This document describes the use of HTTP operations for the purpose of managing a collection of RDF graphs. This interface is an alternative to [[[SPARQL12-PROTOCOL]]]. Most of the operations defined here can be performed using that interface, but for some clients or servers, this interface may be easier to implement or work with. This specification may serve as a non-normative suggestion for HTTP operations on RDF graphs which are managed outside of a SPARQL graph store.
This specification is published by the RDF Star Working Group as part of the update of specifications for format and errata.
This document describes an application protocol for the distributed updating and fetching of RDF graph content in a Graph Store via the mechanics of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [RFC2616]. In doing so, it appeals to the following interface constraints that emphasize the core, architectural components underlying HTTP:
This specification relies on an intuitive interpretation of the underlying HTTP protocol semantics to determine interaction with a Graph Store. Where the meaning of the operations are described, a SPARQL Update equivalent syntax is shown for clarity.
When this document uses the words MUST, MUST NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, and MAY, and the words appear as emphasized text, they must be interpreted as described in [[RFC2119]].
The following terminology is used in this document:
Servers implementing this protocol are HTTP/1.1 servers [RFC2616] and MUST interpret request messages as graph management operations on an underlying Graph Store. The subject of the operation is indicated by the request IRI.
This protocol specifies the semantics of HTTP operations for managing a Graph Store. In particular, it provides operations for removing, creating, and replacing RDF graph content as well as for adding RDF statements to existing RDF graph content. The interface defined here uses IRIs to direct native HTTP operations to an implementation of this protocol which responds by making appropriate modifications to the underlying Graph Store. A compliant implementation of this specification MUST accept HTTP requests directed at its Graph Store and handle them as specified by this protocol with the exception of security considerations such as those discussed in section 7 and others (Denial-of-Service attacks, etc.)
A client using this protocol to manipulate a graph store needs an IRI for each graph. Within the graph store, each graph (except the default graph) is associated with a graph IRI. In some cases ("Direct Graph Identification"), the graph IRIs can be directly used as the request URI of a graph management operation. In other cases ("Indirect Graph Identification"), the Graph Store IRI is used to route the operations onto RDF graph content.
We recall from [SPARQL] that IRIs for RDF graphs in SPARQL queries identify a resource, and the resource can have a representation that serializes that graph (or, more precisely: by an RDF document of the graph)
Consider the following HTTP request to a server that implements this protocol:
GET /rdf-graphs/employees HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
Per [RFC2616], the most common usage of a Request-URI is to identify a resource on an origin server or gateway. In our example, the corresponding request, is meant to identify RDF triples on the server that describe employees. In addition, the request specifies the GET method, which means that a representation of these triples should be returned. In this case, the preferred representation format is text/turtle
In this way, the server would route operations onto a named graph in a Graph Store via its Graph IRI. However, in using an IRI in this way, we are not directly identifying an RDF graph but rather the RDF graph content that is represented by an RDF document, which is a serialization of that graph. Intuitively, the set of interpretations that satisfy [RDF-MT] the RDF graph the RDF document serializes can be thought of as this RDF graph content.
The diagram illustrates this distinction. This diagram illustrates the basic kind of operation where the request URI identifies the RDF graph content being manipulated over the protocol. Requests to an implementation of this protocol receive HTTP requests using one of the HTTP methods that is directed at some RDF graph content. Above the arrows indicating the request is the relevant HTTP methods and below is any message body content or additional headers that accompany the request. At the head of the arrows leaving RDF graph content is the message body for the corresponding response.
Figure 1: A diagram of the protocol model for direct graph
Despite the convenience of using the request URI to identify RDF graph content for manipulation, it is often the case that:
As discussed in [RFC3986], query components are often used to carry identifying information in the form of key / value pairs where the value is another IRI. This protocol leverages this convention and provides a specific interface whereby a graph IRI can be embedded within the query component of the request IRI:
GET /rdf-graph-store?graph=http%3A// HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
In the example above, the encoded graph IRI
) is
percent-encoded [RFC3986]
and indirectly identifies RDF triples to manipulate. Any
server that implements this protocol and receives a request IRI in
this form MUST perform the indicated operation on the RDF graph
content identified by the IRI embedded in the query component where
the IRI is the result of percent-decoding the value associated with
the graph key. The query string IRI MUST be an absolute IRI
and the server MUST respond with a
400 Bad Request
if it is not. The diagram below
illustrates this.
