Intent Examples

MathCAT Version: 0.6.8-rc.2

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MathML MathML (default intents) MathML (explicit intents) TeX Comments
1,234 + 1,234
<math display='block'>
1234 plus 1234
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
1234 plus 1234
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
1234 plus 1234
<math display='block'>
 <mn intent='1.234:decimal-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent='1.234:decimal-comma'>1,234</mn>
1.234 plus 1.234
<math display='block'>
 <mn intent=':decimal-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent=':decimal-comma'>1,234</mn>
1234 plus 1234
1,234+1{,}234 decimal comma
1,234 ; 1,234 ; 1,234,000
<math display='block'>
1234 semicolon 1234 semicolon 1234000
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
1234 semicolon 1234 semicolon 1234000
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
1234 semicolon 1234 semicolon 1234000
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <mn intent='1234:thousands-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent='1234:thousands-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent='1234000:thousands-comma'>1,234,000</mn>
1234 semicolon 1234 semicolon 1234000
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <mn intent=':thousands-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent=':thousands-comma'>1,234</mn>
 <mn intent=':thousands-comma'>1,234,000</mn>
1234 semicolon 1234 semicolon 1234000
1,234; 1,234; 1,234,000 grouping comma
<math display='block'>
negative 3
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
negative 3
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
minus 3
<math display='block'>
 <mn intent='-3'>−3</mn>
minus 3
-3 mn -3
<math display='block'>
negative 3
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
negative 3
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
minus 3
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='-3'>
minus 3
-3 mrow mo -3
<math display='block'>
10 comma, 16
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
10 comma, 16
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x comma, XVI
<math display='block'>
 <mn intent=':roman-numeral'>X</mn><mo>,</mo><mn intent=':roman-numeral'>XVI</mn>
10 comma, 16
\text{X},\text{XVI} Roman Numerals
Super and Sub Scripts
x 2
<math display='block'>
x squared
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x squared
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x super 2 end super
<math display='block'>
x squared
x^2 squared
x 3
<math display='block'>
x cubed
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x cubed
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x super 3 end super
<math display='block'>
x cubed
x^3 cubed
H 2
<math display='block'>
  <mi mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
h squared
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
h squared
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
h super 2 end super
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='index($H,$n)'>
  <mi arg='H' mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
  <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
index of, h comma 2
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='index:silent($H,$n)'>
  <mi arg='H' mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
  <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
h 2
\mathrm{H}^2 2nd Cohomology
<math display='block'>
R 2
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
R 2
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
double-struck r super 2 end super
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='vector-space-power($R,$n)'>
  <mi arg='R'>&#x211D;</mi>
  <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
vector space power of, the real numbers comma 2
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='vector-space-power:silent(_R,$n)'>
  <mi arg='R'>&#x211D;</mi>
  <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
R 2
\mathbb{R}^2 R 2
x n
<math display='block'>
x to the n-th
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x to the n-th
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x super n end super
<math display='block'>
x to the n-th
x^n x to nth
<math display='block'>
  <mo>&#x2020;<!-- U+2020--></mo>
x dagger,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x dagger,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x dagger
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='x-dagger'>
  <mo>&#x2020;<!-- U+2020--></mo>
x dagger
x^\dagger dagger
x T
<math display='block'>
  <mi mathvariant='normal'>T</mi>
x transpose
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x transpose
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x super t end super
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='$op($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
x transpose
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <msup intent='$op:function($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of, x
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <msup intent='transpose:function($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of, x
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='_($op, _of, $arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of x
<math display='block'>
  <msup intent='_:silent($op, _of, $arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of x
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <msup intent='_transpose($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of, x
x^{\mathrm{T}} x transpose
x T
<math display='block'>
  <mi mathvariant='normal'>T</mi>
x pre superscript t,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x pre superscript t,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x pre superscript t,
<math display='block'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='$op($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
x transpose
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='$op:function($arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='_($op, _of, $arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of x
<math display='block'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='_:silent($op, _of, $arg)'>
  <mi arg='arg'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='op'
transpose of x
{}^{\mathrm{T}}x x transpose pre-sup
x i j T
<math display='block'>
  <mi mathvariant='normal'>T</mi>
x sub i j end subscript, to the t-th
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x sub i j end subscript, to the t-th
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x sub i j super t end super
<math display='block'>
 <msubsup intent='transpose(index:silent($x,$sub))'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mrow arg='sub' intent=':index'>
  <mi mathvariant='normal'>T</mi>
x i j transpose
<math display='block'>
  <mrow arg='sub' intent=':index'>
  <mi intent='transpose:postfix' mathvariant='normal'>T</mi>
x sub i j end subscript, to the transpose
<math display='block'>
 <msubsup intent='transpose(sub:infix($base, $sub))'>
  <mi arg='base'>x</mi>
  <mrow arg='sub' intent=':index'>
, x sub i j, transpose
x_{ij}^{\mathrm{T}} x sub transpose
4 th
<math display='block'>
4 to the th
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
4 to the th
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
4 super th end super
<math display='block'>
  <mi intent='ordinal-mark'>th</mi>
4 to the ordinal mark
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='ordinal-mark:silent($n,$th)'>
  <mn arg='n'>4</mn>
  <mi arg='th'>th</mi>
4 th
<math display='block'>
 <msup intent='_4th'>
4{\mathrm{th} ordinal 4th
A = n = 0 a n X n R X
<math display='block'>
eigh is equal to; the sum from n is equal to 0 to infinity of; eigh sub n x to the n-th; is an element of; r, left white square bracket, x right white square bracket
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
eigh is equal to; the sum from n is equal to 0 to infinity of; eigh sub n x to the n-th; is an element of; r, left white square bracket, x right white square bracket
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
eigh is equal to; sum with n is equal to 0 below and infinity above; eigh sub n x super n end super; is an element of; r, left white square bracket, x right white square bracket
<math display='block'>
   <mrow intent='power-series($r,$x)'>
    <mi arg='r'>R</mi>
    <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
eigh is equal to; the sum from n is equal to 0 to infinity of; eigh sub n x to the n-th; is an element of, power series of, r comma x
<math display='block'>
   <mrow intent='_(0)'>
   <msup intent='_power:silent($x,_to_the,$n)'>
    <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
    <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
   <mrow intent='power-series:silent(
    <mi arg='r'>R</mi>
    <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
eigh is equal to; the sum from 0 to infinity of; eigh sub n x to the n; is an element of, r power series over x
A=\sum_0^\infty a_n X^n \in R\lBrack X \rBrack formal power series
sin 2 𝜃 + cos 2 𝜃 = 1
<math display='block'>
sine squared of theta, plus cosine squared of theta; is equal to 1
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
sine squared of theta, plus cosine squared of theta; is equal to 1
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
sine super 2 end super of theta, plus, cosine super 2 end super of theta; is equal to 1
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='apply:silent'>&#x2061;</mo>
  <mi intent='theta'>𝜃</mi>
  <mo intent='apply:silent'>&#x2061;</mo>
  <mi intent='theta'>𝜃</mi>
sine squared theta, plus cosine squared theta; is equal to 1
\sin^2\theta + \cos^2\theta=1 sin squared plus cos squared
Combinations and Permutations
( n k )
<math display='block'>
  <mfrac linethickness='0pt'>
n choose k
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
n choose k
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren n over k, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='binomial($n,$k)'>
  <mfrac linethickness='0pt'>
   <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
   <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
n choose k
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='binomial:infix($n,$k)'>
  <mfrac linethickness='0pt'>
   <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
   <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
, n binomial k,
\binom{n}{k} binom n k
C k n
<math display='block'>
n choose k
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
n choose k
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
c pre superscript n, subscript k
<math display='block'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='binomial($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
n choose k
<math display='block'>
 <mmultiscripts intent='binomial:infix($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
, n binomial k,
{}^n C_k binom sup n C sub k
C k n
<math display='block'>
c sub k, to the n-th
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
c sub k, to the n-th
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
c sub k super n end super
<math display='block'>
 <msubsup intent='binomial($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
n choose k
<math display='block'>
 <msubsup intent='binomial:infix($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
, n binomial k,
C^n_k binom C sup n sub k
C ( n , k )
<math display='block'>
c of, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
c of, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
c, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='binomial($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
n choose k
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='binomial:infix($n,$k)'>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
, n binomial k,
C(n,k) binom C n k
P k n
<math display='block'>
k permutations of n
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
k permutations of n
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
p pre superscript n, subscript k
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
permutation of, n comma k
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
permutation n k,
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
permutation of k from n,
{}^n P_k permutations sup n P sub k
P k n
<math display='block'>
k permutations of n
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
k permutations of n
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
p sub k super n end super
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
p of, n comma k
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
k permutations of n
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
permutation n k,
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
permutation of k from n,
P^n_k permutations P sup n sub k
P ( n , k )
<math display='block'>
p of, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
p of, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
p, open paren n comma, k, close paren
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
k permutations of n
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
permutation n k,
<math display='block'>
     intent='_permutation:prefix(_of,$k,_from, $n)'>
  <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
  <mi arg='k'>k</mi>
permutation of k from n,
P(n,k) permutations P n k
x y
<math display='block'>
x is a subset of y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x is a subset of y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x is a subset of y
