The accessibility of a publication is useful to know regardless of a person's abilities, as features such as the ability to make visual adjustments make for a better reading experience for everybody. These guidelines document a shared framework for presenting publication accessibility metadata declarations in a user-friendly manner — to offer the information to end users in a way that is easy to understand regardless of their technical knowledge and is consistent across different publications and different digital catalogs.
Reading a digital publication is a very personal experience. For most people this is routine, and little consideration is given to how the title was obtained before it is read. Users may go to a bookstore or library, search for the title to purchase online, or have the title selected for them by an instructor for a class.
Now consider that the person is blind and relies on assistive technology. The user needs that technology to assist them in the purchase process as well as to read the e-book. The person may wonder: will the screen reader work with this title; are there image descriptions that will be spoken to describe these images; are there page numbers which are accessible; is the reading order correct so a caution will be announced before reading the paragraph which could be dangerous? All of these accessibility concerns are potential issues consumers have when trying to purchase and ultimately read a digital publication in any format.
The good news is more and more publishers are creating digital publications that are Born Accessible (i.e., accessible from the outset, not fixed later) and getting the accessibility validation or audit done by independent organizations.
These guidelines help those who wish to render accessibility metadata directly to users understand how to represent the accessibility claims inherent in machine-readable accessibility metadata in a user-friendly User Interface / User Experience (UI/UX). This document targets implementers such as bookstores, libraries, retailers, distributors etc. Content creators will benefit from reading these guidelines and are encouraged to follow EPUB Accessibility 1.1 Conformance and Discoverability Requirements section and its techniques.
This document presents high-level guidelines without going into technical issues related to the different metadata standards in the publishing industry.
Therefore, techniques are available that illustrate to developers how to retrieve data to show the information outlined in this document.
Metadata found either inside a digital publication or in a corresponding external record may have important accessibility claims that help end users find and determine if the publication can meet their specific accessibility needs.
This accessibility metadata uses controlled vocabularies to allow it to be extracted and displayed uniformly across different publications and localized to different user interface languages. The one exception is the accessibility summary, which allows accessibility statements that are unique to a publication and that adds information not covered by other metadata entries.
One important aspect is that the role of the Accessibility Summary metadata has changed in the latest version of the EPUB Accessibility specification, so a more in-depth analysis in the Accessibility summary section is recommended.
This document offers guidance on how to aggregate and display claims inherent in metadata to end users; these are not strict guidelines, but suggestions for providing a consistent experience for users through different portals. Different implementers may choose to implement these guidelines in a slightly different way. Some examples can be seen in the Implementations section of the document.
The following diagram depicts how these guidelines relate to the format-specific techniques in the process of receiving and displaying accessibility metadata.
Work on integrating PDF and MARC is ongoing. The diagram and text of this section will be updated in future versions as the related documents are finalized.
The diagram categorizes two ways that metadata accompanies a publication. In the first are digital publication formats that directly embed accessibility metadata (EPUB and PDF). In the second are external metadata record formats (ONIX and MARC) that accompany a digital publication as it moves through the supply chain.
In some cases, a digital publication may include both internal and external metadata (e.g., an EPUB could have accessibility metadata in it package document and also be provided to a vendor with an ONIX record). In these cases, vendors and reading system developers determine for themselves which set of metadata they will use to display to users.
This guide assumes the metadata is already in one of the formats described in the diagram, but depending on how the metadata is submitted it may need to be transformed. For example, if a vendor prefers to handle only ONIX metadata for display Then they would need to preprocess the metadata embedded in an EPUB or PDF to create the ONIX.
The process of transforming metadata is not it scope for this document nor is how to reconcile metadata when it is provided in multiple forms. The guide assumes any processing has already occurred. For information on mapping between formats, refer to the Accessibility Properties Crosswalk.
