Contributors: (ordered alphabetically) Axel Polleres (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Beatriz Esteves (IDLab, IMEC, Ghent University), Daniel Doherty (Trinity College Dublin), Delaram Golpayegani (ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin), Fajar Ekaputra (Vienna University of Technology), Georg P. Krog (Signatu AS), Harshvardhan J. Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University), Julian Flake (University of Koblenz), Julio Fernandez (Dublin City University), Rob Brennan (University College Dublin). NOTE: The affiliations are informative, do not represent formal endorsements, and may be outdated as this list is generated automatically from existing data.

The RISK extension to [[[DPV]]] provides concepts for representing information associated with risk management, assessment, controls, and consequences. The namespace for terms in risk is The suggested prefix for the namespace is risk. The risk vocabulary and its documentation is available on GitHub.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. See the changelog for changes.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.


The [[[DPV]]] specification provides a minimal set of risk assessment concepts which enable simple representations of risks and impacts, and associating them with other concepts. To further assist tasks and representation of information regarding risk assessments, as well as to support the implementation of risk management, the [[RISK]] extension provide additional concepts and taxonomies through which risks and impacts can be defined - such as to describe incidents, data breaches, their associate reports and notices, risk matrices, and other risk management processes.

The RISK extension utilises the following sources to guide and define its concepts and taxonomies:

  1. ISO 31000 series, which includes:
    1. ISO 31073:2022 Risk management — Vocabulary
    2. ISO 31000:2018 Risk management — Guidelines
    3. IEC 31010:2019 Risk management – Risk assessment techniques
  2. Requirements from regulations to perform risk and impact assessments, which includes:
    1. [[[GDPR]]]
    2. [[[NIS2]]]
    3. [[[AIAct]]]
Overview of Risk Assessment and Management concepts in DPV and RISK extension

The RISK extension relies on the following concepts defined in the [[DPV]]:

This extension adds additional concepts related to Risk Management, including Risk Assessment, Incident Management, and Taxonomies for risks and impacts - including rights.

Risk Management

The RISK extension utilises the ISO 31000 series of standards for risk management to define and provide relevant concepts. In this, it considers the use and interpretation of these concepts within organisational as well as legal processes, and provides a framework through which the risk management information can be expressed in a consistent manner. The concept [=RiskManagement=] represents the process of risk management, and which can be associated with a context using the relation [=hasRiskManagement=]. Specific aspects of risk management are expressed through the following concepts and relations:

  1. Context establishment, which includes determination of scope and characteristics to define [=RiskPerception=] and [=RiskCriteria=], which are associated using the relations [=hasRiskPerception=] and [=hasRiskCriteria=] respectively.
  2. Carrying out a [=RiskAssessment=], which is associated using the relation [=hasRiskAssessment=], and further includes:
    1. [=RiskIdentification=] which is associated using the relation [=hasRiskIdentification=], and which identifies Risk based on an analysis of the following:
      1. [=RiskSource=], associated using [=hasRiskSource=] relation;
      2. [=Threat=], which is associated with a context using [=causedByThreat=], and [=ThreatSource=] associated with a [=Threat=] using [=hasThreatSource=];
      3. [=Vulnerability=], which is indicated as being applicable in a context through [=hasVulnerability=], and being the cause of a context through [=causedByVulnerability=]. It is indicated to be exploited by a [=Threat=] using [=exploitsVulnerability=], and conversely by [=isExploitedBy=].
    2. [=RiskAnalysis=], associated using [=hasRiskAnalysis=], where each risk is analysed for:
      1. Determining Likelihood ;
      2. Determining Severity based on Consequence and Impact ;
      3. Determining RiskLevel based on likelihood and severity, such as through a [=RiskMatrix=].
    3. [=RiskEvaluation=], associated using [=hasRiskEvaluation=], to determine acceptance and tolerance of identified risks
  3. [=RiskTreatment=] where identifies risks are treated with [=RiskControl=], and which is associated using [=hasRiskTreatment=].
  4. Orthogonal to these are organisational processes (which are part of OrganisationalMeasure taxonomy), and include assigning a [=RiskOwner=] (associated using [=hasRiskOwner=]) for accountability and management. Further organisational concepts can be expanded here in future iterations, such as to represent communication, consultation, monitoring and reviewing processes.

Risk Assessment

The process of 'Risk Assessment' involves risk identification, analysis, and evaluation, through which information is identified and recorded regarding applicable risks. While the [[DPV]] specification already provides sufficient concepts to express relevant information, it does not contain practical concepts to represent commonly used information - such as quantified values used in risk analysis. The RISK extension therefore provides such values for risk assessments. The below example outlines how this is useful to represent information.

Risk Analysis - Likelihood

To express likelihoods, the RISK extension provides the following groups of concepts. Each concept is associated with a suggested value to represent the extent or degree of the concept between 0..1 using rdf:value e.g. [=ExtremelyLowRisk=] has a value of 0.01 and [=HighLikelihood=] has a value of 0.75. Each group uses these values to express a range within a group e.g. in [=3LikelihoodLevels=] the [=LowLikelihood=] (0.25) covers the range 0 to 0.25, while in [=7LikelihoodLevels=] it covers the range from 0.1 ([=VeryLowLikelihood=]) to 0.25. Adopters can thus choose the appropriate ranges, and as the values are suggestions - they can be changed to match the requirements of the use-case.

Risk Analysis - Severity

To express severity in a convenient manner, the RISK extension provides the following groups of concepts, where each concept is also associated with a suggested value similar to likelihood to represent the extent or degree of the concept between 0..1 using rdf:value

Risk Analysis - Risk Level

To express risk levels in a convenient manner, the RISK extension provides the following groups of concepts where each concept is associated with a suggested value to represent the extent or degree of the concept between 0..1 using rdf:value similar to likelihood and severity concepts.

Risk Matrix

Risk Matrix is a popularly used technique for qualitative risk analysis, through which a risk's likelihood and severity are used to obtain an overall risk level. To support its use, the RISK taxonomy provides concepts representing risk matrices of the format 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. The concepts are expressed as combinations of Severity (Sx) and Likelihood (Lx) levels, and the resulting Risk Level (Lx) being used as its label. For example, the concept [=RM3x3S1L3=] represents a node in a 3x3 matrix with Severity and Likelihood level low (n=1) and Likelihood level high (n=3) with a resulting Risk Level of 'Moderate'. Similarly, [=RM7x7S4L7=] represents a node in a 7x7 risk matrix with Severity level moderate (n=4) and Likelihood level extremely high (n=7) with the resulting Risk Level of 'Very High Risk'.

It is possible to change the risk levels for the risk matrix by replacing the supplied labels with a custom one. For example, to indicate that the concept [=RM3x3S1L3=] should be 'Low Risk' instead of 'Moderate'. Ideally, this should be done by extending the relevant concepts to indicate a custom / use-case specific enumeration of risk levels and scores. The below table showcases the risk matrix collections provided in the RISK extension. The concepts in each cell can be clicked on for the full definition table. The colours are indicative and are not part of the vocabulary.

Risk Matrix 3x3

Likelihood ↓ Severity → Low Moderate High
High [=RM3x3S1L3=] [=RM3x3S2L3=] [=RM3x3S3L3=]
Moderate [=RM3x3S1L2=] [=RM3x3S2L2=] [=RM3x3S3L2=]
Low [=RM3x3S1L1=] [=RM3x3S2L1=] [=RM3x3S3L1=]

Risk Matrix 5x5

Likelihood ↓ Severity → Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
Very High [=RM5x5S1L5=] [=RM5x5S2L5=] [=RM5x5S3L5=] [=RM5x5S4L5=] [=RM5x5S5L5=]
High [=RM5x5S1L4=] [=RM5x5S2L4=] [=RM5x5S3L4=] [=RM5x5S4L4=] [=RM5x5S5L4=]
Moderate [=RM5x5S1L3=] [=RM5x5S2L3=] [=RM5x5S3L3=] [=RM5x5S4L3=] [=RM5x5S5L3=]
Low [=RM5x5S1L2=] [=RM5x5S2L2=] [=RM5x5S3L2=] [=RM5x5S4L2=] [=RM5x5S5L2=]
Very Low [=RM5x5S1L1=] [=RM5x5S2L1=] [=RM5x5S3L1=] [=RM5x5S4L1=] [=RM5x5S5L1=]

Risk Matrix 7x7

Likelihood ↓ Severity → Extremely Low Very Low Low Moderate High Very High Extremely High
Extremely High [=RM7x7S1L7=] [=RM7x7S2L7=] [=RM7x7S3L7=] [=RM7x7S4L7=] [=RM7x7S5L7=] [=RM7x7S6L7=] [=RM7x7S7L7=]
Very High [=RM7x7S1L6=] [=RM7x7S2L6=] [=RM7x7S3L6=] [=RM7x7S4L6=] [=RM7x7S5L6=] [=RM7x7S6L6=] [=RM7x7S7L6=]
High [=RM7x7S1L5=] [=RM7x7S2L5=] [=RM7x7S3L5=] [=RM7x7S4L5=] [=RM7x7S5L5=] [=RM7x7S6L5=] [=RM7x7S7L5=]
Moderate [=RM7x7S1L4=] [=RM7x7S2L4=] [=RM7x7S3L4=] [=RM7x7S4L4=] [=RM7x7S5L4=] [=RM7x7S6L4=] [=RM7x7S7L4=]
Low [=RM7x7S1L3=] [=RM7x7S2L3=] [=RM7x7S3L3=] [=RM7x7S4L3=] [=RM7x7S5L3=] [=RM7x7S6L3=] [=RM7x7S7L3=]
Very Low [=RM7x7S1L2=] [=RM7x7S2L2=] [=RM7x7S3L2=] [=RM7x7S4L2=] [=RM7x7S5L2=] [=RM7x7S6L2=] [=RM7x7S7L2=]
Extremely Low [=RM7x7S1L1=] [=RM7x7S2L1=] [=RM7x7S3L1=] [=RM7x7S4L1=] [=RM7x7S5L1=] [=RM7x7S6L1=] [=RM7x7S7L1=]


The concept [=Incident=] represents an event or 'incident' that has occurred, as compared to 'risk' which is a theoretical occurrence of an event. To represent specifics about an [=Incident=] such as what personal data was involved, what technical measures were present before the incident occurred, who were humans or data subjects involved, and other pertinent details - the [[DPV]] concepts and relations should be reused.

The RISK extension provides a taxonomy of incident types based on security and legal assessment needs. For example, the [=ConfidentialityIncident=] concept represents an incident affecting the 'confidentiality' dimension in the commonly utilised 'CIA' assessment model. Similarly, [=CrossBorderIncident=] represents an incident that affects multiple jurisdictions i.e. the incident 'crosses borders' - such as because there are multiple storage locations being present across jurisdictions, or because the effected entities are across jurisdictions. The concepts [=DeliberateIncident=] and [=AccidentalIncident=] model the 'intent' behind an incident, which is essential to categorise the continued threat assessment for the incident.

Incident Metadata

To indicate the duration of the incident, the [[DPV]] concept dpv:Duration and relation dpv:hasRelation can be used, or dct:temporal from [[DCT]] can be used, or other means such as the [[TIME]] ontology or XSD types. If this information is unknown, then dpv:NotAvailable should be used. If the incident is ongoing, only the start would be available and represented within the period or duration information. The taxonomy of statuses for [=IncidentStatus=] is provided to indicate whether the incident is ongoing or concluded (on its own) or it was terminated due to some action taken), which is indicated in context using the relation dpv:hasStatus.

[=IncidentIdentifier=] represents an identifier associated with an incident. This concept assists in specifying identifiers that may be assigned by the directly affected entity, or to share identifiers for tracking the same incident amongst entities, or to share an identifiers as a common reference when reporting an incident to authorities.

[=IncidentImpactAssessment=] represents an impact assessment conducted specifically for the incident. It can be associated in contexts, such as for an [=IncidentReport=] by using the relation hasAssessment and hasImpactAssessment .

An [=IncidentMitigationMeasure=] is a 'mitigation measure' taken specifically in relation to an incident - such as to reduce the effects or to inform affected stakeholders. The use of 'mitigation' here is from the legal terminology, and includes a broad range of options available under the typical risk management vocabulary such as eliminating, detecting, modifying, and so on. The relation isMitigatedByMeasure can be useful to associate the measure with an incident.

[=IncidentNotice=] is a notice specifically about an incident, such as for providing information to stakeholders, or to report the incident to authorities. It can be associated in context using hasNotice . Note that extensions modelling legal requirements such as [[EU-GDPR]] and [[EU-NIS2]] will provide specific concepts that extend this notice concept corresponding to obligations around reporting.

[=IncidentRegister=] is a record of incidents (including near-misses and other relevant statuses). It can be associated in context using hasRecordOfActivity , and also through hasOrganisationalMeasure .

Further metadata about incidents can be modelled through the [[DCTERMS]] vocabulary. The DPVCG also welcomes participation and contributions to expand this incident related vocabulary in the RISK extension.

Incident Status

[=IncidentStatus=] refers to the status of the incident itself, and [=IncidentInvestigationStatus=] refers to the status of the investigation associated with an incident. Such investigations are obligations under specific legal requirements, such as for data breaches under GDPR, and security incidents under NIS2. These laws require notifying relevant authorities regarding an incident within specific time frames varying from initial preliminary notifications of an incident occurring, to later notifications with a full report when the incident handling has been completed.

  • risk:IncidentInvestigationStatus: Status associated with investigation of an incident go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentInvestigationCompleted: Status indicating the investigation has been completed and findings are available go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentInvestigationNotStarted: Status indicating the investigation has not yet been started go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentInvestigationOngoing: Status indicating the investigation is ongoing go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentInvestigationPreliminary: Status indicating the investigation is at a preliminary stage with limited findings go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentStatus: Status associated with an incident go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentConcluded: The incident has stopped or finished or concluded without any active mitigation and with a low likelihood of resuming or recurring go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentHalted: The incident has halted or paused with a high likelihood of resuming or recurring go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentMitigated: The incident has been mitigated against future recurrences i.e. a measure has been applied to prevent the same or similar incident from recurring go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentNearMiss: The state where an incident was almost successful in taking place i.e. "it came very close" go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentOngoing: The incident is ongoing i.e. still active go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentStatusUnknown: The status of a incident is unknown go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentSuspected: The state where a incident is suspected, but has not yet been confirmed. This can be due to lack of information, or because the process of detection and investigation is still ongoing go to full definition
    • risk:IncidentTerminated: The incident has been stopped or terminated through the use of a mitigation or deterrent measure with a low likelihood of resuming or recurring go to full definition

Incident Report

An [=IncidentReport=] represents a report regarding an incident with the goal of documenting information about an incident found through investigations - such as when it occurred, its scope, effects, sources, as well as information about the investigations itself. The RISK extension defines specific categories of reports to support legal reporting obligations, such as [=IncidentDetectionReport=] for reporting when an incident has been detected, or [=IncidentPreliminaryReport=] for a preliminary (early) report when the incident and/or its investigation is still ongoing and the complete details may not be available.

As [=IncidentReport=] as defined as a kind of OrganisationalMeasure , they can be associated or involved in context through the relations hasOrganisationalMeasure for a broad reference to reporting as a measure, and hasRecordOfActivity to specifically assert the report as a record of the investigation process.

  • risk:IncidentAssessmentReport: A report describing the assessment of an incident in terms of its effects or impacts go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentConcludingReport: A report describing the conclusion of an investigation regarding a Incident where all relevant facts are known go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentDetectionReport: A report describing the detection of a Incident go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentHandlingReport: A report describing the response to or handling of an incident regarding the mitigation of its effects and the prevention of its recurrence go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentOngoingReport: A report describing on ongoing investigation regarding a Incident where facts and extent of the investigation are being investigated go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentPreliminaryReport: A report describing the preliminary investigation regarding a Incident where the complete facts or extent of the incident may not be known go to full definition
  • risk:IncidentSuspectedReport: A report describing the suspicion of an incident in the past or occuring go to full definition

Risk Controls

A [=RiskControl=] allows for modifying the risk (event) through various means with the aim of managing it. It is associated using the relation [=hasControl=]. The RISK extension provides a taxonomy of controls based on their use before the event ([=ProactiveControl=]) or in response to an event ([=ReactiveControl=]). The taxonomy also features control categorised based on the type of risk concept as - [=SourceControl=] for risk sources, [=ConsequenceControl=] for consequences, and [=ImpactControl=] for impacts.

The below table shows the controls provided in this extension. The generic relation [=controls=] specifies which risk concept the control addresses. It is specialised into the following relations for use with specific controls: [=contains=], [=detects=], [=eliminates=], [=identifies=], [=interrupts=], [=intervenes=], [=investigates=], [=logs=], [=mitigates=], [=modifies=], [=monitors=], [=overrides=], [=recovers=], [=reduces=], [=remedies=], [=resolves=], [=reverses=], [=shares=], [=substitutes=], and [=transfers=].

Risk/Impact Taxonomies

The RISK extension provides a single unified taxonomy of concepts which can be used as risk sources, risks, consequences, or impacts - as required in specific contexts and use-cases. The underlying model which permits this flexibility and allows creation of thesauri and catalogues for providing curated collections of concepts in use-cases is described in the Conceptual Model section.

The taxonomy consists of concepts which are annotated as being capable of or having the potential to be with specific roles and categorisations based on the conceptual model. These are described in sections as:

An overview table shows each concept along with its categorisation in a convenient manner. There is also a dedicated section provide details on modelling rights impacts based on the provided taxonomy.

Conceptual Model

The RISK extension provides a taxonomy of concepts such as [=HumanErrors=], [=Damage=], and [=Harm=] that represent 'events' that can used in specific roles within the use-case. For example, [=HumanErrors=] can be a 'source of risk' where a software developer introduces a bug/error in the code; a 'risk' where the software user accidentally deletes critical data while using the software - where the source is poorly designed UI/UX; and a 'consequence' where the developer accidentally uses the incorrect backup when recovering from a data breach - where the risk is the data breach and the source is insecure system settings. This example highlights that 'roles' such as risk source, risk, consequence, and impacts are contextual assertions, and that the same 'event' or 'concept' can take on different roles in different settings.

The taxonomy provided in RISK is intended to support such broad use of concepts for taking on different roles as needed within the context. This is particularly valuable as the areas of cybersecurity and AI technologies are rapidly evolving landscapes where new risks and consequences frequently emerge, and depending on the perspective the same concept can act as a consequence (e.g. early in development stages) or be the source of risks (e.g. later in deployment stages). Further, the RISK extension also aims to support the creation of 'thesauri' or 'catalogues' of concepts - such as a 'risk catalogue', which provides a curated list of concepts that stakeholders can use in their respective contexts.

To enable such varied uses of the taxonomy, the RISK extension uses 'meta concepts' called [=PotentialRisk=], [=PotentialRiskSource=], [=PotentialConsequence=], and [=PotentialImpact=] that represent the potential roles that a concept can take within a context. A concept expressed as [=PotentialRisk=] and [=PotentialConsequence=] means that the concept can potentially act as a risk or a consequence based on common uses of that concept, but it does not mean that the concept is always a risk or a consequence. The person or system that is identifying risks and consequences can then refer to this categorisation as a hint for what concepts could be applicable in their use-case rather than having to go through the entire taxonomy.

The concepts such as [=PotentialRisk=] are also helpful to curate thesauri and catalogues. For example, when creating a risk catalogue associated with testing phase of software development, we can express the source of risks (as [=PotentialRiskSource=]) and then provide these to the developers and testers to assess for a particular software iteration, and record which risks are applicable (as Risk ). Similarly, if the organisation wants to create two catalogues of common software risks and user risks, it can extend [=PotentialRisk=] as PotentialSoftwareRisks for potential risks that may occur in software and PotentialUserRisks which may occur due to users, then annotate the RISK taxonomy using these, and provide it as inputs to consider in the risk assessment process.

To further support the utility of the taxonomy, where possible, concepts are also categorised based on the commonly utilised 'CIA triad model' in information security, where 'CIA' stands for 'Confidentiality', 'Integrity', and 'Availability'. These are represented by the specific concept being declared as an instance of [=ConfidentialityConcept=], [=IntegrityConcept=], and [=AvailabilityConcept=] respectively.

Potential Risk Sources

A [=PotentialRiskSource=] represents a concept which can be a risk source or act like a risk source in specific concepts. The concept can also be used to create domain or sector or use-case specific groupings of concepts which can act as risk sources in context. Concepts which can act as a potential risk source are defined as an instance of [=PotentialRiskSource=].

  • risk:LegalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are legal in nature or relate to a legal system or process go to full definition
    • risk:LegalComplianceRisk: Risks and consequences regarding legal compliance and its violation go to full definition
    • risk:PolicyRisk: Risks and consequences regarding policy and its associated processes go to full definition
  • risk:OrganisationalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are organisational in nature or relate to an organisational process go to full definition
    • risk:OrganisationalManagementRisk: Concept representing issues and risks associated with the management of operations and resources by the organisation go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightIneffective: Concept representing cases where human oversight is ineffective for the intended effect, such as for when human can observe a problem but cannot do anything about it go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightInsufficient: Concept representing cases where human oversight is insufficient for the intended effect, such as not being capable of identifying a problem go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsIncorrect: Concept representing cases where instructions are incorrect for achieving the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsInsufficient: Concept representing cases where instructions are not sufficient for the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:LackOfSystemTransparency: Concept representing lack of transpareny to humans related to the operation of a system go to full definition
      • risk:StaffIncompetence: Concept representing incompetence of staff go to full definition
      • risk:TechnologyOverreliance: Concept representing the case where an entity, including individuals, have an overreliance on the use of technology go to full definition
    • risk:UserRisks: Concepts associated with risks that arise due to User or Human use go to full definition
      • risk:ErroneousUse: Concept representing erroneous use (of something) go to full definition
      • risk:HumanErrors: Concept representing activities that are errors caused by humans without intention and which was not caused by following rules or policies or instructions that were not from the person go to full definition
      • risk:Misuse: Concept representing a misuse (of something) go to full definition
  • risk:SocietalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are societal in nature or relate to a social setting or process go to full definition
  • risk:TechnicalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process go to full definition
    • risk:Bias: Bias is defined as the systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others go to full definition
      • risk:CognitiveBias: Bias that occurs when humans are processing and interpreting information go to full definition
        • risk:ConfirmationBias: Bias that occurs when hypotheses, regardless of their veracity, are more likely to be confirmed by the intentional or unintentional interpretation of information go to full definition
        • risk:GroupAttributionBias: Bias that occurs when a human assumes that what is true for an individual or object is also true for everyone, or all objects, in that group go to full definition
        • risk:ImplicitBias: Bias that occurs when a human makes an association or assumption based on their mental models and memories go to full definition
        • risk:InGroupBias: Bias that occurs when showing partiality to one's own group or own characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:OutGroupHomogeneityBias: Bias that occurs when seeing out-group members as more alike than in-group members when comparing attitudes, values, personality traits, and other characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:RequirementsBias: Bias that occurs in or during requirements creation go to full definition
        • risk:RuleBasedSystemDesign: Bias that occurs due to developer experience and expert advice having a significant influence on rule-based system design go to full definition
        • risk:SocietalBias: Bias that occurs when similiar cognitive bias (conscious or unconscious) is being held by many individuals in society go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
    • risk:DataRisk: Risks and risk concepts related to data go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
      • risk:DataInaccurate: Concept representing data being inaccurate go to full definition
      • risk:DataIncomplete: Concept representing data being incomplete go to full definition
      • risk:DataInconsistent: Concept representing data being inconsistent go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisclassified: Concept representing data being misclassified go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisinterpretation: Concept representing data being misinterpretation go to full definition
      • risk:DataNoise: Concept representing data being noise go to full definition
      • risk:DataOutdated: Concept representing data being outdated go to full definition
      • risk:DataProcessingError: Concept representing operational error in the processing of data go to full definition
      • risk:DataSparse: Concept representing data being sparse go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnavailable: Concept representing data being unavailable go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnrepresentative: Concept representing data being unrepresentative go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnstructured: Concept representing data being unstructured go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnverified: Concept representing data being unverified go to full definition
    • risk:ExternalSecurityThreat: Concepts associated with security threats that are likely to originate externally go to full definition
    • risk:OperationalSecurityRisk: Risks and issues that arise during operational processes go to full definition
      • risk:AuthorisationFailure: Concept representing Authorisation Failure go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentFailure: Concept representing Component Failure go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentMalfunction: Concept representing Component Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:DataCorruption: Concept representing Corruption of Data go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentFailure: Concept representing Equipment Failure go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentMalfunction: Concept representing Equipment Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:QualityRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with quality of tasks, resources, processes go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:QualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:Reidentification: Concept representing Re-identification go to full definition
      • risk:SecurityBreach: Concept representing Security Breach go to full definition
      • risk:SystemFailure: Concept representing System Failure go to full definition
      • risk:SystemMalfunction: Concept representing System Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:TaskExecutionRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with execution of tasks, operations, activities, and other similar processes go to full definition
        • risk:TaskExecutionIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect execution of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskOmmitted: Concept representing omission of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskTimingIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect timing for task(s) i.e. the task execution does not occur at the correct time go to full definition

Potential Risks

A [=PotentialRisk=] represents a concept which can be a risk or act like a risk in specific concepts. The concept can also be used to create domain or sector or use-case specific groupings of concepts which can act as risks in context. Concepts which can act as a potential risks are defined as an instance of [=PotentialRisk=].

  • risk:LegalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are legal in nature or relate to a legal system or process go to full definition
  • risk:OrganisationalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are organisational in nature or relate to an organisational process go to full definition
    • risk:FinancialImpact: Things that cause or have the potential to impact financial resources go to full definition
      • risk:FinancialLoss: Concept representing Financial Loss which may be actual loss of existing financial assets or hypothetical loss of financial opportunity go to full definition
        • risk:JudicialCosts: Something that involves or causes judicial costs to be paid go to full definition
        • risk:JudicialPenalty: Something that involves or causes judicial penalties to be paid go to full definition
      • risk:Renumeration: Something that acts as or provides renumeration which is in monetary or financial form go to full definition
        • risk:Compensation: Something that acts as or provides compensation - which can be monetary and financial or in other forms go to full definition
        • risk:Payment: Something that acts as or provides payment e.g. to access a service or purchase resources go to full definition
        • risk:Reward: Something that acts as or provides rewards i.e. a benefit given for some service or activity that is not a payment or fee go to full definition
    • risk:OrganisationalManagementRisk: Concept representing issues and risks associated with the management of operations and resources by the organisation go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightIneffective: Concept representing cases where human oversight is ineffective for the intended effect, such as for when human can observe a problem but cannot do anything about it go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightInsufficient: Concept representing cases where human oversight is insufficient for the intended effect, such as not being capable of identifying a problem go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsIncorrect: Concept representing cases where instructions are incorrect for achieving the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsInsufficient: Concept representing cases where instructions are not sufficient for the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:LackOfSystemTransparency: Concept representing lack of transpareny to humans related to the operation of a system go to full definition
      • risk:StaffIncompetence: Concept representing incompetence of staff go to full definition
      • risk:TechnologyOverreliance: Concept representing the case where an entity, including individuals, have an overreliance on the use of technology go to full definition
    • risk:ReputationalRisk: Risks and issues that affect the reputation of the organisation go to full definition
    • risk:ServiceRelatedConsequence: A consequence related to the provision of a service go to full definition
    • risk:UserRisks: Concepts associated with risks that arise due to User or Human use go to full definition
      • risk:ErroneousUse: Concept representing erroneous use (of something) go to full definition
      • risk:HumanErrors: Concept representing activities that are errors caused by humans without intention and which was not caused by following rules or policies or instructions that were not from the person go to full definition
      • risk:Misuse: Concept representing a misuse (of something) go to full definition
  • risk:SocietalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are societal in nature or relate to a social setting or process go to full definition
    • risk:Discrimination: Discrimination is the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treate go to full definition
      • risk:AgeDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's age, often impacting older or younger individuals go to full definition
      • risk:BelievesDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:CasteDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's caste, a form of social stratification found in some cultures go to full definition
      • risk:DirectDiscrimination: Occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation based on a protected characteristic (e.g., race, sex, disability) go to full definition
      • risk:DisabilityDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on physical or mental disabilities go to full definition
      • risk:ExcellenceDiscrimination: Favoritism towards individuals deemed more competent or superior, often at the expense of others go to full definition
      • risk:GeographicDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's geographical origin or residence go to full definition
      • risk:IndirectDiscrimination: Occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, or practice puts individuals of a certain group at a disadvantage compared to others, unless it can be objectively justified go to full definition
      • risk:LanguageDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's language, often linked to national origin or ethnicity go to full definition
      • risk:NationalityDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's nationality or citizenship go to full definition
      • risk:Racism: Prejudice or discrimination against people based on their race go to full definition
        • risk:EthnicDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or cultural heritage go to full definition
        • risk:RacialDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals because of their racial background or skin color go to full definition
      • risk:ReligiousDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's relligion or religious beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:ReverseDiscrimination: Discrimination against members of a majority or historically dominant group, often in the context of efforts to promote equality go to full definition
      • risk:Sexism: Discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, typically involving unequal treatment or stereotyping go to full definition
        • risk:GenderDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or gender expression go to full definition
        • risk:Misandry: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against men go to full definition
        • risk:Misogyny: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women go to full definition
        • risk:SexDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's biological sex go to full definition
        • risk:Transphobia: Hostility or prejudice against transgender people or those perceived as not conforming to traditional gender norms go to full definition
      • risk:SexualOrientationDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation, typically against those who are not heterosexual go to full definition
        • risk:Homophobia: Hostility or prejudice against individuals who are or are perceived to be homosexual go to full definition
      • risk:WorkplaceDiscrimination: Discrimination occuring at workplace or in the context of work environments go to full definition
    • risk:EnvironmentalRisk: Risks and issues that have their origin in environment or can affect the environment at large go to full definition
      • risk:DisproportionateEnergyConsumption: The occurence or potential occurence of disproportionate energy consumption when considering the value obtained from undertaking the activity and the amount of energy being utilised go to full definition
      • risk:Earthquake: The occurence or potential occurence of earthquakes go to full definition
      • risk:Floods: The occurence or potential occurence of floods go to full definition
    • risk:GroupRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect groups in society go to full definition
    • risk:IndividualRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect specific individuals go to full definition
    • risk:RightsImpact: Concept representing Impact to Rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsDenied: The refusal or withholding or denial of the existence or applicability of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsEroded: The gradual weakening or reduction of the scope and protection of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsExercisePrevented: Actions or measures that prevent an individual or group from exercising their legal rights. go to full definition
      • risk:RightsLimited: A limitation or restrictions on the scope or exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsObstructed: Interference with or blocking of the exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsUnfulfilled: Failure to meet or complete the fulfilment of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsViolated: The infringement or breach of rights in a manner that constitutes a 'violation' of those rights go to full definition
  • risk:TechnicalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process go to full definition
    • risk:Bias: Bias is defined as the systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others go to full definition
      • risk:CognitiveBias: Bias that occurs when humans are processing and interpreting information go to full definition
        • risk:ConfirmationBias: Bias that occurs when hypotheses, regardless of their veracity, are more likely to be confirmed by the intentional or unintentional interpretation of information go to full definition
        • risk:GroupAttributionBias: Bias that occurs when a human assumes that what is true for an individual or object is also true for everyone, or all objects, in that group go to full definition
        • risk:ImplicitBias: Bias that occurs when a human makes an association or assumption based on their mental models and memories go to full definition
        • risk:InGroupBias: Bias that occurs when showing partiality to one's own group or own characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:OutGroupHomogeneityBias: Bias that occurs when seeing out-group members as more alike than in-group members when comparing attitudes, values, personality traits, and other characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:RequirementsBias: Bias that occurs in or during requirements creation go to full definition
        • risk:RuleBasedSystemDesign: Bias that occurs due to developer experience and expert advice having a significant influence on rule-based system design go to full definition
        • risk:SocietalBias: Bias that occurs when similiar cognitive bias (conscious or unconscious) is being held by many individuals in society go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
    • risk:DataRisk: Risks and risk concepts related to data go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
      • risk:DataInaccurate: Concept representing data being inaccurate go to full definition
      • risk:DataIncomplete: Concept representing data being incomplete go to full definition
      • risk:DataInconsistent: Concept representing data being inconsistent go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisclassified: Concept representing data being misclassified go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisinterpretation: Concept representing data being misinterpretation go to full definition
      • risk:DataNoise: Concept representing data being noise go to full definition
      • risk:DataOutdated: Concept representing data being outdated go to full definition
      • risk:DataProcessingError: Concept representing operational error in the processing of data go to full definition
      • risk:DataSparse: Concept representing data being sparse go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnavailable: Concept representing data being unavailable go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnrepresentative: Concept representing data being unrepresentative go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnstructured: Concept representing data being unstructured go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnverified: Concept representing data being unverified go to full definition
    • risk:ExternalSecurityThreat: Concepts associated with security threats that are likely to originate externally go to full definition
    • risk:OperationalSecurityRisk: Risks and issues that arise during operational processes go to full definition
      • risk:AuthorisationFailure: Concept representing Authorisation Failure go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentFailure: Concept representing Component Failure go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentMalfunction: Concept representing Component Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:DataCorruption: Concept representing Corruption of Data go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentFailure: Concept representing Equipment Failure go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentMalfunction: Concept representing Equipment Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:QualityRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with quality of tasks, resources, processes go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:QualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:Reidentification: Concept representing Re-identification go to full definition
      • risk:SecurityBreach: Concept representing Security Breach go to full definition
      • risk:SystemFailure: Concept representing System Failure go to full definition
      • risk:SystemMalfunction: Concept representing System Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:TaskExecutionRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with execution of tasks, operations, activities, and other similar processes go to full definition
        • risk:TaskExecutionIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect execution of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskOmmitted: Concept representing omission of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskTimingIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect timing for task(s) i.e. the task execution does not occur at the correct time go to full definition

Potential Consequences

A [=PotentialConsequence=] represents a concept which can be a consequence or act like a consequence in specific concepts. The concept can also be used to create domain or sector or use-case specific groupings of concepts which can act as consequences in context. Concepts which can act as a potential consequence are defined as an instance of [=PotentialConsequence=].

