Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

More details about this document
Latest published version:
Latest editor's draft:
Implementation report:
Simon J D Cox
Maxime Lefrançois (École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne)
Krzysztof Janowicz (Universität Wien)
Former editors:
Armin Haller (Australian National University)
Danh Le Phuoc (Technical University of Berlin)
Kerry Taylor (Australian National University)
Feedback: with subject line [vocab-ssn] … message topic … (archives)
Contributors (ordered alphabetically)
Rob Atkinson, Metalinkage
Luis de Sousa, ISRIC
Sylvain Grellet, BRGM
Kathi Schleidt, Datacove
Hylke van der Schaaf, Fraunhofer IOSB
Rob Warren, Glengarry Agriculture and Farming
Previous Contributors (ordered alphabetically)
Raúl García-Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Joshua Lieberman, Tumbling Walls
Claus Stadler, Universität Leipzig


The Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology is an ontology for describing observations, in terms of the procedures executed and sensors used, the properties observed, which relate to the features (entities) of interest. Sensor stimuli, and aggregations of observations are included, relationships to other elements of the process. Samplings using samplers, and actuations using actuators are described using essentially the same terminology and relationships, which is described with common superclasses Execution and System. The core classes and properties are defined using minimal axiomatization in a module called SOSA (Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator). Additional axiomatization and terms are provided in further modules. These allow SSN to support a wide range of applications and use cases, including satellite imagery, large-scale scientific monitoring, industrial and household infrastructures, social sensing, citizen science, observation-driven ontology engineering, and the Web of Things. Alignments to some related ontologies are also provided, including to PROV-O and DUL. The preparation of this edition of the SSN Ontology was prompted by the publication of a new edition of ISO 19156 [OMS] which had been a key source for the conceptual model underlying SSN. This document contains the canonical RDF- and OWL-implementations of OMS.

New Edition

A new edition of the SSN Ontology is in preparation.