Silver Accessibility Guidelines

The Silver Task Force and Silver Community Group are soliciting and building prototypes of the future Silver design and structure. You are welcome to contribute to ideas and comments to the work. See the instructions below to submit a prototype.

List of Prototypes To Date

  • ConformancePrototype - @jspellman. This prototype addresses a new means of measuring, scoring, and assigning levels for Silver.
  • Flavor Prototype - @mikecrabb. This prototype displays a way that guidance could be displayed.
  • Most Recent: Plain Language Prototype 2: A tabbed interface that combines plain language guidance with guidance by activity. It takes the language and format developed during the plain language experiment to a tabbed interface for specific WCAG 2.1 success criteria.
  • Plain Language - a Google doc (leaves Github). This displays the results of an experiment where professional editors and plain language experts interpreted existing WCAG guidance in plain language.
  • Out of date: Plain Language Prototype Comparison - Takes plain language versions of WCAG and displays in Flavor-type prototype system. it is NOT as up-to-date as the Google doc.
  • Silver Information Architecture proposal - a Google doc (leaves Github). This proposal explores a more flexible and powerful architecture for delivering accessibility guidance.

External Accessibility Guidance or Prototypes

These are some useful ideas for comparison or inspiration. Please send other examples to the Silver email list so we can include them.

Information on Contributing Prototypes

Thank you for helping us with developing or refining prototypes for Silver, the successor to WCAG. Before creating any prototypes for Silver:

If this is a new prototype, create a new branch with the name of: prototype-[short-name-of prototype]. Each prototype should:

  • Be contained in its own folder present in the main protoypes folder
  • Be accessed initially through an index.html page
  • Have an accompanying file containing any relevant information (please use the template provided)