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='subset'>&#x2282;</mo>
x subset y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='_is_a_subset_of:infix($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
, x is a subset of y,
x \subset y subset
x y
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='parallel'>‖</mo>
x parallel y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x parallel y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x parallel y
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='parallel'>‖</mo>
x parallel y
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='_is_parallel_to'>‖</mo>
x is parallel to y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='_($x,_is,$op,_to,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='op' intent='parallel'>‖</mo>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
x is parallel to y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='_:silent($x,_is,$op,_to,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='op' intent='parallel'>‖</mo>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
x is parallel to y
x \parallel y parallel
A ( n , m )
<math display='block'>
eigh of, open paren n comma, m, close paren
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
eigh of, open paren n comma, m, close paren
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
eigh of, open paren n comma, m, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$A($n,$m)'>
  <mi arg='A' intent='Ackerman'>A</mi>
   <mi arg='n'>n</mi>
   <mi arg='m'>m</mi>
Ackerman of, n comma m
<math display='block'>
  <mi intent='Ackerman'>A</mi>
Ackerman of, open paren n comma, m, close paren
<math display='block'>
  <mi intent='A:Ackerman'>A</mi>
eigh of, open paren n comma, m, close paren
A(m,n) Ackerman or A
Higher Order Functions
( g h ) ( x )
<math display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; open paren x close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$op3($x)'>
  <msup arg='op3' intent='$op2($composed)'>
   <mrow arg='composed' intent='$op1:infix($g,$h)'>
    <mi arg='g'>g</mi>
    <mo arg='op1' intent='function-composition'>∘</mo>
    <mi arg='h'>h</mi>
   <mo arg='op2' intent='first-derivative'>′</mo>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
first derivative of; g function composition h, applied to x
(g∘h)′(x) low (g∘h)′(x)
( g h ) ( x )
<math display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; open paren x close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='first-derivative(function-composition:infix(g,h))(x)'>
first derivative of; g function composition h, applied to x
(g∘h)′(x) high (g∘h)′(x)
( g h ) ( x )
<math display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; times x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime; open paren x close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='apply($op3,$x)'>
  <msup arg='op3' intent='apply($op2,$composed)'>
   <mrow arg='composed' intent='apply:infix($op1,$g,$h)'><!-- ?-->
    <mi arg='g'>g</mi>
    <mo arg='op1' intent='function-composition'>∘</mo>
    <mi arg='h'>h</mi>
   <mo arg='op2' intent='first-derivative'>′</mo>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
apply of, apply of, first derivative comma; function composition apply g apply h, comma x
(g∘h)′(x) apply (g∘h)′(x)
( g h ) ( x )
<math display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime, of x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime, of x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren, g composed with h, close paren prime of open paren x close paren
<math display='block'>
  <msup intent='first-derivative($composed)'>
   <mrow arg='composed'>
    <mo intent='composed-with'>∘</mo>
  <mo>&#x2061;</mo> <!-- apply function -->
first derivative of, open paren, g composed with h, close paren of x
(g∘h)′(x) leaf (g∘h)′(x)
f * ( p )
<math display='block'>
f star, of p
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
f star, of p
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
f star of open paren p close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='convex-conjugate(f)(p)'>
convex conjugate of, f applied to p
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$fs($p)'>
  <msup arg='fs' intent='convex-conjugate($f)'>
   <mi arg='f'>f</mi>
   <mi arg='p'>p</mi>
convex conjugate of, f applied to p
<math display='block'>
  <msup intent=':decorated-function'>
   <mo intent='convex-conjugate'>*</mo>
f convex conjugate, of p
f^*(p) hof convex conjugate
🐇 X
<math display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='my-function'>&#x1F407;</mo>
my function x
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='my-function:function'>&#x1F407;</mo>
my function x
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='my-function:silent'>&#x1F407;</mo>
🐇 X intent on prefix mo
🐇 X
<math display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='my-function($X)'>
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
my function of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='my-function:function($X)'>
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
my function of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='my-function:prefix($X)'>
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
my function x,
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='my-function:postfix($X)'>
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
, x my function
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='my-function:silent(
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
rabbit function applied to x
🐇 X intent on mrow of prefix mo
x y
<math display='block'>
x cross product y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x cross product y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x cross product y
<math display='block'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='prod'
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
x cross product y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$prod($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='prod'
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
cross product
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$prod:infix($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='prod'
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
cross product
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$prod:function($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='prod'
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
cross product
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$prod:silent(
               _vector_product, _of, $x, _with, $y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo arg='prod'
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
cross product
x \vectimes y vectimes hints
x y
