DPVCG Meeting Call

23 JUL 2024


beatrizEsteves, catarinaSilva, harshPandit, julianFlake, paulRyan, tyttiRintamaki
harsh, harshPandit

Meeting minutes

Repository: w3c/dpv

Meeting minutes: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings

purl for this meeting: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings/meeting-2024-07-23

Citation in repo

<ghurlbot> Issue 172 Create a CITATION.cff file (by nuthub)

harsh: adding this file to the repo creates a suggested citation for the repo, see demo at coolharsh55/dpv-x

harsh: citation info in file https://github.com/coolharsh55/dpv-x/blob/master/CITATION.cff - cites the arXiv preprint instead of the repo

discussed and accepted to implement this

Legal fixes

<ghurlbot> Issue 48 Specify association between law, authority, and jurisdiction in documentation of respective concepts (by coolharsh55)

harsh: authoriries are now visible in legal pages, e.g. see w3id.org/dpv/legal which includes mapping between laws and authorities

harsh: There is a regression here regarding laws and authorities specified. Previously we had all EU DPAs listed - however with the new structure we would need to create an extension for each country e.g. AT, FR, IT and then specify the law and DPA within that jurisdiction extension. We shouldn't make this (major) change in 2.0 and instead should do it in 2.1 which we are expecting in 6 months.

discussed and agreed

404 page

harsh: created an example custom 404 page that shows helpful information including a sitemap, see demo https://harshp.com/dpv-x/404 which tries to guess whether there is a typo in the url or purl, shows versioned url if unversioned url is used, and shows a sitemap like structure to pick the intended page

discussed and agreed


agreed to start work on next version with number 2.1-dev

Lawfulness concepts

harsh: added lawfulness concepts for DGA, NIS2, and AI Act. For NIS2 added a note to the HTML that the lawfulness is dependant on implementing laws in countries and that the NIS2 lawfulness concepts are a generic indicator of compliance with NIS2 which is a directive

<ghurlbot> Issue 170 Add Lawfulness concept for each Law/Regulation (by coolharsh55)


julianFlake: had previously indicated interest in mapping IDSA concepts to DPV, but the focus in project has changed to GAIA-X - there are still terms and concepts there that can benefit from the mapping

beatrizEsteves: interested and continuing to work on IDSA as it is relevant for the projects in IMEC/Gent

harsh: in this case, better to have a spreadsheet with the mapping data which we can then use to discuss for both IDSA and GAIA-X, see example where spreadsheet has columns: Concept, Parent, mapping type (broader/ narrower/ exact), DPV concept, new concept, parent of new concept, notes

Next Meeting

next meeting will be in 1 week on TUESDAY 30 JULY at 13:30 WEST / 14:40 CEST. Agenda will be continuation of current discussion with any updates on github/mailing list and AOB.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).