Figure 2: A diagram of the protocol model for indirect graph
references (uses the same legend as the previous diagramT).
As indicated in section 3.3 of [RFC3986], the path component (of an IRI) contains data, usually organized in hierarchical form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component, serves to identify a resource within the scope of the IRI's scheme and naming authority. As a result, the full request IRI identifies the same RDF graph content as does the IRI embedded in the query component.
A future Working Group may provide additional interfaces for indirectly identifying RDF graph content as well as mechanisms for their discovery.
In a similar manner, a query component comprised of the string default can be used to indicate that the operation indirectly identifies the default graph in the Graph Store. In this way, the example above can be modified to a request for an RDF/XML document that serializes the default graph in the Graph Store:
GET /rdf-graph-store?default HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
In a request such as:
GET /rdf-graph-store?graph=http%3A// HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
identifies the
Graph Store managed by the HTTP service. In order to dispatch requests
to manage named or default graphs by embedding them in the query
component of the Graph Store URL, the URL will need to be known a
This section describes the use of the HTTP verbs to determine the operations performed on RDF graph content. In places where an equivalent SPARQL Update operation is given, <graph_uri> is understood to be either the request IRI or the IRI indirectly specified via the query component as described above. Similarly, in the case of an operation that manages the default graph, the SPARQL Update operation will not include any mention of a graph.
If the Accept header is not provided with a GET request, the server MUST return one of RDF XML, Turtle, or N-Triples. For operations involving an RDF payload (PUT and POST), the server MUST parse the RDF payload according to media type specified in the Content-Type header if it is provided in the request. If the header is not provided, the implementation has a routine that can guess the type by the content of the resource or via the extension of the file it was loaded from, and such a routine reported that the resource was clearly some other document format and not RDF/XML, then the implementation MAY attempt to parse the document using this format. Otherwise, if this header is not provided, the server SHOULD attempt to parse the RDF payload as RDF/XML.
This protocol also supports the proper handling of operations involving "multipart/form-data" [html4]. In particular, section 17.13.4 Form content types discusses how content indicated with the multipart/form-data content type are messages containing a series of parts. This protocol supports the submission of multiple RDF documents in operations involving some indicated RDF graph content via this mechanism, where each document is uploaded using the standard web form file upload widget. The specifics of this mechanism is discussed in section 5.5 (HTTP POST).
Developers of implementations of this protocol should refer to [RFC2616] for additional details of appropriate behavior beyond those specified here. Section 5 only serves to define the behavior specific to the manipulation of RDF graph content. For example, conditional requests that make use of headers such as If-Modified-Since that are intended to reduce unnecessary network usage should be handled appropriately by implementations of this protocol per [RFC2616].
Implementations MUST use the response status codes defined in
HTTP [RFC2616] to indicate the success or
failure of an operation. Developers should consult the HTTP
specification for detailed definitions of each status code. For
example, in response to operations involving an RDF payload, if the
attempt to parse the RDF payload according to the provided
Content-Type fails then the server MUST respond with a 400 Bad Request
A request using an unsupported HTTP verb in conjunction with a
malformed or unsupported request syntax MUST receive a response with
a 405 Method Not Allowed
. If the RDF graph content
identified in the request does not exist in the server, and the
operation requires that it does, a 404 Not Found
code MUST be provided in the response.
If a clients issues a POST or PUT with a content type that is not
understood by the graph store, the implementation MUST respond
with 415 Unsupported Media Type
. The use of 401 and 403
is covered later in the section regarding security.
A request that uses the HTTP GET method MUST retrieve an RDF payload that is a serialization of the named graph paired with the graph IRI in the Graph Store. Developers of implementations of this protocol should refer to [RFC2616] (section 13) for details on recommended cache-control headers and usage.
The following two operations are considered to be equivalent
GET /rdf-graph-store?graph=..graph_uri.. HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH <graph_uri> { ?s ?p ?o } }
Where the request involves the default query component, the following two operations are equivalent
GET /rdf-graph-store?default HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8
CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
The response to such request SHOULD be made cacheable wherever
possible and in any of the preferred representation formats specified
in the Accept request-header field. In the event that the specified
representation format is not supported, a 406 Not
response code SHOULD be returned.
