Web Monetization API Tutorial


The Web Monetization API allows websites to automatically and passively receive nanopayments from Web Monetization-enabled visitors. This tutorial will walk you through the process of integrating the Web Monetization JavaScript API into your website.

Get Your Payment Pointer

To start using Web Monetization, you need to add a payment pointer to your website. The payment pointer an Interledger payment address, and you can get one from any Interledger-enabled wallet. The popular wallets are Fynbos and GateHub. Your payment pointer will look something like this: https://ilp.dev/laka

Simplest Usage Example

Once you have a payment pointer, add the following link tag to the head of your HTML document:

<link rel="monetization" href="https://ilp.dev/laka">
Note: Make sure to replace ilp.dev/laka with your actual payment pointer from your wallet provider.

That's it! It was that simple, a single line of HTML. You've successfully added Web Monetization to your website. Now, when a visitor with a Web Monetization-enabled browser visits your site, they will automatically stream payments to your payment pointer.

JavaScript API

The Web Monetization API emits a monetization event you can listen for, with the following properties:

Advanced Use Cases

The monetization event fires when a Web Monetization agent successfully creates an outgoing payment request at the Web Monetization provider. There’s no guarantee that any payments will follow or, if they do, how often or how large the payments will be. By listening for monetization events, you can use the returned details to verify the receipt of a payment. You can then choose to have the page programmatically respond to successful payments. For example, you could remove ads or provide access to exclusive content.

Exclusive Content

One of the most common use cases for Web Monetization is to provide exclusive content to paying visitors. You can use the monetization event to check if a visitor has paid and then show them premium content. Here's an example of how you might do this:

<!-- this should be set to your own wallet address -->
<link rel="monetization" href="https://wallet.example.com/alice" />
.hidden {
display: none;
const link = document.querySelector('link[rel="monetization"]')
if (link.relList.supports('monetization')) {
link.addEventListener('monetization', (ev) => {
<p>Content will appear below here if you are Web monetized.</p>
<hr />
<div id="exclusive" class="hidden">Here's some exclusive content!</div>