Generate Markdown Formatted Minutes for the Audiobooks (formally Publishing) WG


This is a browser based interface to service that converts the IRC logs generated by RRSAgent into minutes in Markdown for the EPUB 3 Working Group. It is a stripped-down version of the generic browser interface with the Audiobooks WG specific data filled in, and the relevant input fields hidden. See that tool for further details.

To identify the IRC log one can:

  1. Provide a textual IRC log.
  2. Upload a IRC log file from your local disc.
  3. Give the exact date and IRC channel name of the meeting, fetch the IRC log from the W3C Web site.
    Note that this works for public IRC logs only. At this moment the script is not (yet) prepared to properly handle access control.

The form can be populated with presets or filled in by hand. (A “preset” an item in the browser’s Web Storage of the content of the form. The values remain available on a per-browser basis and stay in the client. Use the the form below to manage those.)

The resulting minutes should be stored as in the _minutes folder of the group repository.

Note that all the boxes (except the Markdown preview) are editable, so it is possible to modify them before downloading the final minutes. One possible workflow is to fetch the IRC log and then edit it before converting it to handle minor issues that have a major consequence on the minutes, e.g., manually add a scribenick: XYZ statement if it was forgotten during the call, or add a `scribejs, set A B C` (see the for details) if the minute taker did not use the IRC nicknames of a person.

Group data
Action issues (only fill in if actions are used)
Manage Presets
IRC log
Generated Minutes

Description of the options

The options mostly map onto flags available for the command-line version of the tool. Note that not all features are available: most notably it is not (yet?) possible, at this moment, to use GitHub related facilities.

The form options are as follows.

Group data
Github id
Github id of the user. The user must have a write access to the repository for action issues.
Personal github token
Personal github token, providing access to the repository to raise issues. See the relevant github page for further details.
IRC log
IRC log
Text box containing the IRC log. The user can also edit this text; it is the log to be transformed.
Local file to upload
Load a file locally.
In case the date is not “today”, provide a date for the minutes. If the log is loaded from W3C’s “date space”, this value is used to create a URL that follows the patterns used by RRSAgent.
Log fetched from W3C
When activating the button, the system fetches the log from the W3C “date space” and copies the content into the text field.
Generated minutes
Generated Minutes
Text box containing the generated Markdown minutes. The user can also edit this text; it is the content to be saved.
Save the file in the local file system.
Manage Presets
Group’s full name
This is not used in the generated minutes; instead, it is a purely mnemonic name used to identify an entry when choosing a preset.
Store Preset
Store a preset into the browser’ local storage. Note that the preset is identified with the IRC channel name; if an entry with that name already exists in the local storage, it is overwritten.
Remove Preset
Remove a preset from the browser’ local storage. The preset is identified with the IRC channel name.
Remove All Presets
Remove all presets from the browser’ local storage.

Scripts running on this page make use of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) features as well as async functions. See, e.g., caniuse and MDN for browser availability.

Maintainers: Ivan Herman and BigBlueHat.