
Rights Automation Community Group

Teleconference 2020-08-05

Please send your regrets in advance.

If you are unfamiliar with the W3C you may want to review the orientation guide.


Chair: Jo

Known Regrets: Renato

Date: 2020-08-05T1500Z

Please join by both voice and by IRC (details)

Dial-in Details are on the Calendar Invite (group member only link)

IRC Channel: md-odrl-profile, (Web interface)


  1. Admin
    1. Minutes of last meeting
  2. Editors’ Update (Ben, Mark B)
    1. Discussion of Temporal Aspects - ISSUE-14
    2. Policy Lifecycle Descriptors
    3. To Vote - Updated definitions of Notify and Report
  3. AOB


Documents and links on the group GitHub pages