
Minutes of Meeting 3, 2020-09-21, 16:00–17:30 UTC




It’s known that there were 35 participants at 17:19:20 UTC, however we didn’t get to capture all the names. Liang has reconstructed the following list from the meeting notes, etc. FTCG members are marked with asterisks


Standing items

  1. New participants to self-introduce
    • Scott Kellum: Typetura - responsive development
    • Dominik Röttsches: Google - working on Chrome
    • Nat McCully: Adobe, in charge of client/text-related things, including text layout
    • Josh Hadley: Adobe, FDK
    • Nikolaus Waxweiler: Dalton Maag, font engineering
    • Chris Lilley: W3C, CSS4 fonts spec editor, fonts WG
    • Duncan MacMichael: PM of DirectWrite
  2. Record attendance
  3. Review the last meeting’s minutes
  4. Review existing proposals
  5. Schedule the next meeting
    • Liang Hai: Next meeting, provisionally the same time 4 weeks later. We’ll fire up another Doodle poll to confirm, in case there’s a better time slot.

Additional items

  1. Review and ideally approve the draft charter
    • Liang: Last meeting mostly focused on figuring out how to form an organisation. Consensus was to move to CG under W3C guidance. Since then Simon drafted a charter, it’s temporary, to kickstart the work. Has been very helpful for the past month. W3C experts provided expertise on how to write draft charter and explained tooling on Github side. This meeting aim is to approve the proposed charter. One main point is that it is not meant to be long-term and static. Just want to kick-start our work, with a minimum understanding and avoid accidental problems for corporate participants with strict legal departments and don’t want to step into patent issues. W3c structure provides minimal coverage of legal issues. We are proceeding carefully to be respectful of people employed at companies with legal departments wary of patent risks, and who can therefore not attend informal meetings. If we just go ahead and do technical contributions, new standards etc., then many corporate employees will have to back off because their legal departments will find it risky to allow their employees to participate. So we started thinking we needed to clarify a strictly defined scope for the group. Slowly we realised we don’t have to carry out any projects in the single group and can spin off new groups for specific technical projects and contributions and for a specific subset of people to participate in that. So the FTCG should be relatively stable. Envisage it like a triage area - we have a thorough understanding of how it works, we don’t just have field-specific knowledge, but we want to make every link work together. We identify issues and accept proposals but we don’t necessarily have to work on those issues under this group’s coverage and can spawn subgroups. Legally they have their own charter.

D: Charter approved (with edits mentioned above) in two weeks, unless someone objects.

RESOLVED: Charter with edits must be made available by the end of day 24 September 2020 to allow for review.

  1. Confirm the move of discussions to GitHub’s issues system

RESOLVED: default to GH for substantive discussion, modify charter to reflect that.

RESOLVED: Create repo under W3C organization e.g. w3c/font-text

  1. Discuss potential projects at this stage
  2. Summarize recent discussions on the MPEG-OTSPEC mailing list
  1. Nominate chairs