Publishing Maintenance Working Group Telco

10 January 2025


avneesh, AvneeshSingh, brady, CharlesL, duga9, George, Hadrien, ivan, laurent, MasakazuKitahara, q+, rickj, shiestyle, SueNeu, toshiakikoike, tzviya, wendyreid
SueNeu, SueNeu1, SueNeu8

<ivan> Meeting: Publishing Maintenance Working Group Telco

<SueNeu> scribe: SueNeu

<wendyreid> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/pmwg-recharter/

wendyreid The charter is up with the W3C

Ivan: we did get one comment on the charter, that the charter is missing reference to 1.2 accessibility standard. Are there any reasons we wouldn’t want to change the version number

Avneesh: There is no strong reason, we had a clear agenda on 1.1, right now we don’t have such a definitive list for 1.2

Ivan: we use 3.4 for the placeholder version, that should be OK for the accessibllitiy

wendyreid: we want to talk a little bit about work load
... and the timing and cadence of meetings

<tzviya> s/Avneesh There is no/Avneesh: There is no

wendyreid: do we still want to alternate times?

George: I am OK with this time, and the alternative might push into other things. Especially if it avoids breaking out an Asian meeting

duga9: Setting the time for this meeting is a thankless job. If this time works for most people, lets keep it. It wastes everyones time to have multiple meetings

Ivan: we have set up this meeting to be a fixed time in Japan, but the time will change in other regions

Wendy: We don’t have any friends from Apple or Google, and they are on the west coast. This time might not be good for them…
... perhaps we should consider changing the day. With the consideration that this is part of the weekend in Japan

shiestyle: It is now 11pm on Friday night in Japan. Perhaps another day would be better than every Friday night

wendyreid: I’ll set up a survey, perhaps this time is good, but we could consider another day
... taskforces. Should we set up task forces that work separately and report back to the main meeting?

George: Doodle has gotten more accessible

<tzviya> https://savvycal.com/

tzviya: I’ve used SavvyCal, it is better for usability and privacy

Ivan: let’s use SavvyCal if is a better tool

wendyreid: to the taskforce model question…
... we are already doing this for the accessiblity tf

duga9: taskforce can make it easier to know who is in charge of what, or it can make for 4 or more meetings per week

AvneeshSingh: Taskforce is the normal model used in the W3C. Do we have people who are ready to takeover the taskforce?

AvneeeshSingh: If we don’t it can fall back on the chairs. So we should be flexible

Ivan: Maybe what we should experiment with is to have for each semi-taskforce, one person who drives it…
... that person should decide if separate meetings are required…
... we have several areas of interest. We should start by identifying people who can drive the main sub areas.

LaurentM: We are not enough people to have separate calls. But some areas will only be of interest to some parts of the community…
... but duplicate calls are unmanageable

wendyreid: we are looking at a lot of meetings because we have taken on a lot…
... If we can get leads for the main sub areas, like annotations and webtoons…
... I’ll continue with fxl accessibility

LaurentM: I will be OK to lead annotation because we are implementing first shot of annotation support, we have some expertise…

<SueNeu1> scribe: SueNeu1

<tzviya> kick SueNeu1

<SueNeu8> scribe: SueNeu8

Ivan: We have taskforce leaders for fixed layout– wendyreid

…we have LaurenM for annotation

…we have shiestyle and Hadrien for webtoons

duga9: We should likely have a single taskforce for comics and webtoons

Ivan: two more things, one issue is editorship. We still have to have an agreement with Matt if he will continue doing the editorship

…we have two editors, Matt and I, Matt is driving.

…with the taskforces, we have to identify people willing to edit.

…additionally, the load of reviewing the spec, horizontal reviews, is important to consider

…one way to handle this is to have one person responsible for looking at horizontal issues, like internationalization issues

…across all documents. They can quickly contact the required groups

…we don’t need to decide this today but soon

tzviya: Github is our horizontal monitor but it is a lot of work

Ivan: I am happy to look at internationalization

wendyreid: our last topic, face to face meeting

…we thought it would be a good idea to have a meeting in the spring.

…following the charter, maybe April or May

wendyreid: the ac meeting is in April this year, in France

<CharlesL> I can't make it either.

LaurentLM, ivan, Rick, and wendyreid will be there

Ivan: we will have a face to face meeting in Japan later this year so we shouldn’t have two in one year

LaurentLM: perhaps we can extend our stay at the AC meeting

tzviya: I am not available at that time

wendyreid: could we have it in Paris before?

LaurentLM: I can help organize that. Maybe it is easier to find another room in Sophia, maybe on Sunday

…it is a pretty long train ride from Paris

Hadrien: maybe people coming from abroad are coming to Paris or Nice

ivan: should we put this into the same survey as the meeting days/times?

wendyreid: we should come up with a list of options

ivan: maybe we should look into getting a room in Sophia

tzviya: we were unable to get a new member meeting room on Sunday but had an issue

ivan: can we choose anytime in Paris?

Hadrien: we can find a venue in Paris without a problem

duga9: does anyone know when the visa requirements start for Americans?

<rickj> https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-an-electronic-travel-authorisation-eta

<rickj> https://etias.com

wendyreid: the UK one has changed dates several times but it looks like mid-2025

<LaurentLM> https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias_en

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 242 (Fri Dec 20 18:32:17 2024 UTC).