IT-RC 2139: IT-RE 2140: IT-RG 2141: IT-RI 2142: IT-RM 2143: IT-RN 2144: IT-RO 2145: IT-SA 2146: IT-SI 2147: IT-SO 2148: IT-SP 2149: IT-SR 2150: IT-SS 2151: IT-SU 2152: IT-SV 2153: IT-TA 2154: IT-TE 2155: IT-TN 2156: IT-TO 2157: IT-TP 2158: IT-TR 2159: IT-TS 2160: IT-TV 2161: IT-UD 2162: IT-VA 2163: IT-VB 2164: IT-VC 2165: IT-VE 2166: IT-VI 2167: IT-VR 2168: IT-VS 2169: IT-VT 2170: IT-VV 2171: JM-02 2172: JM-03 2173: JM-04 2174: JM-05 2175: JM-06 2176: JM-07 2177: JM-08 2178: JM-09 2179: JM-10 2180: JM-11 2181: JM-13 2182: JM-14 2183: JO-AM 2184: JO-AQ 2185: JO-AT 2186: JO-AZ 2187: JO-BA 2188: JO-IR 2189: JO-JA 2190: JO-KA 2191: JO-MA 2192: JO-MD 2193: JO-MN 2194: JP-01 2195: JP-02 2196: JP-03 2197: JP-04 2198: JP-05 2199: JP-06 2200: JP-07 2201: JP-08 2202: JP-09 2203: JP-10 2204: JP-11 2205: JP-12 2206: JP-13 2207: JP-14 2208: JP-15 2209: JP-16 2210: JP-17 2211: JP-18 2212: JP-19 2213: JP-20 2214: JP-21 2215: JP-22 2216: JP-23 2217: JP-24 2218: JP-25 2219: JP-26 2220: JP-27 2221: JP-28 2222: JP-29 2223: JP-30 2224: JP-31 2225: JP-32 2226: JP-33 2227: JP-34 2228: JP-35 2229: JP-36 2230: JP-37 2231: JP-38 2232: JP-39 2233: JP-40 2234: JP-41 2235: JP-42 2236: JP-43 2237: JP-44 2238: JP-45 2239: JP-46 2240: JP-47 2241: KE-01 2242: KE-02 2243: KE-03 2244: KE-04 2245: KE-05 2246: KE-06 2247: KE-07 2248: KE-08 2249: KE-09 2250: KE-10 2251: KE-11 2252: KE-110 2253: KE-12 2254: KE-13 2255: KE-14 2256: KE-15 2257: KE-16 2258: KE-17 2259: KE-18 2260: KE-19 2261: KE-20 2262: KE-200 2263: KE-21 2264: KE-22 2265: KE-23 2266: KE-24 2267: KE-25 2268: KE-26 2269: KE-27 2270: KE-28 2271: KE-29 2272: KE-30 2273: KE-300 2274: KE-31 2275: KE-32 2276: KE-33 2277: KE-34 2278: KE-35 2279: KE-36 2280: KE-37 2281: KE-38 2282: KE-39 2283: KE-40 2284: KE-400 2285: KE-41 2286: KE-42 2287: KE-43 2288: KE-44 2289: KE-45 2290: KE-46 2291: KE-47 2292: KE-500 2293: KE-600 2294: KE-700 2295: KE-800 2296: KG-B 2297: KG-C 2298: KG-GB 2299: KG-GO 2300: KG-J 2301: KG-N 2302: KG-O 2303: KG-T 2304: KG-Y 2305: KH-1 2306: KH-10 2307: KH-11 2308: KH-12 2309: KH-13 2310: KH-14 2311: KH-15 2312: KH-16 2313: KH-17 2314: KH-18 2315: KH-19 2316: KH-2 2317: KH-20 2318: KH-21 2319: KH-22 2320: KH-23 2321: KH-24 2322: KH-25 2323: KH-3 2324: KH-4 2325: KH-5 2326: KH-6 2327: KH-7 2328: KH-8 2329: KH-9 2330: KI-G 2331: KI-L 2332: KI-P 2333: KM-A 2334: KM-G 2335: KM-M 2336: KN-02 2337: KN-03 2338: KN-04 2339: KN-05 2340: KN-06 2341: KN-07 2342: KN-08 2343: KN-09 2344: KN-10 2345: KN-11 2346: KN-12 2347: KN-13 2348: KN-15 2349: KN-K 2350: KN-N 2351: KP-01 2352: KP-02 2353: KP-03 2354: KP-04 2355: KP-05 2356: KP-06 2357: KP-07 2358: KP-08 2359: KP-09 2360: KP-10 2361: KP-13 2362: KP-14 2363: KP-15 2364: KR-11 2365: KR-26 2366: KR-27 2367: KR-28 2368: KR-29 2369: KR-30 2370: KR-31 2371: KR-41 2372: KR-42 2373: KR-43 2374: KR-44 2375: KR-45 2376: KR-46 2377: KR-47 2378: KR-48 2379: KR-49 2380: KR-50 2381: KW-AH 2382: KW-FA 2383: KW-HA 2384: KW-JA 2385: KW-KU 2386: KW-MU 2387: KZ-10 2388: KZ-11 2389: KZ-15 2390: KZ-19 2391: KZ-23 2392: KZ-27 2393: KZ-31 2394: KZ-33 2395: KZ-35 2396: KZ-39 2397: KZ-43 2398: KZ-47 2399: KZ-55 2400: KZ-59 2401: KZ-61 2402: KZ-62 2403: KZ-63 2404: KZ-71 2405: KZ-75 2406: KZ-79 2407: LA-AT 2408: LA-BK 2409: LA-BL 2410: LA-CH 2411: LA-HO 2412: LA-KH 2413: LA-LM 2414: LA-LP 2415: LA-OU 2416: LA-PH 2417: LA-SL 2418: LA-SV 2419: LA-VI 2420: LA-VT 2421: LA-XA 2422: LA-XE 2423: LA-XI 2424: LB-AK 2425: LB-AS 2426: LB-BA 2427: LB-BH 2428: LB-BI 2429: LB-JA 2430: LB-JL 2431: LB-NA 2432: LC-01 2433: LC-02 2434: LC-03 2435: LC-04 2436: LC-05 2437: LC-06 2438: LC-07 2439: LC-08 2440: LC-09 2441: LC-10 2442: LC-11 2443: LC-12 2444: LI-01 2445: LI-02 2446: LI-03 2447: LI-04 2448: LI-05 2449: LI-06 2450: LI-07 2451: LI-08 2452: LI-09 2453: LI-10 2454: LI-11 2455: LK-1 2456: LK-11 2457: LK-12 2458: LK-13 2459: LK-2 2460: LK-21 2461: LK-22 2462: LK-23 2463: LK-3 2464: LK-31 2465: LK-32 2466: LK-33 2467: LK-4 2468: LK-41 2469: LK-42 2470: LK-43 2471: LK-44 2472: LK-45 2473: LK-5 2474: LK-51 2475: LK-52 2476: LK-53 2477: LK-6 2478: LK-61 2479: LK-62 2480: LK-7 2481: LK-71 2482: LK-72 2483: LK-8 2484: LK-81 2485: LK-82 2486: LK-9 2487: LK-91 2488: LK-92 2489: LR-BG 2490: LR-BM 2491: LR-CM 2492: LR-GB 2493: LR-GG 2494: LR-GP 2495: LR-LO 2496: LR-MG 2497: LR-MO 2498: LR-MY 2499: LR-NI 2500: LR-RG 2501: LS-A 2502: LS-B 2503: LS-C 2504: LS-D 2505: LS-E 2506: LS-F 2507: LS-G 2508: LS-H 2509: LS-J 2510: LS-K 2511: LT-01 2512: LT-02 2513: LT-03 2514: LT-04 2515: LT-05 2516: LT-06 2517: LT-07 2518: LT-08 2519: LT-09 2520: LT-10 2521: LT-11 2522: LT-12 2523: LT-13 2524: LT-14 2525: LT-15 2526: LT-16 2527: LT-17 2528: LT-18 2529: LT-19 2530: LT-20 2531: LT-21 2532: LT-22 2533: LT-23 2534: LT-24 2535: LT-25 2536: LT-26 2537: LT-27 2538: LT-28 2539: LT-29 2540: LT-30 2541: LT-31 2542: LT-32 2543: LT-33 2544: LT-34 2545: LT-35 2546: LT-36 2547: LT-37 2548: LT-38 2549: LT-39 2550: LT-40 2551: LT-41 2552: LT-42 2553: LT-43 2554: LT-44 2555: LT-45 2556: LT-46 2557: LT-47 2558: LT-48 2559: LT-49 2560: LT-50 2561: LT-51 2562: LT-52 2563: LT-53 2564: LT-54 2565: LT-55 2566: LT-56 2567: LT-57 2568: LT-58 2569: LT-59 2570: LT-60 2571: LT-AL 2572: LT-KL 2573: LT-KU 2574: LT-MR 2575: LT-PN 2576: LT-SA 2577: LT-TA 2578: LT-TE 2579: LT-UT 2580: LT-VL 2581: LU-CA 2582: LU-CL 2583: LU-D 2584: LU-DI 2585: LU-EC 2586: LU-ES 2587: LU-G 2588: LU-GR 2589: LU-L 2590: LU-LU 2591: LU-ME 2592: LU-RD 2593: LU-RM 2594: LU-VD 2595: LU-WI 2596: LV-001 2597: LV-002 2598: LV-003 2599: LV-004 2600: LV-005 2601: LV-006 2602: LV-007 2603: LV-008 2604: LV-009 2605: LV-010 2606: LV-011 2607: LV-012 2608: LV-013 2609: LV-014 2610: LV-015 2611: LV-016 2612: LV-017 2613: LV-018 2614: LV-019 2615: LV-020 2616: LV-021 2617: LV-022 2618: LV-023 2619: LV-024 2620: LV-025 2621: LV-026 2622: LV-027 2623: LV-028 2624: LV-029 2625: LV-030 2626: LV-031 2627: LV-032 2628: LV-033 2629: LV-034 2630: LV-035 2631: LV-036 2632: LV-037 2633: LV-038 2634: LV-039 2635: LV-040 2636: LV-041 2637: LV-042 2638: LV-043 2639: LV-044 2640: LV-045 2641: LV-046 2642: LV-047 2643: LV-048 2644: LV-049 2645: LV-050 2646: LV-051 2647: LV-052 2648: LV-053 2649: LV-054 2650: LV-055 2651: LV-056 2652: LV-057 2653: LV-058 2654: LV-059 2655: LV-060 2656: LV-061 2657: LV-062 2658: LV-063 2659: LV-064 2660: LV-065 2661: LV-066 2662: LV-067 2663: LV-068 2664: LV-069 2665: LV-070 2666: LV-071 2667: LV-072 2668: LV-073 2669: LV-074 2670: LV-075 2671: LV-076 2672: LV-077 2673: LV-078 2674: LV-079 2675: LV-080 2676: LV-081 2677: LV-082 2678: LV-083 2679: LV-084 2680: LV-085 2681: LV-086 2682: LV-087 2683: LV-088 2684: LV-089 2685: LV-090 2686: LV-091 2687: LV-092 2688: LV-093 2689: LV-094 2690: LV-095 2691: LV-096 2692: LV-097 2693: LV-098 2694: LV-099 2695: LV-100 2696: LV-101 2697: LV-102 2698: LV-103 2699: LV-104 2700: LV-105 2701: LV-106 2702: LV-107 2703: LV-108 2704: LV-109 2705: LV-110 2706: LV-111 2707: LV-112 2708: LV-113 2709: LV-DGV 2710: LV-JEL 2711: LV-JKB 2712: LV-JUR 2713: LV-LPX 2714: LV-REZ 2715: LV-RIX 2716: LV-VEN 2717: LV-VMR 2718: LY-BA 2719: LY-JA 2720: LY-WD 2721: MA-01 2722: MA-02 2723: MA-03 2724: MA-04 2725: MA-05 2726: MA-06 2727: MA-07 2728: MA-08 2729: MA-09 2730: MA-10 2731: MA-11 2732: MA-12 2733: MA-AGD 2734: MA-ASZ 2735: MA-AZI 2736: MA-BEM 2737: MA-BER 2738: MA-BOM 2739: MA-CAS 2740: MA-CHE 2741: MA-CHI 2742: MA-CHT 2743: MA-DRI 2744: MA-ESI 2745: MA-FES 2746: MA-FIG 2747: MA-FQH 2748: MA-GUE 2749: MA-GUF 2750: MA-HAJ 2751: MA-HAO 2752: