Contributors: (ordered alphabetically) Arthit Suriyawongkul (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin), Axel Polleres (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Beatriz Esteves (IDLab, IMEC, Ghent University), Bud Bruegger (Unabhängige Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein), Damien Desfontaines (No affiliation provided), David Hickey (Dublin City University), Delaram Golpayegani (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin), Elmar Kiesling (Vienna University of Technology), Fajar Ekaputra (Vienna University of Technology), Georg P. Krog (Signatu AS), Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University), Iain Henderson (JLINC Labs), Javier Fernández (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Julian Flake (University of Koblenz), Mark Lizar (OpenConsent/Kantara Initiative), Maya Borges (Danish Agency for Digitisation), Paul Ryan (Uniphar PLC), Piero Bonatti (Università di Napoli Federico II), Rana Saniei (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Rob Brennan (University College Dublin), Rudy Jacob (Proximus), Simon Steyskal (Siemens), Steve Hickman (Epistimis LLC). NOTE: The affiliations are informative, do not represent formal endorsements, and may be outdated as this list is generated automatically from existing data.

This document provides additional details and examples for purpose concepts in the Data Privacy Vocabulary [[DPV]], and is a companion to the [[DPV]] specification.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. See the changelog for changes.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.


Overview of Purpose taxonomy in DPV (click to open in new window)

DPV provides a taxonomy of Purpose instances for use with [=hasPurpose=] relation. In addition, DPV also defines the concept [=Sector=] (associated using [=hasSector=]) to indicate a contextual interpretation of the purpose within a specified sector.

DPV’s taxonomy of purposes is used to represent the reason or justification for processing of personal data. For this, purposes are organised within DPV based on how they relate to the processing of personal data in terms of several factors, such as: management functions related to information (e.g. records, account, finance), fulfilment of objectives (e.g. delivery of goods), providing goods and services (e.g. service provision), intended benefits (e.g. optimisations for service provider or consumer), and legal compliance.

It is important to note the following for real-world implications of Purpose:

  1. There is no universal definition for what constitutes a ’purpose’ or what attributes are associated with it.

  2. There are several distinct ways to model purposes, e.g. as a ‘goal’ such as ‘Delivery of Ordered Goods’; or as a statement explaining the processing of personal data, e.g. ‘Sending newsletters to Email’.

  3. DPV does not define requirements for what is a ‘valid purpose’ as these are defined externally, e.g. in laws such as [[GDPR]] Article.5-1b where purposes are required to be ‘explicit and legitimate’.

  4. Purposes have contextual interpretations within their application and domains (i.e. depending on how they are used in an use-case). For example, ServiceProvision is interpreted differently across the use-cases of an online website, a goods delivery outlet, and a medical centre - even if they use the same terms or phrasing.

Following from the above, practical uses of DPV will likely need to extend one of the concepts within DPV’s purpose taxonomy to ensure its purpose descriptions are specific and understandable within the context of that use-case. We therefore suggest, where possible and appropriate, to create a customised purpose as required within the use-cases by extending one or several purposes from the DPV taxonomy and to provide a human readable description to assist in its accurate interpretation (e.g. DPV prefers use of skos:prefLabel for its concepts and dct:title for other documentation).

Guidelines on Purposes

DPV's purpose taxonomy enables expressing the category of purpose i.e the broader goal or reason. To enable accurate representation of purposes, we recommend further describing the purposes in a contextual manner where relevant. For example, the concept [=Marketing=] refers to the broad purpose of 'marketing', which may not be sufficient to represent information such as the marketing is about a specific campaign associated with the holiday season. Such additional details are necessary to understand where the 'initial' purpose may differ with 'subsequent' purposes of data. For example, if consent was given only for the use of personal data for marketing during holiday seasons, other non-holiday marketing purposes would not be compatible with it. Additional details can be added to DPV purposes by two methods: (1) extending the DPV taxonomy; and (2) adding annotations containing human-readable descriptions. We recommend always using (2), and using (1) where necessary or relevant.