The next level of the diagram depicts the encoding standards expected for each format. This guide assumes that the metadata conforms to a recognized standard, otherwise it would be difficult to anticipate and process the incoming information for users:
Knowing how the metadata is encoded and how it is expressed, the next stage of processing is to use the algorithms defined in the respective techniques documents to discover and translate the information into human-readable statements. These documents are intended primarily for developers, to help them with the specific processing of the metadata markup grammars.
Finally, this document is shown at the last stage of processing, as it defines the purpose of each piece of metadata in more detail and prioritizes the display for readers.
To assist developers in implementing these guidelines, in-depth notes are available to explain how to extract information from publishing industry metadata standards.
At the time of publishing this document the available techniques for metadata standards are:
Publishers update their ONIX records as needed. We expect "unknown" accessibility metadata may be initially provided but may change as more information becomes available. For this reason, implementors should be prepared to update the accessibility metadata as new ONIX feeds are made available.
There are several terms used in these guidelines that should be defined for clarity:
The term digital publication is used in this document to refer to publications produced in any number of digital formats. Digital publications are not limited to books, but encompass any written, visual, or audio work distributed and read in digital form.
Some examples of digital publications include ebooks, audiobooks, manga, comic books, journals, digital textbooks, picture books, and children's picture books with accompanying audio. The formats they come in include EPUB, PDF, and Digital Talking Books (DTB).
The term dynamic braille is used to denote content that is generated as braille on the fly, as opposed to preformatted digital braille formats. This dynamic rendering of content is sometimes referred to as electronic braille or refreshable braille.
Dynamic braille is typically rendered on a separate device from the reading system, one with pop-up pins to present the braille on a tactile screen. These devices, commonly referred to as refreshable braille displays, can be attached to a personal computer, or they may be a self-contained multipurpose note taker with a refreshable braille display.
The term read aloud speech is used to denote content that is generated into synthetic speech on the fly, as opposed to prerecorded narration. Read aloud functionality is often a feature of reading systems, but can be provided by a separate assistive technology.
All digital publications require a reading system to present the publication to the end user. Reading Systems may be Apps that run on a smart phone or tablet. There are Reading Systems which are applications that run on personal computers. There are also Reading Systems that are integrated in to dedicated devices devoted to a single purpose, for presenting a publication. There are even skills that run on smart speakers that can be considered Reading Systems.
When presenting accessibility metadata provided by the publisher, it is suggested that the section is introduced using terms such as "claims" or "declarations" (e.g., "Accessibility Claims").
The heading should clearly convey to the end user that the information comes directly from the publisher and represents the accessibility information that the publisher intends to communicate.
There are several pieces of information that are central to describing the accessibility of a digital publication:
This is why these guidelines recommend that the following accessibility fields should be displayed:
The other metadata fields provide additional details about specific features or shortcomings in a publication. They give people the information they need to make an informed choice when selecting a particular digital publication.
Implementers can choose the order in which they prefer to display the accessibility metadata fields.
Moreover, although the metadata fields in this document are named, it is not required that implementers use these names as the field headings. Implementers can use alternative field names if they would make more sense in their display context.
Although this document showcases examples of important metadata that is expected to be present in a wide range of publications, available metadata schemas can support statements about many other features.
The techniques documents describe how to output additional information not listed in this document. In addition, implementers may choose to display metadata that is not covered by this document or the techniques.
When no accessibility metadata is provided by the publisher, it is best to avoid making a negative statement that could be attributed to them (e.g., stating it is not known if a feature is available could be misconstrued as the publisher saying they are unsure). The neutral statement "No information is available" is displayed for this case.
In some cases, the distributer may not be allowed to show statements the publisher did not make. Hiding such sections is acceptable in these cases.
Although the display statements listed in this document and in the techniques documents are recommended for use, and have been translated to support localization, implementors may prefer to use different wording in some situations.
This document does not restrict implementers from using alternative phrasing, however any deviations should be done with caution. The phrases defined in this document resulted from much discussion among accessibility professionals as well as from user feedback.
If the cause of alternative wording is due to translation issues, implementers are encouraged to techniques documents for correction.
