Possible Topics for TPAC
<ivan> Date: 2024-06-07
<wendyreid> w3c/
wendyreid: TPAC is happening in September in California. What should we do there?
<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to discuss workshop
tzviya: workshop, for example on preparation we've been doing for EAA.
tzviya: also we may want to improve group coordination.
CharlesL: related to EAA, ther's a new directive from DOJ that may affect publishers.
<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to ask who plans to be at tpac
<dhall> Planning to be at TPAC...
<LaurentLM> remote
<AvneeshSingh> It depends on agenda.
<ivan> planning to be there
tzviya: quick survey, looks like David, Charles, Wendy and Ivan will be in person.
dhall: if we have no consensus on webtoons / comics at that time, it may be an intersting topic.
LaurentLM: another item I would like to put on the september agenda is shared anotations. We are implementing anotations in Thorium but wait for a consensus to add shareable exports. That's leverages the issue on locators.
ivan: because we'll be in california, we may invite hypothesis.
ivan: on adminiustrative side there as been a number of minor editions. Some will request merge.
<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to annotate
tzviya: we can discuss locators and annotations, but maybe this is not so much about standard, instead it's about reading system business cases. Are they willing to implement something? As solutions exists, we should try to understand why they are few used.
Hadrien: regarding annotations, in the readium context we want to embed annotations in a package to share offline or without authentication. So less complex than needs of protocoles, etc. Readium is 80+ apps now.
Hadrien: I made a proposal related to comic / webtoons. I'll probably add context documentation. I know it's a difficult topic but it needs to be addressed.
<Zakim> wendyreid, you wanted to talk about changes to the annotations business case
wendyreid: before retail reading and education reading contexts where opposed, but that changed in the last years. At Kobo we see reader driven energy on the topic of being capable of sharing annotations. It's also a topic for social medias. We've moved from the exclusively academic / scholar context.
wendyreid: it's time to have this discussion again.
wendyreid: we have talked about TTS and Reader mode before (in the FxL Accessibility TF). It may be a good subject too.
Hadrien: I worked on the topic of voice selection in the last months. There's a lot of work needing to be sliced. I'm happy to share that work now and in September.
CharlesL: with the explosion of AI, it became a hot topic for publishers. Maybe we want to discuss that too.
tzviya: It's interesting, but may not be part of our maintenance group charter.
<Hadrien> Voice selection:
<Hadrien> - Best practices for voice selection in reading apps: https://
<Hadrien> - Known-issues in browsers: https://
<Hadrien> - Recommended voices on the Web: HadrienGardeur/
<Hadrien> - Demo for recommended voices: https://
ivan: all security things are also to be considered, like simply signing a book digitally. It's related to AI, we may want to adress it. We are silent on it currently and may want to address the topic.
gpellegrino: how about community group and business group, are they planning to meet at TPAC?
wendyreid: i don't know, but they will probably want to join our workshops.
tzviya: dealing with time zone will not be easy.
ivan: we are the publishing maintenance working group which is not only epub. What about discussing audiobooks and publication manifest?
wendyreid: shared anotations, TTS, TdM, Signing. Any conversation should be format agnostic.
wendyreid: in Canada we have a grant for NNELS to write a guideline for publishers about commercial audiobooks accessibility.
tzviya: I'm participating to discussion about workflow identifiers. ISBN are usefull but we may be needing workflow identifiers. It may be interesting to discuss if there are usecases.
ivan: with my W3C hat, the charter put's new identifiers out of scope.
wendyreid: a lot of topics now. Some have connections with others WG. Great point with TPAC is that we can meet others groups in join meetings.
wendyreid: we have time for more topics
AvneeshSingh: we may want to filter so many topics.
CharlesL: TPAC is a great place for brainstorm / socials too.
wendyreid: thanks! Remember the issue : w3c/