To enable the accurate representations of purposes, we also recommend choosing the most relevant or closest concept from purpose taxonomy so that the purpose is as specific as possible. For example, choosing [=ProvidePersonalisedRecommendations=] instead of [=Personalisation=] allows communicating that the personalisation is of a specific kind and that other kinds of personalisation such as for UI/UX or advertising are not part of this purpose.

Service Provision

For purposes associated with [=ServiceProvision=], DPV provides concepts such as [=PaymentManagement=], [=ServiceOptimisation=], and [=ServiceRegistration=] amongst others. To associate these with services, the `Service` concept can be used similar to how `Process` is used to structure related information together. In this manner, a service can be expressed in terms of the different purposes and processes it contains - which may have their own separate legal basis.

Sector of Purpose Application

DPV provides Sector that can be used to indicate the relevant information to further clarify or indicate how a purpose should be interpreted. Sector, used with the hasSector relation, denotes the sector or domain of application, such as Manufacturing. This can be used alongside existing official sector taxonomies such as [[NACE]] (EU), [[NAICS]] (USA), or [[ISIC]] (UN), as well as commercial industry taxonomies such as [[GICS]] maintained by organisations MSCI and S&P. Multiple classifications can be used through mappings between sector codes such as the [[[NACE-NAICS]]] provided by EU.

The DPVCG welcomes discussions on the alignment of concepts in NACE, NAICS, ISIC, and GICS with DPV's Purpose taxonomy to further expand on how specific purposes can be represented within the context of a particular domain or sector.

DPVCG initially provided an interpretation of the NACE revision 2 codes which uses rdfs:subClassOf to specify the hierarchy between sector concepts instead of the SKOS relations used in NACE. In 2.0, the NACE extension has been removed as there was no added benefits provided in DPV's NACE extension and the recommendation is to use the official/authoritative NACE concepts and IRIs. Further, NACE revision 2.1 has been published which should be referred to as the latest version.

While the use of Sector for restricting (personal data processing) purposes is an uncommon and undocumented practice in terms of legal enforcement, we provide this feature as the use of sector code can assist with identification and interpretation of information as well as legal or organisational obligations and policies. For example, indicating some purpose is to be implemented within manufacturing or scientific research facilities (e.g. medical centres) can assist in ensuring specific types of access control and policies are defined and implemented.

Vocabulary Index


Academic Research

Term AcademicResearch Prefix dpv
Label Academic Research
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting or assisting with research conducted in an academic context e.g. within universities
Related svpu:Education
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Account Management

Term AccountManagement Prefix dpv
Label Account Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Account Management refers to purposes associated with account management, such as to create, provide, maintain, and manage accounts
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Advertising Prefix dpv
Label Advertising
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting advertising i.e. process or artefact used to call attention to a product, service, etc. through announcements, notices, or other forms of communication
Usage Note Advertising is a subset of Marketing. Advertising by itself does not indicate 'personalisation' i.e. personalised ads.
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Age Verification

Term AgeVerification Prefix dpv
Label Age Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Verificationdpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verifying or authenticating age or age related information as a form of security
Usage Note Age Verification can include verification of the exact age, e.g. being 21 years old, a date, e.g. birth date is 01 January 1969, or a condition, e.g. age is over 21 years and the person is an adult. Specific dedicated resources should be used to further express information and processes associated with Age Verification, for example the Age Verification Vocabulary
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Arthit Suriyawongkul, Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Combat Climate Change

Term CombatClimateChange Prefix dpv
Label Combat Climate Change
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with combating the causes and consequences of climate change, including reducing gas emissions and fighting emergencies such as floods or wildfires
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Commercial Purpose

Term CommercialPurpose Prefix dpv
Label Commercial Purpose
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with processing activities performed in a commercial setting or with intention to commercialise
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Commercial Research

Term CommercialResearch Prefix dpv
Label Commercial Research
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CommercialPurposedpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting research in a commercial setting or with intention to commercialise e.g. in a company or sponsored by a company
Related svpu:Develop
Date Created 2019-04-05
Date Modified 2024-04-14
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Communication for Customer Care

Term CommunicationForCustomerCare Prefix dpv
Label Communication for Customer Care
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CommunicationManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerCaredpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Care Communication refers to purposes associated with communicating with customers for assisting them, resolving issues, ensuring satisfaction, etc. in relation to services provided
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Communication Management

