
Rights Automation Community Group

Teleconference 2020-04-29

Please send your regrets in advance.

If you are unfamiliar with the W3C you may want to review the orientation guide.


Chair: Ben Whittam Smith

Known Regrets: None

Date: 2009-04-29T1500Z

Please join by both voice and by IRC (details)

Dial-in Details are on the Calendar Invite (group member only link)

IRC Channel: md-odrl-profile, (Web interface)


  1. Confirmation of Admin Arrangements
    1. Confirmation of Chairs Ben Whittam Smith (Refinitiv) and Jo Rabin (Deutsche Bank)
    2. Confirmation of Draft Charter
    3. Confirmation of Meeting Cadence (every other Wednesday at 1100 US Eastern)
    4. Confirmation of Ben as initial editor
  2. Welcome to W3C
  3. Meeting Conventions and Conduct (review orientation guide above)
  4. Deliverables: status and toolsets
  5. AOB


Documents and links on the group GitHub pages