We have carried out a task that has taken XR Accessibility User Requirements and identified those that are relevant to captioning. Information on this task can be found on the XR Guideline Development - User Needs GitHub Project. Functional Needs are taken from EN301549. We class user requirements as being:
- Relevant for XR Captioning
- Support Internet relay chat (IRC) style interfaces in XR #115
- Distinguishing sent and received messages in XR #114
- Interaction speed #130
- Text description transformation #125
- Motion agnostic interactions #117
- Immersive personalisation #118
- Immersive semantics and customization #116
- Magnification context and resetting #122
- Relevant for Traditional but XR requires additional thought
- Routing and Communication Channel Control #113
- User ID and Status #112
- Subtitling customization #133
- Relevant for Traditional but XR should implement
- Relevant for captioning in XR but only at a minimal level