Term CommunicationManagement Prefix dpv
Label Communication Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Communication Management refers to purposes associated with providing or managing communication activities e.g. to send an email for notifying some information
Usage Note This purpose by itself does not sufficiently and clearly indicate what the communication is about. As such, it is recommended to combine it with another purpose to indicate the application. For example, Communication of Payment.
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Counter Money Laundering

Term CounterMoneyLaundering Prefix dpv
Label Counter Money Laundering
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:FraudPreventionAndDetectiondpv:MisusePreventionAndDetectiondpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection, prevention, and mitigation of mitigate money laundering
Date Created 2022-04-20
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Counterterrorism Prefix dpv
Label Counterterrorism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with activities that detect, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise perform activities to combat or eliminate terrorism (also referred to as anti-terrorism)
Date Created 2022-04-20
Date Modified 2024-04-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Care

Term CustomerCare Prefix dpv
Label Customer Care
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Care refers to purposes associated with purposes for providing assistance, resolving issues, ensuring satisfaction, etc. in relation to services provided
Related svpu:Feedback
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Claims Management

Term CustomerClaimsManagement Prefix dpv
Label Customer Claims Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Claims Management refers to purposes associated with managing claims, including repayment of monies owed
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Management

Term CustomerManagement Prefix dpv
Label Customer Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Management refers to purposes associated with managing activities related with past, current, and future customers
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Order Management

Term CustomerOrderManagement Prefix dpv
Label Customer Order Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Order Management refers to purposes associated with managing customer orders i.e. processing of an order related to customer's purchase of good or services
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Relationship Management

Term CustomerRelationshipManagement Prefix dpv
Label Customer Relationship Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Relationship Management refers to purposes associated with managing and analysing interactions with past, current, and potential customers
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Customer Solvency Monitoring

Term CustomerSolvencyMonitoring Prefix dpv
Label Customer Solvency Monitoring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Customer Solvency Monitoring refers to purposes associated with monitor solvency of customers for financial diligence
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Data Altruism

Term DataAltruism Prefix dpv
Label Data Altruism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the voluntary sharing of data for the general interest of the public, such as healthcare or combating climate change
Usage Note Data Altruism as a purpose should be combined with other purposes to indicate their altruistic interpretation or application. E.g. improving healthcare and data altruism in combination.
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Delivery of Goods

Term DeliveryOfGoods Prefix dpv
Label Delivery of Goods
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RequestedServiceProvisiondpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with delivering goods and services requested or asked by consumer
Related svpu:Delivery
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Direct Marketing

Term DirectMarketing Prefix dpv
Label Direct Marketing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting direct marketing i.e. marketing communicated directly to the individual
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Dispute Management

Term DisputeManagement Prefix dpv
Label Dispute Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationGovernancedpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with activities that manage disputes by natural persons, private bodies, or public authorities relevant to organisation
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Enforce Access Control

Term EnforceAccessControl Prefix dpv
Label Enforce Access Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting or enforcing access control as a form of security
Usage Note Was previously "Access Control". Prefixed to distinguish from Technical Measure.
Related svpu:Login
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Enforce Security

Term EnforceSecurity Prefix dpv
Label Enforce Security
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with ensuring and enforcing security for data, personnel, or other related matters
Usage Note Was previous "Security". Prefixed to distinguish from TechOrg measures.
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Establish Contractual Agreement

Term EstablishContractualAgreement Prefix dpv
Label Establish Contractual Agreement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with carrying out data processing to establish an agreement, such as for entering into a contract
Date Created 2022-11-09
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Fraud Prevention and Detection

Term FraudPreventionAndDetection Prefix dpv
Label Fraud Prevention and Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:MisusePreventionAndDetectiondpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with fraud detection, prevention, and mitigation
Related svpu:Government
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Fulfilment of Contractual Obligation

Term FulfilmentOfContractualObligation Prefix dpv
Label Fulfilment of Contractual Obligation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:FulfilmentOfObligationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with carrying out data processing to fulfill a contractual obligation
Date Created 2022-11-09
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Fulfilment of Obligation

