MDN Spec Links
This space holds JSON data for individual specs; the per-spec data maps fragment IDs from a particular spec to MDN articles which have Specifications sections that contain links to that spec and fragment ID.
: TypeScript declaration defining the datatypes and structure of the JSON data -
: JSON Schema with the same definitions, generated from the TypeScript
All data here is generated. So you don’t want to edit the data directly; rather, edit data upstream, and article content.
To regenerate the data, just type make
. To build from local BCD and MDN clones:
BCD_REPO=/path/to/mdn/browser-compat-data MDN_REPO=/path/to/mdn/content make -e
- accelerometer [status]
- ambient-light [status]
- appmanifest [status]
- aria [status]
- audio-output [status]
- autoplay [status]
- background-fetch [status]
- background-sync [status]
- badging [status]
- battery [status]
- beacon [status]
- clear-site-data [status]
- clipboard-apis [status]
- compat [status]
- compositing [status]
- compression [status]
- console [status]
- contact-api [status]
- contact-picker [status]
- content-index [status]
- controls-list [status]
- cookie-store [status]
- credential-management [status]
- csp-embedded-enforcement [status]
- csp [status]
- css-align [status]
- css-animations-2 [status]
- css-animations [status]
- css-backgrounds-4 [status]
- css-backgrounds [status]
- css-box-4 [status]
- css-box [status]
- css-break [status]
- css-cascade-5 [status]
- css-cascade [status]
- css-color-5 [status]
- css-color-6 [status]
- css-color-adjust [status]
- css-color [status]
- css-conditional-3 [status]
- css-conditional-4 [status]
- css-contain-3 [status]
- css-contain [status]
- css-content [status]
- css-counter-styles [status]
- css-display [status]
- css-easing [status]
- css-env [status]
- css-flexbox [status]
- css-font-loading [status]
- css-fonts-5 [status]
- css-fonts [status]
- css-grid-3 [status]
- css-grid [status]
- css-highlight-api [status]
- css-images-4 [status]
- css-images [status]
- css-inline [status]
- css-lists [status]
- css-logical [status]
- css-masking [status]
- css-mediaqueries [status]
- css-multicol [status]
- css-namespaces [status]
- css-overflow-4 [status]
- css-overflow [status]
- css-overscroll [status]
- css-page [status]
- css-paint-api [status]
- css-position-4 [status]
- css-position [status]
- css-properties-values-api [status]
- css-pseudo [status]
- css-regions [status]
- css-rhythm [status]
- css-ruby [status]
- css-scoping [status]
- css-scroll-anchoring [status]
- css-scroll-snap [status]
- css-scrollbars [status]
- css-shadow-parts [status]
- css-shapes [status]
- css-size-adjust [status]
- css-sizing-3 [status]
- css-sizing-4 [status]
- css-text-4 [status]
- css-text-decor-4 [status]
- css-text-decor [status]
- css-text [status]
- css-transforms-2 [status]
- css-transforms [status]
- css-transitions-2 [status]
- css-transitions [status]
- css-typed-om [status]
- css-ui [status]
- css-values-5 [status]
- css-values [status]
- css-variables [status]
- css-view-transitions [status]
- css-will-change [status]
- css-writing-modes [status]
- css2 [status]
- cssom-view [status]
- cssom [status]
- custom-state-pseudo-class [status]
- deprecation-reporting [status]
- dom-parsing [status]
- dom [status]
- draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis [status]
- ecma-402 [status]
- ecmascript [status]
- element-timing [status]
- encoding [status]
- encrypted-media [status]
- entries-api [status]
- event-timing [status]
- eyedropper-api [status]
- fedcm [status]
- fetch-metadata [status]
- fetch [status]
- file-system-access [status]
- file-system [status]
- fileapi [status]
- filter-effects-2 [status]
- filter-effects [status]
- fullscreen [status]
- gamepad-extensions [status]
- gamepad [status]
- generic-sensor [status]
- geolocation-api [status]
- geometry [status]
- gpc [status]
- gyroscope [status]
- hr-time [status]
- html-media-capture [status]
- html [status]
- idle-detection [status]
- image-capture [status]