MA-HOC 2753: MA-IFR 2754: MA-JDI 2755: MA-KEN 2756: MA-KES 2757: MA-KHE 2758: MA-KHN 2759: MA-KHO 2760: MA-LAR 2761: MA-MAR 2762: MA-MDF 2763: MA-MEK 2764: MA-MID 2765: MA-MOU 2766: MA-NAD 2767: MA-OUA 2768: MA-OUJ 2769: MA-OUZ 2770: MA-RAB 2771: MA-SAF 2772: MA-SAL 2773: MA-SEF 2774: MA-SIB 2775: MA-SIF 2776: MA-SIK 2777: MA-SIL 2778: MA-SKH 2779: MA-TAI 2780: MA-TAO 2781: MA-TAR 2782: MA-TAT 2783: MA-TAZ 2784: MA-TET 2785: MA-TIZ 2786: MA-TNG 2787: MA-TNT 2788: MA-YUS 2789: MA-ZAG 2790: MC-CO 2791: MC-FO 2792: MC-JE 2793: MC-LA 2794: MC-MC 2795: MC-MG 2796: MC-MO 2797: MC-PH 2798: MC-SD 2799: MD-AN 2800: MD-BA 2801: MD-BR 2802: MD-BS 2803: MD-CA 2804: MD-CL 2805: MD-CM 2806: MD-CR 2807: MD-CS 2808: MD-CT 2809: MD-CU 2810: MD-DO 2811: MD-DR 2812: MD-DU 2813: MD-ED 2814: MD-FA 2815: MD-FL 2816: MD-GA 2817: MD-GL 2818: MD-HI 2819: MD-IA 2820: MD-LE 2821: MD-NI 2822: MD-OC 2823: MD-OR 2824: MD-RE 2825: MD-RI 2826: MD-SD 2827: MD-SI 2828: MD-SN 2829: MD-SO 2830: MD-ST 2831: MD-SV 2832: MD-TA 2833: MD-TE 2834: MD-UN 2835: ME-01 2836: ME-02 2837: ME-03 2838: ME-05 2839: ME-06 2840: ME-07 2841: ME-11 2842: ME-12 2843: ME-13 2844: ME-14 2845: ME-17 2846: ME-18 2847: ME-19 2848: ME-22 2849: MG-A 2850: MG-D 2851: MG-F 2852: MG-M 2853: MG-T 2854: MH-ALK 2855: MH-ALL 2856: MH-ARN 2857: MH-EBO 2858: MH-ENI 2859: MH-JAL 2860: MH-KWA 2861: MH-LIK 2862: MH-MAJ 2863: MH-MAL 2864: MH-NMK 2865: MH-RON 2866: MH-UTI 2867: MH-WTJ 2868: MK-101 2869: MK-102 2870: MK-103 2871: MK-104 2872: MK-105 2873: MK-106 2874: MK-107 2875: MK-108 2876: MK-109 2877: MK-15 2878: MK-201 2879: MK-202 2880: MK-203 2881: MK-204 2882: MK-205 2883: MK-206 2884: MK-207 2885: MK-208 2886: MK-209 2887: MK-210 2888: MK-211 2889: MK-28 2890: MK-301 2891: MK-303 2892: MK-304 2893: MK-307 2894: MK-308 2895: MK-31 2896: MK-310 2897: MK-311 2898: MK-312 2899: MK-313 2900: MK-401 2901: MK-402 2902: MK-403 2903: MK-404 2904: MK-405 2905: MK-406 2906: MK-407 2907: MK-408 2908: MK-409 2909: MK-410 2910: MK-47 2911: MK-501 2912: MK-502 2913: MK-503 2914: MK-504 2915: MK-505 2916: MK-506 2917: MK-507 2918: MK-508 2919: MK-509 2920: MK-57 2921: MK-601 2922: MK-602 2923: MK-603 2924: MK-604 2925: MK-605 2926: MK-606 2927: MK-607 2928: MK-608 2929: MK-609 2930: MK-701 2931: MK-702 2932: MK-703 2933: MK-704 2934: MK-705 2935: MK-706 2936: MK-801 2937: MK-802 2938: MK-803 2939: MK-804 2940: MK-805 2941: MK-806 2942: MK-807 2943: MK-808 2944: MK-809 2945: MK-810 2946: MK-811 2947: MK-812 2948: MK-813 2949: MK-814 2950: MK-815 2951: MK-816 2952: MK-817 2953: ML-1 2954: ML-10 2955: ML-2 2956: ML-3 2957: ML-4 2958: ML-5 2959: ML-6 2960: ML-7 2961: ML-8 2962: ML-BKO 2963: MM-01 2964: MM-02 2965: MM-03 2966: MM-04 2967: MM-05 2968: MM-06 2969: MM-07 2970: MM-11 2971: MM-12 2972: MM-13 2973: MM-14 2974: MM-15 2975: MM-16 2976: MM-17 2977: MM-18 2978: MN-035 2979: MN-037 2980: MN-039 2981: MN-041 2982: MN-043 2983: MN-046 2984: MN-047 2985: MN-049 2986: MN-051 2987: MN-053 2988: MN-055 2989: MN-057 2990: MN-059 2991: MN-061 2992: MN-063 2993: MN-064 2994: MN-065 2995: MN-067 2996: MN-069 2997: MN-071 2998: MN-073 2999: MN-1 3000: MR-01 3001: MR-02 3002: MR-03 3003: MR-04 3004: MR-05 3005: MR-06 3006: MR-07 3007: MR-08 3008: MR-09 3009: MR-10 3010: MR-11 3011: MR-12 3012: MR-NKC 3013: MT-01 3014: MT-02 3015: MT-03 3016: MT-04 3017: MT-05 3018: MT-06 3019: MT-07 3020: MT-08 3021: MT-09 3022: MT-10 3023: MT-11 3024: MT-12 3025: MT-13 3026: MT-14 3027: MT-15 3028: MT-16 3029: MT-17 3030: MT-18 3031: MT-19 3032: MT-20 3033: MT-21 3034: MT-22 3035: MT-23 3036: MT-24 3037: MT-25 3038: MT-26 3039: MT-27 3040: MT-28 3041: MT-29 3042: MT-30 3043: MT-31 3044: MT-32 3045: MT-33 3046: MT-34 3047: MT-35 3048: MT-36 3049: MT-37 3050: MT-38 3051: MT-39 3052: MT-40 3053: MT-41 3054: MT-42 3055: MT-43 3056: MT-44 3057: MT-45 3058: MT-46 3059: MT-47 3060: MT-48 3061: MT-49 3062: MT-50 3063: MT-51 3064: MT-52 3065: MT-53 3066: MT-54 3067: MT-55 3068: MT-56 3069: MT-57 3070: MT-58 3071: MT-59 3072: MT-60 3073: MT-61 3074: MT-62 3075: MT-63 3076: MT-64 3077: MT-65 3078: MT-66 3079: MT-67 3080: MT-68 3081: MU-AG 3082: MU-BL 3083: MU-CC 3084: MU-FL 3085: MU-GP 3086: MU-MO 3087: MU-PA 3088: MU-PL 3089: MU-PW 3090: MU-RO 3091: MU-RR 3092: MU-SA 3093: MV-00 3094: MV-01 3095: MV-02 3096: MV-05 3097: MV-13 3098: MV-24 3099: MV-25 3100: MV-26 3101: MV-MLE 3102: MW-KS 3103: MW-MG 3104: MW-MH 3105: MW-MZ 3106: MW-NB 3107: MW-PH 3108: MW-RU 3109: MW-SA 3110: MX-AGU 3111: MX-BCN 3112: MX-BCS 3113: MX-CAM 3114: MX-CHH 3115: MX-CHP 3116: MX-CMX 3117: MX-COA 3118: MX-COL 3119: MX-DUR 3120: MX-GRO 3121: MX-GUA 3122: MX-HID 3123: MX-JA-GDL 3124: MX-JAL 3125: MX-MEX 3126: MX-MIC 3127: MX-MOR 3128: MX-NAY 3129: MX-NLE 3130: MX-OAX 3131: MX-PUE 3132: MX-QUE 3133: MX-ROO 3134: MX-SIN 3135: MX-SLP 3136: MX-SON 3137: MX-TAB 3138: MX-TAM 3139: MX-TLA 3140: MX-VER 3141: MX-YUC 3142: MX-ZAC 3143: MY-01 3144: MY-02 3145: MY-03 3146: MY-04 3147: MY-05 3148: MY-06 3149: MY-07 3150: MY-08 3151: MY-09 3152: MY-10 3153: MY-11 3154: MY-12 3155: MY-13 3156: MY-14 3157: MY-15 3158: MY-16 3159: MZ-A 3160: MZ-B 3161: MZ-G 3162: MZ-I 3163: MZ-L 3164: MZ-MPM 3165: MZ-N 3166: MZ-P 3167: MZ-Q 3168: MZ-S 3169: MZ-T 3170: NA-CA 3171: NA-ER 3172: NA-HA 3173: NA-KA 3174: NA-KH 3175: NA-KU 3176: NA-OD 3177: NA-OH 3178: NA-OK 3179: NA-ON 3180: NA-OS 3181: NA-OT 3182: NA-OW 3183: NE-1 3184: NE-2 3185: NE-3 3186: NE-4 3187: NE-5 3188: NE-6 3189: NE-7 3190: NE-8 3191: NG-AB 3192: NG-AD 3193: NG-AK 3194: NG-AN 3195: NG-BA 3196: NG-BE 3197: NG-BO 3198: NG-BY 3199: NG-CR 3200: NG-DE 3201: NG-ED 3202: NG-EK 3203: NG-EN 3204: NG-FC 3205: NG-GO 3206: NG-JI 3207: NG-KD 3208: NG-KN 3209: NG-KO 3210: NG-KT 3211: NG-LA 3212: NG-NA 3213: NG-NI 3214: NG-OG 3215: NG-ON 3216: NG-OS 3217: NG-OY 3218: NG-PL 3219: NG-RI 3220: NG-SO 3221: NG-TA 3222: NG-ZA 3223: NI-AN 3224: NI-AS 3225: NI-BO 3226: NI-CA 3227: NI-CI 3228: NI-CO 3229: NI-ES 3230: NI-GR 3231: NI-JI 3232: NI-LE 3233: NI-MD 3234: NI-MN 3235: NI-MS 3236: NI-MT 3237: NI-NS 3238: NI-RI 3239: NI-SJ 3240: NL-AW 3241: NL-BQ1 3242: NL-BQ2 3243: NL-CW 3244: NL-DR 3245: NL-FL 3246: NL-FR 3247: NL-GE 3248: NL-GR 3249: NL-LI 3250: NL-NB 3251: NL-NH 3252: NL-OV 3253: NL-SX 3254: NL-UT 3255: NL-ZE 3256: NL-ZH 3257: NO-03 3258: NO-04 3259: NO-05 3260: NO-09 3261: NO-10 3262: NO-11 3263: NO-12 3264: NO-14 3265: NO-15 3266: NO-16 3267: NO-17 3268: NO-18 3269: NO-21 3270: NO-22 3271: NO-30 3272: NO-31 3273: NO-32 3274: NO-33 3275: NO-34 3276: NO-38 3277: NO-39 3278: NO-3905 3279: NO-40 3280: NO-42 3281: NO-46 3282: NO-50 3283: NO-54 3284: NO-55 3285: NO-56 3286: NP-1 3287: NP-2 3288: NP-3 3289: NP-4 3290: NP-5 3291: NP-BA 3292: NP-BH 3293: NP-DH 3294: NP-GA 3295: NP-JA 3296: NP-KA 3297: NP-KO 3298: NP-LU 3299: NP-MA 3300: NP-ME 3301: NP-NA 3302: NP-P1 3303: NP-P2 3304: NP-P5 3305: NP-P6 3306: NP-P7 3307: NP-RA 3308: NP-SA 3309: NP-SE 3310: NR-01 3311: NR-02 3312: NR-03 3313: NR-04 3314: NR-05 3315: NR-06 3316: NR-07 3317: NR-08 3318: NR-09 3319: NR-10 3320: NR-11 3321: NR-12 3322: NR-13 3323: NR-14 3324: NZ-AUK 3325: NZ-BOP 3326: NZ-CAN 3327: NZ-CIT 3328: NZ-GIS 3329: NZ-HKB 3330: NZ-MBH 3331: NZ-MWT 3332: NZ-N 3333: NZ-NSN 3334: NZ-NTL 3335: NZ-OTA 3336: NZ-S 3337: NZ-STL 3338: NZ-TAS 3339: NZ-TKI 3340: NZ-WGN 3341: NZ-WKO 3342: NZ-WTC 3343: OM-BA 3344: OM-DA 3345: OM-MA 3346: OM-MU 3347: OM-SH 3348: OM-WU 3349: OM-ZU 3350: PA-1 3351: PA-10 3352: PA-2 3353: PA-3 3354: PA-4 3355: PA-5 3356: PA-6 3357: PA-7 3358: PA-8 3359: PA-9 3360: PA-EM 3361: PA-KY 3362: PA-NB 3363: PA-NT 3364: PE-AMA 3365: PE-ANC 3366: PE-APU 3367: PE-ARE 3368: PE-AYA 3369: PE-CAJ 3370: PE-CAL 3371: PE-CUS 3372: PE-HUC 3373: PE-HUV 3374: PE-ICA 3375: PE-JUN 3376: PE-LAL 3377: PE-LAM 3378: PE-LIM 3379: PE-LMA 3380: PE-LOR 3381: PE-MDD 3382: PE-MOQ 3383: PE-PAS 3384: PE-PIU 3385: PE-PUN 3386: PE-SAM 3387: PE-TAC 3388: PE-TUM 3389: PE-UCA 3390: PG-CPK 3391: PG-CPM 3392: PG-EBR 3393: PG-EHG 3394: PG-EPW 3395: PG-ESW 3396: PG-GPK 3397: PG-MBA 3398: PG-MPL 3399: PG-MPM 3400: PG-MRL 3401: PG-NCD 3402: PG-NIK 3403: PG-NSB 3404: PG-SAN 3405: PG-SHM 3406: PG-WPD 3407: PH-00 3408: PH-01 3409: PH-02 3410: PH-03 3411: PH-05 3412: PH-06 3413: PH-07 3414: PH-08 3415: PH-09 3416: PH-10 3417: PH-11 3418: PH-12 3419: PH-13 3420: PH-14 3421: PH-15 3422: PH-40 3423: PH-41 3424: PH-ABR 3425: PH-AGN 3426: PH-AGS 3427: PH-AKL 3428: PH-ALB 3429: PH-ANT 3430: PH-APA 3431: PH-AUR 3432: PH-BAN 3433: PH-BAS 3434: PH-BEN 3435: PH-BIL 3436: PH-BOH 3437: PH-BTG 3438: PH-BTN 3439: PH-BUK 3440: PH-BUL 3441: PH-CAG 3442: PH-CAM 3443: PH-CAN 3444: PH-CAP 3445: PH-CAS 3446: PH-CAT 3447: PH-CAV 3448: PH-CEB 3449: PH-COM 3450: PH-DAO 3451: PH-DAS 3452: PH-DAV 3453: PH-DIN 3454: PH-DVO 3455: PH-EAS 3456: PH-GUI 3457: PH-IFU 3458: PH-ILI 3459: PH-ILN 3460: PH-ILS 3461: PH-ISA 3462: PH-KAL 3463: PH-LAG 3464: PH-LAN 3465: PH-LAS 3466: PH-LEY 3467: PH-LUN 3468: PH-MAD 3469: PH-MAG 3470: PH-MAS 3471: PH-MDC 3472: PH-MDR 3473: PH-MGN 3474: PH-MGS 3475: PH-MOU 3476: PH-MSC 3477: PH-MSR 3478: PH-NCO 3479: PH-NEC 3480: PH-NER 3481: PH-NSA 3482: PH-NUE 3483: PH-NUV 3484: PH-PAM 3485: PH-PAN 3486: PH-PLW 3487: PH-QUE 3488: PH-QUI 3489: PH-RIZ 3490: PH-ROM 3491: PH-SAR 3492: PH-SCO 3493: PH-SIG 3494: PH-SLE 3495: PH-SLU 3496: PH-SOR 3497: PH-SUK 3498: PH-SUN 3499: PH-SUR 3500: PH-TAR 3501: PH-TAW 3502: PH-WSA 3503: PH-ZAN 3504: PH-ZAS 3505: PH-ZMB 3506: PH-ZSI 3507: PK-BA 3508: PK-GB 3509: PK-IS 3510: PK-JK 3511: PK-KP 3512: PK-PB 3513: PK-SD 3514: PK-TA 3515: PL-02 3516: PL-04 3517: PL-06 3518: PL-08 3519: PL-10 3520: PL-12 3521: PL-14 3522: PL-16 3523: PL-18 3524: PL-20 3525: PL-22 3526: PL-24 3527: PL-26 3528: PL-28 3529: PL-30 3530: PL-32 3531: PL-KI 3532: PS-BTH 3533: PS-HBN 3534: PS-JEM 3535: PS-JEN 3536: PS-JRH 3537: PS-KYS 3538: PS-NBS 3539: PS-QQA 3540: PS-RBH 3541: PS-SLT 3542: PS-TBS 3543: PS-TKM 3544: PT-01 3545: PT-02 3546: PT-03 3547: PT-04 3548: PT-05 3549: PT-06 3550: PT-07 3551: PT-08 3552: PT-09 3553: PT-10 3554: PT-11 3555: PT-12 3556: PT-13 3557: PT-14 3558: PT-15 3559: PT-16 3560: PT-17 3561: PT-18 3562: PT-20 3563: PT-30 3564: PW-002 3565: PW-004 3566: PW-010 3567: PW-050 3568: PW-100 3569: PW-150 3570: PW-212 3571: PW-214 3572: PW-218 3573: PW-222 3574: PW-224 3575: PW-226 3576: PW-227 3577: PW-228 3578: PW-350 3579: PW-370 3580: PY-1 3581: PY-10 3582: PY-11 3583: PY-12 3584: PY-13 3585: PY-14 3586: PY-15 3587: PY-16 3588: PY-19 3589: PY-2 3590: PY-3 3591: PY-4 3592: PY-5 3593: PY-6 3594: PY-7 3595: PY-8 3596: PY-9 3597: PY-ASU 3598: QA-DA 3599: QA-KH 3600: QA-MS 3601: QA-RA 3602: QA-SH 3603: QA-US 3604: QA-WA 3605: QA-ZA 3606: RO-AB 3607: RO-AG 3608: RO-AR 3609: RO-B 3610: RO-BC 3611: RO-BH 3612: RO-BN 3613: RO-BR 3614: RO-BT 3615: RO-BV 3616: RO-BZ 3617: RO-CJ 3618: RO-CL 3619: RO-CS 3620: RO-CT 3621: RO-CV 3622: RO-DB 3623: RO-DJ 3624: RO-GJ 3625: RO-GL 3626: RO-GR 3627: RO-HD 3628: RO-HR 3629: RO-IF 3630: RO-IL 3631: RO-IS 3632: RO-MH 3633: RO-MM 3634: RO-MS 3635: RO-NT 3636: RO-OT 3637: RO-PH 3638: RO-SB 3639: RO-SJ 3640: RO-SM 3641: RO-SV 3642: RO-TL 3643: RO-TM 3644: RO-TR 3645: RO-VL 3646: RO-VN 3647: RO-VS 3648: RS-00 3649: RS-01 3650: RS-02 3651: RS-03 3652: RS-04 3653: RS-05 3654: RS-06 3655: RS-07 3656: RS-08 3657: RS-09 3658: RS-10 3659: RS-11 3660: RS-12 3661: RS-13 3662: RS-14 3663: RS-15 3664: RS-16 3665: RS-17 3666: RS-18 3667: RS-19 3668: RS-20 3669: RS-21 3670: RS-22 3671: RS-23 3672: RS-24 3673: RS-25 3674: RS-27 3675: RS-KM 3676: RS-VO 3677: RU-AD 3678: RU-AL 3679: RU-ALT 3680: RU-AMU 3681: RU-ARK 3682: RU-AST 3683: RU-BA 3684: RU-BEL 3685: RU-BRY 3686: RU-BU 3687: RU-CE 3688: RU-CHE 3689: RU-CHU 3690: RU-CU 3691: RU-DA 3692: RU-IN 3693: RU-IRK 3694: RU-IVA 3695: RU-KAM 3696: RU-KB 3697: RU-KC 3698: RU-KDA 3699: RU-KEM 3700: RU-KGD 3701: RU-KGN 3702: RU-KHA 3703: RU-KHM 3704: RU-KIR 3705: RU-KK 3706: RU-KL 3707: RU-KLU 3708: RU-KO 3709: RU-KOS 3710: RU-KR 3711: RU-KRS 3712: RU-KYA 3713: RU-LEN 3714: RU-LIP 3715: RU-MAG 3716: RU-ME 3717: RU-MO 3718: RU-MOS 3719: RU-MOW 3720: RU-MUR 3721: RU-NEN 3722: RU-NGR 3723: RU-NIZ 3724: RU-NVS 3725: RU-OMS 3726: RU-ORE 3727: RU-ORL 3728: RU-PER 3729: RU-PNZ 3730: RU-PRI 3731: RU-PSK 3732: RU-ROS 3733: RU-RYA 3734: RU-SA 3735: RU-SAK 3736: RU-SAM 3737: RU-SAR 3738: RU-SE 3739: RU-SMO 3740: RU-SPE 3741: RU-STA 3742: RU-SVE 3743: RU-TA 3744: RU-TAM 3745: RU-TOM 3746: RU-TUL 3747: RU-TVE 3748: RU-TY 3749: RU-TYU 3750: RU-UD 3751: RU-ULY 3752: RU-VGG 3753: RU-VLA 3754: RU-VLG 3755: RU-VOR 3756: RU-YAN 3757: RU-YAR 3758: RU-YEV 3759: RU-ZAB 3760: RW-01 3761: RW-02 3762: RW-03 3763: RW-04 3764: RW-05 3765: SA-01 3766: SA-02 3767: SA-03 3768: SA-04 3769: SA-05 3770: SA-06 3771: SA-07 3772: SA-08 3773: SA-09 3774: SA-10 3775: SA-11 3776: SA-12 3777: SA-14 3778: SB-CT 3779: SB-MK 3780: SB-WE 3781: SC-05 3782: SC-08 3783: SC-10 3784: SC-14 3785: SC-15 3786: SC-24 3787: SD-DW 3788: SD-GZ 3789: SD-KH 3790: SD-KN 3791: SD-KS 3792: SD-NW 3793: SD-SI 3794: SE-AB 3795: SE-AC 3796: SE-BD 3797: SE-C 3798: SE-D 3799: SE-E 3800: SE-F 3801: SE-G 3802: SE-H 3803: SE-I 3804: SE-K 3805: SE-M 3806: SE-N 3807: SE-O 3808: SE-S 3809: SE-T 3810: SE-U 3811: SE-W 3812: SE-X 3813: SE-Y 3814: SE-Z 3815: SH-AC 3816: SH-HL 3817: SH-TA 3818: SI-001 3819: SI-002 3820: SI-003 3821: SI-004 3822: SI-005 3823: SI-006 3824: SI-007 3825: SI-008 3826: SI-009 3827: SI-010 3828: SI-011 3829: SI-012 3830: SI-013 3831: SI-014 3832: SI-015 3833: SI-016 3834: SI-017 3835: SI-018 3836: SI-019 3837: SI-020 3838: SI-021 3839: SI-022 3840: SI-023 3841: SI-024 3842: SI-025 3843: SI-026 3844: SI-027 3845: SI-028 3846: SI-029 3847: SI-030 3848: SI-031 3849: SI-032 3850: SI-033 3851: SI-034 3852: SI-035 3853: SI-036 3854: SI-037 3855: SI-038 3856: SI-039 3857: SI-040 3858: SI-041 3859: SI-042 3860: SI-043 3861: SI-044 3862: SI-045 3863: SI-046 3864: SI-047 3865: SI-048 3866: SI-049 3867: SI-050 3868: SI-051 3869: SI-052 3870: SI-053 3871: SI-054 3872: SI-055 3873: SI-056 3874: SI-057 3875: SI-058 3876: SI-059 3877: SI-060 3878: SI-061 3879: SI-062 3880: SI-063 3881: SI-064 3882: SI-065 3883: SI-066 3884: SI-067 3885: SI-068 3886: SI-069 3887: SI-070 3888: SI-071 3889: SI-072 3890: SI-073 3891: SI-074 3892: SI-075 3893: SI-076 3894: SI-077 3895: SI-078 3896: SI-079 3897: SI-080 3898: SI-081 3899: SI-082 3900: SI-083 3901: SI-084 3902: SI-085 3903: SI-086 3904: SI-087 3905: SI-088 3906: SI-089 3907: SI-090 3908: SI-091 3909: SI-092 3910: SI-093 3911: SI-094 3912: SI-095 3913: SI-096 3914: SI-097 3915: SI-098 3916: SI-099 3917: SI-100 3918: SI-101 3919: SI-102 3920: SI-103 3921: SI-104 3922: SI-105 3923: SI-106 3924: SI-107 3925: SI-108 3926: SI-109 3927: SI-110 3928: SI-111 3929: SI-112 3930: SI-113 3931: SI-114 3932: SI-115 3933: SI-116 3934: SI-117 3935: SI-118 3936: SI-119 3937: SI-120 3938: SI-121 3939: SI-122 3940: SI-123 3941: SI-124 3942: SI-125 3943: SI-126 3944: SI-127 3945: SI-128 3946: SI-129 3947: SI-130 3948: SI-131 3949: SI-132 3950: SI-133 3951: SI-134 3952: SI-135 3953: SI-136 3954: SI-137 3955: SI-138 3956: SI-139 3957: SI-140 3958: SI-141 3959: SI-142 3960: SI-143 3961: SI-144 3962: SI-146 3963: SI-147 3964: SI-148 3965: SI-149 3966: SI-150 3967: SI-151 3968: SI-152 3969: SI-153 3970: SI-154 3971: SI-155 3972: SI-156 3973: SI-157 3974: SI-158 3975: SI-159 3976: SI-160 3977: SI-161 3978: SI-162 3979: SI-163 3980: SI-164 3981: SI-165 3982: SI-166 3983: SI-167 3984: SI-168 3985: SI-169 3986: SI-170 3987: SI-171 3988: SI-172 3989: SI-173 3990: SI-174 3991: SI-175 3992: SI-176 3993: SI-177 3994: SI-178 3995: SI-179 3996: SI-180 3997: SI-181 3998: SI-182 3999: SI-183 4000: SI-184 4001: SI-185 4002: SI-186 4003: SI-187 4004: SI-188 4005: SI-189 4006: SI-190 4007: SI-191 4008: SI-192 4009: SI-193 4010: SI-194 4011: SI-195 4012: SI-196 4013: SI-197 4014: SI-198 4015: SI-199 4016: SI-200 4017: SI-201 4018: SI-202 4019: SI-203 4020: SI-204 4021: SI-205 4022: SI-206 4023: SI-207 4024: SI-208 4025: SI-209 4026: SI-210 4027: SI-211 4028: SI-212 4029: SI-213 4030: SK-BC 4031: SK-BL 4032: SK-KI 4033: SK-NI 4034: SK-PV 4035: SK-TA 4036: SK-TC 4037: SK-ZI 4038: SL-E 4039: SL-N 4040: SL-NW 4041: SL-S 4042: SL-W 4043: SM-01 4044: SM-02 4045: SM-03 4046: SM-04 4047: SM-05 4048: SM-06 4049: SM-07 4050: SM-08 4051: SM-09 4052: SN-DB 4053: SN-DK 4054: SN-FK 4055: SN-KA 4056: SN-KD 4057: SN-KE 4058: SN-KL 4059: SN-LG 4060: SN-MT 4061: SN-SE 4062: SN-SL 4063: SN-TC 4064: SN-TH 4065: SN-ZG 4066: SO-AW 4067: SO-BK 4068: SO-BN 4069: SO-BR 4070: SO-BY 4071: SO-GA 4072: SO-GE 4073: SO-JD 4074: SO-JH 4075: SO-MU 4076: SO-NU 4077: SO-SA 4078: SO-SD 4079: SO-SH 4080: SO-SO 4081: SO-WO 4082: SR-BR 4083: SR-CM 4084: SR-CR 4085: SR-MA 4086: SR-NI 4087: SR-PM 4088: SR-PR 4089: SR-SA 4090: SR-SI 4091: SR-WA 4092: SS-EC 4093: SS-JG 4094: SS-NU 4095: ST-04 4096: ST-05 4097: ST-P 4098: SV-AH 4099: SV-CA 4100: SV-CH 4101: SV-CU 4102: SV-LI 4103: SV-MO 4104: SV-PA 4105: SV-SA 4106: SV-SM 4107: SV-SO 4108: SV-SS 4109: SV-SV 4110: SV-UN 4111: SV-US 4112: SY-DI 4113: SY-DR 4114: SY-DY 4115: SY-HA 4116: SY-HI 4117: SY-HL 4118: SY-HM 4119: SY-ID 4120: SY-LA 4121: SY-QU 4122: SY-RA 4123: SY-RD 4124: SY-SU 4125: SY-TA 4126: SZ-HH 4127: SZ-LU 4128: SZ-MA 4129: SZ-SH 4130: TD-BA 4131: TD-BG 4132: TD-BO 4133: TD-CB 4134: TD-EO 4135: TD-GR 4136: TD-HL 4137: TD-KA 4138: TD-LC 4139: TD-LO 4140: TD-LR 4141: TD-MA 4142: TD-MO 4143: TD-ND 4144: TD-SA 4145: TD-TI 4146: TD-WF 4147: TG-K 4148: TG-M 4149: TG-P 4150: TH-10 4151: TH-11 4152: TH-12 4153: TH-13 4154: TH-14 4155: TH-15 4156: TH-16 4157: TH-17 4158: TH-18 4159: TH-19 4160: TH-20 4161: TH-21 4162: TH-22 4163: TH-23 4164: TH-24 4165: TH-25 4166: TH-26 4167: TH-27 4168: TH-30 4169: TH-31 4170: TH-32 4171: TH-33 4172: TH-34 4173: TH-35 4174: TH-36 4175: TH-37 4176: TH-38 4177: TH-39 4178: TH-40 4179: TH-41 4180: TH-42 4181: TH-43 4182: TH-44 4183: TH-45 4184: TH-46 4185: TH-47 4186: TH-48 4187: TH-49 4188: TH-50 4189: TH-51 4190: TH-52 4191: TH-53 4192: TH-54 4193: TH-55 4194: TH-56 4195: TH-57 4196: TH-58 4197: TH-60 4198: TH-61 4199: TH-62 4200: TH-63 4201: TH-64 4202: TH-65 4203: TH-66 4204: TH-67 4205: TH-70 4206: TH-71 4207: TH-72 4208: TH-73 4209: TH-74 4210: TH-75 4211: TH-76 4212: TH-77 4213: TH-80 4214: TH-81 4215: TH-82 4216: TH-83 4217: TH-84 4218: TH-85 4219: TH-86 4220: TH-90 4221: TH-91 4222: TH-92 4223: TH-93 4224: TH-94 4225: TH-95 4226: TH-96 4227: TH-S 4228: TJ-DU 4229: TJ-GB 4230: TJ-KT 4231: TJ-RA 4232: TJ-SU 4233: TL-AL 4234: TL-AN 4235: TL-BA 4236: TL-BO 4237: TL-CO 4238: TL-DI 4239: TL-ER 4240: TL-LA 4241: TL-LI 4242: TL-MF 4243: TL-MT 4244: TL-OE 4245: TL-VI 4246: TM-A 4247: TM-B 4248: TM-D 4249: TM-L 4250: TM-M 4251: TM-S 4252: TN-11 4253: TN-12 4254: TN-13 4255: TN-14 4256: TN-21 4257: TN-22 4258: TN-23 4259: TN-31 4260: TN-32 4261: TN-33 4262: TN-34 4263: TN-41 4264: TN-42 4265: TN-43 4266: TN-51 4267: TN-52 4268: TN-53 4269: TN-61 4270: TN-71 4271: TN-72 4272: TN-73 4273: TN-81 4274: TN-82 4275: TN-83 4276: TO-03 4277: TR-01 4278: TR-02 4279: TR-03 4280: TR-04 4281: TR-05 4282: TR-06 4283: TR-07 4284: TR-08 4285: TR-09 4286: TR-10 4287: TR-11 4288: TR-12 4289: TR-13 4290: TR-14 4291: TR-15 4292: TR-16 4293: TR-17 4294: TR-18 4295: TR-19 4296: TR-20 4297: TR-21 4298: TR-22 4299: TR-23 4300: TR-24 4301: TR-25 4302: TR-26 4303: TR-27 4304: TR-28 4305: TR-29 4306: TR-30 4307: TR-31 4308: TR-32 4309: TR-33 4310: TR-34 4311: TR-35 4312: TR-36 4313: TR-37 4314: TR-38 4315: TR-39 4316: TR-40 4317: TR-41 4318: TR-42 4319: TR-43 4320: TR-44 4321: TR-45 4322: TR-46 4323: TR-47 4324: TR-48 4325: TR-49 4326: TR-50 4327: TR-51 4328: TR-52 4329: TR-53 4330: TR-54 4331: TR-55 4332: TR-56 4333: TR-57 4334: TR-58 4335: TR-59 4336: TR-60 4337: TR-61 4338: TR-62 4339: TR-63 4340: TR-64 4341: TR-65 4342: TR-66 4343: TR-67 4344: TR-68 4345: TR-69 4346: TR-70 4347: TR-71 4348: TR-72 4349: TR-73 4350: TR-74 4351: TR-75 4352: TR-76 4353: TR-77 4354: TR-78 4355: TR-79 4356: TR-80 4357: TR-81 4358: TT-ARI 4359: TT-CHA 4360: TT-CTT 4361: TT-DMN 4362: TT-MRC 4363: TT-PED 4364: TT-POS 4365: TT-PRT 4366: TT-PTF 4367: TT-SFO 4368: TT-SGE 4369: TT-SIP 4370: TT-SJL 4371: TT-TUP 4372: TV-FUN 4373: TV-NIT 4374: TV-NKF 4375: TV-NKL 4376: TV-NMA 4377: TV-NMG 4378: TV-NUI 4379: TV-VAI 4380: TW-CHA 4381: TW-CYI 4382: TW-CYQ 4383: TW-HSQ 4384: TW-HSZ 4385: TW-HUA 4386: TW-ILA 4387: TW-KEE 4388: TW-KHH 4389: TW-KHQ 4390: TW-KIN 4391: TW-LIE 4392: TW-MIA 4393: TW-NAN 4394: TW-NWT 4395: TW-PEN 4396: TW-PIF 4397: TW-TAO 4398: TW-TNN 4399: TW-TNQ 4400: TW-TPE 4401: TW-TTT 4402: TW-TXG 4403: TW-TXQ 4404: TW-YUN 4405: TZ-01 4406: TZ-02 4407: TZ-03 4408: TZ-04 4409: TZ-05 4410: TZ-06 4411: TZ-07 4412: TZ-08 4413: TZ-09 4414: TZ-10 4415: TZ-11 4416: TZ-12 4417: TZ-13 4418: TZ-14 4419: TZ-15 4420: TZ-16 4421: TZ-17 4422: TZ-18 4423: TZ-19 4424: TZ-20 4425: TZ-21 4426: TZ-22 4427: TZ-23 4428: TZ-24 4429: TZ-25 4430: TZ-26 4431: TZ-27 4432: TZ-28 4433: TZ-29 4434: TZ-30 4435: UA-05 4436: UA-07 4437: UA-09 4438: UA-12 4439: UA-14 4440: UA-18 4441: UA-21 4442: UA-23 4443: UA-26 4444: UA-30 4445: UA-32 4446: UA-35 4447: UA-40 4448: UA-43 4449: UA-46 4450: UA-48 4451: UA-51 4452: UA-53 4453: UA-56 4454: UA-59 4455: UA-61 4456: UA-63 4457: UA-65 4458: UA-68 4459: UA-71 4460: UA-74 4461: UA-77 4462: UG-105 4463: UG-107 4464: UG-113 4465: UG-202 4466: UG-204 4467: UG-207 4468: UG-208 4469: UG-212 4470: UG-220 4471: UG-225 4472: UG-303 4473: UG-304 4474: UG-305 4475: UG-307 4476: UG-310 4477: UG-315 4478: UG-316 4479: UG-317 4480: UG-318 4481: UG-321 4482: UG-401 4483: UG-406 4484: UG-408 4485: UG-409 4486: UG-412 4487: UG-414 4488: UG-416 4489: UG-417 4490: UG-418 4491: UG-422 4492: UG-423 4493: UG-429 4494: UG-435 4495: UG-E 4496: UG-N 4497: UM-67 4498: UM-71 4499: UM-76 4500: UM-79 4501: UM-81 4502: UM-84 4503: UM-86 4504: UM-89 4505: UM-95 4506: UY-AR 4507: UY-CA 4508: UY-CL 4509: UY-CO 4510: UY-DU 4511: UY-FD 4512: UY-FS 4513: UY-LA 4514: UY-MA 4515: UY-MO 4516: UY-PA 4517: UY-RN 4518: UY-RO 4519: UY-RV 4520: UY-SA 4521: UY-SJ 4522: UY-SO 4523: UY-TA 4524: UY-TT 4525: UZ-AN 4526: UZ-BU 4527: UZ-FA 4528: UZ-JI 4529: UZ-NG 4530: UZ-NW 4531: UZ-QA 4532: UZ-QR 4533: UZ-SA 4534: UZ-SI 4535: UZ-SU 4536: UZ-TK 4537: UZ-TO 4538: UZ-XO 4539: VC-01 4540: VC-02 4541: VC-03 4542: VC-04 4543: VC-05 4544: VE-A 4545: VE-B 4546: VE-C 4547: VE-D 4548: VE-E 4549: VE-F 4550: VE-G 4551: VE-H 4552: VE-I 4553: VE-J 4554: VE-K 4555: VE-L 4556: VE-M 4557: VE-N 4558: VE-O 4559: VE-P 4560: VE-R 4561: VE-S 4562: VE-T 4563: VE-U 4564: VE-V 4565: VE-W 4566: VE-X 4567: VE-Y 4568: VE-Z 4569: VN-01 4570: VN-02 4571: VN-03 4572: VN-04 4573: VN-05 4574: VN-06 4575: VN-07 4576: VN-09 4577: VN-13 4578: VN-14 4579: VN-15 4580: VN-18 4581: VN-20 4582: VN-21 4583: VN-22 4584: VN-23 4585: VN-24 4586: VN-25 4587: VN-26 4588: VN-27 4589: VN-28 4590: VN-29 4591: VN-30 4592: VN-31 4593: VN-32 4594: VN-33 4595: VN-34 4596: VN-35 4597: VN-36 4598: VN-37 4599: VN-39 4600: VN-40 4601: VN-41 4602: VN-43 4603: VN-44 4604: VN-45 4605: VN-46 4606: VN-47 4607: VN-49 4608: VN-50 4609: VN-51 4610: VN-52 4611: VN-53 4612: VN-54 4613: VN-55 4614: VN-56 4615: VN-57 4616: VN-58 4617: VN-59 4618: VN-61 4619: VN-63 4620: VN-66 4621: VN-67 4622: VN-68 4623: VN-69 4624: VN-70 4625: VN-71 4626: VN-72 4627: VN-73 4628: VN-CT 4629: VN-DN 4630: VN-HN 4631: VN-HP 4632: VN-SG 4633: VU-PAM 4634: VU-SAM 4635: VU-TAE 4636: VU-TOB 4637: WF-AL 4638: WF-SG 4639: WF-UV 4640: YE-AB 4641: YE-AD 4642: YE-AM 4643: YE-BA 4644: YE-DA 4645: YE-DH 4646: YE-HD 4647: YE-HJ 4648: YE-HU 4649: YE-IB 4650: YE-LA 4651: YE-MA 4652: YE-MR 4653: YE-MW 4654: YE-RA 4655: YE-SD 4656: YE-SH 4657: YE-SN 4658: YE-SU 4659: YE-TA 4660: ZA-EC 4661: ZA-FS 4662: ZA-GP 4663: ZA-KZN 4664: ZA-LP 4665: ZA-MP 4666: ZA-NC 4667: ZA-NW 4668: ZA-WC 4669: ZM-02 4670: ZM-03 4671: ZM-04 4672: ZM-05 4673: ZM-06 4674: ZM-07 4675: ZM-08 4676: ZM-09 4677: ZM-10 4678: ZW-MA 4679: ZW-MC 4680: ZW-ME 4681: ZW-MI 4682: ZW-MN 4683: ZW-MS 4684: ZW-MV 4685: ZW-MW
Legal Concepts for Jurisdictions (LEGAL)
total extensions: 34 ; added: 28 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Legal Concepts for Austria (AT)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-AT 2: at-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Belgium (BE)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-BE 2: be-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Bulgaria (BG)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-BG 2: bg-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Cyprus (CY)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-CY 2: cy-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Czech Republic (CZ)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-CZ 2: cz-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Germany (DE)
total terms: 41 ; added: 0 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Legal Concepts for Denmark (DK)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-DK 2: dk-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Estonia (EE)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-EE 2: ee-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Spain (ES)
total terms: 11 ; added: 11 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-ES 2: DPA-ES-AN 3: DPA-ES-CT 4: DPA-ES-PV 5: es-classes 6: law-GDPR 7: serialisation-html 8: serialisation-jsonld 9: serialisation-n3 10: serialisation-rdf 11: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for European Union (EU) (LEGAL-EU)
total terms: 27 ; added: 0 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Legal Concepts for Finland (FI)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-FI 2: fi-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for France (FR)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-FR 2: fr-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB)
total terms: 9 ; added: 0 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Legal Concepts for Greece (GR)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-GR 2: gr-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Crotia (HR)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-HR 2: hr-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Hungary (HU)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-HU 2: hu-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Ireland (IE)
total terms: 10 ; added: 1 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: law-HIB
Legal Concepts for India (IN)
total terms: 8 ; added: 0 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Legal Concepts for Iceland (IS)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-IS 2: is-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Italy (IT)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-IT 2: it-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Liechtenstein (LI)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-LI 2: li-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Lithuania (LT)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-LT 2: li-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Luxembourg (LU)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-LU 2: lu-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Latvia (LV)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-LV 2: lv-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Malta (MT)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-MT 2: mt-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for the Netherlands (NL)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-NL 2: nl-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Norway (NO)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-NO 2: no-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Poland (PL)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-PL 2: pl-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Portugal (PT)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-PT 2: pt-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Romania (RO)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-RO 2: ro-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Sweden (SE)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-SE 2: se-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Slovenia (SI)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-SI 2: si-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for Slovakia (SK)
total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: DPA-SK 2: sk-classes 3: law-GDPR 4: serialisation-html 5: serialisation-jsonld 6: serialisation-n3 7: serialisation-rdf 8: serialisation-ttl
Legal Concepts for United States of America (US)
total terms: 19 ; added: 0 ; removed: 0 ; view document
EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)
total terms: 246 ; added: 81 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Added rights impact concepts for each right in GDPR, with experimental granular concepts for
based on the RISK
- Added granular rights concepts for
regarding automated decision making. Added new rights A78, A79
- Added specialised concepts extending core concepts in
with definitions defined in GDPR Art.4 e.g. DataController
- Added justifications associated with (fulfilment and non-fulfilment) rights that extend
based on the RISK
regarding automated decision making. Added new rights A78, A79
with definitions defined in GDPR Art.4 e.g. DataController