Term FulfilmentOfObligation Prefix dpv
Label Fulfilment of Obligation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with carrying out data processing to fulfill an obligation
Date Created 2022-11-09
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Human Resource Management

Term HumanResourceManagement Prefix dpv
Label Human Resource Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing humans and 'human resources' within the organisation for effective and efficient operations.
Usage Note HR is a broad concept. Its management includes, amongst others - recruiting employees and intermediaries e.g. brokers, independent representatives; payroll administration, remunerations, commissions, and wages; and application of social legislation.
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Identity Authentication

Term IdentityAuthentication Prefix dpv
Label Identity Authentication
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with performing authentication based on identity as a form of security
Date Created 2024-04-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Identity Verification

Term IdentityVerification Prefix dpv
Label Identity Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Verificationdpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verifying or authenticating identity as a form of security
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Improve Existing Products and Services

Term ImproveExistingProductsAndServices Prefix dpv
Label Improve Existing Products and Services
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OptimisationForControllerdpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving existing products and services
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Improve Healthcare

Term ImproveHealthcare Prefix dpv
Label Improve Healthcare
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving healthcare systems such as for personalised treatments and curing chronic diseases
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Improve Internal CRM Processes

Term ImproveInternalCRMProcesses Prefix dpv
Label Improve Internal CRM Processes
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:CustomerRelationshipManagementdpv:CustomerManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OptimisationForControllerdpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving customer-relationship management (CRM) processes
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Improve Public Services

Term ImprovePublicServices Prefix dpv
Label Improve Public Services
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving the provision of public services, such as public safety, education or law enforcement
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Improve Transport and Mobility

Term ImproveTransportMobility Prefix dpv
Label Improve Transport and Mobility
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving traffic, public transport systems or costs for drivers
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Increase Service Robustness

Term IncreaseServiceRobustness Prefix dpv
Label Increase Service Robustness
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OptimisationForControllerdpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with improving robustness and resilience of services
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Internal Resource Optimisation

Term InternalResourceOptimisation Prefix dpv
Label Internal Resource Optimisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OptimisationForControllerdpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with optimisation of internal resource availability and usage for organisation
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Legal Compliance

Term LegalCompliance Prefix dpv
Label Legal Compliance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:FulfilmentOfObligationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with carrying out data processing to fulfill a legal or statutory obligation
Usage Note This purpose only refers to processing that is additionally required in order to fulfill the obligations and requirements associated with a law. For example, the use of consent would have its own separate purposes, with this purpose addressing a legal requirement for maintaining consent record (along with RecordManagement). This purpose will typically be used with Legal Obligation as the legal basis.
Date Created 2020-11-04
Date Modified 2022-11-09
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Maintain Fraud Database

Term MaintainFraudDatabase Prefix dpv
Label Maintain Fraud Database
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:FraudPreventionAndDetectiondpv:MisusePreventionAndDetectiondpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with maintaining a database related to identifying and identified fraud risks and fraud incidents
Date Created 2022-06-15
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Marketing Prefix dpv
Label Marketing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting marketing in relation to organisation or products or services e.g. promoting, selling, and distributing
Usage Note Was commercial interest, changed to consider Marketing a separate Purpose category by itself
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Members and Partners Management

Term MemberPartnerManagement Prefix dpv
Label Members and Partners Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationGovernancedpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with maintaining a registry of shareholders, members, or partners for governance, administration, and management functions
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Misuse, Prevention and Detection

Term MisusePreventionAndDetection Prefix dpv
Label Misuse, Prevention and Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Prevention and Detection of Misuse or Abuse of services
Date Created 2024-05-09
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Non-commercial Purpose

Term NonCommercialPurpose Prefix dpv
Label Non-commercial Purpose
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with processing activities performed in a non-commercial setting or without intention to commercialise
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Non-Commercial Research

Term NonCommercialResearch Prefix dpv
Label Non-Commercial Research
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:NonCommercialPurposedpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting research in a non-commercial setting e.g. for a non-profit-organisation (NGO)
Date Created 2019-04-05
Date Modified 2024-04-14
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Optimisation for Consumer

