Get Started

Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)


Clear language helps create more accessible content. It helps people understand what is important and what to do with the information they read. This includes guidance on word choice, language structure, instructions and use of numbers and symbols.

Writing and editing in plain language means using:


Who it helps

There are many types of disabilities that can make it harder to read, including a large range of cognitive and learning disabilities, mental health conditions, aging-related conditions, and cognitive impacts of some chronic or other health conditions.

Not all individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities have the same needs. Difficulties with reading vary by disability but also by individual. It’s important not to make assumptions. Many people with disabilities can understand specialized or complex information, but they may benefit from the same principles of clear language.

Clear language generally helps everyone, especially people who may have difficulty reading due to disability. Reading may also be more difficult when tired, distracted, under stress, with low-literacy, when working outside one’s first language (such as with some sign language users), or when vision is impaired.

Difficulties with reading may be related to challenges with:





Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)

See Get Started for basic information.

Planning Responsibilities

  1. Prior to finalizing the project budget, consider possible costs associated with developing accessible content, written in clear language.
  2. During project planning, coordinate efforts with the project team to organize and schedule the approach to creating content written in clear language. Considerations to discuss:
    • If possible, secure content authors or editors with experience writing in plain language
    • Direct content authors to the clear language guideline
    • Provide training on how to develop content that uses clear language (also called plain language) principles.
    • Determine if you will create a style guide to clearly communicate the unique needs of your content
    • Plan and schedule iterative clear language quality assurance checks throughout the project cycle. Schedule time for cycles of editing.
    • If your content requires legal review, bring in legal experts early so they agree with using clear language.
    • If your content uses a lot of technical terms, idioms, jargon, metaphors or sarcasm, plan the time to write clear language summaries.
    • You may need a glossary section to define terms. This will need to be designed and coded.

Tips for Collaboration

Planning for Each Stage:

How to get started early

How to remediate



Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)

See Get Started for basic information.

  1. You must ensure that...
    • headings levels are clearly organized and visually distinct
    • IF needed, design visually distinct summaries before blocks of text
    • Style definitions to be visually prominent
    • Design glossary
    • Use white space appropriately (reference White Space guideline (TBD)
  2. This must...
    • Make it easy for users to scan blocks of text
    • Visually organize the levels of the headings
    • Make it easy to find definitions and summaries.
    • If possible, use in-line definitions so the user can get to the definition in one click and return to their place in one click. Usually this is done with a modal (popup) with a close button, which can be an X is upper right.

HOW - Guide:

Link to Style Guide(s)

Links to Video (Embedded or Links)

Designer Tips:

User Testing & Meaningful Involvement:



Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)

See Get Started for basic information.

Editorial Responsibilities

  1. You must ensure that...
  2. This must ...


Examples & Demo:

Video (Embedded or Links)

Editorial Tips:


Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)

See Get Started for basic information.

Technical Responsibilities

  1. You must ensure that...
  2. This must ...


Examples & Demo:

Video (Embedded or Links)

Technical Tips:

Test & Audit

Clear Language

Use clear language that is easily understood. (placeholder - to be written)

See Get Started for basic information.

Testing Responsibilities

  1. You must ensure that...
  2. This must ...

Auto-Testing Tips:

Includes links to 3rd party/crowd-sourced tips?

Manual Testing Tips:

Includes links to 3rd party/crowd-sourced tips?

Testing with Users:

Is this duplication of User Testing in Designer tab or different?

Evaluating and Scoring: