Publishing Maintenance Working Group Telco

13 February 2025


AvneeshSingh, brady, CharlesL, Dale, dhall5, gpellegrino, Hadrien, ikkwong, ivan, MasakazuKitahara, mgarrish, rickj, shiestyle, SueNeu,toshiakikoike, tzviya
george, wendy

Meeting minutes

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Overview of the plan for the next few weeks

shiestyle: The ew charter is in

ivan: And we as the leads did some planning the other day
… we know the big things in the charter we need to do (annotations and webtoons)
… we will discuss those are the f2f
… so for the calls until then we will discuss the smaller items in the charter
… For instance, we had some long discussions about WebAssembly and whether we could add it to the spec before, we put some of that off
… so those discussions will keep us busy for now
… We also did some work on the spec structure to prepare
… There will be a new release of 3.3 in March [scribe note: I missed what the changes are, sounds editorial]
… Then we will set up a new 3.4 area of the repo, that will be for new work
… Also chairs call has changed to Wednesday to match the new group meeting

shiestyle: One more thing - the membership was renewed
… So everyone needs to rejoin

<tzviya> https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/pm/join

<AvneeshSingh> Does it mean I need to remove everyone in DAISY and join everyone again?

AvneeshSingh: We already seems to be members

ivan: Yes, DAISY is, but all the individual people need to rejoin

duga: I didn't have a join button

ivan: Expected, the process is different for IE
… Everything this is working as expected

dhall5: My AC rep is pinged, I am also dragging in a coworker

w3c/epub-specs#2649 (wasm)

mgarrish: The question was do we allow webassembly?
… it isn't explicitly referenced from the script tag
… we had a discussion around it, I think all we need to do is add a comment that it is ok
… We could add it to the script tag, or just exempt that tag entirely
… Main question is do we want add something to reading systems?
… It will work if they support the API, so not sure what we would need to add

ivan: I think there are no problems, but there was a question around security
… My feeling is it is scripting, and so no, but maybe we should point at the security section

mgarrish: I am not sure what else there is outside of JS
… we should ask our security person

duga: Do we want to explicitly call out webassembly, or just make it vague?

mgarrish: I think we can leave it vague, and use webasssembly as an example

Hadrien: When it comes to webassembly it opens some doors
… but our scripting has always been spotty
… so this pushes the issue further
… the more things like this we add, the more of a balance there is with reading systems. Just something to keep in mind

shiestyle: Can the reading system distinguish between JS and webassembly?

mgarrish: Short of inspecting the file, no, but doesn't need to
… we would have to flag it

duga: No, there isn't really a way of detecting it, but it doesn't really matter

ivan: What is the next step

mgarrish: I think we just need to change the exemption text a little
… real question is the script tag itself

shiestyle: I will ask Voyager for their opinion

shiestyle + toshiakikoike: Discussion in Japanese

MasakazuKitahara: adds to discussion in Japanese

shiestyle: The feeling is there is a risk, and they are not seeing any need for it in Japan

ivan: I am curious what the risk is
… The only thing is adding some speed, so it is not clear what the risk is

shiestyle: Well, the security risk. We already have JS, so maybe there is a little more risk?

ivan: Yes, but we can't block JS, it is already allowed
… so my feeling the only thing this brings is performance

mgarrish: We aren't forcing support, so it is fine to block from a RS perspective.
… It would be very hard to ban this
… it is already going through via an exemption

shiestyle: relaying conversation in Japanese

toshiakikoike: continues in Japanese

shiestyle: toshiakikoike says JS is allowed, so webassembly can be allowed, so they understand
… so they understand, this is just their feeling

Accessibility work to be done in this charter

duga: And I also would add this is already supported per the spec

shiestyle: Moving on
… we have to discuss what the a11y work will be

AvneeshSingh: The broad things are in the charter, there are also new things we are finding as we do the work in the TF
… those things need to be discussed in the wg
… and there are some clarifications we will need to provide
… The question we have is whay wcag 2.0 - why not 2.1 or 2.2?
… We also need to discuss escapeability in Media overlays
… We will also need to consider the new work in annotations
… EAA is coming soon, so we may have feedback there
… So this is the broad direction

shiestyle: The coformance version of wcag is a big change

AvneeshSingh: We will probably need to update for changes, not clear if it will be 1.1, or 1.1.2 or 1.2

CharlesL: There is also webtoons and fixed layout that may impact a11y

ivan: I was wondering about that as well.
… We have the note on FL a11y, I was wondering if there was something from there that could be used

CharlesL: Yes, we are working towards using that information, and we are currently working on techniques for using that
… There could be implications as we go through each item
… and as a side note, Amazon publishing has just sent someone to that task force
… There may by issues with wcag aa, may just be single a

mgarrish: There is also some property that will cause a change to the main spec

Hadrien: Thorium web is coming
… One item we have is a "readability mode" which will be for fixed layout as well
… we extract the structure and text, and provide that as another view
… with full control (text size, etc)
… This could be of interest to lots of people.
… We view the feature as experimental, but it may be a good basis for a11y designs

ivan: Admin comment - a11y was done by a TF with separate meeting times
… is that how it will work going forward?

AvneeshSingh: CG work needs to continue, we can't move that to all to WG
… The meetings are a good way to keep things going
… We will try to meet twice a month, and see how it is working out


shiestyle: For the next call, we will cancel it, so the time is available if any TF wants to meet
… does any TF want to meet?

AvneeshSingh: We don't need the time

duga: Do we even have taskforces yet?

ivan: Not really, there is still work to do

ivan: we need names of people, etc. So we need that from say shiestyle and Hadrien

Hadrien: We have some ideas, do you want an early list

ivan: Give me a first list ASAP


duga: How many people will attend f2f in person?

ivan: Lots and lots!

shiestyle: Next week is canceled

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 242 (Fri Dec 20 18:32:17 2024 UTC).