Term OptimisationForConsumer Prefix dpv
Label Optimisation for Consumer
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with optimisation of activities and services for consumer or user
Usage Note The term optimisation here refers to the efficiency of the service in terms of technical provision (or similar means) with benefits for everybody. Personalisation implies making changes that benefit the current user or persona.
Related svpu:Custom
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Optimisation for Controller

Term OptimisationForController Prefix dpv
Label Optimisation for Controller
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with optimisation of activities and services for provider or controller
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Optimise User Interface

Term OptimiseUserInterface Prefix dpv
Label Optimise User Interface
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OptimisationForConsumerdpv:ServiceOptimisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with optimisation of interfaces presented to the user
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Organisation Compliance Management

Term OrganisationComplianceManagement Prefix dpv
Label Organisation Compliance Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationGovernancedpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing compliance for organisation in relation to internal policies
Usage Note Note that this concept relates to internal organisational compliance. The concept LegalCompliance should be used for external legal or regulatory compliance.
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Organisation Governance

Term OrganisationGovernance Prefix dpv
Label Organisation Governance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting activities and functions for governance of an organisation
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Organisation Risk Management

Term OrganisationRiskManagement Prefix dpv
Label Organisation Risk Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:OrganisationGovernancedpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing risk for organisation's activities
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Payment Management

Term PaymentManagement Prefix dpv
Label Payment Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with processing and managing payment in relation to service, including invoicing and records
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Personalisation Prefix dpv
Label Personalisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing customisation based on attributes and/or needs of person(s) or context(s).
Usage Note This term is a blanket purpose category for indicating personalisation of some other purpose, e.g. by creating a subclass of the other concept and Personalisation
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personalised Advertising

Term PersonalisedAdvertising Prefix dpv
Label Personalised Advertising
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing personalised advertising
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personalised Benefits

Term PersonalisedBenefits Prefix dpv
Label Personalised Benefits
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing personalised benefits for a service
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Behaviour Monitoring

Term PersonnelBehaviourMonitoring Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Behaviour Monitoring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelMonitoringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring behaviour of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Hiring

Term PersonnelHiring Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Hiring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management and execution of hiring processes of personnel
Date Created 2022-04-20
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Management

Term PersonnelManagement Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of personnel associated with the organisation e.g. evaluation and management of employees and intermediaries
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2022-03-30
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Monitoring

Term PersonnelMonitoring Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Monitoring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Offboarding

Term PersonnelOffboarding Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Offboarding
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with offboarding of personnel i.e. activities and processes carried out when the person is exiting the company or role
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Onboarding

Term PersonnelOnboarding Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Onboarding
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with onboarding and integration of personnel within an organisation
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Payment

Term PersonnelPayment Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Payment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management and execution of payment of personnel
Date Created 2022-04-20
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Performance Evaluation

Term PersonnelPerformanceEvaluation Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Performance Evaluation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelMonitoringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with evaluation or assessment of performance of employees
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Performance Management

Term PersonnelPerformanceManagement Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Performance Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelMonitoringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of performance of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Performance Monitoring

Term PersonnelPerformanceMonitoring Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Performance Monitoring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelMonitoringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring of performance of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Performance Prediction

Term PersonnelPerformancePrediction Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Performance Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelPerformanceManagementdpv:PersonnelMonitoringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with prediction of performance of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Promotion Management

Term PersonnelPromotionManagement Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Promotion Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with determination and management of promotion of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Termination Management

Term PersonnelTerminationManagement Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Termination Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with determination and management of termination of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Personnel Workload Management

Term PersonnelWorkloadManagement Prefix dpv
Label Personnel Workload Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes assocaited with determination, scheduling, planning, and carrying out workload management of personnel
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Political Campaign

Term PoliticalCampaign Prefix dpv
Label Political Campaign
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with political campaign activities related to promotion and advertisement of positions and candidates in elections at local, state or regional, or national and international levels
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Term ProtectionOfIPR Prefix dpv
Label Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:FulfilmentOfObligationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the protection of intellectual property rights
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Protection of National Security