concepts.1: A13-Denied 2: A13-Eroded 3: A13-ExercisePrevented 4: A13-Impact 5: A13-Limited 6: A13-Obstructed 7: A13-Unfulfilled 8: A13-Violated 9: A14-Impact 10: A15-Impact 11: A16-Impact 12: A17-Impact 13: A18-Impact 14: A19-Impact 15: A20-Impact 16: A21-Impact 17: A22-3-a 18: A22-3-b 19: A22-3-c 20: A22-Impact 21: A7-3-Impact 22: A77-Impact 23: A78 24: A79 25: BiometricData 26: Consent 27: Controller 28: CrossBorderProcessing 29: DataBreachJustification 30: DataSubject 31: GDPRRightsImpact 32: GeneticData 33: HealthData 34: InformationSocietyService 35: InternationalOrganisation 36: JustificationA12Complexity 37: JustificationA12Delay 38: JustificationA12HighVolume 39: JustificationA12IdentityFailure 40: JustificationA12IdentityRequired 41: JustificationA12InformationRequired 42: JustificationA12LackOfIntent 43: JustificationA12MaliciousIntent 44: JustificationA12ManifestlyExcessive 45: JustificationA12ManifestlyUnfounded 46: JustificationA13EntityAlreadyInformed 47: JustificationA14ConfidentialityCompromised 48: JustificationA14DisproportionateEffort 49: JustificationA14EntityAlreadyInformed 50: JustificationA14FulfilmentImpossible 51: JustificationA14LegallyExempted 52: JustificationA14ObjectivesImpaired 53: JustificationA17Archiving 54: JustificationA17ChildData 55: JustificationA17FreedomOfExpression 56: JustificationA17LegalClaims 57: JustificationA17LegalErasure 58: JustificationA17LegallyRequired 59: JustificationA17NoLegalBasis 60: JustificationA17NonNecessity 61: JustificationA17ObjectA21 62: JustificationA17OfficialAuthority 63: JustificationA17PublicHealth 64: JustificationA17PublicInterest 65: JustificationA17UnlawfulProcessing 66: JustificationA33BreachedDataIneffective 67: JustificationA33DisproportionateEffort 68: JustificationA33NotificationDelay 69: JustificationA33RiskMitigated 70: JustificationA33RiskUnlikely 71: PersonalData 72: Processing 73: Processor 74: Profiling 75: Pseudonymisation 76: Recipient 77: Representative 78: ThirdParty 79: misc-concepts-classes 80: rights-impacts-classes 81: rights-justifications-classes
EU Data Governance Act (EU-DGA)
total terms: 81 ; added: 18 ; removed: 3 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts represent rights that were named with labels instead of the article number as in EU-GDPR
extension. These have been added with the relevant article number.
extension. These have been added with the relevant article number.1: RightToDataConversionOptOut 2: RightToImpartialReview 3: RightToLodgeComplaint
Concepts Added (click to expand)
Added concepts include rights, impact on rights, entities defined in DGA, and compliance status for DGA.
1: A27 2: A27-Impact 3: A28 4: A28-3 5: A28-3-Impact 6: A28-Impact 7: A9-2 8: A9-2-Impact 9: DGAComplianceUnknown 10: DGACompliant 11: DGALawfulness 12: DGANonCompliant 13: DGARightsImpact 14: LegalRepresentative 15: PublicLawGovernedBody 16: PublicSectorBody 17: compliance-classes 18: rights-impacts-classes
EU Artificial Intelligence Act (EU-AIAct)
total terms: 115 ; added: 32 ; removed: 4 ; view document
Concepts Removed (click to expand)
Removed concepts represent changing wording of the concepts. Variants have been added with proper naming e.g. CriticalInfrastructure
as CriticalInfrastructureSector
as CriticalInfrastructureSector
.1: CriticalInfrastructure 2: DeepFake 3: LawEnforcement 4: SystemicRiskAtEU
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Added sectors referenced in AI Act Annex III as experimental concepts.
- Added concepts to represent information such as
for changes in AI systems, TestReport
, and PredeterminedChange
- Added compliance status for AI Act.
for changes in AI systems, TestReport
, and PredeterminedChange
.1: AIActComplianceUnknown 2: AIActCompliant 3: AIActLawfulness 4: AIActNonCompliant 5: AsylumSector 6: BorderControlSector 7: ChangeCategory 8: ChangeDescription 9: CriticalInfrastructureSector 10: DeepFakeGeneration 11: DemocraticProcessSector 12: EUDeclarationOfConformity 13: EducationSector 14: EmploymentSector 15: JusticeSector 16: LawEnforcementSector 17: MigrationSector 18: NonpredeterminedChange 19: PostMarketMonitoringPlan 20: PostMarketMonitoringSystemDocumentation 21: PredeterminedChange 22: PrivateSector 23: PublicSector 24: SystemArchitectureDescription 25: SystemicRiskForEU 26: TestLog 27: TestReport 28: compliance-classes 29: hasChangeCategory 30: hasChangeDescription 31: sector-classes 32: status-properties
EU Network and Information Services Directive (EU-NIS2)
total terms: 19 ; added: 5 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
Added concepts for compliance status for NIS2.
1: NIS2ComplianceUnknown 2: NIS2Compliant 3: NIS2Lawfulness 4: NIS2NonCompliant 5: compliance-classes
EU Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (EU-RIGHTS)
total terms: 144 ; added: 76 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
Added concepts representing impact on each right, with experimental concepts representing granular impacts on A.8 right to data protection.
1: A1-HumanDignityImpact 2: A10-FreedomOfThoughtConscienceReligionImpact 3: A11-FreedomOfExpressionInformationImpact 4: A12-FreedomOfAssemblyAssociationImpact 5: A13-FreedomOfArtsSciencesImpact 6: A14-RightToEducationImpact 7: A15-FreedomToChooseOccupationEngageWorkImpact 8: A16-FreedomToConductBusinessImpact 9: A17-RightToPropertyImpact 10: A18-RightToAsylumImpact 11: A19-ProtectionRemovalExpulsionExtraditionImpact 12: A2-RightToLifeImpact 13: A20-EqualityBeforeLawImpact 14: A21-NonDiscriminationImpact 15: A22-CulturalReligiousLinguisticDiversityImpact 16: A23-EqualityBetweenWomenMenImpact 17: A24-RightsOfChildImpact 18: A25-RightsOfElderlyImpact 19: A26-IntegrationOfPersonsWithDisabilitiesImpact 20: A27-WorkersRightToInformationConsultationImpact 21: A28-RightOfCollectiveBargainingActionImpact 22: A29-RightOfAccessToPlacementServicesImpact 23: A3-RightToIntegrityOfPersonImpact 24: A30-ProtectionUnjustifiedDismissalImpact 25: A31-FairJustWorkingConditionsImpact 26: A32-ProhibitionOfChildLabourProtectionofYoungAtWorkImpact 27: A33-FamilyProfessionalLifeImpact 28: A34-SocialSecuritySocialAssistanceImpact 29: A35-HealthcareImpact 30: A36-AccessToServicesOfGeneralEconomicInterestImpact 31: A37-EnvironmentalProtectionImpact 32: A38-ConsumerProtectionImpact 33: A39-RightToVoteStandAsCanditateEUParliamentImpact 34: A4-ProhibitionOfTortureDegradationPunishmentImpact 35: A40-RightToVoteStandAsCandidateMunicipalElectionsImpact 36: A41-RightToGoodAdministrationImpact 37: A42-RightToAccessToDocumentsImpact 38: A43-EuropeanOmbudsmanImpact 39: A44-RightToPetitionImpact 40: A45-FreedomOfMovementAndResidenceImpact 41: A46-DiplomaticConsularProtectionImpact 42: A47-RightToEffectiveRemedyFairTrialImpact 43: A48-PresumptionOfInnocenceRightOfDefenceImpact 44: A49-PrinciplesOfLegalityProportionalityCriminalOffencesPenaltiesImpact 45: A5-ProhibitionOfSlaveryForcedLabourImpact 46: A50-RightNotBeTriedPunishedTwiceForSameCriminalOffenceImpact 47: A51-FieldOfApplicationImpact 48: A52-ScopeInterpretationOfRightsPrinciplesImpact 49: A53-LevelOfProtectionImpact 50: A54-ProhibitionOfAbuseOfRightsImpact 51: A6-RightToLiberySecurityImpact 52: A7-RespectPrivateFamilyLifeImpact 53: A8-AccessImpacted 54: A8-Denied 55: A8-Eroded 56: A8-ExercisePrevented 57: A8-Limited 58: A8-Obstructed 59: A8-ProcessingWithNonspecificPurposes 60: A8-ProcessingWithoutValidConsent 61: A8-ProcessingWithoutValidLegalBasis 62: A8-ProtectionOfPersonalDataImpact 63: A8-RectificiationImpacted 64: A8-UnfairProcessing 65: A8-Unfulfilled 66: A8-Violated 67: A9-RightToMarryFoundFamilyImpact 68: EUFundamentalRightsImpact 69: T1-DignityImpact 70: T2-FreedomsImpact 71: T3-EqualityImpact 72: T4-SolidarityImpact 73: T5-CitizensRightsImpact 74: T6-JusticeImpact 75: T7-InterpretationAndApplicationImpact 76: impacts-classes
EU European Health Data Spaces (EU-EHDS)
total terms: 70 ; added: 70 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
- Integrates concepts from Specifying Health Data Usage Policies for Legally-aware Data Spaces by Beatriz Esteves et al.
- Adds data categories, entities, purposes, and processes based on draft version of EHDS.
1: BehavioralData 2: BiobankData 3: ClaimData 4: ClinicalTrialsData 5: DataPermit 6: DataRequest 7: DevelopPublicHealthProductsAndServices 8: DevelopSocialSecurityProductsAndServices 9: DiseaseRegistryData 10: EHRManufacturer 11: EHRSupplier 12: ElectronicHealthRecord 13: EnsureQualitySafetyHealthcare 14: EnsureQualitySafetyMedicalDevices 15: EnsureQualitySafetyMedicinalProducts 16: EnvironmentalData 17: GenomicData 18: HealthAdminData 19: HealthDataAccessBody 20: HealthProfessional 21: HealthProfessionalData 22: HealthQuestionnaire 23: HealthRegistryData 24: HealthSurvey 25: HealthcareProvider 26: HealthcareScientificResearch 27: ImproveHealthcareEducation 28: InferredHealthData 29: LifestyleData 30: MedicalDevicesData 31: MedicalDevicesRegistryData 32: MedicalRegistryData 33: MedicinalProductsRegistryData 34: PathogenGenomicData 35: PersonGenegeratedWellnessAppData 36: PersonGeneratedHealthAppData 37: PersonGeneratedHealthData 38: PersonGeneratedMedicalDevice 39: PersonalisedHealthcare 40: ProtectAgainstCrossBorderThreatsToHealth 41: ProteomicData 42: ProvideHealthcareOfficialStatistics 43: PublicHealthRegistryData 44: PublicHealthSurveillance 45: PublicInterestRelatedToHealth 46: ReimbursementData 47: ResearchCohortData 48: SocialData 49: StudyData 50: SupportAuthoritiesRegulatoryActivities 51: TechnologyDistributor 52: TechnologyImporter 53: TechnologyManufacturer 54: TechnologySupplier 55: TrainTestAndEvaluateAISystemsAlgorithms 56: TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAlgorithms 57: TrainTestAndEvaluateHealthAppsAlgorithms 58: TrainTestAndEvaluateMedicalDevicesAlgorithms 59: WellnessAppManufacturer 60: WellnessAppSupplier 61: WellnessData 62: data-classes 63: entities-classes 64: process-classes 65: purposes-classes 66: serialisation-html 67: serialisation-jsonld 68: serialisation-n3 69: serialisation-rdf 70: serialisation-ttl
Sectorial Concepts (SECTOR)
total extensions: 6 ; added: 6 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Education Sector Concepts (SECTOR-EDUCATION)
total terms: 55 ; added: 55 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: AccessManagement 2: EducationManagement 3: ResearchDataManagement 4: ResearchIntegrityManagement 5: ResearchManagement 6: ResearchUserStudyManagement 7: ServiceProvision 8: StaffManagement 9: StaffPerformanceAssessment 10: StudentAcademicPotentialAssessment 11: StudentAdmissionManagement 12: StudentAdmissionScreening 13: StudentAllocation 14: StudentAssignmentAssessment 15: StudentAttendanceManagement 16: StudentCheatingAssessment 17: StudentContentDelivery 18: StudentCourseAllocation 19: StudentCourseRecommendation 20: StudentEligibilityAssessment 21: StudentEnrollmentManagement 22: StudentExamAssessment 23: StudentFeesManagement 24: StudentFinancialBenefitsManagement 25: StudentGuidanceManagement 26: StudentIdentityVerification 27: StudentInPersonProctoring 28: StudentInstituteAllocation 29: StudentInstituteRecommendation 30: StudentIntegrityManagement 31: StudentIntegrityTraining 32: StudentLearningFeedbackManagement 33: StudentLearningNeedsAssessment 34: StudentLearningOutcomeAssessment 35: StudentManagement 36: StudentMisconductInvestigation 37: StudentOnlineProctoring 38: StudentPerformanceAssessment 39: StudentPerformanceManagement 40: StudentPerformanceMonitoring 41: StudentPersonalisedContentDelivery 42: StudentPlagiarismDetection 43: StudentProctoring 44: StudentProgramAllocation 45: StudentProgramRecommendation 46: StudentResourceAccessManagement 47: StudentSocialActivitiesManagement 48: StudentSpecialNeedsManagement 49: StudentWellbeingManagement 50: purposes-classes 51: serialisation-html 52: serialisation-jsonld 53: serialisation-n3 54: serialisation-rdf 55: serialisation-ttl
Finance Sector Concepts (SECTOR-FINANCE)
total terms: 49 ; added: 49 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: AccountManagement 2: AntiMoneyLaunderingCompliance 3: AntiMoneyLaunderingManagement 4: BudgetPlanningAssistance 5: CreditChecking 6: CreditHistoryEvaluation 7: CreditLimitDetermination 8: CreditScoreEvaluation 9: CustomerDueDiligence 10: DebtManagement 11: ExpenseManagement 12: FinancialServiceManagement 13: FraudManagement 14: IdentityFraudManagement 15: InstabilityRiskAssessment 16: InsuranceClaimDisputeResolution 17: InsuranceClaimEligibilityAssessment 18: InsuranceClaimFraudManagement 19: InsuranceClaimPayoutAssessment 20: InsuranceClaimsManagement 21: InsuranceCoverageAssessment 22: InsuranceEligibilityAssessment 23: InsuranceFraudManagement 24: InsuranceIdentityFraudManagement 25: InsuranceManagement 26: InsurancePersonalisedPricingManagement 27: InsurancePricingManagement 28: InsuranceRiskAssessment 29: InvestmentManagement 30: LoanServiceProvision 31: MaintainCreditCheckingDatabase 32: MaintainCreditRatingDatabase 33: PaymentProcessing 34: PersonalisedServiceProvision 35: PhishingAttackManagement 36: ProductRecommendation 37: RegulatoryCompliance 38: ServiceImprovement 39: ServiceProvision 40: TaxReportingCompliance 41: TransactionFraudManagement 42: TransactionReportingCompliance 43: WealthManagement 44: purposes-classes 45: serialisation-html 46: serialisation-jsonld 47: serialisation-n3 48: serialisation-rdf 49: serialisation-ttl
Health Sector Concepts (SECTOR-HEALTH)
total terms: 65 ; added: 65 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: AccessManagement 2: AppointmentScheduling 3: ConsultationManagement 4: CrisisManagement 5: DiagnosisManagement 6: DiagnosticOptimisation 7: DisasterReliefManagement 8: DiseasePreventionAwareness 9: EffectivenessAssessment 10: ElectronicRecordsManagement 11: EligibilityAssessment 12: EmergencyCareCommunication 13: EmergencyCareDispatch 14: EmergencyCareEligibilityAssessment 15: EmergencyCareManagement 16: EmergencyCareTriage 17: FitnessNutritionAwareness 18: FraudPreventionDetection 19: GeneticConditionDiagnosis 20: HealthInequalityAnalysis 21: HealthInsuranceManagement 22: HealthTrendAnalysis 23: HealthcareManagement 24: HealthcareServiceManagement 25: IdentityFraudManagement 26: InsuranceClaimFraudManagement 27: InsuranceManagement 28: LifeInsuranceManagement 29: MedicalConditionDiagnosis 30: MedicalResourceOptimisation 31: MentalHealthAwareness 32: MentalHealthConditionDiagnosis 33: Optimisation 34: PandemicResponseManagement 35: PatientChronicConditionMonitoring 36: PatientConsentManagement 37: PatientInformationManagement 38: PatientIntensiveCareMonitoring 39: PatientMonitoring 40: PatientPostTreatmentMonitoring 41: PatientRemoteMonitoring 42: PatientTreatmentEffectivenessMonitoring 43: PatientTreatmentOutcomeAnalysis 44: PopulationHealthAnalysis 45: PredictiveHealthRiskAnalysis 46: PreventativeCareManagement 47: PrimaryCareManagement 48: ProvidersDataSharing 49: PublicHealthMonitoring 50: ReferralManagement 51: ResearchDevelopment 52: ResourceManagement 53: SecurityManagement 54: ServiceBillingFraudManagement 55: ServiceProvision 56: SpecialisedCareManagement 57: TreatmentOptimisation 58: VaccinationManagement 59: WorkforceManagement 60: purposes-classes 61: serialisation-html 62: serialisation-jsonld 63: serialisation-n3 64: serialisation-rdf 65: serialisation-ttl
Infrastructure Sector Concepts (SECTOR-INFRA)
total terms: 53 ; added: 53 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: AviationInfrastructureManagement 2: CriticalCommunicationManagement 3: CriticalDigitalInfrastructureManagement 4: CriticalElectricityManagement 5: CriticalEmergencyResponseCommunicationManagement 6: CriticalEmergencyResponseDispatchManagement 7: CriticalEmergencyResponseEligibilityAssessment 8: CriticalEmergencyResponseManagement 9: CriticalEmergencyResponseTriage 10: CriticalEnergyManagement 11: CriticalGasManagement 12: CriticalHeatingManagement 13: CriticalInfrastructureManagement 14: CriticalWasteManagement 15: CriticalWaterManagement 16: InfrastructureManagement 17: PublicTransportComplaintManagement 18: PublicTransportDemandForecasting 19: PublicTransportFraudManagement 20: PublicTransportManagement 21: PublicTransportPassengerFlowAnalysis 22: PublicTransportPerformanceAnalysis 23: PublicTransportResearchDevelopment 24: PublicTransportSafetyManagement 25: PublicTransportServiceProvision 26: PublicTransportTicketManagement 27: RailTransportManagement 28: RoadAccidentAnalysis 29: RoadAccidentMonitoring 30: RoadConditionMonitoring 31: RoadEmergencyResponseManagement 32: RoadEmergencyRouteManagement 33: RoadEmergencySceneManagement 34: RoadEnvironmentalImpactAnalysis 35: RoadInfrastructureManagement 36: RoadInfrastructurePlanning 37: RoadMaintenanceScheduling 38: RoadManagement 39: RoadPedestrianSafetyMonitoring 40: RoadResearchDevelopment 41: RoadSafetyMonitoring 42: RoadSchoolZoneSafetyMonitoring 43: RoadTollCollection 44: RoadTollManagement 45: RoadTrafficAnalysis 46: RoadTrafficManagement 47: TransportManagement 48: purposes-classes 49: serialisation-html 50: serialisation-jsonld 51: serialisation-n3 52: serialisation-rdf 53: serialisation-ttl
Law Enforcement & Justice Sector Concepts (SECTOR-LAW