  • risk:LegalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are legal in nature or relate to a legal system or process go to full definition
  • risk:OrganisationalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are organisational in nature or relate to an organisational process go to full definition
    • risk:FinancialImpact: Things that cause or have the potential to impact financial resources go to full definition
      • risk:FinancialLoss: Concept representing Financial Loss which may be actual loss of existing financial assets or hypothetical loss of financial opportunity go to full definition
        • risk:JudicialCosts: Something that involves or causes judicial costs to be paid go to full definition
        • risk:JudicialPenalty: Something that involves or causes judicial penalties to be paid go to full definition
      • risk:Renumeration: Something that acts as or provides renumeration which is in monetary or financial form go to full definition
        • risk:Compensation: Something that acts as or provides compensation - which can be monetary and financial or in other forms go to full definition
        • risk:Payment: Something that acts as or provides payment e.g. to access a service or purchase resources go to full definition
        • risk:Reward: Something that acts as or provides rewards i.e. a benefit given for some service or activity that is not a payment or fee go to full definition
    • risk:OrganisationalManagementRisk: Concept representing issues and risks associated with the management of operations and resources by the organisation go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightIneffective: Concept representing cases where human oversight is ineffective for the intended effect, such as for when human can observe a problem but cannot do anything about it go to full definition
      • risk:HumanOversightInsufficient: Concept representing cases where human oversight is insufficient for the intended effect, such as not being capable of identifying a problem go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsIncorrect: Concept representing cases where instructions are incorrect for achieving the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:InstructionsInsufficient: Concept representing cases where instructions are not sufficient for the intended effect go to full definition
      • risk:LackOfSystemTransparency: Concept representing lack of transpareny to humans related to the operation of a system go to full definition
      • risk:StaffIncompetence: Concept representing incompetence of staff go to full definition
      • risk:TechnologyOverreliance: Concept representing the case where an entity, including individuals, have an overreliance on the use of technology go to full definition
    • risk:ReputationalRisk: Risks and issues that affect the reputation of the organisation go to full definition
    • risk:ServiceRelatedConsequence: A consequence related to the provision of a service go to full definition
    • risk:UserRisks: Concepts associated with risks that arise due to User or Human use go to full definition
      • risk:ErroneousUse: Concept representing erroneous use (of something) go to full definition
      • risk:HumanErrors: Concept representing activities that are errors caused by humans without intention and which was not caused by following rules or policies or instructions that were not from the person go to full definition
      • risk:Misuse: Concept representing a misuse (of something) go to full definition
  • risk:SocietalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are societal in nature or relate to a social setting or process go to full definition
    • risk:Discrimination: Discrimination is the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treate go to full definition
      • risk:AgeDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's age, often impacting older or younger individuals go to full definition
      • risk:BelievesDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:CasteDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's caste, a form of social stratification found in some cultures go to full definition
      • risk:DirectDiscrimination: Occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation based on a protected characteristic (e.g., race, sex, disability) go to full definition
      • risk:DisabilityDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on physical or mental disabilities go to full definition
      • risk:ExcellenceDiscrimination: Favoritism towards individuals deemed more competent or superior, often at the expense of others go to full definition
      • risk:GeographicDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's geographical origin or residence go to full definition
      • risk:IndirectDiscrimination: Occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, or practice puts individuals of a certain group at a disadvantage compared to others, unless it can be objectively justified go to full definition
      • risk:LanguageDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's language, often linked to national origin or ethnicity go to full definition
      • risk:NationalityDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's nationality or citizenship go to full definition
      • risk:Racism: Prejudice or discrimination against people based on their race go to full definition
        • risk:EthnicDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or cultural heritage go to full definition
        • risk:RacialDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals because of their racial background or skin color go to full definition
      • risk:ReligiousDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's relligion or religious beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:ReverseDiscrimination: Discrimination against members of a majority or historically dominant group, often in the context of efforts to promote equality go to full definition
      • risk:Sexism: Discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, typically involving unequal treatment or stereotyping go to full definition
        • risk:GenderDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or gender expression go to full definition
        • risk:Misandry: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against men go to full definition
        • risk:Misogyny: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women go to full definition
        • risk:SexDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's biological sex go to full definition
        • risk:Transphobia: Hostility or prejudice against transgender people or those perceived as not conforming to traditional gender norms go to full definition
      • risk:SexualOrientationDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation, typically against those who are not heterosexual go to full definition
        • risk:Homophobia: Hostility or prejudice against individuals who are or are perceived to be homosexual go to full definition
      • risk:WorkplaceDiscrimination: Discrimination occuring at workplace or in the context of work environments go to full definition
    • risk:EnvironmentalRisk: Risks and issues that have their origin in environment or can affect the environment at large go to full definition
      • risk:DisproportionateEnergyConsumption: The occurence or potential occurence of disproportionate energy consumption when considering the value obtained from undertaking the activity and the amount of energy being utilised go to full definition
      • risk:Earthquake: The occurence or potential occurence of earthquakes go to full definition
      • risk:Floods: The occurence or potential occurence of floods go to full definition
    • risk:GroupRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect groups in society go to full definition
    • risk:IndividualRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect specific individuals go to full definition
    • risk:RightsImpact: Concept representing Impact to Rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsDenied: The refusal or withholding or denial of the existence or applicability of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsEroded: The gradual weakening or reduction of the scope and protection of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsExercisePrevented: Actions or measures that prevent an individual or group from exercising their legal rights. go to full definition
      • risk:RightsLimited: A limitation or restrictions on the scope or exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsObstructed: Interference with or blocking of the exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsUnfulfilled: Failure to meet or complete the fulfilment of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsViolated: The infringement or breach of rights in a manner that constitutes a 'violation' of those rights go to full definition
  • risk:TechnicalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process go to full definition
    • risk:Bias: Bias is defined as the systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others go to full definition
      • risk:CognitiveBias: Bias that occurs when humans are processing and interpreting information go to full definition
        • risk:ConfirmationBias: Bias that occurs when hypotheses, regardless of their veracity, are more likely to be confirmed by the intentional or unintentional interpretation of information go to full definition
        • risk:GroupAttributionBias: Bias that occurs when a human assumes that what is true for an individual or object is also true for everyone, or all objects, in that group go to full definition
        • risk:ImplicitBias: Bias that occurs when a human makes an association or assumption based on their mental models and memories go to full definition
        • risk:InGroupBias: Bias that occurs when showing partiality to one's own group or own characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:OutGroupHomogeneityBias: Bias that occurs when seeing out-group members as more alike than in-group members when comparing attitudes, values, personality traits, and other characteristics go to full definition
        • risk:RequirementsBias: Bias that occurs in or during requirements creation go to full definition
        • risk:RuleBasedSystemDesign: Bias that occurs due to developer experience and expert advice having a significant influence on rule-based system design go to full definition
        • risk:SocietalBias: Bias that occurs when similiar cognitive bias (conscious or unconscious) is being held by many individuals in society go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
    • risk:DataRisk: Risks and risk concepts related to data go to full definition
      • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
        • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
        • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
        • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
        • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
        • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
          • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
          • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
          • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
            • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
            • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
            • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
      • risk:DataInaccurate: Concept representing data being inaccurate go to full definition
      • risk:DataIncomplete: Concept representing data being incomplete go to full definition
      • risk:DataInconsistent: Concept representing data being inconsistent go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisclassified: Concept representing data being misclassified go to full definition
      • risk:DataMisinterpretation: Concept representing data being misinterpretation go to full definition
      • risk:DataNoise: Concept representing data being noise go to full definition
      • risk:DataOutdated: Concept representing data being outdated go to full definition
      • risk:DataProcessingError: Concept representing operational error in the processing of data go to full definition
      • risk:DataSparse: Concept representing data being sparse go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnavailable: Concept representing data being unavailable go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnrepresentative: Concept representing data being unrepresentative go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnstructured: Concept representing data being unstructured go to full definition
      • risk:DataUnverified: Concept representing data being unverified go to full definition
    • risk:ExternalSecurityThreat: Concepts associated with security threats that are likely to originate externally go to full definition
    • risk:OperationalSecurityRisk: Risks and issues that arise during operational processes go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentFailure: Concept representing Component Failure go to full definition
      • risk:ComponentMalfunction: Concept representing Component Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:DataCorruption: Concept representing Corruption of Data go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentFailure: Concept representing Equipment Failure go to full definition
      • risk:EquipmentMalfunction: Concept representing Equipment Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:QualityRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with quality of tasks, resources, processes go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:QualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:QualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:QualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Risk go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
          • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:Reidentification: Concept representing Re-identification go to full definition
      • risk:SecurityBreach: Concept representing Security Breach go to full definition
      • risk:SystemFailure: Concept representing System Failure go to full definition
      • risk:SystemMalfunction: Concept representing System Malfunction go to full definition
      • risk:TaskExecutionRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with execution of tasks, operations, activities, and other similar processes go to full definition
        • risk:TaskExecutionIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect execution of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskOmmitted: Concept representing omission of task(s) go to full definition
        • risk:TaskTimingIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect timing for task(s) i.e. the task execution does not occur at the correct time go to full definition

Potential Impacts

A [=PotentialImpact=] represents a concept which can be an impact or act like an impact in specific concepts. The concept can also be used to create domain or sector or use-case specific groupings of concepts which can act as impacts in context. Concepts which can act as a potential impact are defined as an instance of [=PotentialImpact=].

  • risk:LegalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are legal in nature or relate to a legal system or process go to full definition
  • risk:OrganisationalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are organisational in nature or relate to an organisational process go to full definition
  • risk:SocietalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are societal in nature or relate to a social setting or process go to full definition
    • risk:Discrimination: Discrimination is the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treate go to full definition
      • risk:AgeDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's age, often impacting older or younger individuals go to full definition
      • risk:BelievesDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:CasteDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's caste, a form of social stratification found in some cultures go to full definition
      • risk:DirectDiscrimination: Occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation based on a protected characteristic (e.g., race, sex, disability) go to full definition
      • risk:DisabilityDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on physical or mental disabilities go to full definition
      • risk:ExcellenceDiscrimination: Favoritism towards individuals deemed more competent or superior, often at the expense of others go to full definition
      • risk:GeographicDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's geographical origin or residence go to full definition
      • risk:IndirectDiscrimination: Occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, or practice puts individuals of a certain group at a disadvantage compared to others, unless it can be objectively justified go to full definition
      • risk:LanguageDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's language, often linked to national origin or ethnicity go to full definition
      • risk:NationalityDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's nationality or citizenship go to full definition
      • risk:Racism: Prejudice or discrimination against people based on their race go to full definition
        • risk:EthnicDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or cultural heritage go to full definition
        • risk:RacialDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals because of their racial background or skin color go to full definition
      • risk:ReligiousDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's relligion or religious beliefs or practices go to full definition
      • risk:ReverseDiscrimination: Discrimination against members of a majority or historically dominant group, often in the context of efforts to promote equality go to full definition
      • risk:Sexism: Discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, typically involving unequal treatment or stereotyping go to full definition
        • risk:GenderDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or gender expression go to full definition
        • risk:Misandry: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against men go to full definition
        • risk:Misogyny: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women go to full definition
        • risk:SexDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's biological sex go to full definition
        • risk:Transphobia: Hostility or prejudice against transgender people or those perceived as not conforming to traditional gender norms go to full definition
      • risk:SexualOrientationDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation, typically against those who are not heterosexual go to full definition
        • risk:Homophobia: Hostility or prejudice against individuals who are or are perceived to be homosexual go to full definition
      • risk:WorkplaceDiscrimination: Discrimination occuring at workplace or in the context of work environments go to full definition
    • risk:EnvironmentalRisk: Risks and issues that have their origin in environment or can affect the environment at large go to full definition
      • risk:DisproportionateEnergyConsumption: The occurence or potential occurence of disproportionate energy consumption when considering the value obtained from undertaking the activity and the amount of energy being utilised go to full definition
      • risk:Earthquake: The occurence or potential occurence of earthquakes go to full definition
      • risk:Floods: The occurence or potential occurence of floods go to full definition
    • risk:GroupRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect groups in society go to full definition
    • risk:IndividualRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect specific individuals go to full definition
    • risk:RightsImpact: Concept representing Impact to Rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsDenied: The refusal or withholding or denial of the existence or applicability of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsEroded: The gradual weakening or reduction of the scope and protection of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsExercisePrevented: Actions or measures that prevent an individual or group from exercising their legal rights. go to full definition
      • risk:RightsLimited: A limitation or restrictions on the scope or exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsObstructed: Interference with or blocking of the exercise of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsUnfulfilled: Failure to meet or complete the fulfilment of rights go to full definition
      • risk:RightsViolated: The infringement or breach of rights in a manner that constitutes a 'violation' of those rights go to full definition
  • risk:TechnicalRiskConcept: Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process go to full definition

Technical Risk Concepts

A [=TechnicalRiskConcept=] represents a concept that is technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process, and which then can be applicable as a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact in specific concepts.

  • risk:Bias: Bias is defined as the systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others go to full definition
    • risk:CognitiveBias: Bias that occurs when humans are processing and interpreting information go to full definition
      • risk:ConfirmationBias: Bias that occurs when hypotheses, regardless of their veracity, are more likely to be confirmed by the intentional or unintentional interpretation of information go to full definition
      • risk:GroupAttributionBias: Bias that occurs when a human assumes that what is true for an individual or object is also true for everyone, or all objects, in that group go to full definition
      • risk:ImplicitBias: Bias that occurs when a human makes an association or assumption based on their mental models and memories go to full definition
      • risk:InGroupBias: Bias that occurs when showing partiality to one's own group or own characteristics go to full definition
      • risk:OutGroupHomogeneityBias: Bias that occurs when seeing out-group members as more alike than in-group members when comparing attitudes, values, personality traits, and other characteristics go to full definition
      • risk:RequirementsBias: Bias that occurs in or during requirements creation go to full definition
      • risk:RuleBasedSystemDesign: Bias that occurs due to developer experience and expert advice having a significant influence on rule-based system design go to full definition
      • risk:SocietalBias: Bias that occurs when similiar cognitive bias (conscious or unconscious) is being held by many individuals in society go to full definition
    • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
      • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
      • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
      • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
      • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
      • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
        • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
        • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
        • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
          • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
          • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
          • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
  • risk:DataRisk: Risks and risk concepts related to data go to full definition
    • risk:DataBias: Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups go to full definition
      • risk:DataAggregationBias: Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data go to full definition
      • risk:DataProcessingBias: Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias go to full definition
      • risk:InformativenessBias: Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group go to full definition
      • risk:SimpsonsParadoxBias: Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined go to full definition
      • risk:StatisticalBias: Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates go to full definition
        • risk:ConfoundingVariablesBias: Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association go to full definition
        • risk:NonNormalityBias: Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading go to full definition
        • risk:SelectionBias: Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution go to full definition
          • risk:CoverageBias: Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used go to full definition
          • risk:NonResponseBias: Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias go to full definition
          • risk:SamplingBias: Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population go to full definition
    • risk:DataInaccurate: Concept representing data being inaccurate go to full definition
    • risk:DataIncomplete: Concept representing data being incomplete go to full definition
    • risk:DataInconsistent: Concept representing data being inconsistent go to full definition
    • risk:DataMisclassified: Concept representing data being misclassified go to full definition
    • risk:DataMisinterpretation: Concept representing data being misinterpretation go to full definition
    • risk:DataNoise: Concept representing data being noise go to full definition
    • risk:DataOutdated: Concept representing data being outdated go to full definition
    • risk:DataProcessingError: Concept representing operational error in the processing of data go to full definition
    • risk:DataSparse: Concept representing data being sparse go to full definition
    • risk:DataUnavailable: Concept representing data being unavailable go to full definition
    • risk:DataUnrepresentative: Concept representing data being unrepresentative go to full definition
    • risk:DataUnstructured: Concept representing data being unstructured go to full definition
    • risk:DataUnverified: Concept representing data being unverified go to full definition
  • risk:ExternalSecurityThreat: Concepts associated with security threats that are likely to originate externally go to full definition
  • risk:OperationalSecurityRisk: Risks and issues that arise during operational processes go to full definition
    • risk:AuthorisationFailure: Concept representing Authorisation Failure go to full definition
    • risk:ComponentFailure: Concept representing Component Failure go to full definition
    • risk:ComponentMalfunction: Concept representing Component Malfunction go to full definition
    • risk:DataCorruption: Concept representing Corruption of Data go to full definition
    • risk:EquipmentFailure: Concept representing Equipment Failure go to full definition
    • risk:EquipmentMalfunction: Concept representing Equipment Malfunction go to full definition
    • risk:QualityRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with quality of tasks, resources, processes go to full definition
      • risk:AccuracyRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Risk go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:QualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
      • risk:QualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
      • risk:QualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
      • risk:QualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
      • risk:QualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:AccuracyUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:RobustnessRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Risk go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:RobustnessUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified go to full definition
      • risk:SecurityQualityRisk: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Risk go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityDegraded: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityInconsistent: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityInsufficient: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityUnknown: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown go to full definition
        • risk:SecurityQualityUnverified: Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified go to full definition
    • risk:Reidentification: Concept representing Re-identification go to full definition
    • risk:SecurityBreach: Concept representing Security Breach go to full definition
    • risk:SystemFailure: Concept representing System Failure go to full definition
    • risk:SystemMalfunction: Concept representing System Malfunction go to full definition
    • risk:TaskExecutionRisk: Concept representing risks and issues associated with execution of tasks, operations, activities, and other similar processes go to full definition
      • risk:TaskExecutionIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect execution of task(s) go to full definition
      • risk:TaskOmmitted: Concept representing omission of task(s) go to full definition
      • risk:TaskTimingIncorrect: Concept representing incorrect timing for task(s) i.e. the task execution does not occur at the correct time go to full definition

Organisational Risk Concepts

A [=OrganisationalRiskConcept=] represents a concept that is organisational in nature or relates to an organisational process, and which then can be applicable as a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact in specific concepts.

  • risk:FinancialImpact: Things that cause or have the potential to impact financial resources go to full definition
    • risk:FinancialLoss: Concept representing Financial Loss which may be actual loss of existing financial assets or hypothetical loss of financial opportunity go to full definition
      • risk:JudicialCosts: Something that involves or causes judicial costs to be paid go to full definition
      • risk:JudicialPenalty: Something that involves or causes judicial penalties to be paid go to full definition
    • risk:Renumeration: Something that acts as or provides renumeration which is in monetary or financial form go to full definition
      • risk:Compensation: Something that acts as or provides compensation - which can be monetary and financial or in other forms go to full definition
      • risk:Payment: Something that acts as or provides payment e.g. to access a service or purchase resources go to full definition
      • risk:Reward: Something that acts as or provides rewards i.e. a benefit given for some service or activity that is not a payment or fee go to full definition
  • risk:OrganisationalManagementRisk: Concept representing issues and risks associated with the management of operations and resources by the organisation go to full definition
    • risk:HumanOversightIneffective: Concept representing cases where human oversight is ineffective for the intended effect, such as for when human can observe a problem but cannot do anything about it go to full definition
    • risk:HumanOversightInsufficient: Concept representing cases where human oversight is insufficient for the intended effect, such as not being capable of identifying a problem go to full definition
    • risk:InstructionsIncorrect: Concept representing cases where instructions are incorrect for achieving the intended effect go to full definition
    • risk:InstructionsInsufficient: Concept representing cases where instructions are not sufficient for the intended effect go to full definition
    • risk:LackOfSystemTransparency: Concept representing lack of transpareny to humans related to the operation of a system go to full definition
    • risk:StaffIncompetence: Concept representing incompetence of staff go to full definition
    • risk:TechnologyOverreliance: Concept representing the case where an entity, including individuals, have an overreliance on the use of technology go to full definition
  • risk:ReputationalRisk: Risks and issues that affect the reputation of the organisation go to full definition
  • risk:ServiceRelatedConsequence: A consequence related to the provision of a service go to full definition
  • risk:UserRisks: Concepts associated with risks that arise due to User or Human use go to full definition
    • risk:ErroneousUse: Concept representing erroneous use (of something) go to full definition
    • risk:HumanErrors: Concept representing activities that are errors caused by humans without intention and which was not caused by following rules or policies or instructions that were not from the person go to full definition
    • risk:Misuse: Concept representing a misuse (of something) go to full definition

Societal Risk Concepts

A [=SocietalRiskConcept=] represents a concept that is societal in nature or relates to a societal process or event or effect, and which then can be applicable as a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact in specific concepts.

  • risk:Discrimination: Discrimination is the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treate go to full definition
    • risk:AgeDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's age, often impacting older or younger individuals go to full definition
    • risk:BelievesDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's beliefs or practices go to full definition
    • risk:CasteDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's caste, a form of social stratification found in some cultures go to full definition
    • risk:DirectDiscrimination: Occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation based on a protected characteristic (e.g., race, sex, disability) go to full definition
    • risk:DisabilityDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on physical or mental disabilities go to full definition
    • risk:ExcellenceDiscrimination: Favoritism towards individuals deemed more competent or superior, often at the expense of others go to full definition
    • risk:GeographicDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's geographical origin or residence go to full definition
    • risk:IndirectDiscrimination: Occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, or practice puts individuals of a certain group at a disadvantage compared to others, unless it can be objectively justified go to full definition
    • risk:LanguageDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's language, often linked to national origin or ethnicity go to full definition
    • risk:NationalityDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's nationality or citizenship go to full definition
    • risk:Racism: Prejudice or discrimination against people based on their race go to full definition
      • risk:EthnicDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or cultural heritage go to full definition
      • risk:RacialDiscrimination: Discrimination against individuals because of their racial background or skin color go to full definition
    • risk:ReligiousDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's relligion or religious beliefs or practices go to full definition
    • risk:ReverseDiscrimination: Discrimination against members of a majority or historically dominant group, often in the context of efforts to promote equality go to full definition
    • risk:Sexism: Discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, typically involving unequal treatment or stereotyping go to full definition
      • risk:GenderDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or gender expression go to full definition
      • risk:Misandry: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against men go to full definition
      • risk:Misogyny: Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women go to full definition
      • risk:SexDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's biological sex go to full definition
      • risk:Transphobia: Hostility or prejudice against transgender people or those perceived as not conforming to traditional gender norms go to full definition
    • risk:SexualOrientationDiscrimination: Discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation, typically against those who are not heterosexual go to full definition
      • risk:Homophobia: Hostility or prejudice against individuals who are or are perceived to be homosexual go to full definition
    • risk:WorkplaceDiscrimination: Discrimination occuring at workplace or in the context of work environments go to full definition
  • risk:EnvironmentalRisk: Risks and issues that have their origin in environment or can affect the environment at large go to full definition
    • risk:DisproportionateEnergyConsumption: The occurence or potential occurence of disproportionate energy consumption when considering the value obtained from undertaking the activity and the amount of energy being utilised go to full definition
    • risk:Earthquake: The occurence or potential occurence of earthquakes go to full definition
    • risk:Floods: The occurence or potential occurence of floods go to full definition
  • risk:GroupRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect groups in society go to full definition
  • risk:IndividualRisk: Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect specific individuals go to full definition
  • risk:RightsImpact: Concept representing Impact to Rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsDenied: The refusal or withholding or denial of the existence or applicability of rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsEroded: The gradual weakening or reduction of the scope and protection of rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsExercisePrevented: Actions or measures that prevent an individual or group from exercising their legal rights. go to full definition
    • risk:RightsLimited: A limitation or restrictions on the scope or exercise of rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsObstructed: Interference with or blocking of the exercise of rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsUnfulfilled: Failure to meet or complete the fulfilment of rights go to full definition
    • risk:RightsViolated: The infringement or breach of rights in a manner that constitutes a 'violation' of those rights go to full definition

Overview of Concepts and Roles

Concept Roles CIA model
Risk Source Risk Consequence Impact Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Modelling Rights Impacts

Impacts on (legal) rights are modelled through the concept [=RightsImpact=], and are associated using the relations dpv:hasRisk to indicate a risk of an impact on rights and dpv:hasImpact to indicate an impact of rights. Here, 'right' refers to a broad concept encompassing rights, freedoms, privileges, claims, entitlements, or other similar concepts which form the basis for legal interpretations. While in this broad sense, 'right' also refers to corporate rights such as for intellectual property or copyright, the intent here is to model the societal notion of rights, such as the 'right of a customer' or 'rights protected by a constitution'.

The [=RightsImpact=] concept is further expanded to distinguish between different kinds of impacts, which are then combined with a specific right or group of rights to indicate the impact in a more granular manner. These concepts are [=RightsDenied=], [=RightsEroded=], [=RightsExercisePrevented=], [=RightsLimited=], [=RightsObstructed=], [=RightsUnfulfilled=], and [=RightsViolated=]. Not all impact categories may apply for a particular right, and not all impacts may include all applicable categories. Further, the interpretation of some of these categories can be difficult to quantify, such as whether a particular right has been 'violated'. The intent therefore here is foremost to provide a vocabulary to express impacts on rights in terms of the right itself (e.g. right denied or right exercise being prevented), which can then be used to make assessments of a broader implication regarding the right (e.g. right is eroded or is violated).

Vocabulary Index


3 Likelihood Levels

Term 3LikelihoodLevels Prefix risk
Label 3 Likelihood Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types dpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Scale with 3 Likelihood Levels from High to Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

3 Risk Levels

Term 3RiskLevels Prefix risk
Label 3 Risk Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Scale with 3 Risk Levels from High to Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

3 Severity Levels

Term 3SeverityLevels Prefix risk
Label 3 Severity Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types dpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Scale with 3 Severity Levels from High to Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

5 Likelihood Levels

Term 5LikelihoodLevels Prefix risk
Label 5 Likelihood Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types dpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Scale with 5 Likelihood Levels from Very High to Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

5 Risk Levels

Term 5RiskLevels Prefix risk
Label 5 Risk Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Scale with 5 Risk Levels from Very High to Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

5 Severity Levels

Term 5SeverityLevels Prefix risk
Label 5 Severity Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types dpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Scale with 5 Severity Levels from Very High to Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

7 Likelihood Levels

Term 7LikelihoodLevels Prefix risk
Label 7 Likelihood Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types dpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Scale with 7 Likelihood Levels from Extremely High to Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

7 Risk Levels

Term 7RiskLevels Prefix risk
Label 7 Risk Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Scale with 7 Risk Levels from Extremely High to Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

7 Severity Levels

Term 7SeverityLevels Prefix risk
Label 7 Severity Levels
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types dpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Scale with 7 Severity Levels from Extremely High to Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Accidental Incident

Term AccidentalIncident Prefix risk
Label Accidental Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident caused due to accidental actions arising from human or human-controlled situations
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Accidental Misuse

Term AccidentalMisuse Prefix risk
Label Accidental Misuse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:Misuserisk:UserRisksrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing accidental misuse (of something)
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Degraded

Term AccuracyDegraded Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Degraded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:AccuracyRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityDegradedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Degraded
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Inconsistent

Term AccuracyInconsistent Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:AccuracyRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInconsistentrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Insufficient

Term AccuracyInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:AccuracyRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInsufficientrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Insufficient
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Risk

Term AccuracyRisk Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Unknown

Term AccuracyUnknown Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:AccuracyRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnknownrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unknown
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Accuracy Unverified

Term AccuracyUnverified Prefix risk
Label Accuracy Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:AccuracyRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnverifiedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Accuracy is Unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Age Discrimination

Term AgeDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Age Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's age, often impacting older or younger individuals
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Authorisation Failure

Term AuthorisationFailure Prefix risk
Label Authorisation Failure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Authorisation Failure
Source ENISa Trust Services Security Incidents 2021
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Availability Breach

Term AvailabilityBreach Prefix risk
Label Availability Breach
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBreachrisk:SecurityBreachrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing a breach of availability
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Availability Concept

Term AvailabilityConcept Prefix risk
Label Availability Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept is relevant to 'Availability' in CIA InfoSec model
Usage Note This concept allows indicating the applicability of Impact dimension to concepts whether they are a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Availability Incident

Term AvailabilityIncident Prefix risk
Label Availability Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident where the availability of information or system has been affected
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Avoidance Control

Term AvoidanceControl Prefix risk
Label Avoidance Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:avoids, risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that avoids an event with the goal of removing it completely
Usage Note Avoiding is distinct from Mitigation and Modification as the goal to avoid an event is to prevent it from occuring at all, whereas mitigation and modification accept an event will occur and focus on managing it
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Avoid Consequence

Term AvoidConsequence Prefix risk
Label Avoid Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:ConsequenceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively avoids the consequence such that it has a reduced exposure or applicability in the context
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Avoid Impact

Term AvoidImpact Prefix risk
Label Avoid Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:ImpactControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively avoids the impact such that it has a reduced exposure or applicability in the context
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Avoid Source

Term AvoidSource Prefix risk
Label Avoid Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:SourceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively avoids the risk source such that it has a reduced exposure or applicability in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Behaviour Distortion

Term BehaviourDistortion Prefix risk
Label Behaviour Distortion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing distortion of behaviour of individual(s)
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Believes Discrimination

Term BelievesDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Believes Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's beliefs or practices
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Benefit Prefix risk
Label Benefit
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Compensationrisk:Renumerationrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing benefits - both material and immaterial
Usage Note Even though benefits is filed under organisational concepts, it can be applied to individuals (humans) and groups which are societal
Date Created 2022-03-23
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Axel Polleres, Beatriz Esteves, Fajar Ekaputra, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Julian Flake
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Bias Prefix risk
Label Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias is defined as the systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in AI


Term Blackmail Prefix risk
Label Blackmail
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Blackmail
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Brute Force Authorisations

Term BruteForceAuthorisations Prefix risk
Label Brute Force Authorisations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Brute Force Authorisations i.e. bypassing authorisations through brute forcing techniques
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Caste Discrimination

Term CasteDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Caste Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's caste, a form of social stratification found in some cultures
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Change Consequence

Term ChangeConsequence Prefix risk
Label Change Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ConsequenceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:SubstitutionControlrisk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively changes the consequence event such that one event is replaced with the occurence or applicability of another event in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Change Impact

Term ChangeImpact Prefix risk
Label Change Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ImpactControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:SubstitutionControlrisk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively changes the impact event such that one event is replaced with the occurence or applicability of another event in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Coercion Prefix risk
Label Coercion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Coercion
Source ENISA Threat Taxonomy 2016
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Cognitive Bias

Term CognitiveBias Prefix risk
Label Cognitive Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when humans are processing and interpreting information
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in AI


Term Compensation Prefix risk
Label Compensation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Renumerationrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or provides compensation - which can be monetary and financial or in other forms
Date Created 2024-04-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Component Failure

Term ComponentFailure Prefix risk
Label Component Failure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Component Failure
Usage Note Here component refers to both physical and virtual components. The failure of a component may or may not also cause a failure in other related components or the systems they are part of
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Component Malfunction

Term ComponentMalfunction Prefix risk
Label Component Malfunction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Component Malfunction
Usage Note Here component refers to both physical and virtual components. The malfunction of a component may or may not also cause a malfunction in other related components or the systems they are part of
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Compromise Account

Term CompromiseAccount Prefix risk
Label Compromise Account
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing a compromised account that is then used by the compromiser
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Compromise Account Credentials

Term CompromiseAccountCredentials Prefix risk
Label Compromise Account Credentials
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Account Credentials to be compromised
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Confidentiality Breach

Term ConfidentialityBreach Prefix risk
Label Confidentiality Breach
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBreachrisk:SecurityBreachrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing a breach of confidentiality
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Confidentiality Concept

Term ConfidentialityConcept Prefix risk
Label Confidentiality Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept is relevant to 'Confidentiality' in CIA InfoSec model
Usage Note This concept allows indicating the applicability of Confidentiality dimension to concepts whether they are a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in AI

Confidentiality Incident

Term ConfidentialityIncident Prefix risk
Label Confidentiality Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident where the confidentiality of information or system has been affected
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Confirmation Bias

Term ConfirmationBias Prefix risk
Label Confirmation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when hypotheses, regardless of their veracity, are more likely to be confirmed by the intentional or unintentional interpretation of information
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Confounding Variables Bias

Term ConfoundingVariablesBias Prefix risk
Label Confounding Variables Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs as a confounding variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Consequence Control

Term ConsequenceControl Prefix risk
Label Consequence Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Risk control for managing consequences
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Containment Control

Term ContainmentControl Prefix risk
Label Containment Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:contains, risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to contain the event in terms of limiting its occurence or effects
Usage Note Containment implies either changing the event or the context such that the event's effects are restricted, such as by establishing a physical or digital boundary within which the effects can occur or to prevent the effects from affecting things inside the boundary
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Copyright Violation

Term CopyrightViolation Prefix risk
Label Copyright Violation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:ViolatingObligationrisk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Copyright Violation
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Coverage Bias

Term CoverageBias Prefix risk
Label Coverage Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when a population represented in a dataset does not match the actual or real population that are being used
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Cross-Border Incident

Term CrossBorderIncident Prefix risk
Label Cross-Border Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident involving cross-border or multiple jurisdictions
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK


Term Cryptojacking Prefix risk
Label Cryptojacking
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Cryptojacking
Source ENISA Threat Landscape 2021
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Customer Support Limited

Term CustomerSupportLimited Prefix risk
Label Customer Support Limited
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing customer support to be limited
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Damage Prefix risk
Label Damage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegallyRelevantConsequencerisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Damage
Date Created 2022-03-30
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Aggregation Bias

Term DataAggregationBias Prefix risk
Label Data Aggregation Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when aggregating data covering different groups of objects has different statistical distributions that introduce bias into the data
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Bias

Term DataBias Prefix risk
Label Data Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when data properties that if unaddressed lead to systems that perform better or worse for different groups
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Breach

Term DataBreach Prefix risk
Label Data Breach
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityBreachrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Data Breach
Examples dex:E0069 :: Using DPV and RISK extension to represent incidents
dex:E0071 :: Using risk controls to express how tech/org measures address the risk
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Data Collection Error

Term DataCollectionError Prefix risk
Label Data Collection Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing error related to data collection
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Corruption

Term DataCorruption Prefix risk
Label Data Corruption
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Corruption of Data
Usage Note This concept was called "Corruption Data" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Erasure Error

Term DataErasureError Prefix risk
Label Data Erasure Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing error related to data erasure
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Inaccurate

Term DataInaccurate Prefix risk
Label Data Inaccurate
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being inaccurate
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Incomplete

Term DataIncomplete Prefix risk
Label Data Incomplete
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being incomplete
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Inconsistent

Term DataInconsistent Prefix risk
Label Data Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Misclassified

Term DataMisclassified Prefix risk
Label Data Misclassified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being misclassified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Misinterpretation

Term DataMisinterpretation Prefix risk
Label Data Misinterpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being misinterpretation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Noise

Term DataNoise Prefix risk
Label Data Noise
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being noise
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Outdated

Term DataOutdated Prefix risk
Label Data Outdated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being outdated
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Preparation Error

Term DataPreparationError Prefix risk
Label Data Preparation Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing error related to data preparation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Processing Bias

Term DataProcessingBias Prefix risk
Label Data Processing Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs due to pre-processing (or post-processing) of data, even though the original data would not have led to any bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Processing Error

Term DataProcessingError Prefix risk
Label Data Processing Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing operational error in the processing of data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Risk

