Meeting minutes
Date: 2023-07-07
Introduction of group members.
<tzviya> https://
wendyreid: remembering rules.
tzviya: first item in the agenda is about ISO for EPUB 3.3.
wendyreid: we had previous discussions. It looks like we should better get first EU recognition, that would let us some freedom before ISO.
wendyreid: ISO is using actually epub 3.0.1.
ivan: i presume we have to do nothing wich is confortable and come back to this issue in half a year when we know where the EU commission goes.
cristinamussinelli: we had a meeting with the comission 2 days ago. They confirmed it would be better to have the tec spec in EU before ISO. So yes if possible it is better to wait next year.
cristinamussinelli: are we interested in epub for archive? it looks like there is a missunderstanding.
<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to comment on archiving
ivan: there is an interest, we should look at the subject of epub archive.
tzviya: we could do that, there is room for collaboration with librarian and archive world.
ivan: there are examples at w3c of WG working with groups out of W3C.
<AvneeshSingh> wendyreid: q+
wendyreid: there will be very few changes, maybe mainly links to ressources outside epub. Our position right now is wait and see.
AvneeshSingh: an example is the work on metadata, we work on the a11y tf but refer to metadata standardizers outside of w3c.
Errata discussion
ivan: i collected part of the process documents in one place. we can adress problems with markup and little changes (class 1 & 2). class 3 (clarifications) can also be adressed, but more complex. class 4 (adding features to the spec) are out of scope for us (for epub spec)... we have to take care of doing proper errata management.
ivan: i have defined labels on the issu tracker for class 1, 2, 3 and 4.
ivan: we have issues labeled as deferred, we may define what to do with those. This is the kind of things we should do as a maintenance group...
… we have more flexibility with notes.
wendyreid: we have a lot of notes.
wendyreid: we'll work closely with CG and BG, they are the places for incubation, we do the work of refining once it is incubated.
ivan: what we have to decide is how we proceed. For example, the 5 ErratumRaised issues, we should do somethings between calls.
wendyreid: yes, as we meet only monthly we should do most of the work on github
AvneeshSingh: our a11y tf work might come with edition proposals in 2 to 3 months.
<wendyreid> https://
wendyreid: we are planning meeting at TPAC but we don't have finished an agenda yet. It will be hybrid. We won't to do incubation stuff, join meeting with others w3c groups.
tzviya: we hope a draft agenda before august.
<wendyreid> https://