Term ProtectionOfNationalSecurity Prefix dpv
Label Protection of National Security
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the protection of national security
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Protection of Public Security

Term ProtectionOfPublicSecurity Prefix dpv
Label Protection of Public Security
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the protection of public security
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Provide Event Recommendations

Term ProvideEventRecommendations Prefix dpv
Label Provide Event Recommendations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ProvidePersonalisedRecommendationsdpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ProvidePersonalisedRecommendationsdpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing personalised recommendations for events
Source SPECIAL Project
Date Created 2019-11-26
Date Modified 2022-10-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Rudy Jacob
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Provide Official Statistics

Term ProvideOfficialStatistics Prefix dpv
Label Provide Official Statistics
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with facilitating the development, production and dissemination of reliable official statistics
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Provide Personalised Recommendations

Term ProvidePersonalisedRecommendations Prefix dpv
Label Provide Personalised Recommendations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing personalised recommendations
Source SPECIAL Project
Date Created 2019-11-26
Date Modified 2022-10-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Rudy Jacob
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Provide Product Recommendations

Term ProvideProductRecommendations Prefix dpv
Label Provide Product Recommendations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ProvidePersonalisedRecommendationsdpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ProvidePersonalisedRecommendationsdpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing product recommendations e.g. suggest similar products
Related svpu:Marketing
Date Created 2019-04-05
Date Modified 2022-10-14
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Public Benefit

Term PublicBenefit Prefix dpv
Label Public Benefit
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes undertaken and intended to provide benefit to public or society
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Public Policy Making

Term PublicPolicyMaking Prefix dpv
Label Public Policy Making
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PublicBenefitdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with public policy making, such as the development of new laws
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Public Relations

Term PublicRelations Prefix dpv
Label Public Relations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing and conducting public relations processes, including creating goodwill for the organisation
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Purpose Prefix dpv
Label Purpose
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purpose or (broader) Goal associated with data or technology
Usage Note The purpose or goal here is intended to sufficiently describe the intention or objective of why the data or technology is being used, and should be broader than mere technical descriptions of achieving a capability. For example, "Analyse Data" is an abstract purpose with no indication of what the analyses is for as compared to a purpose such as "Marketing" or "Service Provision" which provide clarity and comprehension of the 'purpose' and can be enhanced with additional descriptions. Such modelling is in line with regulatory requirements regarding the specificity of purposes, for example in GDPR
Examples dex:E0003 :: Extending multiple concepts
dex:E0004 :: Interoperability of extended concepts across use-cases
dex:E0007 :: Extending Purposes and adding human-readable descriptions
dex:E0008 :: Using NACE codes to restrict Purposes
dex:E0040 :: Extending a purpose and using human-readable descriptions
dex:E0041 :: Indicating purposes associated with a Service
dex:E0042 :: Indicating legal compliance as a purpose along with the relevant law
dex:E0043 :: Indicating sector or domain and associating it with a purpose
Source SPECIAL Project
Related spl:AnyPurpose
Date Created 2019-04-05
Date Modified 2024-04-14
Contributors Axel Polleres, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández
See More: section PURPOSES in DEX

Record Management

Term RecordManagement Prefix dpv
Label Record Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with manage creation, storage, and use of records relevant to operations, events, and processes e.g. to store logs or access requests
Usage Note This purpose relates specifically for record creation and management. This can be combined or used along with other purposes to express intentions such as records for legal compliance or vendor payments.
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Advertising

Term RecruitmentAdvertising Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Advertising
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with advertisement for Recruitments and personnel hiring
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Applicant Background Check

Term RecruitmentApplicantBackgroundCheck Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Applicant Background Check
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes assocaited with conducting background checks for prospective and current job applicants for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Applicant Criminal Background Check

Term RecruitmentApplicantCriminalBackgroundCheck Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Applicant Criminal Background Check
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting criminal background assessment for prospective and current job applicants for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Applicant Information Authentication

Term RecruitmentApplicantInformationAuthentication Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Applicant Information Authentication
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with authentication and verification of information as part of recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Applicant Selection

Term RecruitmentApplicantSelection Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Applicant Selection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with determination or selection of candidates, whether for a specific job or job pool, or for a specific stage as part of recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Application Analysis