Not all metadata used in determining the accessibility of a publication is strictly categorized as accessibility metadata. The product details, for example, provide important information about the usability of an ebook in relation to specific user needs.
In particular, the following information should always be displayed:
This metadata does not have to be included as part of the accessibility section; it only needs to be made available to users in the metadata display for a publication.
This display field should be rendered even if there is no metadata.
The ways of reading display field is a banner heading that groups together the following information about how the content facilitates access:
This section is divided into subsections to explain each of the display outputs for each characteristic, but this separation is only for ease of reading. The subsections do not represent new display fields or have titles associated with them. All of the information is expected to be displayed under the "Ways of reading" title, as depicted in the ways of reading examples.
Indicates if users can modify the appearance of the text and the page layout according to the possibilities offered by the reading system.
These display strings answer whether visual adjustments are possible, not possible, or unknown.
Readers with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities need the ability to change the color of text and its background (contrast), the font family and font size used, as well as spacing between letters, words, sentences, or paragraphs.
Knowing that a publication can reflow to fit the reading system's display area is not sufficient to know that modifications to the font, spacing, and colors are possible or that the changes will not cause other readability issues (e.g., text being clipped by its container).
The descriptive and compact statements for visual adjustment are as follows.
Appearance can be modified
Appearance of the text and page layout can be modified according to the capabilities of the reading system (font family and font size, spaces between paragraphs, sentences, words, and letters, as well as color of background and text)
Appearance cannot be modified
Text and page layout cannot be modified as the reading experience is close to a print version, but reading systems can still provide zooming options
No information about appearance modifiability is available
No information about appearance modifiability is available
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
Indicates whether all content required for comprehension can be consumed in text and therefore is available to reading systems with [=read aloud speech=] or [=dynamic braille=] capabilities.
These display strings answers whether nonvisual reading is possible, not possible, or unknown.
Digital publications with essential content included in non-textual form (such as images, photographs, graphs, tables or equations presented as images, videos, etc.) must include textual alternatives to ensure that users reading with other senses than sight (mainly auditory and tactile) have access to the same information as visual readers. These textual alternatives can include alt text on images, extended descriptions, transcripts, captions, etc. depending on the nature of the nonvisual content.
The descriptive and compact statements for nonvisual reading are as follows.
Readable in read aloud or dynamic braille
All content can be read as read aloud speech or dynamic braille
Not fully readable in read aloud or dynamic braille
Not all of the content will be readable as read aloud speech or dynamic braille
Not readable in read aloud or dynamic braille
The content is not readable as read aloud speech or dynamic braille
No information about nonvisual reading is available
No information about nonvisual reading is available
Has alternative text
Has alternative text descriptions for images
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
The prerecorded audio display strings can be hidden if metadata is missing. Alternatively it can be stated that No information about prerecorded audio is available.
Indicates the presence of prerecorded audio and specifies if this audio is standalone (an audiobook), is an alternative to the text (synchronized text with audio playback), or is complementary audio (portions of audio, (e.g., reading of a poem).
Audiobooks created for mainstream use provide important access for many users with disabilities even though they are not accessible to all. As they grow in popularity, audiobooks may provide more accessibility options in the future.
Some publications provide prerecorded audio with text synchronization. Users with hearing impairments still can access the full content of these books.
The descriptive and compact statements for prerecorded audio are as follows.
Prerecorded audio only
Audiobook with no text alternative
Prerecorded audio synchronized with text
All the content is available as prerecorded audio synchronized with text
Prerecorded audio clips
Prerecorded audio clips are embedded in the content
No information about prerecorded audio is available
No information about prerecorded audio is available
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field should be rendered even if there is no metadata.
Identifies whether the digital publication claims to meet internationally recognized conformance standards for accessibility.
Conformance metadata often uses terminology that most people will not understand, and therefore simple statements should be provided when EPUB accessibility and WCAG levels are identified.
If the publication does not include a conformance claim, the statement should indicate that no information is available.
