Demo of the <i-slide> Web component

<i-slide> is a Web component that allows embedding HTML and PDF slides inside a Web page.

It works with the Shower HTML slides engine.

<i-slide src=''></i-slide>

allows to embed the second slide of the referenced slideset:

It also works with the b6+ HTML slides engine.

<i-slide src=''></i-slide>

allows to embed the third slide of the referenced slideset:

It also works with the PDF slides.

<i-slide src=''></i-slide>

allows to embed the fifth slide of the referenced slideset:

The PDF slides instead of being in a separate URL can be loaded from data: URL, via a link element whose id is used in a srcref attribute.

<a href="data:application/pdf;base64,..." id="datapdf" download="slides.pdf">download PDF slides</a><i-slide srcref='datapdf#page=1'></i-slide>

allows to embed the 1st slide of the data-url slideset:

When imported with a query string set to selector=a.islide, it replaces matching elements (here, a elements with a class set to islide) with an i-slide element.

<a href=''>slide 4</a>

will ultimately embed the fourth slide of the referenced slideset:

slide 4