W3C POE WG: ODRL Candidate Recommendation - Implementation Report

This report is part of the ODRL CR Test Regime: http://w3c.github.io/poe/test/test-regime

Latest update of this report page: 2017-11-13

Implementation Reports

Implementer UPM: Facultad de Informatica @ Universidata Politechnica de Madrid, Spain

Homepage: http://fi.upm.es/
Test updated on: 2017-11-09

Implementer IPTC & NIT: IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) & NewsIT

Homepages: https://iptc.org, https://github.com/nitmws/odrl-wprofile-evaltest1/tree/master/evaluator
Test updated on: 2017-11-13

Implementer TR: Thomson Reuters

Homepages: https://www.thomsonreuters.comTest updated on: 2017-11-11

EC IDTC IDExit Criterium (in bold) or Test CaseTest By ValTest by EvalFormal/Implem UPMComment/Implem UPMFormal/Implem IPTC & NITComment/Implem IPTC & NITFormal/Implem TRComment/Implem TR
CR-IM-01A Set/Offer/Agreement Policy type with required properties
CR-IM-01E12-1A Permission without constraints or dutiesxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01N1Internalization of parties and assets declared out of the policyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01N2Type declaration of policy elementsxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01N6Inferences derived from odrl:includedInxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01N7Inferences derived from odrl:impliesxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V1A valid document must contain at least one PolicyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V2Every policy must have at least one rulexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V3Every policy must be identified by a URIxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V4Every rule in an offer must have exactly one assignerxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V5Every rule in an agreement must have exactly one assignerxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V6Every rule in an agreement must have exactly one assigneexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V7Every rule must have exactly one targetxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-01V22Every prohibition must be disjoint with permissions and obligationsxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-02A Policy that utilises an ODRL Profile
CR-IM-02V12In absence of profile, only ODRL Core actions can be usedxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-02V13In absence of profile, only ODRL Core left operands can be usedxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-02V14In absence of profile, only ODRL Core operators can be usedxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-02V15In absence of profile, only ODRL logical constraints operands can be usedxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-03A Policy with an Asset Collection, including parts
CR-IM-03N8Inferences derived from odrl:partOf for Asset CollectionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-04A Policy with a Party Collection, including parts
CR-IM-04N9Inferences derived from odrl:partOf for Party CollectionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05A Policy with a Rule including a constraint property
CR-IM-05E13-1A Permisson with a constraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05E13-2A Permisson with a constraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05E18-1A Permission with a constraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05E18-2A Permission with a constraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V16Every constraint must have exactly one right operandxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V17Every constraint must have exactly one left operandxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V18Every constraint must have exactly one operatorxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V19The values of every logical constraint must be constraintsxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V20The values of the property rightOperandReference must be URIsxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-05V21Every value of the property odrl:datatype must be of type rdfs:DatatypexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-06A Policy with a Permission including a duty property
CR-IM-06E22-1A Permission with a duty with a constraint and refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-06E22-2A Permission with a duty with a constraint and refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-06E22-3A Permission with a duty with a constraint and refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-06E22-4A Permission with a duty with a constraint and refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-07A Policy with a Permission including a duty and a consequence property
CR-IM-07E23-1A Permission with a duty with a consequencexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-07E23-2A Permission with a duty with a consequencexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-07E23-3A Permission with a duty with a consequencexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-07E23-4A Permission with a duty with a consequencexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-07E23-5A Permission with a duty with a consequencexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-08A Policy with a Prohibition
CR-IM-08E19-1A Policy with a permission and a prohibitionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-08E19-2A Policy with a permission and a prohibitionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-09A Policy with a Prohibition including a remedy property
CR-IM-09E24-1A Prohibition with a remedyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-09E24-2A Prohibition with a remedyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-09E24-3A Prohibition with a remedyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-09V8No remedy can refer to a duty that includes a consequence dutyxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10A Policy with an Obligation
CR-IM-10E20-1An Obligation with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E20-2An Obligation with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E21-1An Obligation with a consequence with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E21-2An Obligation with a consequence with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E21-3An Obligation with a consequence with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E21-4An Obligation with a consequence with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-10E21-5An Obligation with a consequence with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11A Policy with a refinement property on an Action, Asset and Party Collection
CR-IM-11E14-1A Permission with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11E14-2A Permission with a refined actionxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11E16-1A Permission with a refined AssetCollection as targetxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11E16-2A Permission with a refined AssetCollection as targetxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11E17-1A Permission with a refined PartyCollection as assigneexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11E17-2A Permission with a refined PartyCollection as assigneexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11V9Every AssetCollection with a refinement must have a odrl:sourcexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-11V10Every PartyCollection with a refinement must have a odrl:sourcexPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-12A Policy with a Logical Constraint
CR-IM-12E15-1A Permission with an action refined by a Logical ConstraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-12E15-2A Permission with an action refined by a Logical ConstraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-12E15-3A Permission with an action refined by a Logical ConstraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-12E15-4A Permission with an action refined by a Logical ConstraintxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-12V19The values of every logical constraint must be constraintsxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-13A Compact Policy that requires translation into an Atomic Policy
CR-IM-13N4Interiorizing policy-level propertiesxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-13N5Expansion from compound to irreducible rulesxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-14A Policy containing metadata
CR-IM-14N10Policy ReplacementxPASSED
CR-IM-15A Policy that includes Policy inheritance
CR-IM-15N3Application of inheritance rulesxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-15V24No policy can inherit directly or indirectly from itselfxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-16A Policy that includes a Conflict Strategy
CR-IM-16V11In absence of profile, only ODRL Core conflict strategies can be usedxPASSEDPASSED
CR-IM-16V23Every policy most have at most one conflict strategyxPASSEDPASSED