Term RecruitmentApplicationAnalysis Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Application Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentApplicationManagementdpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes assocaited with analysis of job applications or job candidates for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Application Management

Term RecruitmentApplicationManagement Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Application Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing job applications for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Application Screening

Term RecruitmentApplicationScreening Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Application Screening
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentApplicationManagementdpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with screening and filtering of job applications or job candidates for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Interview Analysis

Term RecruitmentInterviewAnalysis Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Interview Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentInterviewManagementdpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with analysis of interviews, including the people and involved, for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Interview Assessment

Term RecruitmentInterviewAssessment Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Interview Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentInterviewManagementdpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with assessment of interviews, including assessment of people and information, for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Interview Management

Term RecruitmentInterviewManagement Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Interview Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated conducting and managing interviews for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Interview Scheduling

Term RecruitmentInterviewScheduling Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Interview Scheduling
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentInterviewManagementdpv:RecruitmentManagementdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with scheduling interviews for recruitment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Recruitment Management

Term RecruitmentManagement Prefix dpv
Label Recruitment Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes assocaited with recruitment of personnel, which includes identifying, sourcing, screening, filtering, shortlisting, and interviewing candidates
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Targeted Recruitment Advertising

Term RecruitmentTargetedAdvertising Prefix dpv
Label Targeted Recruitment Advertising
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentAdvertisingdpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecruitmentAdvertisingdpv:PersonnelHiringdpv:PersonnelManagementdpv:HumanResourceManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:TargetedAdvertisingdpv:PersonalisedAdvertisingdpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:TargetedAdvertisingdpv:PersonalisedAdvertisingdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with targeted advertisement for Recruitments and personnel hiring
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Repair Impairments

Term RepairImpairments Prefix dpv
Label Repair Impairments
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with identifying, rectifying, or otherwise undertaking activities intended to fix or repair impairments to existing functionalities
Usage Note An example of identifying and rectifying impairments is the process of finding and fixing errors in products, commonly referred to as debugging
Date Created 2022-08-24
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Requested Service Provision

Term RequestedServiceProvision Prefix dpv
Label Requested Service Provision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with delivering services as requested by user or consumer
Usage Note The use of 'request' here includes where an user explicitly asks for the service and also when an established contract requires the provision of the service
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Research and Development

Term ResearchAndDevelopment Prefix dpv
Label Research and Development
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting research and development for new methods, products, or services
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Rights Fulfillment

Term RightsFulfillment Prefix dpv
Label Rights Fulfillment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:LegalObligationdpv:LegalBasis
Object of relation dpv:hasLegalBasis
Definition Purposes associated with the fulfillment of rights specified in law
Usage Note Where Rights Fulfillment includes activities that are not legal obligations, for example conducting Identity Verification, the documentation should indicate this by expressing them as separate purposes within the same activity
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Scientific Research

Term ScientificResearch Prefix dpv
Label Scientific Research
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ResearchAndDevelopmentdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with scientific research
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Search Functionalities

Term SearchFunctionalities Prefix dpv
Label Search Functionalities
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with providing searching, querying, or other forms of information retrieval related functionalities
Date Created 2022-11-09
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Sector Prefix dpv
Label Sector
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation dpv:hasSector
Definition Sector describes the area of application or domain that indicates or restricts scope for interpretation and application of purpose e.g. Agriculture, Banking
Usage Note There are various sector codes used commonly to indicate the domain of an organisation or business. Examples include NACE (EU), ISIC (UN), SIC and NAICS (USA).
Examples dex:E0043 :: Indicating sector or domain and associating it with a purpose
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DEX

Sell Data to Third Parties

Term SellDataToThirdParties Prefix dpv
Label Sell Data to Third Parties
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:SellProductsdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with selling or sharing data or information to third parties
Usage Note Sell here means exchange, submit, or provide in return for direct or indirect compensation. Was subclass of commercial interest, changed to reflect selling something
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Sell Insights from Data

Term SellInsightsFromData Prefix dpv
Label Sell Insights from Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:SellProductsdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with selling or sharing insights obtained from analysis of data
Usage Note Sell here means exchange, submit, or provide in return for direct or indirect compensation. Was subclass of commercial interest, changed to reflect selling something
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Sell Products

