The Most Important HTML element

The <a> or anchor element is the most powerful and flexible element in HTML. This tutorial will show you how to use it for all sorts of things.


The <a> element is primarily used for hyperlinking so we’ll start with an example of that:

View the <a href="#footer">Footer<a>.

This may draw something like:

View the Footer.

Try clicking the link!

You can also use an <a> with an id attribute as the destination of a hyperlink!

You have reached the <a id="destination">destination</a>

This may draw something like:

You have reached the destination.

Hyperlink and destination

You can combine these two techniques and make a hyperlink that is also a destination!

<a href="#away" id="back">jump away</a>

This may draw something like:

jump away.

Try clicking the link above!

If you did, you should have seen the page scroll down, and another link to click to jump back.

Continue to the next tutorial: A Block.


Now click this link to jump back


A block

Thanks to the power of CSS, you can style an <a> element to contain a whole block of text, with some spacing like a paragraph:

… the end of some text.

<a style="display:block; margin:1em 0">Here is a block</a>

Some more text.

This may draw something like:

… the end of some text. Here is a block Some more text.

While the <a> element can be used this way, please use a semantic <p> element instead in practice.

Many more roles for A using ARIA

Using the ARIA role attribute you can redefine an <a> element to perform many more roles as it were.

Using CSS attribute selectors which detect such <a> elements with specific role attributes, you can style them to also appear consistent with their roles.

See the MDN Documentation on WAI-ARIA Roles for the list of role attribute values you can use to turn <a> elements into so many more things which are left as an exercise for the hacker.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!