Links for i18n WG participants
This page points to useful information for participants in the i18n WG, and especially for new participants.
Use the project radar to orientate yourself and get an overview of what we're working on, and how it fits together. Then use this page to find useful links as you explore further.
Current projects & news
- Project RADAR An overview of current activity, grouped by work area. This would normally be your starting point for getting to know the work of the Working Group (WG).
- i18n WG tracker Tracks issues raised against documents we are developing, or those developed by task forces.
- i18n home page
- @webi18n on mastodon
- @webi18n on bluesky
- @webi18n on twitter
Layout requirements
- Language enablement index Index of requirements for text layout.
- Type samples Samples of layout features in the wild.
- Analysing support for text layout on the Web An overview of the current framework we use for gathering requirements and analysing gaps.
- Setting up a Gap Analysis Project Gap analysis projects look at how well a language or set of languages is supported on the Web in terms of text layout, and creates proposals for improving support where needed.
- Gap-analysis Pipeline
- Current layout work
- List of repos
Spec reviews
- How to do a review Step-by-step guidelines about how to raise review comments.
- Review radar Upcoming and ongoing reviews by the i18n WG.
- Review comment tracker Review comments we are tracking.
- Spec development techniques Do's and dont's, with links to explanations and examples, and links to useful documents. Use this as your source of ideas and information when starting a review.
- Spec review process overview Presentation describing how i18n folks do reviews, and including tips for chairs and staff contacts.
Education & outreach
- Authoring web pages Do's and dont's, with links to explanations and examples, and links to useful documents. We refer to it as a techniques index.
- Authoring SVG Less well developed than the HTML/CSS techniques. We welcome volunteers to improve this.
- Authoring XML ditto
- Article list A short-cut to the articles and tutorials the W3C i18n WG produces.
- Article development pipeline See what educational material we're currently working on, and what's out for review.
- i18n checker Run your pages through this checker to see if there are any issues.
- Language subtag lookup Find or check language tags and subtags. Uses the latest BCP47 data.
- Other tools Review comments we are tracking.
- i18n tests Test results with links to the tests themselves.
Tech reports
- Documents in TR space ie. under
Working documents
- i18n-discuss We typically create early drafts of information using HTML documents or wiki pages at the i18n-discuss GitHub repo.
- i18n wiki There is also an i18n wiki which we sometimes use, and which contains some legacy data.
- Article development process
- Editorial guidelines for i18n docs