Unicode | Character | Speech Template |
002B | + | plus |
00A1 | ¡ | inverted exclamation mark |
00A2 | ¢ | cents |
00A3 | £ | pounds |
00A4 | ¤ | currency sign |
00A5 | ¥ | yen |
00A6 | ¦ | broken bar |
00A7 | § | section |
00A8 | ¨ | double dot |
00A9 | © | copyright |
00AA | ª | feminine ordinal indicator |
00AB | « | left-pointing double angle quote mark |
00AC | ¬ | not |
00AF | ¯ |
modified-variable: bar default: line |
00B2 | ² | two |
00B3 | ³ | three |
00B4 | ´ | acute |
00B5 | µ | micro |
00B6 | ¶ | paragraph mark |
00B7 | · |
dot-times: times default: dot |
00B9 | ¹ | one |
00BA | º | masculine ordinal indicator |
00BC | ¼ | one quarter |
00BD | ½ | one half |
00BE | ¾ | three quarters |
00BF | ¿ | inverted question mark |
00D7 | × |
times-by: by times-cross: cross default: times |
00F7 | ÷ | divided by |
02B0 | ʰ | modifier small h |
02B1 | ʱ | modifier small h with hook |
02B2 | ʲ | modifier small j |
02B3 | ʳ | modifier small r |
02B4 | ʴ | modifier small turned r |
02B5 | ʵ | modifier small turned r with hook |
02B6 | ʶ | modifier small inverted |
02B7 | ʷ | modifier small w |
02B8 | ʸ | modifier small y |
02B9 | ʹ | modifier prime |
02BA | ʺ | modifier double prime |
02BB | ʻ | modifier turned comma |
02BC | ʼ | modifier apostrophe |
02BD | ʽ | modifier reversed comma |
02BE | ʾ | modifier right half ring |
02BF | ʿ | modifier left half ring |
02C0 | ˀ | modifier glottal stop |
02C1 | ˁ | modifier reversed glottal stop |
02C2 | ˂ | modifier left arrowhead |
02C3 | ˃ | modifier right arrowhead |
02C4 | ˄ | modifier up arrowhead |
02C5 | ˅ | modifier down arrowhead |
02C6 | ˆ | modifier circumflex accent |
02C7 | ˇ | caron |
02C8 | ˈ | modifier vertical line |
02C9 | ˉ | modifier macron |
02CA | ˊ | modifier acute accent |
02CB | ˋ | modifier grave accent |
02CC | ˌ | modifier low vertical line |
02CD | ˍ | modifier low macron |
02CE | ˎ | modifier low grave accent |
02CF | ˏ | modifier low acute accent |
02D0 | ː | modifier triangular colon |
02D1 | ˑ | modifier half triangular colon |
02D2 | ˒ | modifier centered right half ring |
02D3 | ˓ | modifier centered left half ring |
02D4 | ˔ | modifier up tadck |
02D5 | ˕ | modifier down tack |
02D6 | ˖ | modifier plus sign |
02D7 | ˗ | modifier minus sign |
02D8 | ˘ | breve |
02D9 | ˙ | dot |
02DA | ˚ | ring above |
02DB | ˛ | ogonek |
02DC | ˜ | small tilde |
02DD | ˝ | double acute accent |
02DE | ˞ | modifier rhotic hook |
02DF | ˟ | modifier cross accent |
02E0 | ˠ | modifier small gamma |
02E1 | ˡ | modifier small l |
02E2 | ˢ | modifier small s |
02E3 | ˣ | modifier small x |
02E4 | ˤ | modifier small reversed glottal stop |
02E5 | ˥ | modifier extra-high tone bar |
02E6 | ˦ | modifier high tone bar |
02E7 | ˧ | modifier mid tone bar |
02E8 | ˨ | modifier low tone bar |
02E9 | ˩ | modifier extra-low tone bar |
02EA | ˪ | modifier yin departing tone mark |
02EB | ˫ | modifier yang departing tone mark |
02EC | ˬ | modifier voicing |
02ED | ˭ | modifier unaspirated |
02EE | ˮ | modifier double apostrophe |
02EF | ˯ | modifier low down arrowhead |
02F0 | ˰ | modifier low up arrowhead |
02F1 | ˱ | modifier low left arrowhead |
02F2 | ˲ | modifier low right arrowhead |
02F3 | ˳ | modifier low ring |
02F4 | ˴ | modifier middle grave accent |
02F5 | ˵ | modifier middle double grave accent |
02F6 | ˶ | modifier middle double acute accent |
02F7 | ˷ | modifier low tilde |
02F8 | ˸ | modifier raised colon |
02F9 | ˹ | modifier begin high tone |
02FA | ˺ | modifier end high tone |
02FB | ˻ | modifier begin low tone |
02FC | ˼ | modifier end low tone |
02FD | ˽ | modifier shelf |
02FE | ˾ | modifier open shelf |
02FF | ˿ | modifier low left arrow |
0300 | ̀ | grave accent embellishment |
0301 | ́ | acute accent embellishment |
0302 | ̂ | circumflex accent embellishment |
0303 | ̃ | tilde embellishment |
0304 | ̄ | macron embellishment |
0305 | ̅ | overbar embellishment |
0306 | ̆ | breve embellishment |
0307 | ̇ | dot above embellishment |
0308 | ̈ | diaeresis embellishment |
0309 | ̉ | hook above embellishment |
030A | ̊ | ring above embellishment |
030B | ̋ | double acute accent embellishment |
030C | ̌ | check |
030D | ̍ | vertical line above embellishment |
030E | ̎ | double vertical line above embellishment |
030F | ̏ | double grave accent embellishment |
0310 | ̐ | candrabindu embellishment |
0311 | ̑ | inverted breve embellishment |
0312 | ̒ | turned comma above embellishment |
0313 | ̓ | comma above embellishment |
0314 | ̔ | reversed comma above embellishment |
0315 | ̕ | comma above right embellishment |
0316 | ̖ | grave accent below embellishment |
0317 | ̗ | acute accent below embellishment |
0318 | ̘ | left tack below embellishment |
0319 | ̙ | right tack below embellishment |
031A | ̚ | left angle above embellishment |
031B | ̛ | horn embellishment |
031C | ̜ | left half ring below embellishment |
031D | ̝ | up tack below embellishment |
031E | ̞ | down tack below embellishment |
031F | ̟ | plus sign below embellishment |
0320 | ̠ | minus sign below embellishment |
0321 | ̡ | palatalized hook below embellishment |
0322 | ̢ | retroflex hook below embellishment |
0323 | ̣ | dot below embellishment |
0324 | ̤ | diaeresis below embellishment |
0325 | ̥ | ring below embellishment |
0326 | ̦ | comma below embellishment |
0327 | ̧ | cedilla embellishment |
0328 | ̨ | ogonek embellishment |
0329 | ̩ | vertical line below embellishment |
032A | ̪ | bridge below embellishment |
032B | ̫ | inverted double arch below embellishment |
032C | ̬ | caron below embellishment |
032D | ̭ | circumflex accent below embellishment |
032E | ̮ | breve below embellishment |
032F | ̯ | inverted breve below embellishment |
0330 | ̰ | tilde below embellishment |
0331 | ̱ | macron below embellishment |
0332 | ̲ | low line embellishment |
0333 | ̳ | double low line embellishment |
0334 | ̴ | tilde overlay embellishment |
0335 | ̵ | short stroke overlay embellishment |
0336 | ̶ | long stroke overlay embellishment |
0337 | ̷ | short solidus overlay embellishment |
0338 | ̸ | long solidus overlay embellishment |
0339 | ̹ | right half ring below embellishment |
033A | ̺ | inverted bridge below embellishment |
033B | ̻ | square below embellishment |
033C | ̼ | seagull below embellishment |
033D | ̽ | x above embellishment |
033E | ̾ | vertical tilde embellishment |
033F | ̿ | double overline embellishment |
0340 | ̀ | grave tone mark embellishment |
0341 | ́ | acute tone mark embellishment |
0346 | ͆ | bridge above |
03AA 03AB 03CF | ΪΫϏ |
capital-beep: beep capital-prefix: cap map: ('ΪΫϏ', 'ιυϗ') with dialytika |
03CA | ϊ | iota with dialytika |
03CB | ϋ | upsilon with dialytika |
03CC | ό | omicron with tonos |
03CD | ύ | upsilon with tonos |
03CE | ώ | omega with tonos |
03D0 | ϐ | beta |
03D1 | ϑ | theta |
03D2 | ϒ | upsilon with hook |
03D3 | ϓ | upsilon with acute and hook |
03D4 | ϔ | upsilon with diaeresis and hook |
03D5 | ϕ | phi |
03D6 | ϖ | pi |
03D7 | ϗ | kai |
03D8 | Ϙ | cap archaic koppa |
03D9 | ϙ | archaic koppa |
03DD | ϝ | digamma |
03F5 | ϵ | epsilon |
03F6 | ϶ | reversed epsilon |
0410-042F | А-Я |
capital-beep: beep capital-prefix: cap map: ('АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ', 'абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя') |
0430 | а | a |
0431 | б | be |
0432 | в | ve |
0433 | г | ghe |
0434 | д | de |
0435 | е | ie |
0436 | ж | zhe |
0437 | з | ze |
0438 | и | i |
0439 | й | short i |
043A | к | ka |
043B | л | el |
043C | м | em |
043D | н | en |
043E | о | o |
043F | п | pe |
0440 | р | er |
0441 | с | es |
0442 | т | te |
0443 | у | u |
0444 | ф | ef |
0445 | х | ha |
0446 | ц | tse |
0447 | ч | che |
0448 | ш | sha |
0449 | щ | shcha |
044A | ъ | hard sign |
044B | ы | yeru |
044C | ь | soft sign |
044D | э | e |
044E | ю | yu |
044F | я | ya |
0606 | ؆ | Arabic-Indic cube root |
0607 | ؇ | Arabic-Indic fourth root |
0608 | ؈ | Arabic ray |
2000-2007 | - | ⟨en quad-figure space⟩ |
2009 | ⟨thin space⟩ | |
200A | ⟨hair space⟩ | |
200B | | ⟨zero width space⟩ |
2010 | ‐ | hyphen |
2011 | ‑ | hyphen |
2012 | ‒ | figure dash |
2013 | – | en dash |
2014 | — | em dash |
2015 | ― | horizontal bar |
2016 | ‖ | double vertical line |
2020 | † | dagger |
2021 | ‡ | double dagger |
2022 | • |
bullet-dot: dot default: bullet |
2026 | … |
ellipsis-so-on-end: and so on up to ellipsis-so-on: and so on default: dot dot dot |
2030 | ‰ | per mille |
2031 | ‱ | per ten thousand |
2032 | ′ | prime |
2033 | ″ | double prime |
2034 | ‴ | triple prime |
2035 | ‵ | reversed prime |
2036 | ‶ | reversed double prime |
2037 | ‷ | reversed triple prime |
2038 | ‸ | to the |
2039 | ‹ | single left pointing angle quote mark |
203A | › | single right pointing angle quote mark |
203B | ※ | reference mark |
203C | ‼ | double factorial |
203F | ‿ | under tie |
2040 | ⁀ | tie |
2044 | ⁄ | divided by |
2045 | ⁅ | left square bracket with quill |
2046 | ⁆ | right square bracket with quill |
204E | ⁎ | low asterisk |
204F | ⁏ | reversed semicolon |
2050 | ⁐ | close up |
2051 | ⁑ | two vertical asterisks |
2052 | ⁒ | commercial minus sign |
2057 | ⁗ | quadruple prime |
205F | ⟨medium mathematical space⟩ | |
2060 | | ⟨word joiner⟩ |
2070 | ⁰ | to the zeroth power |
2071 | ⁱ | to the eihth power |
2074 | ⁴ | to the fourth power |
2075 | ⁵ | to the fifth power |
2076 | ⁶ | to the sixth power |
2077 | ⁷ | to the seventh power |
2078 | ⁸ | to the eighth power |
2079 | ⁹ | to the ninth power |
207A | ⁺ | superscript plus sign |
207B | ⁻ | superscript minus |
207C | ⁼ | superscript equals sign |
207D | ⁽ | superscript left parenthesis |
207E | ⁾ | superscript right parenthesis |
207F | ⁿ | to the ennth power |
2080 | ₀ | sub zero |
2081 | ₁ | sub one |
2082 | ₂ | sub two |
2083 | ₃ | sub three |
2084 | ₄ | sub four |
2085 | ₅ | sub five |
2086 | ₆ | sub six |
2087 | ₇ | sub seven |
2088 | ₈ | sub eight |
2089 | ₉ | sub nine |
208A | ₊ | subscript plus sign |
208B | ₋ | subscript minus sign |
208C | ₌ | subscript equals sign |
208D | ₍ | subscript left parenthesis |
208E | ₎ | subscript right parenthesis |
2090 | ₐ | sub A |
2091 | ₑ | sub E |
2092 | ₒ | sub O |
2093 | ₓ | sub X |
2095 | ₕ | sub H |
2096 | ₖ | sub K |
2097 | ₗ | sub L |
2098 | ₘ | sub M |