<math display='block'>
x squared plus y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x squared plus y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x squared plus y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='foo:infix($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
, x foo y,
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='foo'>&#x229e;</mo>
x foo y
x \boxplus y x foo/boxplus y
| x |
<math display='block'>
the absolute value of x,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the absolute value of x,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
vertical line x vertical line
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='absolute-value($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
the absolute value of x,
\lvert x\rvert vert x abs
| x | 2
<math display='block'>
the absolute value of x, sub 2
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the absolute value of x, sub 2
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
vertical line x vertical line sub 2
<math display='block'>
 <msub intent='l2-norm($x)'>
   <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
l2 norm of, x
\lvert x\rvert_2 l2 norm x
| M |
<math display='block'>
the determinant of m
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the determinant of m
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
vertical line m vertical line
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='determinant($M)'>
  <mi arg='M'>M</mi>
the determinant of m
\lvert M\rvert vert M determinant
| a b c d |
<math display='block'>
the 2 by 2 determinant; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; c, d; end determinant
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the 2 by 2 determinant; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; c, d; end determinant
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
vertical line; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; b; row 2;
column 1; c,
column 2; d; vertical line
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='determinant($M)'>
  <mtable arg='M' intent=':matrix'>
the determinant of the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; c, d; end matrix end determinant
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$M'>
  <mtable arg='M' intent=':determinant'>
the 2 by 2 determinant; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; c, d; end determinant
\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{vmatrix} vert abcd determinant
<math display='block'>
magnitude of, x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
magnitude of, x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
double vertical line x double vertical line
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='magnitude($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
magnitude of, x
\lVert x\rVert Vert x magnitude
] x , y [
<math display='block'>
close bracket, x comma; y open bracket
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
close bracket, x comma; y open bracket
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
close bracket, x comma; y open bracket
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='open-interval($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
the open interval from x to y
\mathopen] x,y\mathclose[\rVert open-open inverted bracket
( x , y )
<math display='block'>
open paren x comma, y, close paren
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren x comma, y, close paren
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren x comma, y, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='open-interval($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
the open interval from x to y
(x,y) open-open
( x , y ]
<math display='block'>
the open closed interval from x to y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the open closed interval from x to y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren x comma, y, close bracket
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='open-closed-interval($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
the open closed interval from x to y
(x,y] open-closed
[ x , y )
<math display='block'>
the closed open interval from x to y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the closed open interval from x to y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open bracket, x comma, y, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='closed-open-interval($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
the closed open interval from x to y
[x,y) closed-open
[ x , y ]
<math display='block'>
the closed interval from x to y
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the closed interval from x to y
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open bracket, x comma, y, close bracket
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='closed-interval($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
the closed interval from x to y
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='closed-interval:prefix($x,$y)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
closed interval x y,
[x,y] closed-closed
( x y c d )
<math display='block'>
open paren, x y c d, close paren
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
open paren, x y c d, close paren
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren, x y c d, close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='vector($x,$y,$c,$d)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='c'>c</mi>
  <mi arg='d'>d</mi>
vector of, x comma y comma c comma d
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='cycle($x,$y,$c,$d)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='c'>c</mi>
  <mi arg='d'>d</mi>
cycle of, x comma y comma c comma d
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='vector:prefix($x,$y,$c,$d)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='c'>c</mi>
  <mi arg='d'>d</mi>
vector x y c d,
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='cycle:prefix($x,$y,$c,$d)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='c'>c</mi>
  <mi arg='d'>d</mi>
cycle x y c d,
(a\,b\,c\,d) cycle thin space
[ a b x y ]
<math display='block'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open bracket; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; b; row 2;
column 1; x,
column 2; y; close bracket
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent=':matrix'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent=':array'>
array of, row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; b; comma, row 2;
column 1; x,
column 2; y;
\begin{bmatrix} a&b\\ x&y \end{bmatrix} bmatrix
( a b x y )
<math display='block'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; b; row 2;
column 1; x,
column 2; y; close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent=':matrix'>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; eigh, b; row 2; x, y; end matrix
