Multiple layouts

In this image, you see three different representations of the same underlying SATB music — one with four separate staves, one with two staves (using multiple voices) and one with two staves (using notes combined into chords).

This can be encoded entirely within a single MNX document. The underlying music (the notes, barlines, etc.) is encoded only once, within the "global" and "part" objects. But there are three separate score objects — one for each visual representation of the music.

A score references a particular layout. The layout object is where the style information is contained: which parts, in which order.

{ "mnx": { "version": 1 }, "global": { "measures": [ { "time": { "count": 4, "unit": 4 } }, {} ] }, "layouts": [ { "id": "Choral4Staff", "content": [ { "type": "group", "content": [ { "type": "staff", "labelref": "name", "sources": [ { "part": "soprano" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "labelref": "name", "sources": [ { "part": "alto" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "labelref": "name", "sources": [ { "part": "tenor" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "labelref": "name", "sources": [ { "part": "bass" } ] } ], "symbol": "bracket" } ] }, { "id": "Choral2StaffStemSplit", "content": [ { "type": "group", "content": [ { "type": "staff", "label": "SA", "sources": [ { "part": "soprano", "stem": "up" }, { "part": "alto", "stem": "down" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "label": "TB", "sources": [ { "part": "tenor", "stem": "up" }, { "part": "bass", "stem": "down" } ] } ], "symbol": "bracket" } ] }, { "id": "Choral2StaffChorded", "content": [ { "type": "group", "content": [ { "type": "staff", "label": "SA", "sources": [ { "part": "soprano" }, { "part": "alto" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "label": "TB", "sources": [ { "part": "tenor" }, { "part": "bass" } ] } ], "symbol": "bracket" } ] }, { "id": "Choral2StaffMenSplit", "content": [ { "type": "group", "content": [ { "type": "staff", "label": "SA", "sources": [ { "part": "soprano" }, { "part": "alto" } ] }, { "type": "staff", "label": "TB", "sources": [ { "part": "tenor", "stem": "up" }, { "part": "bass", "stem": "down" } ] } ], "symbol": "bracket" } ] } ], "parts": [ { "id": "soprano", "measures": [ { "clefs": [ { "clef": { "sign": "G", "staffPosition": -2 } } ], "sequences": [ { "content": [ { "type": "event", "duration": { "base": "quarter" }, "notes": [ { "pitch": { "octave": 5, "step": "C" } } ] }, { "type": "event", "duration": { "base": "quarter" }, "notes": [ { "pitch": { "octave": 5, "step": "C" } } ] }, { "type": "event", "duration": { "base": "quarter" }, "notes": [ { "pitch": { "octave": 5, "step": "G" } } ] }, { "type": "event", "duration": { 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