2099 | ₙ | sub N |
209A | ₚ | sub P |
209B | ₛ | sub S |
209C | ₜ | sub T |
20A0 | ₠ | european currenty units |
20A1 | ₡ | colons |
20A2 | ₢ | cruzeiro |
20A3 | ₣ | franc |
20A4 | ₤ | lira |
20A5 | ₥ | mills |
20A6 | ₦ | naira |
20A7 | ₧ | peseta |
20A8 | ₨ | rupees |
20A9 | ₩ | won |
20AA | ₪ | new sheqels |
20AB | ₫ | dong |
20AC | € | euros |
20AD | ₭ | kip |
20AE | ₮ | tugrik |
20AF | ₯ | drachma |
20B0 | ₰ | german pennies |
20B1 | ₱ | pesos |
20B2 | ₲ | guaranis |
20B3 | ₳ | australs |
20B4 | ₴ | hryvnias |
20B5 | ₵ | cedis |
20B6 | ₶ | livre tournois |
20B7 | ₷ | spesmilos |
20B8 | ₸ | tenges |
20B9 | ₹ | indian rupees |
20BA | ₺ | turkish liras |
20D0 | ⃐ | left harpoon above embellishment |
20D1 | ⃑ | right harpoon above embellishment |
20D2 | ⃒ | long vertical line overlay embellishment |
20D3 | ⃓ | short vertical line overlay embellishment |
20D4 | ⃔ | anticlockwise arrow above embellishment |
20D5 | ⃕ | clockwise arrow above embellishment |
20D6 | ⃖ | left arrow above embellishment |
20D7 | ⃗ | right arrow above embellishment |
20D8 | ⃘ | ring overlay embellishment |
20D9 | ⃙ | clockwise ring overlay embellishment |
20DA | ⃚ | anticlockwise ring overlay embellishment |
20DB | ⃛ | triple dot |
20DC | ⃜ | quadruple dot |
20DD | ⃝ | enclosing circle embellishment |
20DE | ⃞ | enclosing square embellishment |
20DF | ⃟ | enclosing diamond embellishment |
20E0 | ⃠ | enclosing circle backslash embellishment |
20E1 | ⃡ | left right arrow above embellishment |
20E2 | ⃢ | enclosing screen embellishment |
20E3 | ⃣ | enclosing keycap embellishment |
20E4 | ⃤ | enclosing upward pointing triangle embellishment |
20E5 | ⃥ | reverse solidus overlay embellishment |
20E6 | ⃦ | double verticle stroke embellishment |
20E7 | ⃧ | annuity symbol embellishment |
20E8 | ⃨ | triple underdot |
20E9 | ⃩ | wide bridge above embellishment |
20EA | ⃪ | leftwards arrow overlay embellishment |
20EB | ⃫ | long double solidus overlay embellishment |
20EC | ⃬ | rightwards harpoon with barb downwards embellishment |
20ED | ⃭ | leftwards harpoon with barb downwards embellishment |
20EE | ⃮ | left arrow below embellishment |
20EF | ⃯ | right arrow below embellishment |
20F0 | ⃰ | asterisk above embellishment |
2104 | ℄ | center line symbol |
2105 | ℅ | care of |
2106 | ℆ | cada una |
2107 | ℇ | euler's constant |
2108 | ℈ | scruples |
2109 | ℉ | degrees fahrenheit |
210F | ℏ | h bar |
2113 | ℓ | script l |
2114 | ℔ | pounds |
2116 | № | number |
2118 | ℘ | Weierstrass p |
2125 | ℥ | ounces |
2126 | Ω | ohms |
2127 | ℧ | mhos |
2129 | ℩ | turned iota |
212A | K | kelvin |
212B | Å | angstroms |
2132 | Ⅎ | turned F |
2135 | ℵ | first transfinite cardinal |
2136 | ℶ | second transfinite cardinal |
2137 | ℷ | third transfinite cardinal |
2138 | ℸ | fourth transfinite cardinal |
213A | ℺ | rotated Q |
213C | ℼ | double struck pi |
213D | ℽ | double struck gamma |
2140 | ⅀ | double struck n-ary summation |
2141 | ⅁ | turned sans-serif G |
2142 | ⅂ | turned sans-serif L |
2143 | ⅃ | reversed sans-serif L |
2144 | ⅄ | turned sans-serif Y |
2145 | ⅅ | D |
2146 | ⅆ | d |
2147 | ⅇ | e |
2148 | ⅈ | i |
214B | ⅋ | turned ampersand |
214C | ⅌ | per |
214E | ⅎ | turned F |
2150 | ⅐ | one seventh |
2151 | ⅑ | one ninth |
2152 | ⅒ | one tenth |
2153 | ⅓ | one third |
2154 | ⅔ | two thirds |
2155 | ⅕ | one fifth |
2156 | ⅖ | two fifths |
2157 | ⅗ | three fifths |
2158 | ⅘ | four fifths |
2159 | ⅙ | one sixth |
215A | ⅚ | five sixths |
215B | ⅛ | one eighth |
215C | ⅜ | three eighths |
215D | ⅝ | five eighths |
215E | ⅞ | seven eighths |
215F | ⅟ | one over |
2160 | Ⅰ | I |
2161 | Ⅱ | I I |
2162 | Ⅲ | I I I |
2163 | Ⅳ | I V |
2164 | Ⅴ | V |
2165 | Ⅵ | V I |
2166 | Ⅶ | V I I |
2167 | Ⅷ | V I I I |
2168 | Ⅸ | I X |
2169 | Ⅹ | X |
216A | Ⅺ | X I |
216B | Ⅻ | X I I |
216C | Ⅼ | L |
216D | Ⅽ | C |
216E | Ⅾ | D |
216F | Ⅿ | M |
2170 | ⅰ | I |
2171 | ⅱ | I I |
2172 | ⅲ | I I I |
2173 | ⅳ | I V |
2174 | ⅴ | V |
2175 | ⅵ | V I |
2176 | ⅶ | V I I |
2177 | ⅷ | V I I I |
2178 | ⅸ | I X |
2179 | ⅹ | X |
217A | ⅺ | X I |
217B | ⅻ | X I I |
217C | ⅼ | L |
217D | ⅽ | C |
217E | ⅾ | D |
217F | ⅿ | M |
2189 | ↉ | zero thirds |
2190 | ← | leftwards arrow |
2191 | ↑ | upwards arrow |
2192 | → | rightwards arrow |
2193 | ↓ | downwards arrow |
2194 | ↔ | left right arrow |
2195 | ↕ | up down arrow |
2196 | ↖ | north west arrow |
2197 | ↗ |
limit: approaches from below default: north east arrow |
2198 | ↘ |
limit: approaches from above default: south east arrow |
2199 | ↙ | south west arrow |
219A | ↚ | leftwards arrow with stroke |
219B | ↛ | rightwards arrow with stroke |
219C | ↜ | leftwards wave arrow |
219D | ↝ | rightwards wave arrow |
219E | ↞ | leftwards two headed arrow |
219F | ↟ | upwards two headed arrow |
21A0 | ↠ | rightwards two headed arrow |
21A1 | ↡ | downwards two headed arrow |
21A2 | ↢ | leftwards arrow with tail |
21A3 | ↣ | rightwards arrow with tail |
21A4 | ↤ | leftwards arrow from bar |
21A5 | ↥ | upwards arrow from bar |
21A6 | ↦ | rightwards arrow from bar |
21A7 | ↧ | downwards arrow from bar |
21A8 | ↨ | up down arrow with base |
21A9 | ↩ | leftwards arrow with hook |
21AA | ↪ | rightwards arrow with hook |
21AB | ↫ | leftwards arrow with loop |
21AC | ↬ | rightwards arrow with loop |
21AD | ↭ | left right wave arrow |
21AE | ↮ | left right arrow with stroke |
21AF | ↯ | downwards zigzag arrow |
21B0 | ↰ | upwards arrow with tip leftwards |
21B1 | ↱ | upwards arrow with tip rightwards |
21B2 | ↲ | downwards arrow with tip leftwards |
21B3 | ↳ | downwards arrow with tip rightwards |
21B4 | ↴ | rightwards arrow with corner downwards |
21B5 | ↵ | downwards arrow with corner leftwards |
21B6 | ↶ | anticlockwise top semicircle arrow |
21B7 | ↷ | clockwise top semicircle arrow |
21B8 | ↸ | north west arrow to long bar |
21B9 | ↹ | leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar |
21BA | ↺ | anticlockwise open circle arrow |
21BB | ↻ | clockwise open circle arrow |
21BC | ↼ | left harpoon up |
21BD | ↽ | left harpoon down |
21BE | ↾ | up harpoon right |
21BF | ↿ | up harpoon left |
21C0 | ⇀ | right harpoon up |
21C1 | ⇁ | right harpoon down |
21C2 | ⇂ | down harpoon right |
21C3 | ⇃ | down harpoon left |
21C4 | ⇄ | rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow |
21C5 | ⇅ | upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow |
21C6 | ⇆ | leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow |
21C7 | ⇇ | leftwards paired arrows |
21C8 | ⇈ | upwards paired arrows |
21C9 | ⇉ | rightwards paired arrows |
21CA | ⇊ | downwards paired arrows |
21CB | ⇋ | left harpoon over right harpoon |
21CC | ⇌ | right harpoon over left harpoon |
21CD | ⇍ | leftwards double arrow with stroke |
21CE | ⇎ | left right double arrow with stroke |
21CF | ⇏ | rightwards double arrow with stroke |
21D0 | ⇐ | leftwards double arrow |
21D1 | ⇑ | upwards double arrow |
21D2 | ⇒ | rightwards double arrow |
21D3 | ⇓ | downwards double arrow |
21D4 | ⇔ | left right double arrow |
21D5 | ⇕ | up down double arrow |
21D6 | ⇖ | north west double arrow |
21D7 | ⇗ | north east double arrow |
21D8 | ⇘ | south east double arrow |
21D9 | ⇙ | south west double arrow |
21DA | ⇚ | leftwards triple arrow |
21DB | ⇛ | rightwards triple arrow |
21DC | ⇜ | leftwards squiggle arrow |
21DD | ⇝ | rightwards squiggle arrow |
21DE | ⇞ | upwards arrow with double stroke |
21DF | ⇟ | downwards arrow with double stroke |
21E0 | ⇠ | leftwards dashed arrow |
21E1 | ⇡ | upwards dashed arrow |
21E2 | ⇢ | rightwards dashed arrow |
21E3 | ⇣ | downwards dashed arrow |
21E4 | ⇤ | leftwards arrow to bar |
21E5 | ⇥ | rightwards arrow to bar |
21E6 | ⇦ | leftwards white arrow |
21E7 | ⇧ | upwards white arrow |
21E8 | ⇨ | rightwards white arrow |
21E9 | ⇩ | downwards white arrow |
21EA | ⇪ | upwards white arrow from bar |
21EB | ⇫ | upwards white arrow on pedestal |
21EC | ⇬ | upwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar |
21ED | ⇭ | upwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar |
21EE | ⇮ | upwards white double arrow |
21EF | ⇯ | upwards white double arrow on pedestal |
21F0 | ⇰ | rightwards white arrow from wall |
21F1 | ⇱ | north west arrow to corner |
21F2 | ⇲ | south east arrow to corner |
21F3 | ⇳ | up down white arrow |
21F4 | ⇴ | right arrow with small circle |
21F5 | ⇵ | downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow |
21F6 | ⇶ | three rightwards arrows |
21F7 | ⇷ | leftwards arrow with vertical stroke |
21F8 | ⇸ | rightwards arrow with vertical stroke |
21F9 | ⇹ | left right arrow with vertical stroke |
21FA | ⇺ | leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke |
21FB | ⇻ | rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke |
21FC | ⇼ | left right arrow with double vertical stroke |
21FD | ⇽ | leftwards open headed arrow |
21FE | ⇾ | rightwards open headed arrow |
21FF | ⇿ | left right open headed arrow |
2200 | ∀ | for all |
2201 | ∁ |
not-terse: the complement of |
2202 | ∂ |
terse: partial default: partial derivative |
2203 | ∃ | there exists |
2204 | ∄ | there does not exist |
2205 | ∅ | empty set |
2206 | ∆ |
not-terse: the laplacian of |
2207 | ∇ |
not-terse: the gradient of |
2208 | ∈ |
element-member-verbose: is a member of element-member: member of element-belonging: belonging to element-belongs: belongs to element-in-verbose: is in element-in: in element-verbose: is an element of default: an element of |
2209 | ∉ |
element-member-verbose: is not a member of element-member: not member of element-belonging: not belonging to element-belongs: does not belong to element-in-verbose: is not in element-in: not in element-verbose: is not an element of default: not an element of |
220A | ∊ |
element-member-verbose: is a member of element-member: member of element-belonging: belonging to element-belongs: belongs to element-in-verbose: is in element-in: in element-verbose: is an element of default: an element of |
220B | ∋ | contains the member |
220C | ∌ | does not contain the member |
220D | ∍ | contains the member |
220E | ∎ | end of proof |
220F | ∏ | product |
2210 | ∐ | coproduct |
2211 | ∑ | sum |
2212 | − | minus |
2213 | ∓ | minus or plus |
2214 | ∔ | dot plus |
2215 | ∕ | divided by |
2216 | ∖ | set minus |
2217 | ∗ | times |
2218 | ∘ | composed with |
2219 | ∙ |
bullet-dot: dot bullet-times: times default: bullet |
221A | √ |
not-terse: the square root of |
221B | ∛ |
not-terse: the cube root of |
221C | ∜ |
not-terse: the fourth root of |
221D | ∝ |
not-terse: is proportional to |
221E | ∞ | infinity |
221F | ∟ | right angle |
2220 | ∠ | angle |
2221 | ∡ | measured angle |
2222 | ∢ | spherical angle |
2223 | ∣ | divides |
2224 | ∤ | does not divide |
2227 | ∧ | and |
2228 | ∨ | or |
2229 | ∩ | intersection |
222A | ∪ | union |
222B | ∫ | integral |
222C | ∬ | double integral |
222D | ∭ | triple integral |
222E | ∮ | contour integral |
222F | ∯ | surface integral |
2230 | ∰ | volume integral |
2231 | ∱ | clockwise integral |
2232 | ∲ | clockwise contour integral |
2233 | ∳ | anticlockwise contour integral |
2234 | ∴ | therefore |
2235 | ∵ | because |
2236 | ∶ |
not-terse: is to |
2237 | ∷ | as |
2238 | ∸ | dot minus |
2239 | ∹ | has excess compared to |
223A | ∺ |
not-terse: is geometrically proportional to |
223B | ∻ |
not-terse: is homothetic to |
223C | ∼ | varies with |
223D | ∽ | reversed tilde |
223E | ∾ |
not-terse: is most positive |
223F | ∿ | sine wave |
2240 | ≀ | wreath product |
2241 | ≁ | not tilde |
2242 | ≂ | minus tilde |
2243 | ≃ |
not-terse: is asymptotically equal to |
2244 | ≄ |
not-terse: is not asymptotically equal to |
2245 | ≅ |
not-terse: is approximately equal to |
2246 | ≆ |
not-terse: is approximately but not actually equal to |
2247 | ≇ |
not-terse: is neither approximately nor actually equal to |
2248 | ≈ |
not-terse: is almost equal to |
2249 | ≉ |
not-terse: is not almost equal to |
224A | ≊ |
not-terse: is almost equal or equal to |
224B | ≋ | triple tilde |
224C | ≌ | are all equal to |
224D | ≍ |
not-terse: is equivalent to |
224E | ≎ |
not-terse: is geometrically equivalent to |
224F | ≏ |
not-terse: the difference between |
2250 | ≐ | approaches the limit |
2251 | ≑ |
not-terse: is geometrically equal to |
2252 | ≒ |
not-terse: is approximately equal to or the image of |
2253 | ≓ |
not-terse: is the image of or approximately equal to |
2254 | ≔ | colon equals |
2255 | ≕ | equals colon |
2256 | ≖ | ring in equal to |
2257 | ≗ |
not-terse: is approximately equal to |
2258 | ≘ | corresponds to |
2259 | ≙ | estimates |
225A | ≚ |
not-terse: is equiangular to |
225B | ≛ | star equals |
225C | ≜ | delta equals |
225D | ≝ | is defined to be |
225E | ≞ |
not-terse: is measured by |
225F | ≟ | has an unknown relationship with |
2260 | ≠ |
not-terse: is not equal to |
2261 | ≡ |
not-terse: is identical to |
2262 | ≢ |
not-terse: is not identical to |
2263 | ≣ |
not-terse: is strictly equivalent to |
2266 | ≦ | less than over equal to |
2267 | ≧ | greater than over equal to |
2268 | ≨ |
not-terse: is less than but not equal to |
2269 | ≩ |
not-terse: is greater than but not equal to |
226A | ≪ |
not-terse: is much less than |
226B | ≫ |
not-terse: is much greater than |
226C | ≬ |
not-terse: is between |
226D | ≭ |
not-terse: is not equivalent to |
226E | ≮ |
not-terse: is not less than |
226F | ≯ |
not-terse: is not greater than |
2270 | ≰ |
not-terse: is neither less than nor equal to |
2271 | ≱ |
not-terse: is neither greater than nor equal to |
2272 | ≲ |
not-terse: is less than or equivalent to |
2273 | ≳ |
not-terse: is greater than or equivalent to |
2274 | ≴ |
not-terse: is neither less than nor equivalent to |
2275 | ≵ |
not-terse: is neither greater than nor equivalent to |
2276 | ≶ |
not-terse: is less than or greater than |
2277 | ≷ |
not-terse: is greater than or less than |
2278 | ≸ |
not-terse: is neither less than nor greater than |
2279 | ≹ |
not-terse: is neither greater than nor less than |
227A | ≺ | precedes |
227B | ≻ | succeeds |
227C | ≼ | precedes or is equal to |
227D | ≽ | succeeds or is equal to |
227E | ≾ | precedes or is equivalent to |
227F | ≿ | succeeds or is equivalent to |
2280 | ⊀ | does not precede |
2281 | ⊁ | does not succeed |
2282 | ⊂ |
not-terse: is a subset of |
2283 | ⊃ |
not-terse: is a superset of |
2284 | ⊄ |
not-terse: is not a subset of |
2285 | ⊅ |
not-terse: is not a superset of |
2286 | ⊆ |
not-terse: is a subset of or equal to |
2287 | ⊇ |
not-terse: is a superset of or equal to |
2288 | ⊈ |
not-terse: is neither a subset of nor equal to |
2289 | ⊉ |
not-terse: is neither a superset of nor equal to |
228A | ⊊ | subset of with not equal to |
228B | ⊋ | superset of with not equal to |
228C | ⊌ | multiset |
228D | ⊍ | multiset multiplication |
228E | ⊎ | multiset union |
228F | ⊏ | square image of |
2290 | ⊐ | square original of |
2291 | ⊑ | square image of or equal to |
2292 | ⊒ | square original of or equal to |
2293 | ⊓ | square cap |
2294 | ⊔ | square cup |
2295 | ⊕ | circled plus |
2296 | ⊖ | circled minus |
2297 | ⊗ | circled times |
2298 | ⊘ | circled slash |
2299 | ⊙ | circled dot operator |
229A | ⊚ | circled ring |
229B | ⊛ | circled asterisk |
229C | ⊜ | circled equals |
229D | ⊝ | circled dash |
229E | ⊞ | squared plus |
229F | ⊟ | squared minus |
22A0 | ⊠ | squared times |
22A1 | ⊡ | squared dot operator |
22A2 | ⊢ | proves |
22A3 | ⊣ | does not yield |
22A4 | ⊤ | top |
22A5 | ⊥ |
not-terse: is bottom |
22A6 | ⊦ | reduces to |
22A7 | ⊧ | models |
22A8 | ⊨ |
not-terse: is true |
22A9 | ⊩ | forces |
22AA | ⊪ | triple vertical bar right turnstile |
22AB | ⊫ | double vertical bar double right turnstile |
22AC | ⊬ | does not prove |
22AD | ⊭ |
not-terse: is not true |
22AE | ⊮ | does not force |
22AF | ⊯ | negated double vertical bar double right turnstile |
22B0 | ⊰ | precedes under relation |
22B1 | ⊱ | succeeds under relation |
22B2 | ⊲ |
not-terse: is a normal subgroup of |
22B3 | ⊳ | contains as a normal subgroup |
22B4 | ⊴ |
not-terse: is a normal subgroup of or equal to |
22B5 | ⊵ | contains as a normal subgroup or equal to |
22B6 | ⊶ |
not-terse: is the original of |
22B7 | ⊷ |
not-terse: is an image of |
22B8 | ⊸ | multimap |
22B9 | ⊹ | hermitian conjugate matrix |
22BA | ⊺ | intercalate |
22BB | ⊻ | xor |
22BC | ⊼ | nand |
22BD | ⊽ | nor |
22BE | ⊾ | right angle with arc |
22BF | ⊿ | right triangle |
22C0 | ⋀ | logical and |
22C1 | ⋁ | logical or |
22C2 | ⋂ | intersection |
22C3 | ⋃ | union |
22C4 | ⋄ | diamond operator |
22C5 | ⋅ |
bullet-dot: dot bullet-times: times default: bullet |
22C6 | ⋆ | times |
22C7 | ⋇ | division times |
22C8 | ⋈ | bowtie |
22C9 | ⋉ |
not-terse: is the left normal factor semidirect product of |
22CA | ⋊ |
not-terse: is the right normal factor semidirect product of |
22CB | ⋋ |
not-terse: is the left semidirect product of |
22CC | ⋌ |
not-terse: is the right semidirect product of |
22CD | ⋍ | reversed tilde equals |
22CE | ⋎ | curly logical or |
22CF | ⋏ | curly logical and |
22D0 | ⋐ |
not-terse: is a double subset of |
22D1 | ⋑ |
not-terse: is a double superset of |
22D2 | ⋒ |
not-terse: the double intersection of |
22D3 | ⋓ |
not-terse: the double union of |
22D4 | ⋔ |
not-terse: the proper intersection of |
22D5 | ⋕ |
not-terse: is equal to and parallel to |
22D6 | ⋖ | less than with dot |
22D7 | ⋗ | greater than with dot |
22D8 | ⋘ |
not-terse: is very much less than |
22D9 | ⋙ |
not-terse: is very much greater than |
22DA | ⋚ |
not-terse: is less than equal to or greater than |
22DB | ⋛ |
not-terse: is greater than equal to or less than |
22DC | ⋜ |
not-terse: is equal to or less than |
22DD | ⋝ |
not-terse: is equal to or greater than |
22DE | ⋞ |
not-terse: is equal to or precedes |
22DF | ⋟ |
not-terse: is equal to or succeeds |
22E0 | ⋠ | does not precede nor is equal to |
22E1 | ⋡ | does not succeed nor is equal to |
22E2 | ⋢ | not square image of or equal to |
22E3 | ⋣ | not square original of or equal to |
22E4 | ⋤ | square image of or not equal to |
22E5 | ⋥ | square original of or not equal to |
22E6 | ⋦ |
not-terse: is less than but not equivalent to |
22E7 | ⋧ |
not-terse: is greater than but not equivalent to |
22E8 | ⋨ | precedes but is not equivalent to |
22E9 | ⋩ | succeeds but is not equivalent to |
22EA | ⋪ |
not-terse: is not a normal subgroup of |
22EB | ⋫ | does not contain as a normal subgroup |
22EC | ⋬ |
not-terse: is not a normal subgroup of nor is equal to |
22ED | ⋭ | does not contain as a normal subgroup nor is equal to |
22EE | ⋮ | vertical ellipsis |
22EF | ⋯ | dot dot dot |
22F0 | ⋰ | upwards diagonal ellipsis |
22F1 | ⋱ | diagonal ellipsis |
22F2 | ⋲ | element of with long horizontal stroke |
22F3 | ⋳ | element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke |
22F4 | ⋴ | element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke |
22F5 | ⋵ | element of with dot above |
22F6 | ⋶ | element of with overbar |
22F7 | ⋷ | element of with overbar |
22F8 | ⋸ | element of with underbar |
22F9 | ⋹ | element of with two horizontal strokes |
22FA | ⋺ | contains with long horizontal stroke |
22FB | ⋻ | contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke |
22FC | ⋼ | contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke |
22FD | ⋽ | contains with overbar |
22FE | ⋾ | contains with overbar |
22FF | ⋿ | z notation bag membership |
2300 | ⌀ | diameter |
2301 | ⌁ | electric arrow |
2302 | ⌂ | house |
2303 | ⌃ | up arrowhead |
2304 | ⌄ | down arrowhead |
2305 | ⌅ | projective |
2306 | ⌆ | perspective |
2307 | ⌇ | wavy line |
2308 | ⌈ | left ceiling |
2309 | ⌉ | right ceiling |
230A | ⌊ | left floor |
230B | ⌋ | right floor |
230C | ⌌ | bottom right crop |
230D | ⌍ | bottom left crop |
230E | ⌎ | top right crop |
230F | ⌏ | top left crop |
2310 | ⌐ | reversed not sign |
2311 | ⌑ | square lozenge |
2312 | ⌒ | arc |
2313 | ⌓ | segment |
2314 | ⌔ | sector |
2315 | ⌕ | telephone recorder |
2316 | ⌖ | position indicator crosshairs |
2317 | ⌗ | viewdata square |
2318 | ⌘ | place of interest sign |
2319 | ⌙ | turned not sign |
231A | ⌚ | watch |
231B | ⌛ | hourglass |
231C | ⌜ | top left corner |
231D | ⌝ | top right corner |
231E | ⌞ | bottom left corner |
231F | ⌟ | bottom right corner |
2320 | ⌠ | top half integral |
2321 | ⌡ | bottom half integral |
2322 | ⌢ | frown |
2323 | ⌣ | smile |
2324 | ⌤ | up arrowhead between two horizontal bars |
2325 | ⌥ | option key |
2326 | ⌦ | erase to the right |
2327 | ⌧ | x in a rectangle box |
2328 | ⌨ | keyboard |
2329 | 〈 | left pointing angle bracket |