\begin{pmatrix} a&b\\ x&y \end{pmatrix} pmatrix
{ x + y = 2 x y = 0
<math display='block'>
2 cases,
case 1; x plus y, is equal to 2;
case 2; x minus y, is equal to 0;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
2 cases,
case 1; x plus y, is equal to 2;
case 2; x minus y, is equal to 0;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open brace; table with 2 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; x plus y,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; 2; row 2;
column 1; x minus y,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; 0;
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent=':system-of-equations'>
2 cases,
case 1; x plus y, is equal to 2;
case 2; x minus y, is equal to 0;
\left\{\begin{aligned} x+y &= 2 \\ x-y &=0 \end{aligned}\right. braced system of equations
f(x) = { x  if  x<0 x  if  x0
<math display='block'>
 <mi>f</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo>
  <mtable columnalign="right left" columnspacing="0" rowspacing=".2em">
f of x is equal to; 2 cases,
case 1; negative x if x is less than 0;
case 2; x if , x is greater than or equal to 0;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
f of x is equal to; 2 cases,
case 1; negative x if x is less than 0;
case 2; x if , x is greater than or equal to 0;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
f open paren x close paren; is equal to; open brace; table with 2 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; minus x,
column 2; if ,
column 3; x is less than 0; row 2;
column 1; x,
column 2; if ,
column 3; x is greater than or equal to 0;
<math display='block'>
 <mi>f</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo>
  <mo intent=":silent">{</mo>
  <mtable intent=":piecewise" columnalign="right left" columnspacing="0" rowspacing=".2em">
f of x is equal to; 2 cases,
case 1; negative x if x is less than 0;
case 2; x if x is greater than or equal to 0;
f(x)=\begin{cases}... piecewise function definition
2 x = 1 y > x 3
<math display='block'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
2 equations,
equation 1; 2 x is equal to 1;
equation 2; y is greater than, x minus 3;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
2 equations,
equation 1; 2 x is equal to 1;
equation 2; y is greater than, x minus 3;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
table with 2 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; 2 x,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; 1; row 2;
column 1; y,
column 2; is greater than,
column 3; x minus 3;
<math display='block'>
 <mtable intent=':system-of-equations'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
2 equations,
equation 1; 2 x is equal to 1;
equation 2; y is greater than, x minus 3;
\begin{align}... align 1
a = b + c d + e f
<math display='block'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'></mtd>
   <mtd columnalign='center'></mtd>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
    <mo form='infix'>+</mo>
2 equations,
equation 1; eigh is equal to, b plus c minus d;
equation 2; plus e minus f;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
2 equations,
equation 1; eigh is equal to, b plus c minus d;
equation 2; plus e minus f;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
table with 2 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; b plus c minus d; row 2;
column 1; empty,
column 2; empty,
column 3; plus e minus f;
<math display='block'>
 <mtable intent='equation:prefix($e1,$e1x)'>
  <mtr arg='e1'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd intent='_($lhs)' columnalign='left'>
    <mrow arg='lhs'>
  <mtr arg='e1x'>
   <mtd intent='_' columnalign='right'></mtd>
   <mtd intent='_' columnalign='center'></mtd>
   <mtd arg='rhs' columnalign='left'>
    <mo form='infix'>+</mo>
equation row 1;
column 1; eigh,
column 2; is equal to, b plus c minus d row 2;
column 3; plus e minus f;
<math display='block'>
 <mtable intent=':system-of-equations'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'>
   <mtd columnalign='center'>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
  <mtr intent=':continued-equation'>
   <mtd columnalign='right'></mtd>
   <mtd columnalign='center'></mtd>
   <mtd columnalign='left'>
    <mo form='infix'>+</mo>
2 equations,
equation 1; eigh is equal to, b plus c minus d;
equation 2; plus e minus f;
\begin{aligned}... wrapped alignment with wrapped line
(a+b) 2 = a2 + 2 a b + b2 2 a b + b2 = b ( 2 a + b )
<math display='block'>
3 equations,
equation 1; open paren eigh plus b, close paren squared; is equal to; eigh squared plus 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
equation 2; less than or slanted equal to; 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
equation 3; is equal to; b times, open paren, 2 eigh plus b, close paren;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
3 equations,
equation 1; open paren eigh plus b, close paren squared; is equal to; eigh squared plus 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
equation 2; less than or slanted equal to; 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
equation 3; is equal to; b times, open paren, 2 eigh plus b, close paren;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
table with 3 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; open paren eigh plus b, close paren super 2 end super,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; eigh super 2 end super, plus 2 eigh b, plus b super 2 end super; row 2;
column 1; empty,
column 2; less than or slanted equal to,
column 3; 2 eigh b, plus b super 2 end super; row 3;
column 1; empty,
column 2; is equal to,
column 3; b, open paren, 2 eigh plus b, close paren;
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='derivation($m)'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent=':lines'>
derivation of, 3 lines,
line 1; open paren eigh plus b, close paren squared, is equal to, eigh squared plus 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
line 2; less than or slanted equal to, 2 eigh b, plus b squared;
line 3; is equal to, b times, open paren, 2 eigh plus b, close paren;
\begin{align}... aligned derivation
( 12 34 ) ( 11 01 ) = ( 13 37 )
<math display="block">
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 2; row 2; 3, 4; end matrix; times, the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 1; row 2; 0, 1; end matrix; is equal to; the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 3; row 2; 3, 7; end matrix
<math intent=':common' display="block">
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 2; row 2; 3, 4; end matrix; times, the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 1; row 2; 0, 1; end matrix; is equal to; the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 3; row 2; 3, 7; end matrix