Term SellProducts Prefix dpv
Label Sell Products
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with selling products or services
Usage Note Sell here means exchange, submit, or provide in return for direct or indirect compensation.
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Sell Products to Data Subject

Term SellProductsToDataSubject Prefix dpv
Label Sell Products to Data Subject
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:SellProductsdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with selling products or services to the user, consumer, or data subjects
Usage Note Sell Products here refers to processing necessary to provide and complete a sale to customers. It should not be confused with providing services with a cost based on an established agreement.
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Service Optimisation

Term ServiceOptimisation Prefix dpv
Label Service Optimisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with optimisation of services or activities
Usage Note Subclass of ServiceProvision since optimisation is usually considered part of providing services
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Service Personalisation

Term ServicePersonalisation Prefix dpv
Label Service Personalisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with providing personalisation within services or product or activities
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Service Provision

Term ServiceProvision Prefix dpv
Label Service Provision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with providing service or product or activities
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Service Registration

Term ServiceRegistration Prefix dpv
Label Service Registration
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with registering users and collecting information required for providing a service
Usage Note An example of service registration is to provide a form that collects information such as preferred language or media format for downloading a movie
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Service Usage Analytics

Term ServiceUsageAnalytics Prefix dpv
Label Service Usage Analytics
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting analysis and reporting related to usage of services or products
Usage Note Was "UsageAnalytics", prefixed with Service to better reflect scope
Date Created 2020-11-04
Date Modified 2022-10-05
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Social Media Marketing

Term SocialMediaMarketing Prefix dpv
Label Social Media Marketing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with conducting marketing through social media
Date Created 2020-11-04
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Targeted Advertising

Term TargetedAdvertising Prefix dpv
Label Targeted Advertising
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonalisedAdvertisingdpv:Advertisingdpv:Marketingdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:PersonalisedAdvertisingdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with creating and providing personalised advertisement where the personalisation is targeted to a specific individual or group of individuals
Date Created 2022-03-30
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Technical Service Provision

Term TechnicalServiceProvision Prefix dpv
Label Technical Service Provision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing and providing technical processes and functions necessary for delivering services
Date Created 2021-09-08
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

User Interface Personalisation

Term UserInterfacePersonalisation Prefix dpv
Label User Interface Personalisation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:Personalisationdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:ServicePersonalisationdpv:ServiceProvisiondpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with personalisation of interfaces presented to the user
Usage Note Examples of user-interface personalisation include changing the language to match the locale
Date Created 2019-04-05
Contributors Axel Polleres, Elmar Kiesling, Fajar Ekaputra, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Simon Steyskal
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Vendor Management

Term VendorManagement Prefix dpv
Label Vendor Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with manage orders, payment, evaluation, and prospecting related to vendors
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Vendor Payment

Term VendorPayment Prefix dpv
Label Vendor Payment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:VendorManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing payment of vendors
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Vendor Records Management

Term VendorRecordsManagement Prefix dpv
Label Vendor Records Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:VendorManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing records and orders related to vendors
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

Vendor Selection Assessment

Term VendorSelectionAssessment Prefix dpv
Label Vendor Selection Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:VendorManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing selection, assessment, and evaluation related to vendors
Source Belgian DPA ROPA Template
Date Created 2021-09-01
Contributors David Hickey, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Paul Ryan
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


Term Verification Prefix dpv
Label Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes association with verification e.g. information, identity, integrity
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV


has purpose

Term hasPurpose Prefix dpv
Label has purpose
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes dpv:Purpose
Definition Indicates association with Purpose
Source SPECIAL Project
Date Created 2019-04-04
Date Modified 2020-11-04
Contributors Axel Polleres, Bud Bruegger, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Javier Fernández, Mark Lizar
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

has sector

Term hasSector Prefix dpv
Label has sector
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes dpv:Sector
Definition Indicates the purpose is associated with activities in the indicated (Economic) Sector(s)
Date Created 2019-04-05
See More: section PURPOSES in DPV

DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.