Term DataRisk Prefix risk
Label Data Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and risk concepts related to data
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data SelectionError

Term DataSelectionError Prefix risk
Label Data SelectionError
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing an error in data selection
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Sparse

Term DataSparse Prefix risk
Label Data Sparse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being sparse
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Storage Error

Term DataStorageError Prefix risk
Label Data Storage Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing error related to data storage
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Transfer Error

Term DataTransferError Prefix risk
Label Data Transfer Error
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataProcessingErrorrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing error related to data transfer
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Unavailable

Term DataUnavailable Prefix risk
Label Data Unavailable
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being unavailable
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Unrepresentative

Term DataUnrepresentative Prefix risk
Label Data Unrepresentative
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being unrepresentative
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Unstructured

Term DataUnstructured Prefix risk
Label Data Unstructured
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being unstructured
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Data Unverified

Term DataUnverified Prefix risk
Label Data Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing data being unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Delayed Application Processing

Term DelayedApplicationProcessing Prefix risk
Label Delayed Application Processing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing delayed processing of applications
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Deliberate Incident

Term DeliberateIncident Prefix risk
Label Deliberate Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident caused due to deliberate actions of a human
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Denial of Service Attack (DoS)

Term DenialServiceAttack Prefix risk
Label Denial of Service Attack (DoS)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Denial of Service Attack (DoS)
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Detection Control

Term DetectionControl Prefix risk
Label Detection Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:detects
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that detects an event
Usage Note Detection refers to the observation, derivation, inference, or any other method for drawing conclusions that an event has occurred or is likely to occur with a given certainty. For controls that identify information about the event in terms of metrics or characteristics, see risk:IdentificationControl
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Detriment Prefix risk
Label Detriment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegallyRelevantConsequencerisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Detriment
Date Created 2022-03-23
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Beatriz Esteves, Fajar Ekaputra, Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Julian Flake
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Direct Discrimination

Term DirectDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Direct Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Occurs when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation based on a protected characteristic (e.g., race, sex, disability)
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Disability Discrimination

Term DisabilityDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Disability Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination against individuals based on physical or mental disabilities
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Discrimination Prefix risk
Label Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination is the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treate
Date Created 2024-09-30
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Disproportionate Energy Consumption

Term DisproportionateEnergyConsumption Prefix risk
Label Disproportionate Energy Consumption
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:EnvironmentalRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The occurence or potential occurence of disproportionate energy consumption when considering the value obtained from undertaking the activity and the amount of energy being utilised
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)

Term DistributedDenialServiceAttack Prefix risk
Label Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DenialServiceAttackrisk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Earthquake Prefix risk
Label Earthquake
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:EnvironmentalRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The occurence or potential occurence of earthquakes
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Elimination Control

Term EliminationControl Prefix risk
Label Elimination Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:eliminates
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that eliminates an event entirely such that the event does not occur
Usage Note Elimination requires the event's likelihood to be reduced to zero such that the event cannot occur in the context. This can be done by establishing methods to prevent the event from occuring (e.g. gatekeeping filters) or by changing the underlying context context (e.g. replacing faulty device). The difference between risk:ModificationControl and risk:EliminationControl is that modification works to change the event characteristics whereas elimination works on the context to prevent the event
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Environmental Incident

Term EnvironmentalIncident Prefix risk
Label Environmental Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident caused due to environmental factors outside human controls
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Environmental Risk

Term EnvironmentalRisk Prefix risk
Label Environmental Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and issues that have their origin in environment or can affect the environment at large
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Equipment Failure

Term EquipmentFailure Prefix risk
Label Equipment Failure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Equipment Failure
Usage Note Here equipment refers to physical equipment
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Equipment Malfunction

Term EquipmentMalfunction Prefix risk
Label Equipment Malfunction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Equipment Malfunction
Usage Note Here equipment refers to physical equipment
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Erroneous Use

Term ErroneousUse Prefix risk
Label Erroneous Use
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UserRisksrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing erroneous use (of something)
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Ethnic Discrimination

Term EthnicDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Ethnic Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Racismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or cultural heritage
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Excellence Discrimination

Term ExcellenceDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Excellence Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Favoritism towards individuals deemed more competent or superior, often at the expense of others
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Exposure to Harmful Speech

Term ExposureToHarmfulSpeech Prefix risk
Label Exposure to Harmful Speech
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:MentalHealthrisk:Healthrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Wellbeingrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Harmful Speech
Usage Note This concept was called "HarmfulSpeech" in DPV 2.0
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

External Security Threat

Term ExternalSecurityThreat Prefix risk
Label External Security Threat
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts associated with security threats that are likely to originate externally
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Extorsion Prefix risk
Label Extorsion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Extorsion
Source ENISA Threat Taxonomy 2016
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Extremely High Likelihood

Term ExtremelyHighLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Extremely High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.99 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Extremely High Risk

Term ExtremelyHighRisk Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Extremely High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.99 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Extremely High Severity

Term ExtremelyHighSeverity Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Extremely High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.99 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Extremely Low Likelihood

Term ExtremelyLowLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Extremely Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.01 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Extremely Low Risk

Term ExtremelyLowRisk Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Extremely Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.01 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Extremely Low Severity

Term ExtremelyLowSeverity Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Extremely Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.01 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Financial Impact

Term FinancialImpact Prefix risk
Label Financial Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Things that cause or have the potential to impact financial resources
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Financial Loss

Term FinancialLoss Prefix risk
Label Financial Loss
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Financial Loss which may be actual loss of existing financial assets or hypothetical loss of financial opportunity
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Floods Prefix risk
Label Floods
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:EnvironmentalRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The occurence or potential occurence of floods
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Fraud Prefix risk
Label Fraud
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Fraud
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Gender Discrimination

Term GenderDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Gender Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Sexismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or gender expression
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Geographic Discrimination

Term GeographicDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Geographic Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's geographical origin or residence
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Group Attribution Bias

Term GroupAttributionBias Prefix risk
Label Group Attribution Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when a human assumes that what is true for an individual or object is also true for everyone, or all objects, in that group
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Group Health & Safety

Term GroupHealthSafety Prefix risk
Label Group Health & Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:GroupRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health & safety of a group or group(s)
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Societal Risk

Term GroupRisk Prefix risk
Label Societal Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect groups in society
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Halt Consequence

Term HaltConsequence Prefix risk
Label Halt Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ConsequenceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:InterruptionControlrisk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that halts the (ongoing) consequence event or process such that it no longer takes place or is applicable in the context
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Halt Impact

Term HaltImpact Prefix risk
Label Halt Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ImpactControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:InterruptionControlrisk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that halts the (ongoing) impact event or process such that it no longer takes place or is applicable in the context
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Halt Source

Term HaltSource Prefix risk
Label Halt Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:InterruptionControlrisk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:SourceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that halts the (ongoing) risk source event or process such that it no longer takes place or is applicable in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Harassment Prefix risk
Label Harassment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Wellbeingrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing harassment of individual(s)
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Harm Prefix risk
Label Harm
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Harm to humans
Usage Note This concept refers to the general abstract notion of harm
Date Created 2022-08-13
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Health Prefix risk
Label Health
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Health & Safety

Term HealthSafety Prefix risk
Label Health & Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health & safety of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

High Likelihood

Term HighLikelihood Prefix risk
Label High Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:3LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:5LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.75 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

High Risk

Term HighRisk Prefix risk
Label High Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:3RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:5RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.75 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

High Severity

Term HighSeverity Prefix risk
Label High Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:3SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:5SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.75 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK


Term Homophobia Prefix risk
Label Homophobia
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SexualOrientationDiscriminationrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Hostility or prejudice against individuals who are or are perceived to be homosexual
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Human Errors

Term HumanErrors Prefix risk
Label Human Errors
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UserRisksrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing activities that are errors caused by humans without intention and which was not caused by following rules or policies or instructions that were not from the person
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Human Oversight Ineffective

Term HumanOversightIneffective Prefix risk
Label Human Oversight Ineffective
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing cases where human oversight is ineffective for the intended effect, such as for when human can observe a problem but cannot do anything about it
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Human Oversight Insufficient

Term HumanOversightInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Human Oversight Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing cases where human oversight is insufficient for the intended effect, such as not being capable of identifying a problem
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Identification Control

Term IdentificationControl Prefix risk
Label Identification Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:identifies
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that identifies the characteristics of an event
Usage Note Identification in the context of an event refers to its characteristics such as likelihood, severity, as well as contextual metrics such as amount of data or power being used, or affected entities or things, and which can be used to categorise the event in terms of risk level or other contextual groupings
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Identity Fraud

Term IdentityFraud Prefix risk
Label Identity Fraud
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Identity Fraud
Source ENISA Threat Taxonomy 2016
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Identity Theft

Term IdentityTheft Prefix risk
Label Identity Theft
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Identity Theft
Source ENISA Threat Taxonomy 2016
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Identity Verification Failure

Term IdentityVerificationFailure Prefix risk
Label Identity Verification Failure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing failure to verify identity
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Illegal Data Processing

Term IllegalDataProcessing Prefix risk
Label Illegal Data Processing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Illegal Processing of Data
Usage Note This concept was called "IllegalProcessingData" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Impact Control

Term ImpactControl Prefix risk
Label Impact Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Risk Mitigation Measure that controls Impacts
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Implicit Bias

Term ImplicitBias Prefix risk
Label Implicit Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when a human makes an association or assumption based on their mental models and memories
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Enter Into Contract

Term InabilityToEnterIntoContract Prefix risk
Label Inability to Enter Into Contract
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to enter into contract
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Establish Legal Claims

Term InabilityToEstablishLegalClaims Prefix risk
Label Inability to Establish Legal Claims
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to establish legal claims
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Fulfill Legal Obligations

Term InabilityToFulfillLegalObligations Prefix risk
Label Inability to Fulfill Legal Obligations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to fulfill legal obligations
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Process Payments

Term InabilityToProcessPayments Prefix risk
Label Inability to Process Payments
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to process payments
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Protect Vital Interests

Term InabilityToProtectVitalInterests Prefix risk
Label Inability to Protect Vital Interests
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to protect vital interests
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Inability to Provide Health Care

Term InabilityToProvideHealthCare Prefix risk
Label Inability to Provide Health Care
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing inability to provide health care
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Incident Prefix risk
Label Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition An actual or occured event
Usage Note Incident is realised or materialised risk
Examples dex:E0069 :: Using DPV and RISK extension to represent incidents
dex:E0070 :: Indicating personal data involved in an incident
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Julio Fernandez, Rob Brennan
See More: section INCIDENT in DEX

Incident Assessment Report

Term IncidentAssessmentReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Assessment Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the assessment of an incident in terms of its effects or impacts
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Concluded

Term IncidentConcluded Prefix risk
Label Incident Concluded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The incident has stopped or finished or concluded without any active mitigation and with a low likelihood of resuming or recurring
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Concluding Report

Term IncidentConcludingReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Concluding Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the conclusion of an investigation regarding a Incident where all relevant facts are known
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Detection Report

Term IncidentDetectionReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Detection Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the detection of a Incident
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Halted

Term IncidentHalted Prefix risk
Label Incident Halted
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The incident has halted or paused with a high likelihood of resuming or recurring
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Handling Report

Term IncidentHandlingReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Handling Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the response to or handling of an incident regarding the mitigation of its effects and the prevention of its recurrence
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Identifier

Term IncidentIdentifier Prefix risk
Label Incident Identifier
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Definition Identifier associated with an incident
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Impact Assessment

Term IncidentImpactAssessment Prefix risk
Label Incident Impact Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:ImpactAssessmentdpv:RiskAssessmentdpv:Assessmentdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasAssessment, dpv:hasImpactAssessment, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRiskAssessment, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition An impact assessment associated with a incident
Date Created 2024-05-19
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Investigation Completed

Term IncidentInvestigationCompleted Prefix risk
Label Incident Investigation Completed
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentInvestigationStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentInvestigationStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status indicating the investigation has been completed and findings are available
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Investigation Not Started

Term IncidentInvestigationNotStarted Prefix risk
Label Incident Investigation Not Started
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentInvestigationStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentInvestigationStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status indicating the investigation has not yet been started
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Investigation Ongoing

Term IncidentInvestigationOngoing Prefix risk
Label Incident Investigation Ongoing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentInvestigationStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentInvestigationStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status indicating the investigation is ongoing
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Investigation Preliminary

Term IncidentInvestigationPreliminary Prefix risk
Label Incident Investigation Preliminary
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentInvestigationStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentInvestigationStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status indicating the investigation is at a preliminary stage with limited findings
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Investigation Status

Term IncidentInvestigationStatus Prefix risk
Label Incident Investigation Status
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status associated with investigation of an incident
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Mitigated

Term IncidentMitigated Prefix risk
Label Incident Mitigated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The incident has been mitigated against future recurrences i.e. a measure has been applied to prevent the same or similar incident from recurring
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Mitigation Measure

Term IncidentMitigationMeasure Prefix risk
Label Incident Mitigation Measure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure
Definition A mitigation measure taken in response specifically to mitigate an incident and prevent it from occurring again
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Near Miss

Term IncidentNearMiss Prefix risk
Label Incident Near Miss
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The state where an incident was almost successful in taking place i.e. "it came very close"
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Notice

Term IncidentNotice Prefix risk
Label Incident Notice
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Noticedpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasNotice, dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Notice associated with an Incident
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Ongoing

Term IncidentOngoing Prefix risk
Label Incident Ongoing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The incident is ongoing i.e. still active
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Ongoing Report

Term IncidentOngoingReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Ongoing Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing on ongoing investigation regarding a Incident where facts and extent of the investigation are being investigated
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Preliminary Report

Term IncidentPreliminaryReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Preliminary Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the preliminary investigation regarding a Incident where the complete facts or extent of the incident may not be known
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Register

Term IncidentRegister Prefix risk
Label Incident Register
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A register recording incidentes, their reports, notifications, and other related activities
Date Created 2024-05-19
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Report

Term IncidentReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition Documented information about an incident, its handling, assessments,and notifications
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Status

Term IncidentStatus Prefix risk
Label Incident Status
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition Status associated with an incident
Examples dex:E0069 :: Using DPV and RISK extension to represent incidents
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in DEX

Incident Status Unknown

Term IncidentStatusUnknown Prefix risk
Label Incident Status Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The status of a incident is unknown
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Suspected

Term IncidentSuspected Prefix risk
Label Incident Suspected
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The state where a incident is suspected, but has not yet been confirmed. This can be due to lack of information, or because the process of detection and investigation is still ongoing
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Incident Suspected Report

Term IncidentSuspectedReport Prefix risk
Label Incident Suspected Report
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentReportdpv:RecordsOfActivitiesdpv:OrganisationalMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Object of relation dpv:hasOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:hasRecordOfActivity, dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Definition A report describing the suspicion of an incident in the past or occuring
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Incident Terminated

Term IncidentTerminated Prefix risk
Label Incident Terminated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:IncidentStatus
Broader/Parent types risk:IncidentStatusdpv:Statusdpv:Context
Object of relation dpv:hasContext, dpv:hasStatus
Definition The incident has been stopped or terminated through the use of a mitigation or deterrent measure with a low likelihood of resuming or recurring
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section INCIDENT-STATUS in RISK

Indirect Discrimination

Term IndirectDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Indirect Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion, or practice puts individuals of a certain group at a disadvantage compared to others, unless it can be objectively justified
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Individual Health & Safety

Term IndividualHealthSafety Prefix risk
Label Individual Health & Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health & safety of individual(s)
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Individual Risk

Term IndividualRisk Prefix risk
Label Individual Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and issues that affect or have the potential to affect specific individuals
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Informativeness Bias

Term InformativenessBias Prefix risk
Label Informativeness Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to identify for some group
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

In-Group Bias

Term InGroupBias Prefix risk
Label In-Group Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when showing partiality to one's own group or own characteristics
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Injury Prefix risk
Label Injury
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:PhysicalSafetyrisk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Injury
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Instructions Incorrect

Term InstructionsIncorrect Prefix risk
Label Instructions Incorrect
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing cases where instructions are incorrect for achieving the intended effect
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Instructions Insufficient

Term InstructionsInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Instructions Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing cases where instructions are not sufficient for the intended effect
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Integrity Breachj

Term IntegrityBreach Prefix risk
Label Integrity Breachj
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBreachrisk:SecurityBreachrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing a breach of integrity
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Integrity Concept

Term IntegrityConcept Prefix risk
Label Integrity Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept is relevant to 'Integrity' in CIA InfoSec model
Usage Note This concept allows indicating the applicability of Integrity dimension to concepts whether they are a risk source, risk, consequence, or impact
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in AI

Integrity Incident

Term IntegrityIncident Prefix risk
Label Integrity Incident
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:Incidentdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:hasIncident, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Incident where the integrity of information or system has been affected
Date Created 2024-05-19
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

Intentional Misuse

Term IntentionalMisuse Prefix risk
Label Intentional Misuse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:Misuserisk:UserRisksrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept represent an intentional misuse (of something)
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Intercept Communications

Term InterceptCommunications Prefix risk
Label Intercept Communications
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Interception of Communications
Usage Note This concept was called "InterceptionCommunications" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Interruption Control

Term InterruptionControl Prefix risk
Label Interruption Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:interrupts
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that interrupts an event without removing the possibility for it to be resumed and where the aim is to stop the event
Usage Note Interruption refers to the event being temporarily halted, such as an emergency measure while further suitable measures are identified and put in place. To indicate stopping the event completely rather than a temporary interruption, see risk:RemediationControl which fixes the underlying issue and risk:EliminationEvent which prevents the event from occuring
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Intervention Control

Term InterventionControl Prefix risk
Label Intervention Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:intervenes
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that intervenes in the operations of the event to change some context with the aim of changing the event or the effects
Usage Note Intervention implies taking steps to resolve the effects or to prevent further escalation while the event is still ongoing. For halting the event, see risk:InterruptionControl, for recovering and undoing the effects, see risk:RecoveryControl and risk:ReversalControl. Intervention is a temporary or stop-gap measure which is used while the event is ongoing to prevent it from escalating or creating additional issues
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Investigation Control

Term InvestigationControl Prefix risk
Label Investigation Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:investigates
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that identifies information through an investigative process about an event and its effects after it has occured
Usage Note Investigative controls are used to identify information about an event and its effects which can be used to identify further effective measures to address them, and to identify processes to remedy and recover from it. Investigation control therefore is focused on analysis of an event after its occurence with the goal of identifying applicability and effectiveness of other controls to address it
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Judicial Costs

Term JudicialCosts Prefix risk
Label Judicial Costs
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:FinancialLossrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that involves or causes judicial costs to be paid
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Judicial Penalty

Term JudicialPenalty Prefix risk
Label Judicial Penalty
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:FinancialLossrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that involves or causes judicial penalties to be paid
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lack Of System Transparency

Term LackOfSystemTransparency Prefix risk
Label Lack Of System Transparency
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing lack of transpareny to humans related to the operation of a system
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Language Discrimination

Term LanguageDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Language Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's language, often linked to national origin or ethnicity
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Legal Compliance Risk

Term LegalComplianceRisk Prefix risk
Label Legal Compliance Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and consequences regarding legal compliance and its violation
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Legally Relevant Consequence

Term LegallyRelevantConsequence Prefix risk
Label Legally Relevant Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition A consequence that is legally relevant i.e. actionable under law
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Legal Risk Concept

Term LegalRiskConcept Prefix risk
Label Legal Risk Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are legal in nature or relate to a legal system or process
Usage Note Legal in this context refers exclusively to the law applied within a jurisdiction and does not include internal policies or rules within an organisation
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Legal Support Limited

Term LegalSupportLimited Prefix risk
Label Legal Support Limited
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing limitation of legal support
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Logging Control

Term LoggingControl Prefix risk
Label Logging Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:logs
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that logs an event
Usage Note Log refers to a record of information regarding the event, including whether it has occured, was prevented from occuring, and any actions or processes taken in response to it or resulting from it
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Lose of Credibility

Term LoseCredibility Prefix risk
Label Lose of Credibility
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Credibility
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Customer Confidence

Term LoseCustomerConfidence Prefix risk
Label Lose of Customer Confidence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Customer Confidence
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Goodwill

Term LoseGoodwill Prefix risk
Label Lose of Goodwill
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Goodwill
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Negotiating Capacity

Term LoseNegotiatingCapacity Prefix risk
Label Lose of Negotiating Capacity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Negotiating Capacity
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Opportunity

Term LoseOpportunity Prefix risk
Label Lose of Opportunity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Opportunity
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Reputation

Term LoseReputation Prefix risk
Label Lose of Reputation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Reputation
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Lose of Trust

Term LoseTrust Prefix risk
Label Lose of Trust
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ReputationalRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Loss of Trust
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Low Likelihood

Term LowLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Low Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:3LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:5LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.25 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Low Risk

Term LowRisk Prefix risk
Label Low Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:3RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:5RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.25 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Low Severity

Term LowSeverity Prefix risk
Label Low Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:3SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:5SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.25 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Loyalty Program Exclusion

Term LoyaltyProgramExclusion Prefix risk
Label Loyalty Program Exclusion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing exclusion from loyalty program
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Malicious Activity

Term MaliciousActivity Prefix risk
Label Malicious Activity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Intentional actions designed to harm, exploit, manipulate, or disrupt individuals, systems, or organizations for personal gain or detriment to others
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Malicious Code Attack

Term MaliciousCodeAttack Prefix risk
Label Malicious Code Attack
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Malicious Code Attack
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Malware Attack

Term MalwareAttack Prefix risk
Label Malware Attack
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Malware Attack
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Material Damage

Term MaterialDamage Prefix risk
Label Material Damage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegallyRelevantConsequencerisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Material Damage
Usage Note The criteria for what is considered material damage is based in jurisdictional laws and norms
Date Created 2022-03-30
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Mental Health

Term MentalHealth Prefix risk
Label Mental Health
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Healthrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing mental health of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Mental Safety

Term MentalSafety Prefix risk
Label Mental Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing mental safety of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Misandry Prefix risk
Label Misandry
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Sexismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against men
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Misogyny Prefix risk
Label Misogyny
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Sexismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Misuse Prefix risk
Label Misuse
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UserRisksrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing a misuse (of something)
Date Created 2024-06-11
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Mitigation Control

Term MitigationControl Prefix risk
Label Mitigation Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:mitigates
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to reduce the likelihood or effect of an event with the goal of managing an event accepted to occur
Usage Note Mitigation requires accepting that an event will occur, and thereby focusing on managing it by reducing its likelihood or effects by adding additional processes to specifically address the event or its effects
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Moderate Likelihood

Term ModerateLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Moderate Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:3LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:5LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Moderate
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.5 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Moderate Risk

Term ModerateRisk Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:3RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:5RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Moderate
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.5 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Moderate Severity

Term ModerateSeverity Prefix risk
Label Moderate Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:3SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:5SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Moderate
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.5 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Modification Control

Term ModificationControl Prefix risk
Label Modification Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:modifies
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that modifies the context to change the event's characteristics such that the event still occurs but with the modified characteristics with the goal of managing an event that is accepted to occur
Usage Note Modification necessitates a change in the context to result in a change in the event's characteristics. Where such changes reduce the likelihood or effects of the event, the modification also works as a mitigation for the event
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Consequence

Term MonitorConsequence Prefix risk
Label Monitor Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors a Risk Consequence
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Control

Term MonitorControl Prefix risk
Label Monitor Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:monitors
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors for the occurence of an event
Usage Note Monitoring is a broad term that refers to identifying information about an event, including its occurence, characteristics such as severity or specific contextual metrics, affected things and entities, and having the ability to obtain and use this information to address the event. Monitoring is also used to refer to the activities associated with ensuring controls are active and effective. For this reason, specific concepts are defined which extend this control to express explicit actions included in the general use of 'monitoring' in risk management
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Impact

Term MonitorImpact Prefix risk
Label Monitor Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors a Risk Impact
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Risk

Term MonitorRisk Prefix risk
Label Monitor Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors a Risk
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Control

Term MonitorRiskControl Prefix risk
Label Monitor Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors another Control
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Risk Source

Term MonitorRiskSource Prefix risk
Label Monitor Risk Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors a Risk Source
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Monitor Vulnerabilities

Term MonitorVulnerabilities Prefix risk
Label Monitor Vulnerabilities
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that monitors a Risk Vulnerability
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Nationality Discrimination

Term NationalityDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Nationality Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's nationality or citizenship
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Non-Material Damage

Term NonMaterialDamage Prefix risk
Label Non-Material Damage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegallyRelevantConsequencerisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Non-Material Damage
Usage Note The criteria for what is considered material damage is based in jurisdictional laws and norms
Date Created 2022-03-30
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Non-Normality Bias

Term NonNormalityBias Prefix risk
Label Non-Normality Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when the dataset is subject to a different (i.e. non-normal) distribution (e.g., Chi-Square, Beta, Lorentz, Cauchy, Weibull or Pareto) where the results can be biased and misleading
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Non-Response Bias

Term NonResponseBias Prefix risk
Label Non-Response Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when people from certain groups opt-out of surveys at different rates than users from other groups. This is also called as Participation bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Operational Security Risk

Term OperationalSecurityRisk Prefix risk
Label Operational Security Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and issues that arise during operational processes
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Organisational Management Risk

Term OrganisationalManagementRisk Prefix risk
Label Organisational Management Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing issues and risks associated with the management of operations and resources by the organisation
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Organisational Risk Concept

Term OrganisationalRiskConcept Prefix risk
Label Organisational Risk Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are organisational in nature or relate to an organisational process
Usage Note Organisational in this context refers to an organisation which is not human but is managed by humans
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Out-Group Homogeneity Bias

Term OutGroupHomogeneityBias Prefix risk
Label Out-Group Homogeneity Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when seeing out-group members as more alike than in-group members when comparing attitudes, values, personality traits, and other characteristics
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Override Control

Term OverrideControl Prefix risk
Label Override Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:overrides
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to override the event with the goal of avoiding its further effects
Usage Note Override indicates a (temporary) change or bypassing of usual processes, controls, and measures in response to an event
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Oversight Control

Term OversightControl Prefix risk
Label Oversight Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that provides oversight for an event in terms of having information about it and being able to supervise or manage it
Usage Note Oversight can be ambigiously used in terms of having knowledge about an event (see risk:TransparencyControl instead), or being able to identify when it occurs (see risk:DetectionControl instead). The control defined by this concept includes the ability to act on the event as part of the 'oversight' term used in management
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Payment Prefix risk
Label Payment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Renumerationrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or provides payment e.g. to access a service or purchase resources
Date Created 2024-04-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Personalisation Disabled

Term PersonalisationDisabled Prefix risk
Label Personalisation Disabled
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing personalisation disabled
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Personalisation Enabled

Term PersonalisationEnabled Prefix risk
Label Personalisation Enabled
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing personalisation enabled
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Personal Safety Endangerment

Term PersonalSafetyEndangerment Prefix risk
Label Personal Safety Endangerment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Personal Safety Endangerment
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Phishing Scam

Term PhishingScam Prefix risk
Label Phishing Scam
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Phishing Scam
Source ENISA Threat Landscape for Ransomware Attacks 2022
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Physical Assault

Term PhysicalAssault Prefix risk
Label Physical Assault
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:PhysicalSafetyrisk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Physical Assault
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Physical Harm

Term PhysicalHarm Prefix risk
Label Physical Harm
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:PhysicalHealthrisk:Healthrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing physical harm to an individual or individual(s)
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Physical Health

Term PhysicalHealth Prefix risk
Label Physical Health
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Healthrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing physical health of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Physical Safety

Term PhysicalSafety Prefix risk
Label Physical Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing physical safety of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Policy Risk

Term PolicyRisk Prefix risk
Label Policy Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and consequences regarding policy and its associated processes
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Potential Consequence

Term PotentialConsequence Prefix risk
Label Potential Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept can potentially be a 'consequence concept within an use-case
Usage Note PotentialConsequence is a suggestion that the concept can be a 'risk' within an use-case - this suggestion is not exclusive and the concept may also be instances of other potential concepts to indicate the multiple possible roles a concept can take. This suggestion can be ignored if it is not applicable to the use-case
Examples dex:E0087 :: Flexibility of RISK taxonomy in expressing varying roles
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Potential Impact

Term PotentialImpact Prefix risk
Label Potential Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept can potentially be a 'impact' concept within an use-case
Usage Note PotentialImpact is a suggestion that the concept can be a 'risk' within an use-case - this suggestion is not exclusive and the concept may also be instances of other potential concepts to indicate the multiple possible roles a concept can take. This suggestion can be ignored if it is not applicable to the use-case
Examples dex:E0087 :: Flexibility of RISK taxonomy in expressing varying roles
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Potential Risk

Term PotentialRisk Prefix risk
Label Potential Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept can potentially be a 'risk' concept within an use-case
Usage Note PotentialRisk is a suggestion that the concept can be a 'risk' within an use-case - this suggestion is not exclusive and the concept may also be instances of other potential concepts to indicate the multiple possible roles a concept can take. This suggestion can be ignored if it is not applicable to the use-case
Examples dex:E0087 :: Flexibility of RISK taxonomy in expressing varying roles
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Potential RiskSource

Term PotentialRiskSource Prefix risk
Label Potential RiskSource
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Indicates a concept can potentially be a 'risk source' concept within an use-case
Usage Note PotentialRiskSource is a suggestion that the concept can be a 'risk' within an use-case - this suggestion is not exclusive and the concept may also be instances of other potential concepts to indicate the multiple possible roles a concept can take. This suggestion can be ignored if it is not applicable to the use-case
Examples dex:E0087 :: Flexibility of RISK taxonomy in expressing varying roles
Date Created 2024-09-29
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX


Term Privacy Prefix risk
Label Privacy
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing privacy of humans at an individual, group, or larger societal levels
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Proactive Control

Term ProactiveControl Prefix risk
Label Proactive Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that is established or functions before an event occurs
Usage Note The use of 'proactive' here refers to this control being established to address events before they occur. It does not indicate putting in place controls before the event such as planning ahead for potential use of controls to respond to an incident
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Psychological Harm

Term PsychologicalHarm Prefix risk
Label Psychological Harm
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:MentalSafetyrisk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Wellbeingrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Psychological Harm
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Public Health & Safety

Term PublicHealthSafety Prefix risk
Label Public Health & Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health and safety of the public at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Public Order Breach

Term PublicOrderBreach Prefix risk
Label Public Order Breach
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Public Order Breach
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Public Services Exclusion

Term PublicServicesExclusion Prefix risk
Label Public Services Exclusion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing exclusion from public services
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Degraded

Term QualityDegraded Prefix risk
Label Quality Degraded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Degraded
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Inconsistent

Term QualityInconsistent Prefix risk
Label Quality Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Insufficient

Term QualityInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Quality Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Insufficient
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Risk

Term QualityRisk Prefix risk
Label Quality Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing risks and issues associated with quality of tasks, resources, processes
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Unknown

Term QualityUnknown Prefix risk
Label Quality Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unknown
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Quality Unverified

Term QualityUnverified Prefix risk
Label Quality Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality is Unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Racial Discrimination

Term RacialDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Racial Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Racismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination against individuals because of their racial background or skin color
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Racism Prefix risk
Label Racism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Prejudice or discrimination against people based on their race
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Reactive Control

Term ReactiveControl Prefix risk
Label Reactive Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that is established or functions after an event occurs
Usage Note The use of 'reactive' here refers to this control being established i.e. becoming active to address the effects of an event after they occur. It does not imply that the controls are put in place after the event or that there is no planned procedure for handling an incident
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Recovery Control

Term RecoveryControl Prefix risk
Label Recovery Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ResolutionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:recovers
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to restore the context following an event
Usage Note Recovery implies taking steps to correct the effects which may not be the same as the initial conditions before the event, whereas risk:ReversalControl refers to undoing the effects such that the initial condition is restored
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Reduce Likelihood

Term ReduceLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Reduce Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that reduces the likelihood of an event to occur
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Reduce Severity

Term ReduceSeverity Prefix risk
Label Reduce Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReductionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that reduces the severity of an event's effects
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Reduction Control

Term ReductionControl Prefix risk
Label Reduction Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:reduces
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that reduces the effects of an event
Usage Note Reduction here refers to a lessening of the effects after the event has occured by either reducing their likelihood or their severity in the context. This can involve changing the underlying context such that the effects have a reduced chance of occuring, or to create additional measures such that the effects do not have the initial severity for an entity
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Reidentification Prefix risk
Label Re-identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Re-identification
Usage Note Use this concept for reidentification in an internal context. For reidentification performed by external entities see concept UnauthorisedReidentification
Date Created 2022-08-19
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Religious Discrimination

Term ReligiousDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Religious Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's relligion or religious beliefs or practices
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Remeditation Control

Term RemeditationControl Prefix risk
Label Remeditation Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ResolutionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to fix or remedy the causes of an event to prevent further occurences
Usage Note Remediation involves making changes in the context to avoid further events and effects, which may be for the specific event or for other similar events and effects. As such, remediation can also be undertaken as a proactive measure in the risk management lifecycle following an incident
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Remove Consequence

Term RemoveConsequence Prefix risk
Label Remove Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ConsequenceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:EliminationControlrisk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively removes the consequence event such that the event does not occur in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Remove Impact

Term RemoveImpact Prefix risk
Label Remove Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:EliminationControlrisk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:ImpactControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively removes the impact event such that the event does not occur in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Remove Source

Term RemoveSource Prefix risk
Label Remove Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:EliminationControlrisk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Broader/Parent types risk:SourceControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that proactively removes the risk source such that it is no longer present or applicable in the context
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Renumeration Prefix risk
Label Remuneration
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or provides renumeration which is in monetary or financial form
Date Created 2024-04-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Reputational Risk

Term ReputationalRisk Prefix risk
Label Reputational Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risks and issues that affect the reputation of the organisation
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Requirements Bias

Term RequirementsBias Prefix risk
Label Requirements Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs in or during requirements creation
Usage Note Requirements bias also represents occasions for the human cognitive biases to manifest
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Resolution Control

Term ResolutionControl Prefix risk
Label Resolution Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:resolves
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to resolve an event's effects with the goal of fixing or recovering from it
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Reversal Control

Term ReversalControl Prefix risk
Label Reversal Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ResolutionControlrisk:ReactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:reverses
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to reverse or undo the effects of an event
Usage Note Reversal can be achieved through measures such as restoring information from a backup or replacing things such that the initial context not containing the event's effects is restored
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Reverse Discrimination

Term ReverseDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Reverse Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination against members of a majority or historically dominant group, often in the context of efforts to promote equality
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Reward Prefix risk
Label Reward
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Renumerationrisk:FinancialImpactrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as or provides rewards i.e. a benefit given for some service or activity that is not a payment or fee
Date Created 2024-04-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Denied