Historically, there has been
some ambiguity
regarding the nature of what is returned from dereferencing an
IRI. When an HTTP
GET is invoked with a request IRI, what is returned
and what is its relation to the resource identified by the request
IRI? In resolving this ambiguity, the W3C Technical Architecture
Group specified
a simple
rule that determines the nature of the resource based on the
response code returned. In this protocol, HTTP GET
requests are used to retrieve a representation of the RDF graph
content identified (directly or indirectly) by the request
IRI. Graph IRIs identify RDF graph content (an information resource)
and so such a request should receive a response with a 200
which is consistent with these rules, the first of which
states: If an "http" resource responds to
a GET request with a 2xx
then the resource identified by that IRI is an information
Information resources are resources with essential characteristics that can all be conveyed in a message [WEBARCH]. In this case, the characteristics of RDF graph content can be conveyed as RDF payload which serializes the named graph paired with the graph IRI in the underlying Graph Store. This protocol provides a means for requesting the representation without the need for indirection at the protocol level even if the naming authority associated with the IRI of the named RDF graph in the Graph Store is not the same as the server managing the identified RDF graph content.
A request that uses the HTTP PUT method MUST store the enclosed RDF payload as RDF graph content. In the examples below, the initial HTTP request MUST be understood to have the same effect as the sequence of SPARQL Update operations that follow
PUT /rdf-graph-store?graph=..graph_uri.. HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle ... RDF payload ...
DROP SILENT GRAPH <graph_uri>; INSERT DATA { GRAPH <graph_uri> { .. RDF payload .. } }
In the case where the default graph is targeted (via default query component) for management, the following operations are equivalent
PUT /rdf-graph-store?default HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle ... RDF payload ...
Either the request or the encoded IRI (embedded in the query
component) identifies the RDF payload enclosed with the request as RDF
graph content. The server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to
some other resource. If the identified RDF graph content already
exists, the enclosed entity MUST be considered as a modified version
of the one residing on the origin server. If the identified RDF graph
content does not exist and that IRI is capable of being defined as new
RDF graph content by the requesting user agent, the origin server MUST
create the RDF graph content with that IRI in the underlying Graph
Store. DROP
is needed to remove any previous RDF graph
content. Developers should refer
to [SPARQL-UPDATE] for the specifics of
how to handle empty graphs. For implementations that support empty
graphs, if the request body is empty and there is sufficient
authorization to create a new named graph using the IRI used in the
request IRI, then an empty graph would need to be created. Note, this
option is only relevant for situations where an empty body is
appropriate for the indicated content-type. Otherwise, as described in
section 5.1, a 400 Bad Request
SHOULD be returned.
If new RDF graph content is created, the origin server MUST inform the
user agent via the 201 Created
response. If existing
RDF graph content is modified, either the 200 OK
or 204 No Content
response codes MUST be sent to
indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could
not be created or modified with the request IRI (perhaps due to
security considerations), an appropriate error response SHOULD be
given that reflects the nature of the problem.
A request that uses the HTTP DELETE method SHOULD
delete the RDF graph content identified by either the request or
encoded IRI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or
other means) on the origin server. If there is no such RDF graph
content in the Graph Store, the server MUST respond with a 404
Not Found
response code. An example of when the method may be
overridden is in a content management system with optimistic
concurrency controls.
DELETE /rdf-graph-store?graph=..graph_uri.. HTTP/1.1 Host:
Is equivalent to:
DROP GRAPH <graph_uri>
in the case where a named graph is targeted for management. Otherwise, the following
DELETE /rdf-graph-store?default HTTP/1.1 Host:
is equivalent to
A response code of 200 OK
or 204 No Content
MUST be given in the response if the operation succeeded or 202
if the action has not yet been enacted. However, the
server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is
given, it intends to delete the RDF graph content or move it to an
inaccessible location. In the event the operation is overridden, a
response code of 403 Forbidden
should be returned.