total terms: 100 ; added: 100 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: CrimeArrestDetention 2: CrimeDetection 3: CrimeInvestigation 4: CrimeProsecution 5: CrimeSurveillance 6: CrimeVictimCounsellingManagement 7: CrimeVictimPrediction 8: CrimeVictimRestitutionSupport 9: CrimeVictimSafetyAssessment 10: CrimeVictimSafetyManagement 11: CrimeVictimSafetyProvision 12: CriminalBehaviourDetection 13: CriminalLawEnforcement 14: ImmigrationApplicationAssessment 15: ImmigrationApplicationCollection 16: ImmigrationApplicationManagement 17: ImmigrationApplicationScreening 18: ImmigrationAsylumManagement 19: ImmigrationBorderControlManagement 20: ImmigrationBorderDocumentVerification 21: ImmigrationBorderIdentityVerification 22: ImmigrationClaimVerification 23: ImmigrationComplaintManagement 24: ImmigrationDecisionCommunication 25: ImmigrationDocumentVerficiation 26: ImmigrationEligibilityAssessment 27: ImmigrationExpiredPermitManagement 28: ImmigrationFraudManagement 29: ImmigrationHealthRiskDetection 30: ImmigrationHealthRiskManagement 31: ImmigrationHealthRiskPrediction 32: ImmigrationIdentityVerification 33: ImmigrationManagement 34: ImmigrationMigrationManagement 35: ImmigrationRequestManagement 36: ImmigrationResidencyPermitManagement 37: ImmigrationSecurityManagement 38: ImmigrationTransitPermitManagement 39: ImmigrationVisaManagement 40: ImmigrationWorkAuthorisationManagement 41: JudicialCaseManagement 42: JudicialDecisionMaking 43: JudicialDisputeManagement 44: JudicialLegalInterpretation 45: JudicialRecordKeeping 46: JudicialSystemManagement 47: JusticeManagement 48: LawEnforcement 49: LegalAidProvision 50: LegalComplaintManagement 51: LegalEvidenceCollection 52: LegalEvidenceEligibilityAssessment 53: LegalEvidenceInterpretation 54: LegalFirstOffencePrediction 55: LegalInstitutionalManagement 56: LegalInterrogation 57: LegalInvestigation 58: LegalOffenceDetection 59: LegalOffencePatternAnalysis 60: LegalOffencePrediction 61: LegalOffenceProsecution 62: LegalOffenceSurveillance 63: LegalRepeatOffencePrediction 64: LegalResearchDevelopment 65: LegalSuspectedOffenceInvestigation 66: PrisonManagement 67: ProbationManagement 68: PublicTransportFraudManagement 69: PublicTransportLawEnforcement 70: PublicTransportSafetyMonitoring 71: PublicTransportViolationDetection 72: RecidivismPrediction 73: RehabilitationManagement 74: RoadDUIEnforcement 75: RoadParkingEnforcement 76: RoadSpeedLimitEnforcement 77: RoadTollViolationDetection 78: RoadTrafficLawEnforcement 79: RoadTrafficLawViolationCommunication 80: RoadTrafficLawViolationDetection 81: RoadTrafficLawViolationFineAssessment 82: RoadTrafficLawViolationFineCollection 83: RoadTrafficRuleEnforcement 84: RoadTrafficSignalEnforcement 85: RoadVehicleCertificationEnforcement 86: RoadVehicleEmissionEnforcement 87: RoadVehicleInsuranceEnforcement 88: RoadVehicleRegistrationEnforcement 89: SuspectedCrimeInvestigation 90: SuspectedCriminalBehaviourDetection 91: TransportLawEnforcement 92: UnauthorisedMigrationDetection 93: UnauthorisedMigrationManagement 94: UnauthorisedMigrationPrediction 95: purposes-classes 96: serialisation-html 97: serialisation-jsonld 98: serialisation-n3 99: serialisation-rdf 100: serialisation-ttl
Public Services Sector Concepts (SECTOR-PUBLICSERVICES)
total terms: 21 ; added: 21 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: HousingWelfareManagement 2: PublicServiceDistributionManagement 3: PublicServiceEligibilityAssessment 4: PublicServiceFraudPreventionDetection 5: PublicServiceManagement 6: PublicServiceProvision 7: SocialAssistanceManagement 8: SocialInsuranceManagement 9: SocialSecurityManagement 10: SocialWelfareDistributionManagement 11: SocialWelfareEligibilityAssessment 12: SocialWelfareEnrollmentManagement 13: SocialWelfareManagement 14: SocialWelfareProvision 15: SocialWelfareRiskAssessment 16: purposes-classes 17: serialisation-html 18: serialisation-jsonld 19: serialisation-n3 20: serialisation-rdf 21: serialisation-ttl
Extension for IEEE P7012
total terms: 165 ; added: 165 ; removed: 0 ; view document
Concepts Added (click to expand)
1: Agent 2: AgentAllowsNegotiation 3: AgentAllowsNegotiationOnlyKnownParty 4: AgentAllowsNegotiationOnlyPriorAgreementParty 5: AgentAllowsRequests 6: AgentAllowsRequestsOnlyKnownParty 7: AgentAllowsRequestsOnlyPriorAgreementParty 8: AgentBehaviour 9: AgentDisallowsNegotiation 10: AgentDisallowsRequests 11: AgentNegotiationBehaviour 12: AgentRequestBehaviour 13: Agreement 14: AgreementAccepted 15: AgreementInteractionRecord 16: AgreementNegotiation 17: AgreementNegotiationClarificationRequired 18: AgreementNegotiationConfirmationRequired 19: AgreementNegotiationCounterOfferMade 20: AgreementNegotiationExpired 21: AgreementNegotiationInitiated 22: AgreementNegotiationInvalid 23: AgreementNegotiationPaused 24: AgreementNegotiationPendingResponse 25: AgreementNegotiationRefused 26: AgreementNegotiationRequest 27: AgreementNegotiationRequested 28: AgreementNegotiationStatus 29: AgreementNegotiationTerminated 30: AgreementNegotiationUnknown 31: AgreementPreference 32: AgreementRefused 33: AgreementRegistry 34: ConflictResolutionTerm 35: DataSharingTerm 36: DataTransparencyExAnte 37: DataTransparencyExPost 38: DataTransparencyNotRequired 39: DataTransparencyOnRequest 40: DataTransparencyRequired 41: DataTransparencyTerm 42: DeonticInterpretationTerm 43: Entity 44: EntityAgent 45: NonServiceData 46: P7012Endpoint 47: PDC 48: PDC-AI 49: PDC-GOOD 50: PDC-INTENT 51: PartyTransparencyExAnte 52: PartyTransparencyExPost 53: PartyTransparencyNotRequired 54: PartyTransparencyOnRequest 55: PartyTransparencyRequired 56: PartyTransparencyTerm 57: PermissiveInterpretation 58: Person 59: PersonAgent 60: PortabilityNotRequired 61: PortabilityRequired 62: PortabilityRequiredImmediately 63: PortabilityRequiredOnRequest 64: PortabilityTerm 65: PortabilityToThirdParty 66: PreferenceAlwaysApplies 67: PreferenceApplicability 68: PreferenceConditionallyApplies 69: PreferenceNeverApplies 70: Profiling2PAllowed 71: Profiling3PDisallowed 72: ProfilingAllowed 73: ProfilingDisallowed 74: ProfilingTerm 75: ProfilingWithFPDisallowed 76: ProfilingWithPIIDisallowed 77: ProfilingWithoutFPAllowed 78: ProfilingWithoutPIIAllowed 79: ProhibitiveInterpretation 80: PurposeTransparencyExAnte 81: PurposeTransparencyExPost 82: PurposeTransparencyNotRequired 83: PurposeTransparencyOnRequest 84: PurposeTransparencyRequired 85: PurposeTransparencyTerm 86: ResolveAcrossContexts 87: ResolveByDiscarding 88: ResolveOnlyWithinContext 89: ResolvePreferringPermission 90: ResolvePreferringProhibition 91: SD-BY 92: SD-BY-A 93: SD-BY-A-DP 94: SD-BY-AT 95: SD-BY-AT-DP 96: SD-BY-ATP 97: SD-BY-ATP-DP 98: SD-BY-ATP-S3P 99: SD-BY-ATP-S3P-DP 100: SD-BY-DP 101: ServiceAnalytics 102: ServiceAnalyticsData 103: ServiceData 104: ServiceDelivery 105: ServiceImprovement 106: ServiceUsageData 107: SharingData3PAllowed 108: SharingData3PDisallowed 109: SharingDataAllowed 110: SharingDataAnonymised3PAllowed 111: SharingDataAnonymised3PDisallowed 112: SharingDataDisallowed 113: SharingDataNonAnonymised3PDisallowed 114: SharingDataNonAnonymisedDisallowed 115: ThirdParty 116: Tracking2PAllowed 117: Tracking3PDisallowed 118: TrackingAllowed 119: TrackingDisallowed 120: TrackingTerm 121: TrackingWithFPDisallowed 122: TrackingWithPIIDisallowed 123: TrackingWithoutFPAllowed 124: TrackingWithoutPIIAllowed 125: TransparencyExAnte 126: TransparencyExPost 127: TransparencyNotRequired 128: TransparencyOnRequest 129: TransparencyRequired 130: TransparencyTerm 131: agreement-classes 132: data-classes 133: entities-classes 134: entities-properties 135: hasAgent 136: hasAgentBehaviour 137: hasAgreement 138: hasAgreementPreference 139: hasAgreementRegistry 140: hasConflictResolution 141: hasDataSharingTerm 142: hasDeonticInterpretation 143: hasFirstParty 144: hasHumanReadableFormat 145: hasMachineReadableFormat 146: hasP7012Endpoint 147: hasParty 148: hasPortabilityTerm 149: hasPreferenceApplicability 150: hasProfilingTerm 151: hasSecondParty 152: hasThirdParty 153: hasTrackingTerm 154: hasTransparencyTerm 155: privacy-term-classes 156: privacy-term-properties 157: process-classes 158: process-properties 159: purpose-classes 160: serialisation-html 161: serialisation-jsonld 162: serialisation-n3 163: serialisation-rdf 164: serialisation-ttl 165: status-classes
Development Process
- GitHub: All code and artefacts are hosted in a github repo, and it is also used for discussions via issues and for hosting a community wiki.
- Git branches: Development takes place on the
branch, and the development version is suffixed to indicate ongoing work as2.2-dev
. Themain
branch hosts stable and published releases and is updated for fixes and for storing working notes and minutes for the DPVCG meetings. - Announcement for releases: The issue #145 acts as a 'sticky' board for announcements regarding releases, fixes, and other relevant news. Adopters can subscribe to this issue to be notified.
- More guides and tutorials: The DPVCG has planned to provide more guides and tutorials to support the adoption and use of DPV. A tentative list can be found at the guides page.
- Multilingual support: This feature is planned for future releases where the DPV concepts will be provided with labels, definitions, and notes in more languages. Planned languages include Italian, French, German, and Spanish. If you are interested in having another language added, please discuss in issue#89.
- Release schedule: The DPVCG plans to provide two releases per year to enable rapid incorporation of changing regulations and facilitating adoption.
Thanks to the following members of the DPVCG (ordered alphabetically):
- Arthit Suriyawongkul @bact
- Beatriz Esteves @besteves4
- Delaram Golpayegani @delaramglp
- Georg P. Krog
- Harshvardhan J. Pandit @coolharsh55
- Iain Henderson @iainh1
- Jan Lindquist
- Jesse Wright @jeswr
- Julian Flake @nuthub
- Mark Lizar
- Paul Ryan @Paul-Ryan76
- Rob Brennan
- Ted Thibodeau Jr @TallTed
- Tytti Rintamaki
Also thanks to the following people:
- Daniel Doherty @drd00 for providing bias categories based on ISO standards.
- Patrick Hochstenbach @phochste, Per Hallgren @perhallgren, and Junli Liang junli-liang-johnny for reporting broken terms/links.
In addition to the above, this release also marks the completion of PhDs. by Dr. Delaram Golpayegani and Dr. Beatriz Esteves whose theses have been instrumental in the development of the DPV specifications. Congratulations to both!