The score object
Type: Dictionary
The score object represents a particular graphical rendering of the music, with a defined subset of which parts are included, how they're visually arranged, where system breaks happen and where page breaks happen.
An MNX document can contain multiple scores. For example, you can use this to define a "full score" vs. individual printed parts, within a single MNX file.
MNX documents are not required to contain a score object. If a score object isn't provided, the default rendering behavior is to include all parts — in the same order as defined in the top-level "parts" object — with line breaks and page breaks determined automatically by the consuming software.
A score object also is not required to contain a "pages" array. If "pages" is omitted, page breaks are to be determined automatically by the consuming software.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
ID object | No | An optional layout to use for all systems in this score. If provided, this should be the ID of a system layout object in the same MNX document. Note that individual page and system objects within this score can optionally override this. |
An array of multimeasure rest objects | No | Defines all of the multimeasure rests within this particular score. | |
score name object | Yes | The score name, suitable for display to people viewing or selecting this particular score within music notation software. Examples: "Full score", "Flute 1 part". |
An array of page objects | No |
Parent objects
This object is used by the following parent objects:
- __root__: "scores"
This object is used in the following examples: