Teleconference 2020-09-16
Please send your regrets in advance.
If you are unfamiliar with the W3C you may want to review the orientation guide.
Chair: Jo
Known Regrets: Renato
Date: 2020-09-16T1500Z
- 1100-1200 US Eastern
- 1600-1700 UK/Ireland
- 1700-1800 CET
Please join by both voice and by IRC (details)
Dial-in Details are on the Calendar Invite (group member only link)
IRC Channel: md-odrl-profile, (Web interface)
- Admin
- Minutes of last meeting
- Editors’ Update (Ben, Mark): Time To Take Stock
- Clarify our deliverables: the Standard, the Test Cases, the Use Cases, the License Translations
- What have we done so far - and what do we have left to do? When are we finished, and what does finished mean? Can we finish by December?
- Should we shift language design to the “off week”?
- Report on the FISD Exchange Forum
Documents and links on the group GitHub pages