Term RightsDenied Prefix risk
Label Rights Denied
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The refusal or withholding or denial of the existence or applicability of rights
Usage Note The denial of the right refers to the argument that a right does not apply at all for a particular case. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Eroded

Term RightsEroded Prefix risk
Label Rights Eroded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The gradual weakening or reduction of the scope and protection of rights
Usage Note Erosion of rights typically only applies to passive rights which always apply, since for active rights the exercise of that right is what enables it. An active right can be eroded over time it is limited consistently and increasingly such that the scope of the right is reduced over time. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Exercise Prevented

Term RightsExercisePrevented Prefix risk
Label Rights Exercise Prevented
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Actions or measures that prevent an individual or group from exercising their legal rights.
Usage Note This concept was called "PreventExercisingOfRights" in DPV 2.0. Violation of a right is a bar for actionable actions by an authority. Other impacts on right may be found to construe a violation of the right, but that is not necessarily always the case i.e. not all impacts are violations of a right. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2022-08-18
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Impact

Term RightsImpact Prefix risk
Label Rights Impact
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Impact to Rights
Usage Note This concept was called "ImpactToRights" in DPV 2.0. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Examples dex:E0088 :: Expressing impact on specific rights
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Rights Limited

Term RightsLimited Prefix risk
Label Rights Limited
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition A limitation or restrictions on the scope or exercise of rights
Usage Note This concept was called "LimitationOfRights" in DPV 2.0. The limitation refers to the applicability and scope of the right, and not in the ability to exercise that right. Limitation is therefore fulfilment of the right and its obligations - but for a scope other than what was intended or expected. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2022-08-18
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Obstructed

Term RightsObstructed Prefix risk
Label Rights Obstructed
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Interference with or blocking of the exercise of rights
Usage Note In obstruction, the right is not denied, limited, or unfulfilled - but the requirements to enable exercise of the rights are increased to the point of discouraging or obstructing the exercise of that right. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Unfulfilled

Term RightsUnfulfilled Prefix risk
Label Rights Unfulfilled
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Failure to meet or complete the fulfilment of rights
Usage Note Here unfulfilment refers to non-completion of the right's obligations and processes. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rights Violated

Term RightsViolated Prefix risk
Label Rights Violated
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:RightsImpactrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition The infringement or breach of rights in a manner that constitutes a 'violation' of those rights
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationOfRights" in DPV 2.0. Though specified as a plural i.e. 'rights', this concept can be applied to a singular right
Examples dex:E0088 :: Expressing impact on specific rights
Date Created 2022-08-18
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in DEX

Risk Acceptance

Term RiskAcceptance Prefix risk
Label Risk Acceptance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAcceptance, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Entity decision to accept or enable a particular risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Analysis

Term RiskAnalysis Prefix risk
Label Risk Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition A technique or method used to analyse and identify risk levels, sources, likelihoods, severities, and other necessary information required to conduct risk management procedures
Source IEC 31010:2019
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Assessment

Term RiskAssessment Prefix risk
Label Risk Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Assessment of risk involving its identification, analysis, and evaluation
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Control

Term RiskControl Prefix risk
Label Risk Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that modifies risk
Examples dex:E0071 :: Using risk controls to express how tech/org measures address the risk
dex:E0086 :: Using Risk Controls to indicate measures adopted for a specific event
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in DEX

Risk Criteria

Term RiskCriteria Prefix risk
Label Risk Criteria
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskCriteria, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Criteria for determining or evaluating significance of risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Evaluation

Term RiskEvaluation Prefix risk
Label Risk Evaluation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskEvaluation, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Process determining acceptability or tolerance of risk by comparing risk analysis outcomes against risk criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Identification

Term RiskIdentification Prefix risk
Label Risk Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskIdentification, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Identification of risks involving identification of risk sources, potential incidents, their causes, and their potential consequences
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Management

Term RiskManagement Prefix risk
Label Risk Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Object of relation risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Systematic application of management policies, procedures, and practices for communicating, consulting, establishing context, and identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and reviewing risk. ISO 31000 definition: coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk
Date Created 2024-06-12
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Matrix

Term RiskMatrix Prefix risk
Label Risk Matrix
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Compares individual risks by selecting a consequence/ likelihood pair and displaying them on a matrix with consequence on one axis and likelihood on the other.
Source IEC 31010:2019
Date Created 2024-02-14
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Matrix 3x3

Term RiskMatrix3x3 Prefix risk
Label Risk Matrix 3x3
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition A Risk Matrix with 3 Likelihood, 3 Severity, and 3 Risk Level types
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Risk Matrix 5x5

Term RiskMatrix5x5 Prefix risk
Label Risk Matrix 5x5
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition A Risk Matrix with 5 Likelihood, 5 Severity, and 5 Risk Level types
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Risk Matrix 7x7

Term RiskMatrix7x7 Prefix risk
Label Risk Matrix 7x7
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition A Risk Matrix with 7 Likelihood, 7 Severity, and 7 Risk Level types
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Risk Owner

Term RiskOwner Prefix risk
Label Risk Owner
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasRiskOwner
Definition Entity accountable for managing risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Perception

Term RiskPerception Prefix risk
Label Risk Perception
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasRiskPerception
Definition Perception or view on risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Source

Term RiskSource Prefix risk
Label Risk Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskIdentificationrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskIdentification, risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasRiskSource
Definition The 'cause' or 'source', which by itself or with another source has the potential to give rise to risk
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Modified 2024-08-16
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Risk Treatment

Term RiskTreatment Prefix risk
Label Risk Treatment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasRiskTreatment
Definition Process by which risk is modified and mitigated
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Low Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:1)

Term RM3x3S1L1 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:2)

Term RM3x3S1L2 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:3)

Term RM3x3S1L3 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:1 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:1)

Term RM3x3S2L1 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:2)

Term RM3x3S2L2 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:3)

Term RM3x3S2L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM3x3 S:2 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:1)

Term RM3x3S3L1 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:2)

Term RM3x3S3L2 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:3)

Term RM3x3S3L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM3x3 S:3 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix3x3risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 3x3 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:1)

Term RM5x5S1L1 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:2)

Term RM5x5S1L2 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:3)

Term RM5x5S1L3 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:4)

Term RM5x5S1L4 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:5)

Term RM5x5S1L5 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM5x5 S:1 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:1)

Term RM5x5S2L1 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:2)

Term RM5x5S2L2 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:3)

Term RM5x5S2L3 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:4)

Term RM5x5S2L4 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:5)

Term RM5x5S2L5 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM5x5 S:2 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:1)

Term RM5x5S3L1 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:2)

Term RM5x5S3L2 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:3)

Term RM5x5S3L3 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:4)

Term RM5x5S3L4 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:5)

Term RM5x5S3L5 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:3 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:1)

Term RM5x5S4L1 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:2)

Term RM5x5S4L2 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:3)

Term RM5x5S4L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:4)

Term RM5x5S4L4 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:5)

Term RM5x5S4L5 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:4 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:1)

Term RM5x5S5L1 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:2)

Term RM5x5S5L2 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:3)

Term RM5x5S5L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:4)

Term RM5x5S5L4 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:5)

Term RM5x5S5L5 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM5x5 S:5 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix5x5risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:1)

Term RM7x7S1L1 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:2)

Term RM7x7S1L2 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:3)

Term RM7x7S1L3 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:4)

Term RM7x7S1L4 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:5)

Term RM7x7S1L5 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:6)

Term RM7x7S1L6 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:7)

Term RM7x7S1L7 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:1 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely Low; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:1)

Term RM7x7S2L1 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:2)

Term RM7x7S2L2 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:3)

Term RM7x7S2L3 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:4)

Term RM7x7S2L4 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:5)

Term RM7x7S2L5 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:6)

Term RM7x7S2L6 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:7)

Term RM7x7S2L7 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:2 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very Low; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:1)

Term RM7x7S3L1 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:2)

Term RM7x7S3L2 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:3)

Term RM7x7S3L3 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:4)

Term RM7x7S3L4 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:5)

Term RM7x7S3L5 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:6)

Term RM7x7S3L6 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:7)

Term RM7x7S3L7 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:3 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Low; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:1)

Term RM7x7S4L1 Prefix risk
Label Extremely Low Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Extremely Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:2)

Term RM7x7S4L2 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:3)

Term RM7x7S4L3 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:4)

Term RM7x7S4L4 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:5)

Term RM7x7S4L5 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:6)

Term RM7x7S4L6 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:7)

Term RM7x7S4L7 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:4 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Moderate; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:1)

Term RM7x7S5L1 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:2)

Term RM7x7S5L2 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:3)

Term RM7x7S5L3 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:4)

Term RM7x7S5L4 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:5)

Term RM7x7S5L5 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:6)

Term RM7x7S5L6 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:7)

Term RM7x7S5L7 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:5 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: High; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:1)

Term RM7x7S6L1 Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Very Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:2)

Term RM7x7S6L2 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:3)

Term RM7x7S6L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:4)

Term RM7x7S6L4 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:5)

Term RM7x7S6L5 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:6)

Term RM7x7S6L6 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:7)

Term RM7x7S6L7 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:6 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Very High; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Low Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:1)

Term RM7x7S7L1 Prefix risk
Label Low Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:1)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Extremely Low; and Risk Level: Low
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:2)

Term RM7x7S7L2 Prefix risk
Label Moderate Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:2)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Very Low; and Risk Level: Moderate
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:3)

Term RM7x7S7L3 Prefix risk
Label High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:3)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Low; and Risk Level: High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:4)

Term RM7x7S7L4 Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:4)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Moderate; and Risk Level: Very High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:5)

Term RM7x7S7L5 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:5)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:6)

Term RM7x7S7L6 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:6)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Very High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:7)

Term RM7x7S7L7 Prefix risk
Label Extremely High Risk (RM7x7 S:7 L:7)
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskAnalysis
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskMatrix7x7risk:RiskMatrixrisk:RiskAnalysisrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAnalysis, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskManagement
Definition Node in a 7x7 Risk Matrix with Risk Severity: Extremely High; Likelihood: Extremely High; and Risk Level: Extremely High
Date Created 2022-08-17
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-MATRIX in RISK

Robustness Degraded

Term RobustnessDegraded Prefix risk
Label Robustness Degraded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityDegradedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:RobustnessRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Degraded
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Robustness Inconsistent

Term RobustnessInconsistent Prefix risk
Label Robustness Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInconsistentrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:RobustnessRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Robustness Insufficient

Term RobustnessInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Robustness Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInsufficientrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:RobustnessRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Insufficient
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Robustness Risk

Term RobustnessRisk Prefix risk
Label Robustness Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Robustness Unknown

Term RobustnessUnknown Prefix risk
Label Robustness Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnknownrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:RobustnessRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unknown
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Robustness Unverified

Term RobustnessUnverified Prefix risk
Label Robustness Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnverifiedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:RobustnessRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Robustness is Unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Rule-Based System Design

Term RuleBasedSystemDesign Prefix risk
Label Rule-Based System Design
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs due to developer experience and expert advice having a significant influence on rule-based system design
Usage Note Rule based system design also potentially introduces various forms of human cognitive bias
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Sabotage Prefix risk
Label Sabotage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Sabotage
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Safety Prefix risk
Label Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing safety of individual(s), or group(s), or society at large
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Sampling Bias

Term SamplingBias Prefix risk
Label Sampling Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SelectionBiasrisk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when data records are not collected randomly from the intended population
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Scam Prefix risk
Label Scam
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Scam
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Attack

Term SecurityAttack Prefix risk
Label Security Attack
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing an attack on security with the aim of undermining it
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Breach

Term SecurityBreach Prefix risk
Label Security Breach
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Security Breach
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Degraded

Term SecurityQualityDegraded Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Degraded
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityDegradedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityQualityRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Degraded
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Inconsistent

Term SecurityQualityInconsistent Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Inconsistent
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInconsistentrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityQualityRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Inconsistent
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Insufficient

Term SecurityQualityInsufficient Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Insufficient
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityInsufficientrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityQualityRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Insufficient
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Risk

Term SecurityQualityRisk Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Risk
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Unknown

Term SecurityQualityUnknown Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Unknown
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnknownrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityQualityRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unknown
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Security Quality Unverified

Term SecurityQualityUnverified Prefix risk
Label Security Quality Unverified
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:QualityUnverifiedrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityQualityRiskrisk:QualityRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts representing risks and issues where Quality of Security is Unverified
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Selection Bias

Term SelectionBias Prefix risk
Label Selection Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:StatisticalBiasrisk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when a dataset's samples are chosen in a way that is not reflective of their real-world distribution
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Alternative Offered

Term ServiceAlternativeOffered Prefix risk
Label Service Alternative Offered
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service alternative offered
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Cost Increased

Term ServiceCostIncreased Prefix risk
Label Service Cost Increased
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service cost increased
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Denied

Term ServiceDenied Prefix risk
Label Service Denied
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service denied
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Limited

Term ServiceLimited Prefix risk
Label Service Limited
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service limited
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Not Provided

Term ServiceNotProvided Prefix risk
Label Service Not Provided
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service not provided
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Partially Provided

Term ServicePartiallyProvided Prefix risk
Label Service Partially Provided
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service partially provided
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Provided

Term ServiceProvided Prefix risk
Label Service Provided
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service provided
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Provision Delayed

Term ServiceProvisionDelayed Prefix risk
Label Service Provision Delayed
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service provision delayed
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Quality Reduced

Term ServiceQualityReduced Prefix risk
Label Service Quality Reduced
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service quality reduced
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Related Consequence

Term ServiceRelatedConsequence Prefix risk
Label Service Related Consequence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition A consequence related to the provision of a service
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Security Reduced

Term ServiceSecurityReduced Prefix risk
Label Service Security Reduced
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service security reduced
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Service Termination

Term ServiceTermination Prefix risk
Label Service Termination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:ServiceRelatedConsequencerisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing service termination
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Sex Discrimination

Term SexDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Sex Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Sexismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's biological sex
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Sexism Prefix risk
Label Sexism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's sex or gender, typically involving unequal treatment or stereotyping
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Sexual Harassment

Term SexualHarassment Prefix risk
Label Sexual Harassment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harassmentrisk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harassmentrisk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harassmentrisk:Wellbeingrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing sexual harassment of individual(s)
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

SexualOrientation Discrimination

Term SexualOrientationDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label SexualOrientation Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation, typically against those who are not heterosexual
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Sexual Violence

Term SexualViolence Prefix risk
Label Sexual Violence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:MentalSafetyrisk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:PhysicalSafetyrisk:Safetyrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Sexual Violence
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Share Control

Term ShareControl Prefix risk
Label Share Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:TransferControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:shares
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to share or distribute the event (or risk) with another context or entity
Usage Note Sharing implies a combined responsibility or sharing of effects from an event - which can be between entities or procesess (or other contexts). The use of 'event' here broadly refers to any event, which may be a risk event or could also be specific measures being adopted in response to an event. For specifically indicating sharing of risk per typical risk management processes, see risk:ShareRisk
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Share Risk

Term ShareRisk Prefix risk
Label Share Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:ShareControlrisk:TransferControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Risk Mitigation Measure that shares Risk e.g. amongst stakeholders
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Simpson'S Paradox Bias

Term SimpsonsParadoxBias Prefix risk
Label Simpson'S Paradox Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when a trend that is indicated in individual groups of data reverses when the groups of data are combined
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Social Disadvantage

Term SocialDisadvantage Prefix risk
Label Social Disadvantage
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:GroupRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Social Disadvantage
Date Created 2022-08-19
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Societal Bias

Term SocietalBias Prefix risk
Label Societal Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:CognitiveBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs when similiar cognitive bias (conscious or unconscious) is being held by many individuals in society
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Societal Health & Safety

Term SocietalHealthSafety Prefix risk
Label Societal Health & Safety
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:GroupRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing health and safety of society at large
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Societal Risk Concept

Term SocietalRiskConcept Prefix risk
Label Societal Risk Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are societal in nature or relate to a social setting or process
Usage Note Societal in this context includes both individuals and groups in a social context, as well as wider implications for society - such as environmental impacts or economic consequences of inflation that can affect both human and non-human entities as part of the social structure
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Source Control

Term SourceControl Prefix risk
Label Source Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Risk control for managing risk sources
Date Created 2024-05-19
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Spoofing Prefix risk
Label Spoofing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:MaliciousActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Spoofing
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Staff Incompetence

Term StaffIncompetence Prefix risk
Label Staff Incompetence
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing incompetence of staff
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Statistical Bias

Term StatisticalBias Prefix risk
Label Statistical Bias
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:Biasrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:DataBiasrisk:DataRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Bias that occurs as the type of consistent numerical offset in an estimate relative to the true underlying value, inherent to most estimates
Date Created 2024-09-13
Contributors Daniel Doherty, Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Substitution Control

Term SubstitutionControl Prefix risk
Label Substitution Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:AvoidanceControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:substitutes
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that substitutes an event with another such that the initial event no longer takes place while the substituted event takes place in place of it
Usage Note Substitution implies that the replacement event is less risky or is more safe than the replaced event, which is distinct from elimination where no event occurs and thus there is an elimination of risk entirely
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

System Failure

Term SystemFailure Prefix risk
Label System Failure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing System Failure
Usage Note Here system refers to both hardware and software systems
Source ENISA Threat Landscape for Ransomware Attacks 2022
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

System Intrusion

Term SystemIntrusion Prefix risk
Label System Intrusion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:SecurityAttackrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing System Intrusion
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