A request that uses the HTTP POST method and a request IRI that identifies RDF graph content MUST be understood as a request that the origin server perform an RDF merge of the enclosed RDF payload enclosed into the RDF graph content identified by the request or encoded IRI. The following two operations are considered to have the same effect
POST /rdf-graph-store?graph=..graph_uri.. HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle ... RDF payload ...
INSERT DATA { GRAPH <graph_uri> { .. RDF payload .. } }
In the case where a default graph is targeted for management, the following are equivalent
POST /rdf-graph-store?default HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle ... RDF payload ...
INSERT DATA { .. RDF payload .. }
As mentioned earlier, "multipart/form-data" can be dispatched to
implementations of this protocol. When used with POST this operation
MUST be understood as a request that the origin server perform an RDF
merge of the graphs - that the documents submitted with the multipart
form are a serialization of - into the RDF graph content identified by
the request or encoded IRI. In such a case, if
the Content-Type is not provided, implementations MAY attempt
to determine it from the file's extension rather than respond
with 400 Bad Request
If the request IRI identifies the underlying Graph Store, the origin
server MUST create a new RDF graph comprised of the statements in the
RDF payload and return a designated graph IRI associated with the new
graph. The new graph IRI should be specified in the Location HTTP
header along with a 201 Created
code and be different
from the request IRI.
This scenario is useful for situations where the requesting agent
either does not want to specify the graph IRI of a new graph to create
(via the PUT method) or does not have the appropriate authorization to
do so. If the graph IRI does not identify either a Graph Store or RDF
graph content, the origin server should respond with a 404 Not
In either case, if the request body is empty, the implementation
SHOULD respond with 204 No Content
This protocol is a companion to the use of both SPARQL Update and SPARQL Query over the SPARQL protocol via HTTP POST. Both protocols specify different operations performed via the HTTP POST method.
When used in this protocol, the HTTP HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response. It is meant to be used for testing dereferenceable IRIs for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.
The response to such a request from a server that manages a Graph Store MAY be cacheable. If the new field values indicate that the cached RDF graph content differs from the current entity (as would be indicated by a change in Content-Length, Content-MD5, ETag or Last-Modified), then the cache MUST treat the cache entry as stale. As mentioned in the beginning of the previous section, developers should refer to [RFC2616] for the specifics of this.
The IETF specified Patch Method for HTTP can be used to request that a set of changes described in the request entity be applied to the named graph associated with the graph IRI of the RDF graph content resource identified by the request IRI.
SPARQL 1.1 Update can be used as a patch document. In particular,
SPARQL 1.1 Update requests that manage the graph associated with the
RDF graph content identified (directly or indirectly) in the request
can be used as the RDF payload of a HTTP PATCH request to modify
it. If a SPARQL 1.1 Update request is used as the RDF payload for a
PATCH request that makes changes to more than one graph or the graph
it modifies is not the one indicated, it would be prudent for the
server to respond with a 422 Unprocessable Entity
Intuitively, the difference between the PUT and PATCH requests is reflected in the way the server processes the enclosed entity to modify the RDF graph content given by the request IRI. In a PUT request, the enclosed entity is considered to be a modified version of the RDF graph content stored on the origin server, and the client is requesting that the stored version be replaced. With PATCH, however, the enclosed entity contains a set of instructions describing how the RDF graph content residing on the origin server should be modified to produce a new version.
As with any protocol that is implemented as a layer above HTTP,
implementations SHOULD take advantage of the many security-related
facilities associated with it and are not required to carry out
requested graph management operations that may be in contradistinction
to a particular security policy in place. For example, when faced with
an unauthenticated request to replace system critical RDF statements in
a graph through the PUT method, applications may consider responding
with the 401 status code (Unauthorized)
, indicating that
the appropriate authorization is required. In cases where authentication
is provided fails to meet the requirements of a particular access
control policy, the 403 status code (Forbidden)
can be sent
back to the client to indicate this failure to meet the access control
Chimezie Ogbuji like to thank the following individuals for their input into the creation of this document:
Sandro Hawke, Birte Glimm, Andy Seaborne, Steve Harris, Arnaud Le Hors, Ivan Mikhailov, David Booth, Simon Johnston, Kjetil Kjernsmo, Gregg Reynolds, Leigh Dodds, Tim Berners-Lee, and Ian Davis.