232A | 〉 | right pointing angle bracket |
232B | ⌫ | erase to the left |
232C | ⌬ | benzene ring |
232D | ⌭ | cylindricity |
232E | ⌮ | all around profile |
232F | ⌯ | symmetry |
2330 | ⌰ | total runout |
2331 | ⌱ | dimension origin |
2332 | ⌲ | conical taper |
2333 | ⌳ | slope |
2334 | ⌴ | counterbore |
2335 | ⌵ | countersink |
2336 | ⌶ | apl i beam |
233D | ⌽ | apl circle stile |
233F | ⌿ | apl slash bar |
2370 | ⍰ | unknown box |
237C | ⍼ | right angle with downwards zigzag arrow |
2394 | ⎔ | hexagon |
2395 | ⎕ | box |
23B4 | ⎴ | over square bracket |
23B5 | ⎵ | under square bracket |
23B6 | ⎶ | bottom square bracket over top square bracket |
23DC | ⏜ | top paren |
23DD | ⏝ | bottom paren |
23DE | ⏞ | top brace |
23DF | ⏟ | bottom brace |
23E0 | ⏠ | top tortoise shell bracket |
23E1 | ⏡ | bottom tortoise shell bracket |
23E2 | ⏢ | white trapezium |
23E3 | ⏣ | benzene right with circle |
23E4 | ⏤ | straightness |
23E5 | ⏥ | flatness |
23E6 | ⏦ | current |
23E7 | ⏧ | electrical intersection |
2460-2468 | ①-⑨ | circled map: ('①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨', '123456789') |
2469 | ⑩ | circled ten |
246A | ⑪ | circled eleven |
246B | ⑫ | circled twelve |
246C | ⑬ | circled thirteen |
246D | ⑭ | circled fourteen |
246E | ⑮ | circled fifteen |
246F | ⑯ | circled sixteen |
2470 | ⑰ | circled seventeen |
2471 | ⑱ | circled eighteen |
2473 | ⑳ | circled twenty |
2474-247C | ⑴-⑼ | parenthesized map: ('⑴⑵⑶⑷⑸⑹⑺⑻⑼', '123456789') |
247D | ⑽ | parenthesized ten |
247E | ⑾ | parenthesized eleven |
247F | ⑿ | parenthesized twelve |
2480 | ⒀ | parenthesized thirteen |
2481 | ⒁ | parenthesized fourteen |
2482 | ⒂ | parenthesized fifteen |
2483 | ⒃ | parenthesized sixteen |
2484 | ⒄ | parenthesized seventeen |
2485 | ⒅ | parenthesized eighteen |
2486 | ⒆ | parenthesized nineteen |
2487 | ⒇ | parenthesized twenty |
2488-2490 | ⒈-⒐ | map: ('⒈⒉⒊⒋⒌⒍⒎⒏⒐', '123456789') with period |
2491 | ⒑ | ten with period |
2492 | ⒒ | eleven with period |
2493 | ⒓ | twelve with period |
2494 | ⒔ | thirteen with period |
2495 | ⒕ | fourteen with period |
2496 | ⒖ | fifteen with period |
2497 | ⒗ | sixteen with period |
2498 | ⒘ | seventeen with period |
2499 | ⒙ | eighteen with period |
249A | ⒚ | nineteen with period |
249B | ⒛ | twenty with period |
249C-24B5 | ⒜-⒵ | parenthesized map: ('⒜⒝⒞⒟⒠⒡⒢⒣⒤⒥⒦⒧⒨⒩⒪⒫⒬⒭⒮⒯⒰⒱⒲⒳⒴⒵', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
24D0-24E9 | ⓐ-ⓩ | circled map: ('ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
24EA | ⓪ | circled zero |
24EB | ⓫ | black circled eleven |
24EC | ⓬ | black circled twelve |
24ED | ⓭ | black circled thirteen |
24EE | ⓮ | black circled fourteen |
24EF | ⓯ | black circled fifteen |
24F0 | ⓰ | black circled sixteen |
24F1 | ⓱ | black circled seventeen |
24F2 | ⓲ | black circled eighteen |
24F3 | ⓳ | black circled nineteen |
24F4 | ⓴ | black circled twenty |
24F5-24FD | ⓵-⓽ | double circled map: ('⓵⓶⓷⓸⓹⓺⓻⓼⓽', '123456789') |
24FE | ⓾ | double circled ten |
24FF | ⓿ | black circled zero |
25A0 | ■ | black square |
25A1 | □ | white square |
25A2 | ▢ | white square with rounded corners |
25A3 | ▣ | white square containing small black square |
25A4 | ▤ | square with horizontal fill |
25A5 | ▥ | square with vertical fill |
25A6 | ▦ | square with orthogonal crosshatch fill |
25A7 | ▧ | square with upper left to lower right fill |
25A8 | ▨ | square with upper right to lower left fill |
25A9 | ▩ | square with diagonal crosshatch fill |
25AA | ▪ | black small square |
25AB | ▫ | white small square |
25AC | ▬ | black rectangle |
25AD | ▭ | white rectangle |
25AE | ▮ | black vertical rectangle |
25AF | ▯ | white vertical rectangle |
25B0 | ▰ | black parallelogram |
25B1 | ▱ | white parallelogram |
25B2 | ▲ | black up pointing triangle |
25B3 | △ | white up pointing triangle |
25B4 | ▴ | black up pointing small triangle |
25B5 | ▵ | white up pointing small triangle |
25B6 | ▶ | black right pointing triangle |
25B7 | ▷ | white right pointing triangle |
25B8 | ▸ | black right pointing small triangle |
25B9 | ▹ | white right pointing small triangle |
25BA | ► | black right pointing pointer |
25BB | ▻ | white right pointing pointer |
25BC | ▼ | black down pointing triangle |
25BD | ▽ | white down pointing triangle |
25BE | ▾ | black down pointing small triangle |
25BF | ▿ | white down pointing small triangle |
25C0 | ◀ | black left pointing triangle |
25C1 | ◁ | white left pointing triangle |
25C2 | ◂ | black left pointing small triangle |
25C3 | ◃ | white left pointing small triangle |
25C4 | ◄ | black left pointing pointer |
25C5 | ◅ | white left pointing pointer |
25C6 | ◆ | black diamond |
25C7 | ◇ | white diamond |
25C8 | ◈ | white diamond containing black small diamond |
25C9 | ◉ | fisheye |
25CA | ◊ | lozenge |
25CB | ○ | white circle |
25CC | ◌ | dotted circle |
25CD | ◍ | circle with vertical fill |
25CE | ◎ | bullseye |
25CF | ● | black circle |
25D0 | ◐ | circle with left half black |
25D1 | ◑ | circle with right half black |
25D2 | ◒ | circle with lower half black |
25D3 | ◓ | circle with upper half black |
25D4 | ◔ | circle with upper right quadrant black |
25D5 | ◕ | circle with all but upper left quadrant black |
25D6 | ◖ | left half black circle |
25D7 | ◗ | right half black circle |
25D8 | ◘ | inverse bullet |
25D9 | ◙ | inverse white circle |
25DA | ◚ | upper half inverse white circle |
25DB | ◛ | lower half inverse white circle |
25DC | ◜ | upper left quadrant circular arc |
25DD | ◝ | upper right quadrant circular arc |
25DE | ◞ | lower right quadrant circular arc |
25DF | ◟ | lower left quadrant circular arc |
25E0 | ◠ | upper half circle |
25E1 | ◡ | lower half circle |
25E2 | ◢ | black lower right triangle |
25E3 | ◣ | black lower left triangle |
25E4 | ◤ | black upper left triangle |
25E5 | ◥ | black upper right triangle |
25E6 | ◦ | composition |
25E7 | ◧ | square with left half black |
25E8 | ◨ | square with right half black |
25E9 | ◩ | square with upper left half black |
25EA | ◪ | square with lower right half black |
25EB | ◫ | white square with bisecting line |
25EC | ◬ | white up pointing triangle with dot |
25ED | ◭ | up pointing triangle with left half black |
25EE | ◮ | up pointing triangle with right half black |
25EF | ◯ | large circle |
25F0 | ◰ | white square with upper left quadrant |
25F1 | ◱ | white square with lower left quadrant |
25F2 | ◲ | white square with lower right quadrant |
25F3 | ◳ | white square with upper right quadrant |
25F4 | ◴ | white circle with upper left quadrant |
25F5 | ◵ | white circle with lower left quadrant |
25F6 | ◶ | white circle with lower right quadrant |
25F7 | ◷ | white circle with upper right quadrant |
25F8 | ◸ | upper left triangle |
25F9 | ◹ | upper right triangle |
25FA | ◺ | lower left triangle |
25FB | ◻ | white medium square |
25FC | ◼ | black medium square |
25FD | ◽ | white medium small square |
25FE | ◾ | black medium small square |
25FF | ◿ | lower right triangle |
2605 | ★ | black star |
2606 | ☆ | white star |
2609 | ☉ | sun |
260C | ☌ | conjuction |
2612 | ☒ | ballot box with x |
263D | ☽ | waxing moon |
263E | ☾ | waning moon |
263F | ☿ | mercury |
2640 | ♀ | female |
2641 | ♁ | earth |
2642 | ♂ | male |
2643 | ♃ | jupiter |
2644 | ♄ | saturn |
2645 | ♅ | uranus |
2646 | ♆ | neptune |
2647 | ♇ | pluto |
2648 | ♈ | aries |
2649 | ♉ | taurus |
2660 | ♠ | black spade suit |
2661 | ♡ | white heart suit |
2662 | ♢ | white diamond suit |
2663 | ♣ | black club suit |
2664 | ♤ | white spade suit |
2665 | ♥ | black heart suit |
2666 | ♦ | black diamond suit |
2667 | ♧ | white club suit |
2669 | ♩ | quarter note |
266D | ♭ | flat |
266E | ♮ | natural |
266F | ♯ | sharp |
2680 | ⚀ | die face 1 |
2681 | ⚁ | die face 2 |
2682 | ⚂ | die face 3 |
2683 | ⚃ | die face 4 |
2684 | ⚄ | die face 5 |
2685 | ⚅ | die face 6 |
2686 | ⚆ | white circle with dot right |
2687 | ⚇ | white circle wiht two dots |
2688 | ⚈ | black circle with dot right |
2689 | ⚉ | black circle wiht two dots |
26AA | ⚪ | medium white circle |
26AB | ⚫ | medium black circle |
26AC | ⚬ | medium small white circle |
26B2 | ⚲ | neuter |
2713 | ✓ | check mark |
2720 | ✠ | maltese cross |
272A | ✪ | circled white star |
2736 | ✶ | six pionted black star |
2768 | ❨ | medium left parentheses ornament |
2769 | ❩ | medium right parentheses ornament |
276A | ❪ | medium flattened left parentheses ornament |
276B | ❫ | medium flattened right parentheses ornament |
276C | ❬ | medium left-pointing angle bracket ornament |
276D | ❭ | medium right-pointing angle bracket ornament |
276E | ❮ | heavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament |
276F | ❯ | heavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament |
2770 | ❰ | heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament |
2771 | ❱ | heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament |
2772 | ❲ | light left tortoise shell bracket ornament |
2773 | ❳ | light right tortoise shell bracket ornament |
2774 | ❴ | medium left brace ornament |
2775 | ❵ | medium right brace ornament |
2776 | ❶ | black circled one |
2777 | ❷ | black circled two |
2778 | ❸ | black circled three |
2779 | ❹ | black circled four |
277A | ❺ | black circled five |
277B | ❻ | black circled six |
277C | ❼ | black circled seven |
277D | ❽ | black circled eight |
277E | ❾ | black circled nine |
277F | ❿ | black circled ten |
2780 | ➀ | circled sans serif one |
2781 | ➁ | circled sans serif two |
2782 | ➂ | circled sans serif three |
2783 | ➃ | circled sans serif four |
2784 | ➄ | circled sans serif five |
2785 | ➅ | circled sans serif six |
2786 | ➆ | circled sans serif seven |
2787 | ➇ | circled sans serif eight |
2788 | ➈ | circled sans serif nine |
2789 | ➉ | circled sans serif ten |
278A | ➊ | black circled sans serif one |
278B | ➋ | black circled sans serif two |
278C | ➌ | black circled sans serif three |
278D | ➍ | black circled sans serif four |
278E | ➎ | black circled sans serif five |
278F | ➏ | black circled sans serif six |
2790 | ➐ | black circled sans serif seven |
2791 | ➑ | black circled sans serif eight |
2792 | ➒ | black circled sans serif nine |
2793 | ➓ | black circled sans serif ten |
2794 | ➔ | heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow |
2795 | ➕ | heavy plus sign |
2796 | ➖ | heavy minus sign |
2797 | ➗ | heavy division sign |
2798 | ➘ | heavy south east arrow |
2799 | ➙ | heavy rightwards arrow |
279A | ➚ | heavy north east arrow |
279B | ➛ | drafting point rightwards arrow |
279C | ➜ | heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow |
279D | ➝ | triangle-headed rightwards arrow |
279E | ➞ | heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow |
279F | ➟ | dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow |
27A0 | ➠ | heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow |
27A1 | ➡ | black rightwards arrow |
27A2 | ➢ | three d top lighted rightwards arrow |
27A3 | ➣ | three d bottom lighted rightwards arrow |
27A4 | ➤ | black rightwards arrowhead |
27A5 | ➥ | heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow |
27A6 | ➦ | heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow |
27A7 | ➧ | squat black rightwards arrow |
27A8 | ➨ | heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow |
27A9 | ➩ | right-shaded white rightwards arrow |
27AA | ➪ | left-shaded white rightwards arrow |
27AB | ➫ | back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27AC | ➬ | front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27AD | ➭ | heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27AE | ➮ | heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27AF | ➯ | notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27B1 | ➱ | notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow |
27B2 | ➲ | circled heavy white rightwards arrow |
27B3 | ➳ | white-feathered rightwards arrow |
27B4 | ➴ | black-feathered south east arrow |
27B5 | ➵ | black-feathered rightwards arrow |
27B6 | ➶ | black-feathered north east arrow |
27B7 | ➷ | heavy black-feathered south east arrow |
27B8 | ➸ | heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow |
27B9 | ➹ | heavy black-feathered north east arrow |
27BA | ➺ | teradrop-barbed rightwards arrow |
27BB | ➻ | heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow |
27BC | ➼ | wedge-tailed rightwards arrow |
27BD | ➽ | heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow |
27BE | ➾ | open-outlined rightwards arrow |
27C0 | ⟀ | three dimensional angle |
27C1 | ⟁ | white triangle containing small white triangle |
27C2 | ⟂ |
not-terse: is perpendicular to |
27C3 | ⟃ |
not-terse: is an open subset of |
27C4 | ⟄ |
not-terse: is an open superset of |
27C5 | ⟅ | left s-shaped bag delimiter |
27C6 | ⟆ | right s-shaped bag delimiter |
27C7 | ⟇ | or with dot inside |
27C8 | ⟈ | reverse solidus preceding subset |
27C9 | ⟉ | superset preceding solidus |
27CA | ⟊ | vertical bar with horizontal stroke |
27CB | ⟋ | mathematical rising diagonal |
27CC | ⟌ | long division |
27CD | ⟍ | mathematical falling diagonal |
27CE | ⟎ | squared logical and |
27CF | ⟏ | squared logical or |
27D0 | ⟐ | white diamond with centered dot |
27D1 | ⟑ | and with dot |
27D2 | ⟒ | element of opening upwards |
27D3 | ⟓ | lower right corner with dot |
27D4 | ⟔ | upper left corner with dot |
27D5 | ⟕ | left outer join |
27D6 | ⟖ | right outer join |
27D7 | ⟗ | full outer join |
27D8 | ⟘ | large up tack |
27D9 | ⟙ | large down tack |
27DA | ⟚ | left and right double turnstile |
27DB | ⟛ | left and right tack |
27DC | ⟜ | left multimap |
27DD | ⟝ | long right tack |
27DE | ⟞ | long left tack |
27DF | ⟟ | up tack with circle above |
27E0 | ⟠ | lozenge divided by horizontal rule |
27E1 | ⟡ | white concave sided diamond |
27E2 | ⟢ | white concave sided diamond with leftwards tick |
27E3 | ⟣ | white concave sided diamond with rightwards tick |
27E4 | ⟤ | white square with leftwards tick |
27E5 | ⟥ | white square with rightwards tick |
27E6 | ⟦ | left white square bracket |
27E7 | ⟧ | right white square bracket |
27E8 | ⟨ | left angle bracket |
27E9 | ⟩ | right angle bracket |
27EA | ⟪ | left double angle bracket |
27EB | ⟫ | right double angle bracket |
27EC | ⟬ | left white tortoise shell bracket |
27ED | ⟭ | right white tortoise shell bracket |
27EE | ⟮ | left flattened parenthesis |
27EF | ⟯ | right flattened parenthesis |
27F0 | ⟰ | upwards quadruple arrow |
27F1 | ⟱ | downwards quadruple arrow |
27F2 | ⟲ | anticlockwise gapped circle arrow |
27F3 | ⟳ | clockwise gapped circle arrow |
27F4 | ⟴ | right arrow with circled plus |
27F5 | ⟵ | long leftwards arrow |
27F6 | ⟶ | long rightwards arrow |
27F7 | ⟷ | long left right arrow |
27F8 | ⟸ | long leftwards double arrow |
27F9 | ⟹ | long rightwards double arrow |
27FA | ⟺ | long left right double arrow |
27FB | ⟻ | long leftwards arrow from bar |
27FC | ⟼ | long rightwards arrow from bar |
27FD | ⟽ | long leftwards double arrow from bar |
27FE | ⟾ | long rightwards double arrow from bar |
27FF | ⟿ | long rightwards squiggle arrow |
2900 | ⤀ | rightwards two headed arrow with vertical stroke |
2901 | ⤁ | rightwards two headed arrow with double vertical stroke |
2902 | ⤂ | leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke |
2903 | ⤃ | rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke |
2904 | ⤄ | left right double arrow with vertical stroke |
2905 | ⤅ | rightwards two headed arrow from bar |
2906 | ⤆ | leftwards double arrow from bar |
2907 | ⤇ | rightwards double arrow from bar |
2908 | ⤈ | downwards arrow with horizontal stroke |
2909 | ⤉ | upwards arrow with horizontal stroke |
290A | ⤊ | upwards triple arrow |
290B | ⤋ | downwards triple arrow |
290C | ⤌ | leftwards double dash arrow |
290D | ⤍ | rightwards double dash arrow |
290E | ⤎ | leftwards triple dash arrow |
290F | ⤏ | rightwards triple dash arrow |
2910 | ⤐ | rightwards two headed triple dash arrow |
2911 | ⤑ | rightwards arrow with dotted stem |
2912 | ⤒ | upwards arrow to bar |
2913 | ⤓ | downwards arrow to bar |
2914 | ⤔ | rightwards arrow with tail and vertical stroke |
2915 | ⤕ | rightwards arrow with tail and double vertical stroke |
2916 | ⤖ | rightwards two headed arrow with tail |
2917 | ⤗ | rightwards two headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke |
2918 | ⤘ | rightwards two headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke |
2919 | ⤙ | leftwards arrow tail |
291A | ⤚ | rightwards arrow tail |
291B | ⤛ | leftwards double arrow tail |
291C | ⤜ | rightwards double arrow tail |
291D | ⤝ | leftwards arrow to filled diamond |
291E | ⤞ | rightwards arrow to filled diamond |
291F | ⤟ | leftwards arrow from bar to filled diamond |
2920 | ⤠ | rightwards arrow from bar to filled diamond |
2921 | ⤡ | north west and south east arrow |
2922 | ⤢ | north east and south west arrow |
2923 | ⤣ | north west arrow with hook |
2924 | ⤤ | north east arrow with hook |
2925 | ⤥ | south east arrow with hook |
2926 | ⤦ | south west arrow with hook |
2927 | ⤧ | north west arrow and north east arrow |
2928 | ⤨ | north east arrow and south east arrow |
2929 | ⤩ | south east arrow and south west arrow |
292A | ⤪ | south west arrow and north west arrow |
292B | ⤫ | rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal |
292C | ⤬ | falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal |
292D | ⤭ | south east arrow crossing north east arrow |
292E | ⤮ | north east arrow crossing south east arrow |
292F | ⤯ | falling diagonal crossing north east arrow |
2930 | ⤰ | rising diagonal crossing south east arrow |
2931 | ⤱ | north east arrow crossing north west arrow |
2932 | ⤲ | north west arrow crossing north east arrow |
2933 | ⤳ | wave arrow pointing directly right |
2934 | ⤴ | arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards |
2935 | ⤵ | arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards |
2936 | ⤶ | arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards |
2937 | ⤷ | arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards |
2938 | ⤸ | right side arc clockwise arrow |
2939 | ⤹ | left side arc anticlockwise arrow |
293A | ⤺ | top arc anticlockwise arrow |
293B | ⤻ | bottom arc anticlockwise arrow |
293C | ⤼ | top arc clockwise arrow with minus |
293D | ⤽ | top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus |
293E | ⤾ | lower right semicircular clockwise arrow |
293F | ⤿ | lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow |
2940 | ⥀ | anticlockwise closed circle arrow |
2941 | ⥁ | clockwise closed circle arrow |
2942 | ⥂ | rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow |
2943 | ⥃ | leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow |
2944 | ⥄ | short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow |
2945 | ⥅ | rightwards arrow with plus below |
2946 | ⥆ | leftwards arrow with plus below |
2947 | ⥇ | rightwards arrow through x |
2948 | ⥈ | left right arrow through circle |
2949 | ⥉ | upwards two headed arrow from circle |
294A | ⥊ | left barb up right barb down harpoon |
294B | ⥋ | left barb down right barb up harpoon |
294C | ⥌ | up barb right down barb left harpoon |
294D | ⥍ | up barb left down barb right harpoon |
294E | ⥎ | left barb up right barb up harpoon |
294F | ⥏ | up barb right down barb right harpoon |
2950 | ⥐ | left barb down right barb down harpoon |
2951 | ⥑ | up barb left down barb left harpoon |
2952 | ⥒ | leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar |
2953 | ⥓ | rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar |
2954 | ⥔ | upwards harpoon with barb right to bar |
2955 | ⥕ | downwards harpoon with barb right to bar |
2956 | ⥖ | leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar |
2957 | ⥗ | rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar |
2958 | ⥘ | upwards harpoon with barb left to bar |
2959 | ⥙ | downwards harpoon with barb left to bar |
295A | ⥚ | leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar |
295B | ⥛ | rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar |
295C | ⥜ | upwards harpoon with barb right from bar |
295D | ⥝ | downwards harpoon with barb right from bar |
295E | ⥞ | leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar |
295F | ⥟ | rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar |
2960 | ⥠ | upwards harpoon with barb left from bar |
2961 | ⥡ | downwards harpoon with barb left from bar |
2962 | ⥢ | leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down |
2963 | ⥣ | upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right |
