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Repository for Authorized EPUB 3 Translations

This repository hosts the “authorized translations” of the various EPUB Documents maintained by the EPUB 3 Working Group.

The term “authorized translations” refers to translations that get an official W3C “stamp”, go through a process of quality control, and are stored and referred to on the W3C servers. As a result they can be referred to for more formal purposes, as part of governmental regulations.

Repository Structure

The contents of each folder are as follows:

Contributing to the Repository

Use the standard fork, branch, and pull request workflow to propose changes to the specification. Please make branch names informative—by including the issue or bug number for example.

Editorial changes that improve the readability of the documents or correct spelling or grammatical mistakes are welcome.

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md, about licensing contributions.

Code of Conduct

W3C functions under a code of conduct.

For any further help, contact Ivan Herman, Wendy Reid, Shinya Takami, Dave Cramer, or Matt Garrish