- indexeddb [status]
- input-device-capabilities [status]
- input-events [status]
- intersection-observer [status]
- intervention-reporting [status]
- keyboard-lock [status]
- keyboard-map [status]
- largest-contentful-paint [status]
- layout-instability [status]
- local-font-access [status]
- longtasks [status]
- magnetometer [status]
- manifest-app-info [status]
- manifest-incubations [status]
- mathml [status]
- media-capabilities [status]
- media-playback-quality [status]
- media-source [status]
- mediacapture-fromelement [status]
- mediacapture-screen-share [status]
- mediacapture-streams [status]
- mediacapture-transform [status]
- mediaqueries-5 [status]
- mediasession [status]
- mediastream-recording [status]
- motion [status]
- navigation-timing [status]
- netinfo [status]
- network-error-logging [status]
- notifications [status]
- numberformat [status]
- orientation-event [status]
- orientation-sensor [status]
- page-lifecycle [status]
- paint-timing [status]
- payment-handler [status]
- payment-request [status]
- performance-measure-memory [status]
- performance-timeline [status]
- periodic-background-sync [status]
- permissions-policy [status]
- permissions [status]
- picture-in-picture [status]
- pluralrules [status]
- pointerevents [status]
- pointerlock [status]
- portals [status]
- presentation-api [status]
- priority-hints [status]
- proposal-array-from-async [status]
- proposal-array-grouping [status]
- proposal-atomics-wait-async [status]
- proposal-intl-duration-f [status]
- proposal-intl-enumeration [status]
- proposal-intl-locale-info [status]
- proposal-is-usv-string [status]
- proposal-regexp-legacy-features [status]
- proposal-resizablearraybuffer [status]
- push-api [status]
- referrer-policy [status]
- remote-playback [status]
- reporting [status]
- requestidlecallback [status]
- resize-observer [status]
- resource-timing [status]
- rfc2397 [status]
- rfc6265 [status]
- rfc6266 [status]
- rfc6454 [status]
- rfc6797 [status]
- rfc7239 [status]
- rfc7578 [status]
- rfc7838 [status]
- rfc8246 [status]
- rfc8288 [status]
- rfc8942 [status]
- rfc9110 [status]
- rfc9111 [status]
- rfc9112 [status]
- rfc9113 [status]
- sanitizer [status]
- savedata [status]
- scheduling-apis [status]
- screen-orientation [status]
- screen-wake-lock [status]
- scroll-animations [status]
- scroll-to-text-fragment [status]
- selection-api [status]
- selectors [status]
- serial [status]
- server-timing [status]
- service-workers [status]
- shape-detection-api [status]
- sourcemaps [status]
- speech-api [status]
- storage-access [status]
- storage [status]
- streams [status]
- subresource-integrity [status]
- svg-animations [status]
- svg [status]
- touch-events [status]
- trusted-types [status]
- ua-client-hints [status]
- uievents [status]
- upgrade-insecure-requests [status]
- url [status]
- urlpattern [status]
- user-preference-media-features-headers [status]
- user-timing [status]
- vibration [status]
- wasm-exception-handling [status]
- wasm-js-api [status]
- wasm-web-embedding [status]
- web-animations-2 [status]
- web-animations [status]
- web-app-launch [status]
- web-bluetooth [status]
- web-locks [status]
- web-nfc [status]
- web-otp [status]
- web-share-target [status]
- web-share [status]
- webaudio [status]
- webauthn [status]
- webcodecs [status]
- webcrypto [status]
- webdriver [status]
- webgl-1 [status]
- webgl-2 [status]
- webgpu [status]
- webhid [status]
- webidl [status]
- webmidi [status]
- webrtc-extensions [status]
- webrtc-identity [status]
- webrtc-priority [status]
- webrtc-stats [status]
- webrtc [status]
- websockets [status]
- webtransport [status]
- webusb [status]
- webvtt [status]
- webxr-anchors [status]
- webxr-ar [status]
- webxr-depth-sensing [status]
- webxr-dom-overlays [status]
- webxr-gamepads [status]
- webxr-hand-input [status]
- webxr-hit-test [status]
- webxr-layers [status]
- webxr-lighting-estimation [status]
- webxr [status]
- window-controls-overlay [status]
- woff [status]
- woff2 [status]
- xhr [status]