<math intent=':literal' display="block">
open paren; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; 1,
column 2; 2; row 2;
column 1; 3,
column 2; 4; close paren; times; open paren; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; 1,
column 2; 1; row 2;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 1; close paren; is equal to; open paren; table with 2 rows and 2 columns; row 1;
column 1; 1,
column 2; 3; row 2;
column 1; 3,
column 2; 7; close paren
<math display="block">
 <mo intent="matrix_product">&#x2062;</mo>
the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 2; row 2; 3, 4; end matrix; matrix product; the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 1; row 2; 0, 1; end matrix; is equal to; the 2 by 2 matrix; row 1; 1, 3; row 2; 3, 7; end matrix
\begin{pmatrix}1&2\\3&4\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}1&1\\0&1\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}1&3\\3&7\end{pmatrix} m*m=m
( 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 )
<math display='block'>
the 3 by 3 matrix; row 1; 1, 0, 0; row 2; 0, 2, 0; row 3; 0, 0, 3; end matrix
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the 3 by 3 matrix; row 1; 1, 0, 0; row 2; 0, 2, 0; row 3; 0, 0, 3; end matrix
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren; table with 3 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; 1,
column 2; 0,
column 3; 0; row 2;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 2,
column 3; 0; row 3;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 0,
column 3; 3; close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent='_diagonal:prefix(1,2,3)'>
diagonal 1 2 3,
\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0\\ 0&2&0\\0&0&3 \end{pmatrix} diagonal matrix
( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
<math display='block'>
the 3 by 3 matrix; row 1; 0, 0, 0; row 2; 0, 0, 0; row 3; 0, 0, 0; end matrix
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the 3 by 3 matrix; row 1; 0, 0, 0; row 2; 0, 0, 0; row 3; 0, 0, 0; end matrix
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
open paren; table with 3 rows and 3 columns; row 1;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 0,
column 3; 0; row 2;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 0,
column 3; 0; row 3;
column 1; 0,
column 2; 0,
column 3; 0; close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$m'>
  <mtable arg='m' intent='_zero_matrix:prefix(3,_by,3)'>
zero matrix 3 by 3,
\begin{pmatrix} 0&0&0\\ 0&0&0\\0&0&0 \end{pmatrix} zero matrix
x ˙
<math display='block'>
x dot,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x dot,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x dot
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='derivative($x,1)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
derivative of, x comma 1
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='derivative:function($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo intent='derivative'>&#x02D9;</mo>
derivative of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='dot:postfix($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo intent='derivative'>&#x02D9;</mo>
, x dot
\dot{x} dot x
x ¨
<math display='block'>
x double dot,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x double dot,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x double dot
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='derivative($x,2)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
derivative of, x comma 2
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='second-derivative:function($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo intent='second-derivative'>&#x00A8;</mo>
second derivative of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='dot-dot:postfix($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mo intent='second-derivative'>&#x00A8;</mo>
, x dot dot
\ddot{x} ddot x
dx dt
<math display='block'>
fraction, d x, over, d t, end fraction;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
fraction, d x, over, d t, end fraction;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
start, d x, over, d t, end over;
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='derivative($x,1,$t)'>
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='x'>x</mi></mrow>
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='t'>t</mi></mrow>
derivative of, x comma 1 comma t
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='derivative:prefix(
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='x'>x</mi></mrow>
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='t'>t</mi></mrow>
derivative of x with respect to t,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='derivative:silent(
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='x'>x</mi></mrow>
  <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='t'>t</mi></mrow>
d x by d t
\frac{dx}{dt} dx by dt
d dt f ( t )
<math display='block'>
fraction, d over, d t, end fraction; f of t
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
fraction, d over, d t, end fraction; f of t
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
start, d over, d t, end over; f of open paren t close paren
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='derivative($ft,1,$t)'>
   <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='t'>t</mi></mrow>
  <mrow arg='ft'>
derivative of, f of t comma 1 comma t
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='derivative:prefix(
   <mrow><mi>d</mi><mi arg='t'>t</mi></mrow>
  <mrow arg='ft'>
derivative of f of t with respect to t,
\frac{d}{dt}f(t) d by dt f of t
d2 x d t 2
<math display='block'>
fraction, d squared x, over, d t squared, end fraction;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
fraction, d squared x, over, d t squared, end fraction;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
start, d super 2 end super x, over, d t super 2 end super, end over;
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='derivative($x,2,$t)'>
   <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
    <mi arg='t'>t</mi>
derivative of, x comma 2 comma t
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='second-derivative:prefix(
   <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
    <mi arg='t'>t</mi>
second derivative of x with respect to t,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='derivative:silent(
   <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
    <mi arg='t'>t</mi>
d 2 x by d t squared
\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} dx2 by dt2
2 f x y
<math display='block'>
fraction, partial derivative squared f, over, partial derivative x, partial derivative y, end fraction;
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
fraction, partial derivative squared f, over, partial derivative x, partial derivative y, end fraction;
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
start, partial derivative super 2 end super f, over, partial derivative x, partial derivative y, end over;
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='partial-second-derivative(
   <mi arg='f'>f</mi>
    <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
    <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
partial second derivative of, f comma x comma y
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='partial-second-derivative:prefix(
   <mi arg='f'>f</mi>
    <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
    <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
partial second derivative of f with respect to x and y,
\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} partial df by dx dy
f ( x ) d x
<math display='block'>
the integral of f of x d x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the integral of f of x d x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
the integral of f of open paren x close paren; d x
<math display='block'>
the integral of f of x d x
\int f(x) dx int f(x) dx
0 1 x2 d x
<math display='block'>
the integral from 0 to 1 of, x squared d x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the integral from 0 to 1 of, x squared d x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
integral sub 0 super 1 end super; x super 2 end super d x
<math display='block'>
the integral from 0 to 1 of, x squared d x
\int_0^1 x^2 dx defint 0 to 1 x squared
[ 2 x ] 0 1
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':common' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':literal' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket 2 x close bracket sub 0 super 1 end super
<math display='block'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
[2x]_0^1 evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 bracket
[ 2 x ] 0 1
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':common' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':literal' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
open bracket 2 x close bracket sub 0 super 1 end super
<math display='block'>
open bracket evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
[2x]_0^1 evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 bracket expression in base
2 x | 0 1
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':common' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
<math intent=':literal' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x, vertical line sub 0 super 1 end super
<math display='block'>
2 x evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0
2x|_0^1 evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 vertical bar
2 x | 0 1
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x vertical line sub 0, to the first
<math intent=':common' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x vertical line sub 0, to the first
<math intent=':literal' display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
2 x vertical line sub 0 super 1 end super
<math display='block'>
2 x vertical line sub 0, to the first
2x|_0^1 evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 vertical bar expression in base
C 1 z d z
<math display='block'>
the contour integral over c of; 1 over z, d z
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
the contour integral over c of; 1 over z, d z
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
contour integral sub c, 1 over z, d z
<math display='block'>
the contour integral over c of; 1 over z, d z
\oint \frac{1}{z} dz oint 1 over z dz
v ˙ ** 2 + w ˙ ** 2
<math display='block'>
v dot, ** 2, plus w dot, ** 2
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
v dot, ** 2, plus w dot, ** 2
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
v dot ** 2 plus w dot ** 2
<math display='block'>
  <mrow intent='power($v̇, $n)'>
   <mover arg='v̇' intent='first-deriv(v)'>
   <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
  <mrow intent='power($ẇ, $n)'>
   <mover arg='ẇ' intent='first-deriv(w)'>
   <mn arg='n'>2</mn>
first deriv of, v squared, plus first deriv of, w squared
\dot{v}**2+\dot{w}**2 NFC v dot and w dot
<math display='block'>
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
<math display='block'>
 <mi intent='the_variable_x'>x</mi>
the variable x
x x with string
a + b !
<math display='block'>
eigh plus b factorial
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
eigh plus b factorial
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
eigh plus b exclamation point
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='$p(_($a, $f($b)))'>
  <mi arg='a'>a</mi>
  <mo arg='p' intent='plus'>+</mo>
  <mi arg='b'>b</mi>
  <mo arg='f' intent='factorial'>!</mo>
plus eigh factorial of, b
a+b! a plus b factorial unary plus intent
a + b
<math display='block'>
eigh plus b
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
eigh plus b
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
eigh plus b
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='foo:int:silent(bar:positive-int-int, $a:foo-bar-foo-bar, $b:number)'>
  <mi arg='a'>a</mi>
  <mo arg='p' intent='plus'>+</mo>
  <mi arg='b' intent='b:negative-int-int'>b</mi>
bar eigh b
a+b Properties on argref
<math display='block'>
r, left angle bracket x right angle bracket
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
r, left angle bracket x right angle bracket
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
r, left angle bracket x right angle bracket
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='_(free, $r, _algebra_on, $x)'>
  <mi arg='r'>R</mi>
  <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
free r algebra on x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='_:silent(free, $r, _algebra_on, $x)'>
  <mi arg='r'>R</mi>
  <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
free r algebra on x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='free-algebra:silent(_free, $r, _algebra_on, $x)'>
  <mi arg='r'>R</mi>
  <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
free r algebra on x
R\langle X\rangle free r-algebra on x
x + 2 | y - z |
<math display='block'>
x plus; 2, the absolute value of y minus z, end absolute value,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x plus; 2, the absolute value of y minus z, end absolute value,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x plus, 2, vertical line y minus z, vertical line
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='plus:infix($x,times:infix(2,absolute-value(minus:infix($y,$z))))'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='z'>z</mi>
, x plus; 2 times, the absolute value of, y minus z; end absolute value;,
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='plus($x,times(2,absolute-value(infix($y,$z))))'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
  <mi arg='y'>y</mi>
  <mi arg='z'>z</mi>
plus of, x comma; times of, 2 comma, the absolute value of infix of, y comma z, end absolute value,
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='absolute-value'>|</mo>
  <mo intent='end-absolute-value'>|</mo>
x plus; 2, the absolute value of y minus z, end absolute value,
x+2\lvert y-z\rvert x plus 2 times the absolute-value of y minus z
XML Features
log X
<math display='block'>
log x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
log x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
log x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='log(x)'/>
log of, x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='log($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
log of, x,
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='log&#x28;&#x24;x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>Y</mi>
log of, y
\log x NCR x28 and x24
x + a bold word
<math display='block'>
 <mtext>a <b>bold</b> word</mtext>
x plus a bold word
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x plus a bold word
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x plus a bold word
<math display='block'>
 <mtext>a <b>bold</b> word</mtext>
x plus a bold word
x+\text{a \textbf{bold} word nested html b
<math display='block'>
1.5 km
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
1.5 km
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
1.5 km
<math display='block'>
 <mn>1.5</mn><mi intent=':unit'>km</mi>
1.5 kilo-metres
\qty{1.5}{\kilogram} Km units
<math display='block'>
 <mn>2</mn><mi mathvariant='normal'>Ω</mi>
2 omega
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
2 omega
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
2 omega
<math display='block'>
 <mn>2</mn><mi intent=':unit' mathvariant='normal'>Ω</mi>
2 ohms
\qty{2}{\ohm} Ohm units
H 2 O
<math display='block'>
       <mi mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
     <mi mathvariant='normal'>O</mi>
h, subscript 2; o,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
h, subscript 2; o,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
h subscript 2 o
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent=':chemical-formula'>
       <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>H</mi>
     <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>O</mi>
h, subscript 2; o,
\ce{H20} H20
2 H 2 O 2 H 2 + O 2
<math display='block'>
     <mi mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
    <mi mathvariant='normal'>O</mi>
     <mi mathvariant='normal'>H</mi>
    <mi mathvariant='normal'>O</mi>
2, h, subscript 2; o; reacts to form; 2 h, subscript 2; plus o, subscript 2,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
2, h, subscript 2; o; reacts to form; 2 h, subscript 2; plus o, subscript 2,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
2 h subscript 2 o; long rightwards arrow; 2 h subscript 2, plus o subscript 2
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent=':chemical-equation'>
  <mrow intent=':chemical-equation'>
   <mrow intent=':chemical-equation'>
    <mmultiscripts intent=':chemical-formula'>
     <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>H</mi>
    <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>O</mi>
  <mrow intent=':chemical-equation'>
   <mrow intent=':chemical-equation'>
    <mmultiscripts intent=':chemical-formula'>
     <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>H</mi>
   <mmultiscripts intent=':chemical-formula'>
    <mi mathvariant='normal' intent=':chemical-element'>O</mi>
2, h, subscript 2; o; reacts to form; 2 h, subscript 2; plus o, subscript 2,
\ce{2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2} 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O
Unexpected arity
x y
<math display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x over y,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='divides'>
- 0-ary divides
x y
<math display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x over y,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='divides(z)'>
divides of, z
- 1-ary divides
x y
<math display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x over y,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac intent='divides(w,x,y)'>
divides of, w comma x comma y
- 3-ary divides
<math display='block'>
vector x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
vector x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x right arrow
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <mover intent='ray($X)'>
  <mi arg='X'>X</mi>
ray of, x
- 1-ary ray
Content MathML
<math display='block'>
problem with SetMathML
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
problem with SetMathML
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
problem with SetMathML
<math display='block'>
 <apply intent='sin(x)'>
problem with SetMathML
\sin x content mathml sin x
Intent Grammar Errors
x y
<math display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x over y,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x over y,
<math display='block'>
 <mfrac><mi intent='hmm)('>x</mi>
x over y,
- bad intent paren
1.234 + x
<math display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math display='block' mathbackground='yellow'>
 <mrow intent='sum($a,$b)'>
1.234 plus x
- bad intent argref
1.234 + x
<math display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
1.234 plus x
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='sum($1.234,$:x:)'>
  <mn arg='1.234'>1.234</mn>
  <mi arg=':x:'>x</mi>
1.234 plus x
- bad intent arg names
<math display='block'>
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
<math display='block'>
 <mi intent='one two'>x</mi>
- multiple identifiers
<math display='block'>
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
<math display='block'>
 <mn intent='1.2e1'>12</mn>
- bad number
X + Y
<math display='block'>
x bar, plus y bar,
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
x bar, plus y bar,
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
x line plus y line
<math display='block'>
 <mover intent='mean($x('>
  <mi arg='x'>X</mi>
 <mover intent='mean($x)'>
  <mi arg='x'>Y</mi>
x bar, plus mean of, y
- bad intent subexpression
<math display='block'>
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
<math display='block'>
 <mi intent='just say this'>x</mi>
x Free text just say this
<math display='block'>
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
<math display='block'>
 <mrow intent='just say this about $x'>
  <mi arg='x'>x</mi>
x Free text with argref
🐇 X
<math display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':common' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math intent=':literal' display='block'>
🐇 x
<math display='block'>
  <mo intent='&#x1F407;'>&#x1F407;</mo>
🐇 x
🐇 X intent 🐇