2964 | ⥤ | rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down |
2965 | ⥥ | downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right |
2966 | ⥦ | leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up |
2967 | ⥧ | leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down |
2968 | ⥨ | rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up |
2969 | ⥩ | rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down |
296A | ⥪ | leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash |
296B | ⥫ | leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash |
296C | ⥬ | rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash |
296D | ⥭ | rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash |
296E | ⥮ | upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right |
296F | ⥯ | downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right |
2970 | ⥰ | right double arrow with rounded head |
2971 | ⥱ | equals above rightwards arrow |
2972 | ⥲ | tilde operator above rightwards arrow |
2973 | ⥳ | leftwards arrow above tilde operator |
2974 | ⥴ | rightwards arrow above tilde operator |
2975 | ⥵ | rightwards arrow above almost equal to |
2976 | ⥶ | less than above leftwards arrow |
2977 | ⥷ | leftwards arrow through less than |
2978 | ⥸ | greater than above rightwards arrow |
2979 | ⥹ | subset above rightwards arrow |
297A | ⥺ | leftwards arrow through subset |
297B | ⥻ | superset above leftwards arrow |
297C | ⥼ | left fish tail |
297D | ⥽ | right fish tail |
297E | ⥾ | up fish tail |
297F | ⥿ | down fish tail |
2980 | ⦀ | triple vertical bar delimiter |
2981 | ⦁ | z notation spot |
2982 | ⦂ | z notation type colon |
2983 | ⦃ | left white brace |
2984 | ⦄ | right white brace |
2985 | ⦅ | left white parenthesis |
2986 | ⦆ | right white parenthesis |
2987 | ⦇ | z notation left image bracket |
2988 | ⦈ | z notation right image bracket |
2989 | ⦉ | z notation left binding bracket |
298A | ⦊ | z notation right binding bracket |
298B | ⦋ | left square bracket with underbar |
298C | ⦌ | right square bracket with underbar |
298D | ⦍ | left square bracket with tick in top corner |
298E | ⦎ | right square bracket with tick in bottom corner |
298F | ⦏ | left square bracket with tick in bottom corner |
2990 | ⦐ | right square bracket with tick in top corner |
2991 | ⦑ | left angle bracket with dot |
2992 | ⦒ | right angle bracket with dot |
2993 | ⦓ | left arc less than bracket |
2994 | ⦔ | right arc greater than bracket |
2995 | ⦕ | double left arc greater than bracket |
2996 | ⦖ | double right arc less than bracket |
2997 | ⦗ | left black tortoise shell bracket |
2998 | ⦘ | right black tortoise shell bracket |
2999 | ⦙ | dotted fence |
299A | ⦚ | vertical zigzag line |
299B | ⦛ | measured angle opening left |
299C | ⦜ | right angle variant with square |
299D | ⦝ | measured right angle with dot |
299E | ⦞ | angle with s inside |
299F | ⦟ | acute angle |
29A0 | ⦠ | spherical angle opening left |
29A1 | ⦡ | spherical angle opening up |
29A2 | ⦢ | turned angle |
29A3 | ⦣ | reversed angle |
29A4 | ⦤ | angle with underbar |
29A5 | ⦥ | reversed angle with underbar |
29A6 | ⦦ | oblique angle opening up |
29A7 | ⦧ | oblique angle opening down |
29A8 | ⦨ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and to the right |
29A9 | ⦩ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and to the left |
29AA | ⦪ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and to the right |
29AB | ⦫ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and to the left |
29AC | ⦬ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up |
29AD | ⦭ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up |
29AE | ⦮ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down |
29AF | ⦯ | measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down |
29B0 | ⦰ | reversed empty set |
29B1 | ⦱ | empty set with overbar |
29B2 | ⦲ | empty set with small circle above |
29B3 | ⦳ | empty set with right arrow above |
29B4 | ⦴ | empty set with left arrow above |
29B5 | ⦵ | circle with horizontal bar |
29B6 | ⦶ | circled vertical bar |
29B7 | ⦷ | circled parallel |
29B8 | ⦸ | circled reverse solidus |
29B9 | ⦹ | circled perpendicular |
29BA | ⦺ | circled divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar |
29BB | ⦻ | circle with superimposed x |
29BC | ⦼ | circled anticlockwise rotated division sign |
29BD | ⦽ | up arrow through circle |
29BE | ⦾ | circled white bullet |
29BF | ⦿ | circled bullet |
29C0 | ⧀ | circled less than |
29C1 | ⧁ | circled greater than |
29C2 | ⧂ | circle with small circle to the right |
29C3 | ⧃ | circle with two horizontal strokes to the right |
29C4 | ⧄ | squared rising diagonal slash |
29C5 | ⧅ | squared falling diagonal slash |
29C6 | ⧆ | squared asterisk |
29C7 | ⧇ | squared small circle |
29C8 | ⧈ | squared square |
29C9 | ⧉ | two joined squares |
29CA | ⧊ | triangle with dot above |
29CB | ⧋ | triangle with underbar |
29CC | ⧌ | s in triangle |
29CD | ⧍ | triangle with serifs at bottom |
29CE | ⧎ | right triangle above left triangle |
29CF | ⧏ | left triangle beside vertical bar |
29D0 | ⧐ | vertical bar beside right triangle |
29D1 | ⧑ | bowtie with left half black |
29D2 | ⧒ | bowtie with right half black |
29D3 | ⧓ | black bowtie |
29D4 | ⧔ | times with left half black |
29D5 | ⧕ | times with right half black |
29D6 | ⧖ | white hourglass |
29D7 | ⧗ | black hourglass |
29D8 | ⧘ | left wiggly fence |
29D9 | ⧙ | right wiggly fence |
29DA | ⧚ | left double wiggly fence |
29DB | ⧛ | right double wiggly fence |
29DC | ⧜ | incomplete infinity |
29DD | ⧝ | tie over infinity |
29DE | ⧞ | infinity negated with vertical bar |
29DF | ⧟ | double-ended multimap |
29E0 | ⧠ | square with contoured outline |
29E1 | ⧡ | increases as |
29E2 | ⧢ | shuffle product |
29E3 | ⧣ | equals sign and slanted parallel |
29E4 | ⧤ | equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above |
29E5 | ⧥ | identical to and slanted parallel |
29E6 | ⧦ | gleich stark |
29E7 | ⧧ | thermodynamic |
29E8 | ⧨ | down pointing triangle with left half black |
29E9 | ⧩ | down pointing triangle with right half black |
29EA | ⧪ | black diamond with down arrow |
29EB | ⧫ | black lozenge |
29EC | ⧬ | white circle with down arrow |
29ED | ⧭ | black circle with down arrow |
29EE | ⧮ | error-barred white square |
29EF | ⧯ | error-barred black square |
29F0 | ⧰ | error-barred white diamond |
29F1 | ⧱ | error-barred black diamond |
29F2 | ⧲ | error-barred white circle |
29F3 | ⧳ | error-barred black circle |
29F4 | ⧴ | rule-delayed |
29F5 | ⧵ | reverse solidus operator |
29F6 | ⧶ | solidus with overbar |
29F7 | ⧷ | reverse solidus with horizontal stroke |
29F8 | ⧸ | big solidus |
29F9 | ⧹ | big reverse solidus |
29FA | ⧺ | double plus |
29FB | ⧻ | triple plus |
29FC | ⧼ | left pointing curved angle bracket |
29FD | ⧽ | right pointing curved angle bracket |
29FE | ⧾ | tiny |
29FF | ⧿ | miny |
2A00 | ⨀ | circled dot operator |
2A01 | ⨁ | circled plus operator |
2A02 | ⨂ | circled times operator |
2A03 | ⨃ | union operator with dot |
2A04 | ⨄ | union operator with plus |
2A05 | ⨅ | square intersection operator |
2A06 | ⨆ | square union operator |
2A07 | ⨇ | two logical and operator |
2A08 | ⨈ | two logical or operator |
2A09 | ⨉ | times operator |
2A0A | ⨊ | modulo two sum |
2A0B | ⨋ | summation with integral |
2A0C | ⨌ | quadruple integral operator |
2A0D | ⨍ | finite part integral |
2A0E | ⨎ | integral with double stroke |
2A0F | ⨏ | integral average with slash |
2A10 | ⨐ | circulation function |
2A11 | ⨑ | anticlockwise integration |
2A12 | ⨒ | line integration with rectangular path around pole |
2A13 | ⨓ | line integration with semicircular path around pole |
2A14 | ⨔ | line integration not including the pole |
2A15 | ⨕ | integral around a point operator |
2A16 | ⨖ | quaternion integral operator |
2A17 | ⨗ | integral with leftwards arrow with hook |
2A18 | ⨘ | integral with times sign |
2A19 | ⨙ | integral with intersection |
2A1A | ⨚ | integral with union |
2A1B | ⨛ | integral with overbar |
2A1C | ⨜ | integral with underbar |
2A1D | ⨝ | join |
2A1E | ⨞ | large left triangle operator |
2A1F | ⨟ | z notation schema composition |
2A20 | ⨠ | z notation schema piping |
2A21 | ⨡ | z notation schema projection |
2A22 | ⨢ | plus sign with circle above |
2A23 | ⨣ | plus sign with circumflex accent above |
2A24 | ⨤ | plus sign with tilde above |
2A25 | ⨥ | plus sign with dot below |
2A26 | ⨦ | plus sign with tilde below |
2A27 | ⨧ | plus sign with subscript two |
2A28 | ⨨ | plus sign with black triangle |
2A29 | ⨩ | minus sign with comma above |
2A2A | ⨪ | minus sign with dot below |
2A2B | ⨫ | minus sign with falling dots |
2A2C | ⨬ | minus sign with rising dots |
2A2D | ⨭ | plus sign in left half circle |
2A2E | ⨮ | plus sign in right half circle |
2A2F | ⨯ | cross product |
2A30 | ⨰ | multiplication sign with dot above |
2A31 | ⨱ | multiplication sign with underbar |
2A32 | ⨲ | semidirect product with bottom closed |
2A33 | ⨳ | smash product |
2A34 | ⨴ | multiplication sign in left half circle |
2A35 | ⨵ | multiplication sign in right half circle |
2A36 | ⨶ | circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent |
2A37 | ⨷ | multiplication sign in double circle |
2A38 | ⨸ | circled division sign |
2A39 | ⨹ | plus sign in triangle |
2A3A | ⨺ | minus sign in triangle |
2A3B | ⨻ | multiplication sign in triangle |
2A3C | ⨼ | interior product |
2A3D | ⨽ | righthand interior product |
2A3E | ⨾ | z notation relational composition |
2A3F | ⨿ | amalgamation or coproduct |
2A40 | ⩀ | intersection with dot |
2A41 | ⩁ | union with minus sign |
2A42 | ⩂ | union with overbar |
2A43 | ⩃ | intersection with overbar |
2A44 | ⩄ | intersection with logical and |
2A45 | ⩅ | union with logical or |
2A46 | ⩆ | union above intersection |
2A47 | ⩇ | intersection above union |
2A48 | ⩈ | union above bar above intersection |
2A49 | ⩉ | intersection above bar above union |
2A4A | ⩊ | union beside and joined with union |
2A4B | ⩋ | intersection beside and joined with intersection |
2A4C | ⩌ | closed union with serifs |
2A4D | ⩍ | closed intersection with serifs |
2A4E | ⩎ | double square intersection |
2A4F | ⩏ | double square union |
2A50 | ⩐ | closed union with serifs and smash product |