System Malfunction

Term SystemMalfunction Prefix risk
Label System Malfunction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing System Malfunction
Usage Note Here system refers to both hardware and software systems
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Task Execution Incorrect

Term TaskExecutionIncorrect Prefix risk
Label Task Execution Incorrect
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TaskExecutionRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing incorrect execution of task(s)
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Task Execution Risk

Term TaskExecutionRisk Prefix risk
Label Task Execution Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing risks and issues associated with execution of tasks, operations, activities, and other similar processes
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Task Ommitted

Term TaskOmmitted Prefix risk
Label Task Ommitted
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TaskExecutionRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing omission of task(s)
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Task Timing Incorrect

Term TaskTimingIncorrect Prefix risk
Label Task Timing Incorrect
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:TaskExecutionRiskrisk:OperationalSecurityRiskrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing incorrect timing for task(s) i.e. the task execution does not occur at the correct time
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Technical Risk Concept

Term TechnicalRiskConcept Prefix risk
Label Technical Risk Concept
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types dpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Risk concepts, including any potential risk sources, consequences, or impacts, that are technical in nature or relate to a technical or technological process
Date Created 2025-01-06
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Technology Overreliance

Term TechnologyOverreliance Prefix risk
Label Technology Overreliance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalManagementRiskrisk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing the case where an entity, including individuals, have an overreliance on the use of technology
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Terrorism Prefix risk
Label Terrorism
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:GroupRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Terrorism
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Threat Prefix risk
Label Threat
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskIdentificationrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Subject of relation risk:exploitsVulnerability, risk:hasThreatSource
Object of relation risk:causedByThreat, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskIdentification, risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:isExploitedBy
Definition Risk source event which causes Risk
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Threat Source

Term ThreatSource Prefix risk
Label Threat Source
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskIdentificationrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Object of relation risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskIdentification, risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasThreatSource
Definition Source of threat event, including both agent and non-agent sources
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

Transfer Control

Term TransferControl Prefix risk
Label Transfer Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls, risk:transfers
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that aims to transfer the event (or risk) to another context or entity
Usage Note Transfer implies moving (physically or logically) the event to another context or entity. While Risk Management methods indicate risk transfer as occuring between entities, this concept is defined more broadly by including 'context or entity' so as to enable modelling cases where the transfer takes place between processes - which may be managed by the same or different entity. Additionally, typical use of 'Transfer' implies a formal mechanism such as an agreement, which is absent from this concept. If only partial responsibility is tranferred, such as for a specific measure, then this can be considered as an instance of sharing the risk - for which risk:ShareControl is provided
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

Transparency Control

Term TransparencyControl Prefix risk
Label Transparency Control
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, risk:RiskControl
Broader/Parent types risk:MonitorControlrisk:ProactiveControlrisk:RiskControldpv:RiskMitigationMeasuredpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure
Subject of relation risk:controls
Object of relation dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure, dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure, risk:hasControl
Definition Control that provides information about an event
Usage Note Transparency refers to the availability of information, whether for the same or different entity in relation to who establishes and operates the control, and where transparency implies having the means to obtain and use information about an event
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term Transphobia Prefix risk
Label Transphobia
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Sexismrisk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Hostility or prejudice against transgender people or those perceived as not conforming to traditional gender norms
Date Created 2024-09-30
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Access to Premises

Term UnauthorisedAccesstoPremises Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Access to Premises
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Access to Premises
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Activity

Term UnauthorisedActivity Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Activity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Activity
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Code Access

Term UnauthorisedCodeAccess Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Code Access
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Code Access
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Code Disclosure

Term UnauthorisedCodeDisclosure Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Code Disclosure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Code Disclosure
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Code Modification

Term UnauthorisedCodeModification Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Code Modification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Code Modification
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Data Access

Term UnauthorisedDataAccess Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Data Access
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Data Access
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Data Disclosure

Term UnauthorisedDataDisclosure Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Data Disclosure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Data Disclosure
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Data Modification

Term UnauthorisedDataModification Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Data Modification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Data Modification
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Information Disclosure

Term UnauthorisedInformationDisclosure Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Information Disclosure
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Information Disclosure
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Re-Identification

Term UnauthorisedReidentification Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Re-Identification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Re-Identification
Date Created 2022-08-19
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Georg P. Krog
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised Resource Use

Term UnauthorisedResourceUse Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised Resource Use
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised Resource Use
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised System Access

Term UnauthorisedSystemAccess Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised System Access
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised System Access
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unauthorised System Modification

Term UnauthorisedSystemModification Prefix risk
Label Unauthorised System Modification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unauthorised System Modification
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unwanted Code Deletion

Term UnwantedCodeDeletion Prefix risk
Label Unwanted Code Deletion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unwanted Code Deletion
Source ENISA Methodology for Sectoral Cybersecurity Assessments
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unwanted Data Deletion

Term UnwantedDataDeletion Prefix risk
Label Unwanted Data Deletion
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:AvailabilityConcept, risk:IntegrityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unwanted Data Deletion
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Unwanted Disclosure of Data

Term UnwantedDisclosureData Prefix risk
Label Unwanted Disclosure of Data
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:ConfidentialityConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:UnauthorisedActivityrisk:ExternalSecurityThreatrisk:TechnicalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Unwanted Disclosure of Data
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

User Risks

Term UserRisks Prefix risk
Label User Risks
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk, risk:PotentialRiskSource
Broader/Parent types risk:OrganisationalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concepts associated with risks that arise due to User or Human use
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Very High Likelihood

Term VeryHighLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Very High Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:5LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Very High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.9 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Very High Risk

Term VeryHighRisk Prefix risk
Label Very High Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:5RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Very High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.9 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Very High Severity

Term VeryHighSeverity Prefix risk
Label Very High Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:5SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Very High
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.9 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Very Low Likelihood

Term VeryLowLikelihood Prefix risk
Label Very Low Likelihood
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:5LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Broader/Parent types risk:7LikelihoodLevelsdpv:Likelihood
Object of relation dpv:hasLikelihood
Definition Level where Likelihood is Very Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.1 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Very Low Risk

Term VeryLowRisk Prefix risk
Label Very Low Risk
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:5RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Broader/Parent types risk:7RiskLevelsdpv:RiskLevel
Object of relation dpv:hasRiskLevel
Definition Level where Risk is Very Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.1 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Very Low Severity

Term VeryLowSeverity Prefix risk
Label Very Low Severity
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:5SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Broader/Parent types risk:7SeverityLevelsdpv:Severity
Object of relation dpv:hasSeverity
Definition Level where Severity is Very Low
Usage Note The suggested quantitative value for this concept is 0.1 on a scale of 0 to 1
Date Created 2022-08-18
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-LEVELS in RISK

Violating Code of Conduct

Term ViolatingCodeOfConduct Prefix risk
Label Violating Code of Conduct
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Violation of Code of Conduct
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationCodeConduct" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Contractual Obligation

Term ViolatingContractualObligation Prefix risk
Label Violating Contractual Obligation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:ViolatingObligationrisk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Violation of Contractual Obligations
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationContractualObligations" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Ethics Code

Term ViolatingEthicsCode Prefix risk
Label Violating Ethics Code
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Violation of Ethics Code
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationEthicalCode" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Legal Obligation

Term ViolatingLegalObligation Prefix risk
Label Violating Legal Obligation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:ViolatingObligationrisk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Violation of Legal Obligations
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationRegulatoryObligations" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Obligation

Term ViolatingObligation Prefix risk
Label Violating Obligation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as a or violates an obligation - e.g. in a law, code of conduct, policy, contract
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Policy

Term ViolatingPolicy Prefix risk
Label Violating Policy
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing violation of policy which can be either internal or external policy
Date Created 2024-12-17
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Prohibition

Term ViolatingProhibition Prefix risk
Label Violating Prohibition
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Something that acts as a or violates a prohibition - e.g. in a law, code of conduct, policy, contract
Date Created 2024-10-21
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violating Statutory Obligations

Term ViolatingStatutoryObligations Prefix risk
Label Violating Statutory Obligations
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:LegalComplianceRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:ViolatingObligationrisk:PolicyRiskrisk:LegalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Violation of Statutory Obligations
Usage Note This concept was called "ViolationStatutoryObligations" in DPV 2.0
Source ISO/IEC 27005:2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Violence against children

Term ViolenceAgainstChildren Prefix risk
Label Violence against children
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Broader/Parent types risk:Harmrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing Child Violence
Usage Note This concept was called "ChildViolence" in DPV 2.0
Source ENISA Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy 2018
Date Created 2022-08-17
Date Modified 2024-08-16
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK


Term Vulnerability Prefix risk
Label Vulnerability
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:RiskIdentificationrisk:RiskAssessmentrisk:RiskManagement
Subject of relation risk:isExploitedBy, risk:isVulnerabilityOf
Object of relation risk:causedByVulnerability, risk:exploitsVulnerability, risk:hasRiskAssessment, risk:hasRiskIdentification, risk:hasRiskManagement, risk:hasVulnerability
Definition Intrinsic property of a system or asset that is utilised by the Threat Source in a Threat event to cause Risk
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK


Term Wellbeing Prefix risk
Label Wellbeing
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:HealthSafetyrisk:IndividualRiskrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Concept representing wellbeing of individual(s)
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK

Workplace Discrimination

Term WorkplaceDiscrimination Prefix risk
Label Workplace Discrimination
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:RiskConcept, risk:PotentialConsequence, risk:PotentialImpact, risk:PotentialRisk
Broader/Parent types risk:Discriminationrisk:SocietalRiskConceptdpv:RiskConcept
Object of relation risk:avoids, risk:contains, risk:controls, risk:detects, risk:eliminates, risk:identifies, risk:interrupts, risk:intervenes, risk:investigates, risk:logs, risk:mitigates, risk:modifies, risk:monitors, risk:overrides, risk:recovers, risk:reduces, risk:remedies, risk:resolves, risk:reverses, risk:shares, risk:substitutes, risk:transfers
Definition Discrimination occuring at workplace or in the context of work environments
Date Created 2024-12-01
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-TAXONOMY in RISK



Term avoids Prefix risk
Label avoids
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:reduces
Domain includes risk:AvoidanceControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the event or action is avoided by the specified control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

caused by threat

Term causedByThreat Prefix risk
Label caused by threat
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:Threat
Definition Indicates the cause of associated context (subject) was the indicated threat (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

caused by vulnerability

Term causedByVulnerability Prefix risk
Label caused by vulnerability
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:Vulnerability
Definition Indicates the associated context (subject) is caused by the indicated vulnerability (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK


Term contains Prefix risk
Label contains
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:ContainmentControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is contained by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term controls Prefix risk
Label control
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes risk:RiskControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates this control manages specified risk concept event or action, such as for risk sources, risks, consequences, and impacts
Examples dex:E0086 :: Using Risk Controls to indicate measures adopted for a specific event
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in DEX


Term detects Prefix risk
Label detects
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:monitorsrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:monitors
Domain includes risk:DetectionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is detected by this control
Date Created 2024-12-01
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term eliminates Prefix risk
Label eliminates
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:avoidsrisk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:avoids
Domain includes risk:EliminationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is eliminated by this control
Date Created 2024-12-01
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

exploits vulnerability

Term exploitsVulnerability Prefix risk
Label exploits vulnerability
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes risk:Threat
Range includes risk:Vulnerability
Definition Indicates the threat (subject) exploits the indicated vulnerability (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has control

Term hasControl Prefix risk
Label has control
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskControl
Definition Indicates the use of specified control
Examples dex:E0071 :: Using risk controls to express how tech/org measures address the risk
Date Created 2024-02-14
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in DEX

has incident

Term hasIncident Prefix risk
Label has incident
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:Incident
Definition Indicates an incident is associated with the specified context
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section INCIDENT in RISK

has risk acceptance

Term hasRiskAcceptance Prefix risk
Label has risk acceptance
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskAcceptance
Definition Associates the risk acceptance plan or process or criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk analysis

Term hasRiskAnalysis Prefix risk
Label has risk analysis
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskAnalysis
Definition Associates the risk analysis
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk assessment

Term hasRiskAssessment Prefix risk
Label has risk assessment
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskAssessment
Definition Associates the risk assessment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk criteria

Term hasRiskCriteria Prefix risk
Label has risk criteria
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskCriteria
Definition Associates the risk criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk evaluation

Term hasRiskEvaluation Prefix risk
Label has risk evaluation
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskEvaluation
Definition Associates the risk evaluation plan or process or criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk identification

Term hasRiskIdentification Prefix risk
Label has risk identification
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskIdentification
Definition Associates the risk identification plan or process or criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk management

Term hasRiskManagement Prefix risk
Label has risk management
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskManagement
Definition Associates the risk management plan or process
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk owner

Term hasRiskOwner Prefix risk
Label has risk owner
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskOwner
Definition Indicates the risk owner
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk perception

Term hasRiskPerception Prefix risk
Label has risk perception
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskPerception
Definition Associates the risk perception plan or process or criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk source

Term hasRiskSource Prefix risk
Label has risk source
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Risk
Range includes risk:RiskSource
Definition Indicates the risk (subject) has the indicated risk source (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has risk treatment

Term hasRiskTreatment Prefix risk
Label has risk treatment
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:RiskTreatment
Definition Associates the risk treatment plan or process or criteria
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has threat source

Term hasThreatSource Prefix risk
Label has threat source
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes risk:Threat
Range includes risk:ThreatSource
Definition Indicates the threat (subject) has the indicated source (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

has vulnerability

Term hasVulnerability Prefix risk
Label has vulnerability
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Range includes risk:Vulnerability
Definition Indicates the associated context (subject) has indicated vulnerability (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK


Term identifies Prefix risk
Label identifies
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:monitorsrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:monitors
Domain includes risk:IdentificationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is identified by this control
Date Created 2024-12-01
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term interrupts Prefix risk
Label interrupts
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:reduces
Domain includes risk:InterruptionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is interrupted by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term intervenes Prefix risk
Label intervenes
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:reduces
Domain includes risk:InterventionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is intervened by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term investigates Prefix risk
Label investigates
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:InvestigationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is investigated by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

is exploited by

Term isExploitedBy Prefix risk
Label is exploited by
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes risk:Vulnerability
Range includes risk:Threat
Definition Indicates the vulnerability (subject) is exploited by the indicated threat (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK

is vulnerability of

Term isVulnerabilityOf Prefix risk
Label is vulnerability of
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes risk:Vulnerability
Definition Indicates the vulnerability (subject) is associated with indicated context (object)
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in RISK


Term logs Prefix risk
Label logs
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:monitorsrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:monitors
Domain includes risk:LoggingControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is logged by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term mitigates Prefix risk
Label mitigates
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:avoidsrisk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:avoids
Domain includes risk:MitigationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is mitigated by this control
Date Created 2024-12-01
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term modifies Prefix risk
Label modifies
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:avoidsrisk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:avoids
Domain includes risk:ModificationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is modified by this control
Date Created 2024-12-01
Date Modified 2025-01-06
Contributors Delaram Golpayegani, Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term monitors Prefix risk
Label monitors
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:MonitorControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is monitored by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term overrides Prefix risk
Label overrides
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:OverrideControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is overridden by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term recovers Prefix risk
Label recovers
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:resolvesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:resolves
Domain includes risk:RecoveryControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is recovered from by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term reduces Prefix risk
Label reduces
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:ReductionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is reduced by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

refers to risk

Term refersToRisk Prefix risk
Label refers to risk
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Domain includes dpv:Incident
Range includes dpv:Risk
Definition Indicates the incident (subject) is a materialisation of the indicated risk (object)
Examples dex:E0069 :: Using DPV and RISK extension to represent incidents
Date Created 2024-02-14
See More: section RISK-MANAGEMENT in DEX


Term remedies Prefix risk
Label remedies
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:resolvesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:resolves
Domain includes risk:RemediationControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is remedied by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term resolves Prefix risk
Label resolves
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:ResolutionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is resolved by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term reverses Prefix risk
Label reverses
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:resolvesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:resolves
Domain includes risk:ReversalControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is reversed by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term shares Prefix risk
Label shares
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:ShareControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is shared with another context or entity by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term substitutes Prefix risk
Label substitutes
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:avoidsrisk:reducesrisk:controls
Sub-property of risk:avoids
Domain includes risk:SubstitutionControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is substituted by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK


Term transfers Prefix risk
Label transfers
Type rdf:Property, skos:Concept
Broader/Parent types risk:controls
Sub-property of risk:controls
Domain includes risk:TransferControl
Range includes dpv:RiskConcept
Definition Indicates the specified event or action is transfered to another context or entity by this control
Date Created 2025-01-06
Contributors Harshvardhan J. Pandit
See More: section RISK-CONTROLS in RISK

DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Future Work

Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Funding Acknowledgements for Contributors

The contributions of Beatriz Esteves and Delaram Golpayegani have received funding through the PROTECT ITN Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813497, in particular through the development of AI Risk Ontology (AIRO) and Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR) which have been integrated in to this extension. Beatriz Esteves is funded by SolidLab Vlaanderen (Flemish Government, EWI and RRF project VV023/10), and by the imec.icon project PACSOI (HBC.2023.0752) which was co-financed by imec and VLAIO. Julian Flake received funding from the TITAN project funded under European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme grant#101129822 and from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme grant#101123471 (EDGE-Skills).

The contributions of Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Delaram Golpayegani, and Rob Brennan have been made with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre.

Changelog for v2.1

total terms: 549 ; added: 282 ; removed: 104 ;

The changelog provides more information on concepts that have been added/removed in this version. Below is a summary of the changes.