In most cases, people will want to know more about the conformance and certification of the publication. The certifying organization should be identified along with their credentials and placed immediately after the conformance statement.
Some conformance statements incorporate publication metadata. To indicate where this text will be inserted, the statements include placeholder variables. These placeholders are identified by being enclosed in angle brackets (e.g., <placeholder>).
Not all conformance statements have compact and descriptive forms. In these cases, the same string is used for both.
This publication meets minimum accessibility standards
The publication contains a conformance statement that it meets the EPUB Accessibility and WCAG 2 Level A standard
This publication meets accepted accessibility standards
The publication contains a conformance statement that it meets the EPUB Accessibility and WCAG 2 Level AA standard
This publication exceeds accepted accessibility standards
The publication contains a conformance statement that it meets the EPUB Accessibility and WCAG 2 Level AAA standard
No information is available
No information is available
The publication was certified by <certifier name>
The certifier's credential is <certifier credential>
If the certifier metadata value is a text-based badge or a credential, then only the text is displayed. If the badge or credential is expressed as a URL, then the URL can be made a link for users to access. The display of image logos or badges is typically arranged between the certifier and the distributor. The distributor would be responsible for identifying the certifier's text credential and replacing it with the image.
The following detailed information may be too technical for the average reader, which is why it is separated from the general conformance information. Implementors may opt to include it without distinction from the general information, but it may be more helpful to users if it is clearly separated, such as by including it in an expandable display box (see the conformance examples) or adding a heading before it. Implementors may also choose not to display this information if it is too technical for their target audience.
This publication claims to meet EPUB Accessibility <1.X> WCAG <2.X> Level <A or AA or AAA>
This publication claims to meet EPUB Accessibility <1.X> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) <2.X> Level <A or AA or AAA>
The placeholders in these strings allow the display of each version of the respective standard. For example, the descriptive statements for WCAG 2 would be:
The publication was certified on <certification date>
For more information refer to the certifier's report
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field can be hidden if metadata is missing. Alternatively it can be stated that No information is available
Indicates the presence of math, chemical formulas, extended descriptions for information rich images, e.g., charts, diagrams, figures, graphs, and whether these are in an accessible format or available in an alternative form, e.g., whether math and chemical formulas are navigable with assistive technologies, or whether extended descriptions are available for information-rich images. In addition, it indicates the presence of videos and if closed captions, open captions, or transcripts for prerecorded audio are available.
This group should be displayed only if the metadata indicates the presence of math, chemical formulas, extended descriptions, videos, or transcripts of audio within the title, otherwise it can be hidden.
The descriptive and compact statements for rich content are as follows.
Math as MathML
Math formulas in accessible format (MathML)
Math as LaTeX
Math formulas in accessible format (LaTeX)
Text descriptions of math are provided
Text descriptions of math are provided
Chemical formulas in MathML
Chemical formulas in accessible format (MathML)
Chemical formulas in LaTeX
Chemical formulas in accessible format (LaTeX)
Information-rich images are described by extended descriptions
Information-rich images are described by extended descriptions
Videos have closed captions
Videos included in publications have closed captions
Videos have open captions
Videos included in publications have open captions
Transcript(s) provided
Transcript(s) provided
No information is available
No information is available
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field can be hidden if metadata is missing. Alternatively it can be stated that No information is available
Identifies any potential hazards (e.g., flashing elements, sounds, and motion simulation) that could afflict physiologically sensitive users.
Research has not identified a source for clarification on what constitutes a sound hazard in digital publications. When a best practice is available, it will be included in these guidelines. It is left to the discretion of the publisher on what to include in the metadata. If there is a possible sound hazard,one option is to add information in the accessibility summary.
Unlike other accessibility properties, the presence of hazards can be expressed either positively or negatively. This is because users search for content that is safe for them as well as want to know when content is potentially dangerous to them.
The hazards property vocabulary includes a value of unknown, which means the content creator of the metadata explicitly acknowledges that the resource has not been checked for hazards. This is different than providing no metadata for this property.
The descriptive and compact statements for hazards are as follows.
No hazards
The publication contains no hazards
Flashing content
The publication contains flashing content which can cause photosensitive seizures
Motion simulation
The publication contains motion simulations that can cause motion sickness
The publication contains sounds which can be uncomfortable
The presence of hazards is unknown
The presents of hazards is unknown
No information is available
No information is available
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field can be hidden if metadata is missing. Alternatively it can be stated that No information is available
The accessibility summary was intended (in EPUB Accessibility 1.0) to describe in human-readable prose the accessibility features present in the publication as well as any shortcomings. Starting with EPUB Accessibility version 1.1 the accessibility summary became a human-readable summary of the accessibility that complements, but does not duplicate, the other discoverability metadata.
It is a free-form field that allows authors to add additional information to the accessible properties of the resource.
Due to its nature, no specific processing of the content is required; it is sufficient to extract the text from the metadata and display it to end users.
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field should be hidden if metadata is not present .
In some jurisdictions publishers may be able to claim an exemption from the provision of accessible publications, including the provision of accessibility metadata. This should always be subject to clarification by legal counsel for each jurisdiction. One example of this, at time of writing, is from the European Accessibility Act (EAA) when the publisher is a micro-enterprise (i.e., enterprises employing fewer than 10 people and with annual turnover or balance sheet total not exceeding 2 million euro).
Other legal considerations currently included in the EAA may include exceptions on individual versions of a title, where jurisdiction will not require the title to be accessible if it involves a fundamental alteration of the content, or if making it accessible would place a disproportionate burden on the publisher. (This may vary in other jurisdictions).
Publishers may need to include information about an exemption or exception in metadata for legal or clarity reasons, either to bodies that enforce legislation or for other business to business communication. However this is not information that needs to be displayed on public sites as it does not mean anything to most consumers and could lead to misunderstandings. Nevertheless, the objective is to provide as much accessibility information as possible.
The descriptive and compact statements for legal exemptions are as follows.
In many cases no legal exception or exemption information will be presented. The following example is provided as a possible explanation when legal exception or exemption information needs to be presented.
Claims an accessibility exemption in some jurisdictions
This publication claims an accessibility exemption in some jurisdictions
No information is available
No information is available
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
This display field can be hidden if metadata is missing.
This section lists additional metadata categories that can help users better understand the accessibility characteristics of digital publications. These are for metadata that do not fit into the other categories or are rarely used in trade publishing.
Additional accessibility information includes a wide range of information related to the publication's content. Therefore, the features are grouped below so that the presentation is more understandable. Implementors may choose to group the additional information by these categories in their presentations.
The categories are:
For information on any structuring aids that facilitate use of a resource (e.g., ARIA).
For information on provisions in the content that enable reading in alternative access modes (e.g., ruby annotations, sign language, transcripts).
For information on ways that the content has been enhanced for improved auditory or visual clarity (e.g., pronunciation markup).
For information on content that is available in a tactile form (e.g., tactile content, tactile graphics, tactile objects).
For information that does not fall into one of the preceding categories (e.g., timing control).
The descriptive and compact statements for additional information are as follows.
ARIA roles included
Content is enhanced with ARIA roles to optimize organization and facilitate navigation
Page breaks included
Page breaks included from the original print source
Tactile graphics included
Tactile graphics have been integrated to facilitate access to visual elements for blind people
Specific techniques for meeting this principle are defined in the following documents:
The guidelines for presenting accessibility metadata detailed in this document are intended to improve the user experience when readers browse the catalogue entry for a publication. However, accessibility metadata also has a vital role to play in helping readers discover publications that are accessible to them.
Publication providers, such as vendors and libraries create searching and filtering tools that interpret accessibility metadata to aid in discovery. The set and variety of filters depend on the public they address and the type of book they propose.
User feedback indicates that in the absence of specific accessibility filters, they find product details like file format and protection measures (e.g., digital rights management) crucial information in determining usability.
Taking into consideration those realities, the following sections propose a minimum and an extended set for filtering options. Mostly any specific information could be added if considered of use for the public of the platform.
Reading systems, commerce, and distribution platforms will typically have specific filtering options; having uniformity for key aspects and providing guidance for a standardized approach can help the discovery process for users searching for relevant titles. Accomplishing this, however, should not prevent users with specific reading needs from finding books they are looking for. To achieve this goal, it is recommended that all platforms present two minimum capabilities, centered around the ways of consuming the content. These are:
Of note, only the positive values should be used.
It is recommended to filter on the original accessibility metadata values. The strings presented to the user for filtering may draw from the user-facing strings.
In specific domains, the addition of other options will be important to help users find content that responds to a particular need or scenario. Each domain case would drive the selection of appropriate items. Some examples of these domains (not exclusive) are:
An ebook can be purchased in any country without limited availability or additional delivery costs. Readers want consistent display of accessibility information, and that’s the primary role of the display guide. The wording proposed in this guide has been widely discussed by a large group representing different actors of the English-speaking geographies. It has been improved after proof-of-concept implementations and reviewed by panels of testers.
We understand that different countries or different target audience services may want to use specific language, and we have provided flexibility in the guide to accommodate this while maintaining a high level of understanding and similar quality to help users in a country find likewise information between two bookstores or libraries in the same language area. Simply translating the strings is not enough; the subtle meaning of the words and phrases of accessibility concepts must be localized for maximum understanding. Therefore, we intend to provide a mechanism for the publishing community to provide translations that localizes the strings for equally effective communication in many languages.
The Display guide localization strings page list translations with contextualization of the localization process.
The following subsections proposes a localization framework to help establishing linguistic areas wordings agreed between actors of the concerned geographical area.
With the rapidly evolving landscape of accessible ebooks available, most concerned persons are discovering a new world. To ensure the information is widely spread and understood, the implementation by local actors like libraries serving persons with disabilities and other local actors in the fight to end the book famine for readers with print disabilities is crucial and should be highlighted.
The localization of the display guide is a good opportunity to make known the rich accessibility features offered by modern formats like EPUB. In addition, having a local project scale to write an understandable vocabulary to describe such features is a precious qualitative approach that will benefit every player in the value chain.
To build a local project and facilitate feedback comparisons, you can use open source methodology, resources, and prototypes published by EDRLab for the original Signposting accessible digital books project that led to the initial Feedback letter (PDF) addressed in early 2022, and has already been used and adapted in various places.
In these projects, emphasis was placed on the implications for the end users. For instance, the French wording proposed by EDRLab resulted from a quantitative survey of different reader groups, carefully selected panels of individual observations, and an extended feedback process through a dedicated formula available on the 140 first implementation platforms.
Additionally, companies like VitalSource that need wide localization have offered to open-source their professional translation work, which has produced the needed quantity and that is better to use than nothing when no national project has issued a handcrafted vocabulary.
To reconcile both sources of provided localization materials, we propose a collection mechanism based on a detailed identification of the provenance. Because persons and organizations with different levels of technicality must be able to contribute, we accept both raw files via Pull requests and also propose a friendly localization user interface through GitLocalize.
First let us know as soon as possible that you are working on a localization and wish to submit it. That allows us to prepare a placeholder for your work. This is not mandatory but we invite you to contact the group and participate to a regular call of the working group as those are open to anyone.
When you are ready to publish your work, two options are possible:
The first keys of each JSON files contains descriptive information about it, including:
These guidelines provide a general framework and make suggestions on the display of accessibility metadata. It is not a normative description of what must be done. It is instructive to provide examples of implementations from the community.
Linked below are static pages that show real-life implementations. We have captured these examples from organization's websites that have agreed to allow us to showcase the work they have done to display accessibility metadata.
Links TBD
This section identifies substantive changes between versions. For a list of all changes, refer to the issue tracker.