2A51 | ⩑ | logical and with dot above |
2A52 | ⩒ | logical or with dot above |
2A53 | ⩓ | double logical and |
2A54 | ⩔ | double logical or |
2A55 | ⩕ | two intersecting logical and |
2A56 | ⩖ | two intersecting logical or |
2A57 | ⩗ | sloping large or |
2A58 | ⩘ | sloping large and |
2A59 | ⩙ | logical or overlapping logical and |
2A5A | ⩚ | logical and with middle stem |
2A5B | ⩛ | logical or with middle stem |
2A5C | ⩜ | logical and with horizontal dash |
2A5D | ⩝ | logical or with horizontal dash |
2A5E | ⩞ | logical and with double overbar |
2A5F | ⩟ | logical and with underbar |
2A60 | ⩠ | logical and with double underbar |
2A61 | ⩡ | small vee with underbar |
2A62 | ⩢ | logical or with double overbar |
2A63 | ⩣ | logical or with double underbar |
2A64 | ⩤ | z notation domain antirestriction |
2A65 | ⩥ | z notation range antirestriction |
2A66 | ⩦ | equals sign with dot below |
2A67 | ⩧ | identical with dot above |
2A68 | ⩨ | triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke |
2A69 | ⩩ | triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke |
2A6A | ⩪ | tilde operator with dot above |
2A6B | ⩫ | tilde operator with rising dots |
2A6C | ⩬ | similar minus similar |
2A6D | ⩭ | congruent with dot above |
2A6E | ⩮ | equals with asterisk |
2A6F | ⩯ | almost equal to with circumflex accent |
2A70 | ⩰ | approximately equal to or equal to |
2A71 | ⩱ | equals sign above plus sign |
2A72 | ⩲ | plus sign above equals sign |
2A73 | ⩳ | equals sign above tilde operator |
2A74 | ⩴ | double colon equal |
2A75 | ⩵ | two consecutive equals signs |
2A76 | ⩶ | three consecutive equals signs |
2A77 | ⩷ | equals sign with two dots above and two dots below |
2A78 | ⩸ | equivalent with four dots above |
2A79 | ⩹ | less than with circle inside |
2A7A | ⩺ | greater than with circle inside |
2A7B | ⩻ | less than with question mark above |
2A7C | ⩼ | greater than with question mark above |
2A7D | ⩽ | less than or slanted equal to |
2A7E | ⩾ | greater than or slanted equal to |
2A7F | ⩿ | less than or slanted equal to with dot inside |
2A80 | ⪀ | greater than or slanted equal to with dot inside |
2A81 | ⪁ | less than or slanted equal to with dot above |
2A82 | ⪂ | greater than or slanted equal to with dot above |
2A83 | ⪃ | less than or slanted equal to with dot above right |
2A84 | ⪄ | greater than or slanted equal to with dot above left |
2A85 | ⪅ | less than or approximate |
2A86 | ⪆ | greater than or approximate |
2A87 | ⪇ | less than and single line not equal to |
2A88 | ⪈ | greater than and single line not equal to |
2A89 | ⪉ | less than and not approximate |
2A8A | ⪊ | greater than and not approximate |
2A8B | ⪋ | less than above double line equal above greater than |
2A8C | ⪌ | greater than above double line equal above less than |
2A8D | ⪍ | less than above similar or equal |
2A8E | ⪎ | greater than above similar or equal |
2A8F | ⪏ | less than above similar above greater than |
2A90 | ⪐ | greater than above similar above less than |
2A91 | ⪑ | less than above greater than above double line equal |
2A92 | ⪒ | greater than above less than above double line equal |
2A93 | ⪓ | less than above slanted equal above greater than above slanted equal |
2A94 | ⪔ | greater than above slanted equal above less than above slanted equal |
2A95 | ⪕ | slanted equal to or less than |
2A96 | ⪖ | slanted equal to or greater than |
2A97 | ⪗ | slanted equal to or less than with dot inside |
2A98 | ⪘ | slanted equal to or greater than with dot inside |
2A99 | ⪙ | double line equal to or less than |
2A9A | ⪚ | double line equal to or greater than |
2A9B | ⪛ | double line slanted equal to or less than |
2A9C | ⪜ | double line slanted equal to or greater than |
2A9D | ⪝ | similar or less than |
2A9E | ⪞ | similar or greater than |
2A9F | ⪟ | similar above less than above equals sign |
2AA0 | ⪠ | similar above greater than above equals sign |
2AA1 | ⪡ | double nested less than |
2AA2 | ⪢ | double nested greater than |
2AA3 | ⪣ | double nested less than with underbar |
2AA4 | ⪤ | greater than overlapping less than |
2AA5 | ⪥ | greater than beside less than |
2AA6 | ⪦ | less than closed by curve |
2AA7 | ⪧ | greater than closed by curve |
2AA8 | ⪨ | less than closed by curve above slanted equal |
2AA9 | ⪩ | greater than closed by curve above slanted equal |
2AAA | ⪪ | smaller than |
2AAB | ⪫ | larger than |
2AAC | ⪬ | smaller than or equal to |
2AAD | ⪭ | larger than or equal to |
2AAE | ⪮ | equals sign with bumpy above |
2AAF | ⪯ | precedes above single line equals sign |
2AB0 | ⪰ | succeeds above single line equals sign |
2AB1 | ⪱ | precedes above single line not equal to |
2AB2 | ⪲ | succeeds above single line not equal to |
2AB3 | ⪳ | precedes above equals sign |
2AB4 | ⪴ | succeeds above equals sign |
2AB5 | ⪵ | precedes above not equal to |
2AB6 | ⪶ | succeeds above not equal to |
2AB7 | ⪷ | precedes above almost equal to |
2AB8 | ⪸ | succeeds above almost equal to |
2AB9 | ⪹ | precedes above not almost equal to |
2ABA | ⪺ | succeeds above not almost equal to |
2ABB | ⪻ | double precedes |
2ABC | ⪼ | double succeeds |
2ABD | ⪽ | subset with dot |
2ABE | ⪾ | superset with dot |
2ABF | ⪿ | subset with plus sign below |
2AC0 | ⫀ | superset with plus sign below |
2AC1 | ⫁ | subset with multiplication sign below |
2AC2 | ⫂ | superset with multiplication sign below |
2AC3 | ⫃ | subset of or equal to with dot above |
2AC4 | ⫄ | superset of or equal to with dot above |
2AC5 | ⫅ | subset of above equals sign |
2AC6 | ⫆ | superset of above equals sign |
2AC7 | ⫇ | subset of above tilde operator |
2AC8 | ⫈ | superset of above tilde operator |
2AC9 | ⫉ | subset of above almost equal to |
2ACA | ⫊ | superset of above almost equal to |
2ACB | ⫋ | subset above not equal to |
2ACC | ⫌ | superset of above not equal to |
2ACD | ⫍ | square left open box operator |
2ACE | ⫎ | square right open box operator |
2ACF | ⫏ | closed subset |
2AD0 | ⫐ | closed superset |
2AD1 | ⫑ | closed subset or equal to |
2AD2 | ⫒ | closed superset or equal to |
2AD3 | ⫓ | subset above superset |
2AD4 | ⫔ | superset above subset |
2AD5 | ⫕ | subset above subset |
2AD6 | ⫖ | superset above superset |
2AD7 | ⫗ | superset beside subset |
2AD8 | ⫘ | superset beside and joined by dash with subset |
2AD9 | ⫙ | element of opening downwards |
2ADA | ⫚ | pitchfork with tee top |
2ADB | ⫛ | transversal intersection |
2ADC | ⫝̸ | forking |
2ADD | ⫝ | nonforking |
2ADE | ⫞ | short left tack |
2ADF | ⫟ | short down tack |
2AE0 | ⫠ | short up tack |
2AE1 | ⫡ | perpendicular with s |
2AE2 | ⫢ | vertical bar triple right turnstile |
2AE3 | ⫣ | double vertical bar left turnstile |
2AE4 | ⫤ | vertical bar double left turnstile |
2AE5 | ⫥ | double vertical bar double left turnstile |
2AE6 | ⫦ | long dash from left member of double vertical |
2AE7 | ⫧ | short down tack with overbar |
2AE8 | ⫨ | short up tack with underbar |
2AE9 | ⫩ | short up tack above short down tack |
2AEA | ⫪ | double down tack |
2AEB | ⫫ | double up tack |
2AEC | ⫬ | double stroke not sign |
2AED | ⫭ | reversed double stroke not sign |
2AEE | ⫮ | does not divide with reversed negation slash |
2AEF | ⫯ | vertical line with circle above |
2AF0 | ⫰ | vertical line with circle below |
2AF1 | ⫱ | down tack with circle below |
2AF2 | ⫲ | parallel with horizontal stroke |
2AF3 | ⫳ | parallel with tilde operator |
2AF4 | ⫴ | triple vertical bar binary relation |
2AF5 | ⫵ | triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke |
2AF6 | ⫶ | triple colon operator |
2AF7 | ⫷ | triple nested less than |
2AF8 | ⫸ | triple nested greater than |
2AF9 | ⫹ | double line slanted less than or equal to |
2AFA | ⫺ | double line slanted greater than or equal to |
2AFB | ⫻ | triple solidus binary relation |
2AFC | ⫼ | large triple vertical bar operator |
2AFD | ⫽ | double solidus operator |
2AFE | ⫾ | white vertical bar |
2AFF | ⫿ | white vertical bar |
2B00 | ⬀ | north east white arrow |
2B01 | ⬁ | north west white arrow |
2B02 | ⬂ | south east white arrow |
2B03 | ⬃ | south west white arrow |
2B04 | ⬄ | left right white arrow |
2B05 | ⬅ | leftwards black arrow |
2B06 | ⬆ | upwards black arrow |
2B07 | ⬇ | downwards black arrow |
2B08 | ⬈ | north east black arrow |
2B09 | ⬉ | north west black arrow |
2B0A | ⬊ | south east black arrow |
2B0B | ⬋ | south west black arrow |
2B0C | ⬌ | left right black arrow |
2B0D | ⬍ | up down black arrow |
2B0E | ⬎ | rightwards arrow with tip downwards |
2B0F | ⬏ | rightwards arrow with tip upwards |
2B10 | ⬐ | leftwards arrow with tip downwards |
2B11 | ⬑ | leftwards arrow with tip upwards |
2B12 | ⬒ | square with top half black |
2B13 | ⬓ | square with bottom half black |
2B14 | ⬔ | square with upper right diagonal half black |
2B15 | ⬕ | square with lower left diagonal half black |
2B16 | ⬖ | diamond with left half black |
2B17 | ⬗ | diamond with right half black |
2B18 | ⬘ | diamond with top half black |
2B19 | ⬙ | diamond with bottom half black |
2B1A | ⬚ | box |
2B1B | ⬛ | black large square |
2B1C | ⬜ | white large square |
2B1D | ⬝ | black very small square |
2B1E | ⬞ | white very small square |
2B1F | ⬟ | black pentagon |
2B20 | ⬠ | white pentagon |
2B21 | ⬡ | white hexagon |
2B22 | ⬢ | black hexagon |
2B23 | ⬣ | horizontal black hexagon |
2B24 | ⬤ | black large circle |
2B25 | ⬥ | black medium diamond |
2B26 | ⬦ | white medium diamond |
2B27 | ⬧ | black medium lozenge |
2B28 | ⬨ | white medium lozenge |
2B29 | ⬩ | black small diamond |
2B2A | ⬪ | black small lozenge |
2B2B | ⬫ | white small lozenge |
2B2C | ⬬ | black horizontal ellipse |
2B2D | ⬭ | white horizontal ellipse |
2B2E | ⬮ | black vertical ellipse |
2B2F | ⬯ | white vertical ellipse |
2B30 | ⬰ | left arrow with small circle |
2B31 | ⬱ | three leftwards arrows |
2B32 | ⬲ | left arrow with circled plus |
2B33 | ⬳ | long leftwards squiggle arrow |
2B34 | ⬴ | leftwards two headed arrow with vertical stroke |
2B35 | ⬵ | leftwards two headed arrow with double vertical stroke |
2B36 | ⬶ | leftwards two headed arrow from bar |
2B37 | ⬷ | leftwards two headed triple dash arrow |
2B38 | ⬸ | leftwards arrow with dotted stem |
2B39 | ⬹ | leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke |
2B3A | ⬺ | leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke |
2B3B | ⬻ | leftwards two headed arrow with tail |
2B3C | ⬼ | leftwards two headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke |
2B3D | ⬽ | leftwards two headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke |
2B3E | ⬾ | leftwards arrow through x |
2B3F | ⬿ | wave arrow pointing directly left |
2B40 | ⭀ | equals sign above leftwards arrow |
2B41 | ⭁ | reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow |
2B42 | ⭂ | leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to |
2B43 | ⭃ | rightwards arrow through greater than |
2B44 | ⭄ | rightwards arrow through superset |
2B45 | ⭅ | leftwards quadruple arrow |
2B46 | ⭆ | rightwards quadruple arrow |
2B47 | ⭇ | reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow |
2B48 | ⭈ | rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to |
2B49 | ⭉ | tilde operator above leftwards arrow |
2B4A | ⭊ | leftwards arrow above almost equal to |
2B4B | ⭋ | leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator |
2B4C | ⭌ | rightwards arrow above reverse tilde operator |
2B50 | ⭐ | white medium star |
2B51 | ⭑ | black small star |
2B52 | ⭒ | white small star |
2B53 | ⭓ | black right pointing pentagon |
2B54 | ⭔ | white right pointing pentagon |
2B55 | ⭕ | heavy large circle |
2B56 | ⭖ | heavy oval with oval inside |
2B57 | ⭗ | heavy circle with circle inside |
2B58 | ⭘ | heavy circle |
2B59 | ⭙ | heavy circled saltire |
2E00 | ⸀ | right angle substitution marker |
2E01 | ⸁ | right angle dotted substitution marker |
2E02 | ⸂ | left substitution bracket |
2E03 | ⸃ | right substitution bracket |
2E04 | ⸄ | left dotted substitution bracket |
2E05 | ⸅ | right dotted substitution bracket |
2E06 | ⸆ | raised interpolation marker |
2E07 | ⸇ | raised dotted interpolation marker |
2E08 | ⸈ | dotted transposition marker marker |
2E09 | ⸉ | left transposition bracket |
2E0A | ⸊ | right transposition bracket |
2E0B | ⸋ | raised square |
2E0C | ⸌ | left raised omission bracket |
2E0D | ⸍ | right raised omission bracket |
2E0E | ⸎ | editorial coronis |
2E0F | ⸏ | paragraphos |
2E10 | ⸐ | forked paragraphos |
2E11 | ⸑ | reversed forked paragraphos |
2E12 | ⸒ | hypodiastole |
2E13 | ⸓ | dotted obelos |
2E14 | ⸔ | downwards ancora |
2E15 | ⸕ | upwards ancora |
2E16 | ⸖ | dotted right pointing angle |
2E17 | ⸗ | double oblique hyphen |
2E18 | ⸘ | inverted interrobang |
2E19 | ⸙ | palm branch |
2E1A | ⸚ | hyphen with diaeresis |
2E1B | ⸛ | tilde with ring above |
2E1C | ⸜ | left low paraphrase bracket |
2E1D | ⸝ | right low paraphrase bracket |
2E1E | ⸞ | tilde with dot above |
2E1F | ⸟ | tilde with dot below |
2E20 | ⸠ | left vertical bar with quill |
2E21 | ⸡ | right vertical bar with quill |
2E22 | ⸢ | top left half bracket |
2E23 | ⸣ | top right half bracket |
2E24 | ⸤ | bottom left half bracket |
2E25 | ⸥ | bottom right half bracket |
2E26 | ⸦ | left sideways u bracket |
2E27 | ⸧ | right sideways u bracket |
2E28 | ⸨ | left double parentheses |
2E29 | ⸩ | right double parentheses |
2E2A | ⸪ | two dots over one dot punctuation |
2E2B | ⸫ | one dot over two dots punctuation |
2E2C | ⸬ | squared four dot punctuation |
2E2D | ⸭ | five dot mark |
2E2E | ⸮ | reversed question mark |
2E2F | ⸯ | vertical tilde |
2E30 | ⸰ | ring point |
2E31 | ⸱ | word separator middle dot |
2E32 | ⸲ | turned comma |
2E33 | ⸳ | raised dot |
2E34 | ⸴ | raised comma |
2E35 | ⸵ | turned semicolon |
2E36 | ⸶ | dagger with left guard |
2E37 | ⸷ | dagger with right guard |
2E38 | ⸸ | turned dagger |
2E39 | ⸹ | top half section sign |
2E3A | ⸺ | two em dash |
2E3B | ⸻ | three em dash |
FB00 | ff | ff |
FB01 | fi | fi |
FB02 | fl | fl |
FB03 | ffi | ffi |
FB04 | ffl | ffl |
FB05 | ſt | ft |
FB06 | st | st |
FB29 | ﬩ | hebrew letter alternative plus |
FE20 | ︠ | ligature left half embellishment |
FE21 | ︡ | ligature right half embellishment |
FE22 | ︢ | double tilde left half embellishment |
FE23 | ︣ | double tilde right half embellishment |
FE24 | ︤ | macron left half embellishment |
FE25 | ︥ | macron right half embellishment |
FE26 | ︦ | conjoining macron embellishment |
FE35 | ︵ | over paren |
FE36 | ︶ | under paren |
FE37 | ︷ | over brace |
FE38 | ︸ | under brace |
FE3F | ︿ | over angle bracket |
FE40 | ﹀ | under angle bracket |
FE61 | ﹡ | small asterisk |
FE62 | ﹢ | small plus |
FE63 | ﹣ | small minus |
FE64 | ﹤ | small less than |
FE65 | ﹥ | small greater than |
FE66 | ﹦ | small equals |
FF0B | + | full width plus |
FF1C | < | less than |
FF1D | = | equals |
FF1E | > | greater than |
FF3C | \ | backslash |
FF3E | ^ | hat |
FF5C | | |
vline-suchthat: such that vline-given: given vline-divides: divides default: vertical line |
FF5E | ~ | tilde |
FFE2 | ¬ | not |
FFE9 | ← | left arrow |
FFEA | ↑ | up arrow |
FFEB | → | right arrow |
FFEC | ↓ | down arrow |
FFFC |  | unknown or missing object |
FFFD | � | unknown or missing character |
1D41A-1D433 | 𝐚-𝐳 | bold map: ('𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐤𝐥𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐪𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐯𝐰𝐱𝐲𝐳', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D44E-1D454 210E 1D456-1D467 | 𝑎-𝑧 | map: ('𝑎𝑏𝑐𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑔ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑘𝑙𝑚𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑣𝑤𝑥𝑦𝑧', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D482-1D49B | 𝒂-𝒛 | bold map: ('𝒂𝒃𝒄𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒈𝒉𝒊𝒋𝒌𝒍𝒎𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒒𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒗𝒘𝒙𝒚𝒛', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D49C 212C 1D49E-1D49F 2130-2131 1D4A2 210B-2110 1D4A5-1D4A6 2112 2133 1D4A9-1D4AC 211B 1D4AE-1D4B5 | 𝒜-𝒵 | script map: ('𝒜ℬ𝒞𝒟ℰℱ𝒢ℋℐ𝒥𝒦ℒℳ𝒩𝒪𝒫𝒬ℛ𝒮𝒯𝒰𝒱𝒲𝒳𝒴𝒵', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') |
1D4B6-1D4B9 212F 1D4BB 210A 1D4BD-1D4C3 2134 1D4C5-1D4CF | 𝒶-𝓏 | script map: ('𝒶𝒷𝒸𝒹ℯ𝒻ℊ𝒽𝒾𝒿𝓀𝓁𝓂𝓃ℴ𝓅𝓆𝓇𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓋𝓌𝓍𝓎𝓏', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D4EA-1D503 | 𝓪-𝔃 | script bold map: ('𝓪𝓫𝓬𝓭𝓮𝓯𝓰𝓱𝓲𝓳𝓴𝓵𝓶𝓷𝓸𝓹𝓺𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓿𝔀𝔁𝔂𝔃', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D504-1D505 212D 1D507-1D50A 210C 2111 1D50D-1D514 211C 1D516-1D51C 2128 | 𝔄-𝔜 | fraktur map: ('𝔄𝔅ℭ𝔇𝔈𝔉𝔊ℌℑ𝔍𝔎𝔏𝔐𝔑𝔒𝔓𝔔ℜ𝔖𝔗𝔘𝔙𝔚𝔛𝔜ℨ', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') |
1D51E-1D537 | 𝔞-𝔷 | fraktur map: ('𝔞𝔟𝔠𝔡𝔢𝔣𝔤𝔥𝔦𝔧𝔨𝔩𝔪𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔮𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔳𝔴𝔵𝔶𝔷', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D538-1D539 2102 1D53B-1D53E 210D 1D540-1D544 2115 1D546 2119-211A 211D 1D54A-1D550 2124 | 𝔸-𝕐 |
1D552-1D56B | 𝕒-𝕫 |
not-terse: double struck map: ('𝕒𝕓𝕔𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕘𝕙𝕚𝕛𝕜𝕝𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕢𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕧𝕨𝕩𝕪𝕫', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D586-1D59F | 𝖆-𝖟 | fraktur bold map: ('𝖆𝖇𝖈𝖉𝖊𝖋𝖌𝖍𝖎𝖏𝖐𝖑𝖒𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖖𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖛𝖜𝖝𝖞𝖟', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D5BA-1D5D3 | 𝖺-𝗓 | map: ('𝖺𝖻𝖼𝖽𝖾𝖿𝗀𝗁𝗂𝗃𝗄𝗅𝗆𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗊𝗋𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗏𝗐𝗑𝗒𝗓', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D5EE-1D607 | 𝗮-𝘇 | bold map: ('𝗮𝗯𝗰𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗴𝗵𝗶𝗷𝗸𝗹𝗺𝗻𝗼𝗽𝗾𝗿𝘀𝘁𝘂𝘃𝘄𝘅𝘆𝘇', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D622-1D63B | 𝘢-𝘻 | map: ('𝘢𝘣𝘤𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘫𝘬𝘭𝘮𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘲𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘷𝘸𝘹𝘺𝘻', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D656-1D66F | 𝙖-𝙯 | bold map: ('𝙖𝙗𝙘𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙜𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙠𝙡𝙢𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙦𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙫𝙬𝙭𝙮𝙯', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D68A-1D6A3 | 𝚊-𝚣 | map: ('𝚊𝚋𝚌𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚐𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚔𝚕𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚚𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚟𝚠𝚡𝚢𝚣', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') |
1D6A4 | 𝚤 | dotless i |
1D6A5 | 𝚥 | dotless j |
1D6C1 | 𝛁 | bold nabla |
1D6C2-1D6DA | 𝛂-𝛚 | bold map: ('𝛂𝛃𝛄𝛅𝛆𝛇𝛈𝛉𝛊𝛋𝛌𝛍𝛎𝛏𝛐𝛑𝛒𝛓𝛔𝛕𝛖𝛗𝛘𝛙𝛚', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω') |
1D6DB-1D6E1 | 𝛛𝛜𝛝𝛞𝛟𝛠𝛡 | bold map: ('𝛛𝛜𝛝𝛞𝛟𝛠𝛡', '∂εθκφρπ') |
1D6FB | 𝛻 | italic nabla |
1D6FC-1D714 | 𝛼-𝜔 | map: ('𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜀𝜁𝜂𝜃𝜄𝜅𝜆𝜇𝜈𝜉𝜊𝜋𝜌𝜍𝜎𝜏𝜐𝜑𝜒𝜓𝜔', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω') |
1D715-1D71B | 𝜕𝜖𝜗𝜘𝜙𝜚𝜛 | map: ('𝜕𝜖𝜗𝜘𝜙𝜚𝜛', '∂εθκφρπ') |
1D735 | 𝜵 | bold italic nabla |
1D736-1D74E | 𝜶-𝝎 | bold map: ('𝜶𝜷𝜸𝜹𝜺𝜻𝜼𝜽𝜾𝜿𝝀𝝁𝝂𝝃𝝄𝝅𝝆𝝇𝝈𝝉𝝊𝝋𝝌𝝍𝝎', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω') |
1D74F-1D755 | 𝝏𝝐𝝑𝝒𝝓𝝔𝝕 | bold map: ('𝝏𝝐𝝑𝝒𝝓𝝔𝝕', '∂εθκφρπ') |
1D76F | 𝝯 | bold nabla |
1D770-1D788 | 𝝰-𝞈 | bold map: ('𝝰𝝱𝝲𝝳𝝴𝝵𝝶𝝷𝝸𝝹𝝺𝝻𝝼𝝽𝝾𝝿𝞀𝞁𝞂𝞃𝞄𝞅𝞆𝞇𝞈', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω') |
1D789-1D78F | 𝞉𝞊𝞋𝞌𝞍𝞎𝞏 | bold map: ('𝞉𝞊𝞋𝞌𝞍𝞎𝞏', '∂εθκφρπ') |
1D7A9 | 𝞩 | bold nabla |
1D7AA-1D7C2 | 𝞪-𝟂 | bold map: ('𝞪𝞫𝞬𝞭𝞮𝞯𝞰𝞱𝞲𝞳𝞴𝞵𝞶𝞷𝞸𝞹𝞺𝞻𝞼𝞽𝞾𝞿𝟀𝟁𝟂', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω') |
1D7C3-1D7C9 | 𝟃𝟄𝟅𝟆𝟇𝟈𝟉 | bold map: ('𝟃𝟄𝟅𝟆𝟇𝟈𝟉', '∂εθκφρπ') |
1D7CE-1D7D7 | 𝟎-𝟗 | bold map: ('𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗', '0123456789') |
1D7D8-1D7E1 | 𝟘-𝟡 |
not-terse: double struck map: ('𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡', '0123456789') |
1D7E2-1D7EB | 𝟢-𝟫 | map: ('𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿', '0123456789') |
1D7EC-1D7F5 | 𝟬-𝟵 | bold map: ('𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵', '0123456789') |
1D7F6-1D7FF | 𝟶-𝟿 | map: ('𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿', '0123456789') |